Does it all fit into one episode?

Reading through this forum makes me realise how many open questions there still are. I'm going to try and sum it up:

  • What happens after Jack takes over the Helios station?
  • How to they 'fight' Jack?
  • How do they get off Helios?
  • What happens to Vallory?
  • What happens to August, Finch and Kruger?
  • What happens to Vaughn?
  • (in the playthroughs he survived) Where is Felix? Will Sasha look at the gift he had for her?
  • In general - what the fuck happens in that long time until the future where Fiona and Rhys look different, do they just take a break from looking for the vault?
  • Who is the stranger?
  • What happens when we find the vault? Are we gonna fight the vault monster?
  • Do we get to Sanctuary?
  • How does it end?

Are they gonna be able to fit everything into one regular length EP? I don't want the episode to appear squished. Do you think they are going to cut stuff, make it longer or do two parts if it wouldnt fit? I'm scared D8 I really hope Telltale take their time with it.

Also possible DLC material:

  • Rhys past
  • Fionas past

Alot of things people wanted to know about their past, but I think it could be answered in BL3 dialogue...I guess. Anything else I forgot?


  • One hour? Don't know what makes you think it's only going to be an hour but I think most of your/our questions will be answered. The only one I see not happening is 'fighting' Jack, I think it's safe to say that Jack expunges our heroes from Helios in one fashion or another and they wind up wandering the wastes looking for Gortys' parts so that's the only way they'll be able to 'fight' him. And I highly doubt we're going to find the vault in this episode too, we may reach it but that'll probably be where it ends if so.

    I'm sure the first half hour is probably going to be fast and action packed so most of those questions will be answered rapidly.

  • Oops I mistyped that. They were about two I think, but I'm comparing it with the other episodes and how much happened in those in comparison. Also you could be right that the beginning will mostly be action packed since scenes like that tend to be shorter but full of stuff.

    One hour? Don't know what makes you think it's only going to be an hour but I think most of your/our questions will be answered. The only on

  • Yeah, I'm a little worried about all this too. That's why I really want Telltale to take their time with it. I don't even care if we have to end up waiting for 4 months again, so long as the final episode turns out great. I'm hoping it'll wind up being in the 2 and a half hours range, like the first episode was. Tales has been amazing thus far, so I really hope they stick the landing. :D

  • you forgot the most importent one, who is the stranger

  • Yeah, I prefer it when game developers take their time instead of rushing the game, the only exception about that is Half-Life 3 (c'mon Valve!). Tales has been so much fun so far, it needs to go out with a bang! (metaphorically)

    I remember when they had to cut so much content out of New Vegas, all those half finished quests and character models that weren't used kinda made me sad. :c

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Yeah, I'm a little worried about all this too. That's why I really want Telltale to take their time with it. I don't even care if we have to

  • That's the first question I thought of and I forgot to mention it. My brain works in mysterious ways...I'll add it.

    you forgot the most importent one, who is the stranger

  • Speaking of New Vegas....

    Fallout 4 hype!!!!

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Yeah, I prefer it when game developers take their time instead of rushing the game, the only exception about that is Half-Life 3 (c'mon Valv

  • I'm already on the hype train!

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    Speaking of New Vegas.... Fallout 4 hype!!!!

  • They better take as much as time they need to make the finale good and with answers to all those questions. I don't want them to rush and make the episode bad.

  • Part of me actually thinks we'll open the vault in the present, and that the past sequences will actually end with them escaping Vallory & Helios.

    It would explain why Rhys & Fiona dislike each other in the present (if they went their separate ways after Helios without the Vault and Fiona was still sore about Rhys hiding/harbouring Jack), why Gortys is in pieces (if she was damaged/destroyed on re-entry to Pandora), and give a possible motive to the stranger (finding the vault), as well as perhaps an identity (someone they piss off in escaping Vallory I think).

    My two cents on it anyway...

  • I just want two things to happen:

    enter image description here


    enter image description here

    The rest I trust TellTale to make it good,hopefully :)

  • I hope it's like LIS episode 4 length.

  • Lmao. Rhys looks like he died and went to Heaven.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I just want two things to happen: and The rest I trust TellTale to make it good,hopefully

  • Wow, very nice prediction, it all adds up huh?

    Part of me actually thinks we'll open the vault in the present, and that the past sequences will actually end with them escaping Vallory &am

  • I was hoping to see that Loader Bot battle. It looked awesome! I was slightly disappointed when that didn't happen, but still maybe episode 5? :)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I just want two things to happen: and The rest I trust TellTale to make it good,hopefully

  • Maybe when we try to escape Helios?

    I was hoping to see that Loader Bot battle. It looked awesome! I was slightly disappointed when that didn't happen, but still maybe episode 5?

  • 3 Hours.........Please.

  • "I have seen the light!"

    Lmao. Rhys looks like he died and went to Heaven.

  • I'm pretty sure they're gonna find the vault in the present and it's why the stranger is collecting Gortys pieces.

    Part of me actually thinks we'll open the vault in the present, and that the past sequences will actually end with them escaping Vallory &am

  • I have the answer:

    Episode 5, Part One: The Vault of the Traveller

  • Well, I mean...Loader bot has neither legs nor weapons now, so seems unlikely?

    I was hoping to see that Loader Bot battle. It looked awesome! I was slightly disappointed when that didn't happen, but still maybe episode 5?

  • Died and went to Haven* ;)

    Lmao. Rhys looks like he died and went to Heaven.

  • The way I see it, fitting all of the content into one episode is possible...but the length will have to be extended. Two hours wouldn't manage to convey the same suspense and pacing we've kept throughout previous three hours may be warranted.

    However...if Telltale decides to focus on the immediate threat of Handsome Jack and Helios, they may be able to keep roughly the same episode length...but the trap is that the story told in the present day will be shortened. We will more than likely get the reveal of The Stranger, and an emotional confrontation between Rhys and Fiona (stop hitting yourself), culminating in the discovery of The Vault of the Traveler...but I suspect this will result in a soft cliffhanger leading into Borderlands 3, where the major characters will become NPC's, and The Vault of the Traveler will become a "hub" of sorts which will let the player travel across the universe, tracking down scattered Vaults.

    Here's hoping that if there are any unanswered questions, we get a Season 2. This project has been a brilliant mix of humor and tension that hits a sweet spot other Telltale games can't.

  • Unless he gets new legs by ripping them from another loader bot like a bad ass

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well, I mean...Loader bot has neither legs nor weapons now, so seems unlikely?

  • Plot twist: Part two will actually be Half-Life 3

    mirashade posted: »

    I have the answer: Episode 5, Part One: The Vault of the Traveller

  • It's the only way I think they will be able to resolve the whole thing neatly within about an hour and a half, as to have them open the vault in the past then leaves the whole stranger plotline (and whatever they were doing in between) unanswered.

    Fair enough though, they could do it that way, then sort out the stranger storyline, and have an extended episode, I'd be happy either way!

    Ulysses101 posted: »

    Wow, very nice prediction, it all adds up huh?

  • enter image description here

    Flog61 posted: »

    Died and went to Haven*

  • enter image description here

    TonyFedora posted: »

    The way I see it, fitting all of the content into one episode is possible...but the length will have to be extended. Two hours wouldn't mana

  • Complete with hour long puzzle?

    I hope it's like LIS episode 4 length.

  • Nah

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Complete with hour long puzzle?

  • sasha still hasn't opened her gift, you know, the box with the "S" felix left for her.

  • I share this fear. We may have an extended waiting time if they plan to fit this all into one episode. I really hope they do get around to doing it all in a timely manner, not all crammed together and within 5 minutes of launching episode 5 we know everything.

  • You also forgot about Felix.

  • That's probably because I made him blow up |D

    Honzikca posted: »

    You also forgot about Felix.

  • I added that to the list!

    unra321 posted: »

    sasha still hasn't opened her gift, you know, the box with the "S" felix left for her.

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