Who is the real antagonist, Vallory or Jack?
Jack acts very antagonistly if you reject Hyperion in episode 4 and Vallory didn't have much screentime in that episode. Who do you think is the real villian?
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The stranger.
Wow good one.
Telltale is the ultimate evil in all of their games lol
I'd say Vallory's the primary antagonist. Everything that happens roots back to her. She's the centerpiece and primary reason that this whole journey even occurs, even if she shows up a bit late to the story. Her influence has been present since episode 1.
Jack is more of a secondary antagonist, especially as of the end of episode 4. Prior to episode 4 however, I actually wouldn't consider Jack to be much of an antagonist
Vallory is the main villain, Jack is the main antagonist.
Could you explain the difference? I might just be thick but those seem to be synonyms.
Loader Bot.
As this game is set in the borderlands universe, everyone's an antagonist.
For me it'll always be Jack. Vallory's got nothin' on that Handsome bastard.
A villain is someone who does evil things. An antagonist is someone who opposes the protagonist (but doesn't necessarily need to be evil). So technically you could be a villain without being an antagonist and vice versa.
It differs between every episode. I would say Vasquez and August are the villains of the first two episodes but they can be traced back to Vallory who I would say has only played a direct role in it in episode 3. I wouldn't say Jack is actually a villain in his own right instead is a plot device in Rhys' storyline and serves as his internal conflict throughout the game
Well Vallory isn't evil.
If you really want to get it down to one person, I would personally say Jack.
The problem I have with pointing a finger at The Stranger is that they're a stranger. We have no idea who he/she is and it's difficult to know what exactly he/she's at fault for unless we find out who he/she is, right?
Vallory just seems threatening because she knows how to hold a large gun. Take that and her goons away, and what is she?
Handsome Jack, however, doesn't even need a weapon. All he needs is that big fat mouth and he's able to manipulate whoever he wants. He's the worst of them all because you never know what Jack's got up his sleeve (quite literally, too). No matter how much you end up feeling like you can trust him, you can't.
I've been wondering that myself after the Episode 4 ending I can't say for certain. At the moment I consider Vallory and her goons to be allys (even though it's not by choice) I like being on the same team.
If Vallory doesn't get killed at the end of TFTBL, it'd actually leave a nice opening for BL3. After doing the tutorial, she and her thugs could be the first boss fight. It could even tie in to the whole story: first root out the major criminals on Pandora to harden the new Crimson Raider recruits before launching their assault against the mega-corps. and tracking down Vaults.
Why? Loader Bot is too AWESOME
Stranger is he. You forgot his voice?
Jack! Vallory is no more a distraction to the vault and Jack's plans.
No real reason really, just wanted to be different!
The Stranger could have a voice moduler, hence the robotic kinda sound. It may be a she.
Yes she is...
Pfffffffft, everyone knows that Jack's the GODDAMN HERO of the story...
TTG final boss cuntfirmed
everybody is oposite of everybody? thats a paradox
dat lip animations though
I'd say Vallory is both a villain and antagonist. She has a similar position to a mob boss and she's a threat to Rhys and Fiona, the protagonists.
Okay. So antagonist doesn't only mean opposite. Opposites are antonyms. Learn your definitions.
"But... yacht."
antagonist is the oposite of the protagonist. if everybody on pandora is an antagonist the protagonist is also an antagonist, therefore everybody is oposite of both antagonist and protoganist, means everyone is the oposite of everyone. thats called paradox. you could have said you ment everybody is evil/villian
also antonyms is the oposite of a word, say the oposite of brutality is mercy. it has nothing to do with anything
Handsome Goddamned Jack.
A person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; a adversary.
An antagonist is a character, group of characters, institution, or concept that stands in or represents opposition against which the protagonist(s) must contend. In other words, an antagonist is a person or a group of people who opposes a protagonist.[1]
...if the game would let me have my way. Well, villain protagonist (and deuteragonist), anyway.
Alright, I give up.
No she isn't... her motives are exactly the same as Rhys and Fiona's she wants to get the vault, she hasn't really done any 'evil' things. Vallory definitely isn't a 'good' person but she isn't 'evil'.
It's weird how Vallory and Jack both have a scar on their face and a streak of different colour in their hair. Is it the villain fashion or something?
At times, I feel like HJ and Vallory are not the antagonists of the story. Vallory is clearly bad and Handsome Jack is well...Handsome Jack.
I feel that the driving force behind the whole story is the hunt for the Vault. Every episodes has been connected to the Vault of the Traveler. While there are bad guys in the story and they are opposing our protagonists, it is the hunt that drives the story forward.