Hoarding money for EP5
Did anyone else collect and save every dollar found in the game up till EP4? I'm hoping that Telltale will have something really expensive in EP5 for those of us who did. Maybe like a secret option to get a special gun or Finch haircut.
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Leaked Episode 5 scene if you hoard da mone:
I think if they’re really going to the vault,then I’d say we’d spend it on...
Guns!Glorious Guns!
Rhys in a Hyperion-issued speedo: $5000
tfw u find a quick change machine in episode 3
I'd use that money to buy Rhys dinner as Fiona actually.........but in all seriousness I hope we could buy a crossbow like Kroger's or at least a unique/purple gun, also that makes me hope that in Borderlands 3 Gearbox is gonna add crossbows into the game and bring back revovlers as their own class.
there will probably something expensive to spend the rest of the money you have but probably not something that requires every single dollar
How much money is the max possible amount anyway?
No idea
I think it's close around $2000 though.
I've surpassed $2400 at one point (then quick change machine, you were spot on with that gif)
I stg if there is something that happens tho if you hoard the money...
It was around $2700 before episode 4. Now plus the $1000 August gave you and $750 you can steal from the Hyperion employee it's around $4450.
Before episode 4 I wanted to buy Yvette a lunch for the money I saved.
Fuck you, Yvette.
Still have around $1800. I expect a possibility to buy something legendary in Episode 5.
Ha! I have 20$. damn u quick change machine and those cool clothes
"Customize your Helios".
"Hahaha-haha-ha-ohhh-- that's a lot of guns."
Rhys has money too, he can try to bribe Grease Face.
The question is, how much he has. Maybe he could've paid for all those customization options himself and he's just a greedy bastard.
nope splashed the cash at the quick change no regrets
He probably lost it, he's doing it all the time.
Meh,i replayed a lotta times and i have around 24k $ lel.