The Vent/Help Thread



  • It's hard to remember at times, but this too shall pass. Unfortunately you can't do anything to change the way your parents are choosing to behave, you can only change your reaction to it. It's really hard, but you are going to have to try and disconnect from their fighting. Remember that this is about them, not you. If you can find a safe place to go when they start, even if it's just a corner of the yard or patio. Distract yourself from the noise, and remove yourself from the situation. Taking sides isn't going to do anything but draw you in deeper into an argument that you can't win. This is their fight, not yours. If you can find a way to embrace that I think you will be healthier mentally for it. ~Hugs~

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    I haven't really been on here often but I just remember about this thread and I think it's a really good time to vent right now. The followi

  • Thanks man. I'm just worried that I'll lash out at some point and screw up all my relationships (I wish I cared less what others thought of me).

    I keep trying, luckily what I said before is the truth "For every one person that hates me, a dozen more likes me." I wish you luck, family troubles are always the hardest.

  • I have and he still gets mad.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Ouch. That's a pretty bad situation, I am sorry. Have you tried talking to your dad while he was calm or something?

  • Thank you so much for understanding! :)
    And I try to discuss it with my dad when he's clam but then he starts blaming it on my mom (like always).

    Markd4547 posted: »

    First off your anxiety and decisions make sense anyone in your position would have to quit school over that amount of stress I'm so sorry fo

  • Yeah it does suck. I wouldn't wish it on anyone but it's unfortunately lot's of people deal with this kind of stuff daily. He does sometimes gets the message by going to church and stuff but then he'll get mad the next day. He's always changing so you can never know when he will be angry or happy.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    That sucks, you know i grew up in a unhappy home too. It pretty much ruined me on relationships with people/others. I hope everything wo

  • I been told to do that but it makes me cringe when I don't say anything and I can help but listen to their fighting. But maybe I should listen to that and stay out if it. Thank you for the advice -hugs back-

    It's hard to remember at times, but this too shall pass. Unfortunately you can't do anything to change the way your parents are choosing to

  • I wish I could care less too but it's a gift and a curse.

    Thanks man. I'm just worried that I'll lash out at some point and screw up all my relationships (I wish I cared less what others thought of me).

  • I don't mean to be offending or anything, but your dad seems to have the Bipolar disorder, the way you describe him.

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    Yeah it does suck. I wouldn't wish it on anyone but it's unfortunately lot's of people deal with this kind of stuff daily. He does sometime

  • The marriage therapy my parents have been seeing suspects that too and they gave him some medicine but he doesn't want to take it.

    I don't mean to be offending or anything, but your dad seems to have the Bipolar disorder, the way you describe him.

  • Is there anyone you could talk to to try get him help, that your dad respects, like his parents, a pastor, i would definitely try the letter thing, try to use as much guilt words as possible. As a young person , you have no idea how much control you really have over your parents.

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    Yeah it does suck. I wouldn't wish it on anyone but it's unfortunately lot's of people deal with this kind of stuff daily. He does sometime

  • The only thing that truly helps me is him going to church (which he is doing now) but then he goes back to his old ways.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Is there anyone you could talk to to try get him help, that your dad respects, like his parents, a pastor, i would definitely try the lett

  • As others have said, there's not much you can do at this point in your life except find a corner you can hide in when things get rough.

    You can tell your parents that it hurts you when they fight, and when each one blames the other one, say you don't care whose "fault" it is, that it hurts anyway.

    That might inspire them to fix it somehow. Otherwise, you'll need to do what it takes to survive until you're old enough to escape.

    Find your inner strength, no matter how deeply it's hidden. You can do this!

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    I haven't really been on here often but I just remember about this thread and I think it's a really good time to vent right now. The followi

  • Got a random cute girls number on the 3rd day of school. She was walking with her friends to find seats in class and she glanced at me and told her friends that I'm gonna sit next to that boy and talk to him. We started talking and she gave me her number at the end of class. First time this has ever happened to me before.We started texting back and forth for 2 week, hanging out at school and she told me that she really liked me a lot. Well me being a stupid boy the other day I told her goodbye and that I was deleting her number just to see what she would say (I was not being serious at all when I said that and I told her that but she is still pissed) and she got super pissed and had her friends start texting me telling me how much of a "fuck boy" I am. Now she said she's gonna start to talking to her EX to make me jealous. I told her I was sorry for being stupid and she won't forgive me. Even though I'm a guy I cried like a bitch because I just lost this person who I liked so much. She blocked my number.

  • She's a bitch, fuck her...Not literally of course.

    Seriously though, if she really liked you then she wouldn't have done all of those horrible things to you over a joke. If she doesn't understand it was a stupid joke and you didn't mean it then how would she understand a real mistake? She wouldn't, and therefore she isn't worth your time.

    Got a random cute girls number on the 3rd day of school. She was walking with her friends to find seats in class and she glanced at me and t

  • Damn...believe it or not I'm actually good with this stuff.

    First off, Where does the hell does everyone here live, sometimes it seems like you people live in a movie or something lol. idk why she would freak out over a joke like that, because where I'm from people say stuff like that all the time. As for her, she either is crazy and really sensitive or she never liked you and was just playing up to her friends, either way even though it might hurt right now, you didn't lose anything special. I know what I would do but it's nothing I would recommend, the best thing for you would be to ignore her and find a different girl or just hang out with your friends, don't worry you'll meet girls here and there but that one isn't worth your time if she would do something like that to you.

    Got a random cute girls number on the 3rd day of school. She was walking with her friends to find seats in class and she glanced at me and t

  • Forget her, wait until college if you can.

    High school romance is bullshit.

    Got a random cute girls number on the 3rd day of school. She was walking with her friends to find seats in class and she glanced at me and t

  • Lol fuck boy. Anyway, it seems like it ended up working out for you, she seems like a real see you next Tuesday.

    Got a random cute girls number on the 3rd day of school. She was walking with her friends to find seats in class and she glanced at me and t

  • I'm sorry to hear about that, but I'll try to be honest here.

    If she got so mad over an innocent joke, there must be something wrong with her, lol. I mean, you already apologized, and I understand that some people don't like jokes as much as other people do, but she shouldn't be doing a big deal out of it especially cause you made it clear that it was just a joke and nothing else.

    By the way, how long has she been mad at you? Cause if it's been a day or two, stop texting her and wait for her to calm down a bit.

    Got a random cute girls number on the 3rd day of school. She was walking with her friends to find seats in class and she glanced at me and t

  • Glad you're better.

    School is physically and mentally kicking my ass. Plus, people being assholes aren't helping, luckily I've finally come to a point where I'm

  • Thanks, I still question it sometimes but I'm not depressed every single day.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Glad you're better.

  • edited September 2015

    Wow. Don't hang around her, she wouldn't act like this if she actually liked you.

    The peeps in the Vent Thread are here for ya if you want to talk again.

    Got a random cute girls number on the 3rd day of school. She was walking with her friends to find seats in class and she glanced at me and t

  • Yeah, just remember the people here in the Vent Thread are here if you wanna talk again.

    Thanks, I still question it sometimes but I'm not depressed every single day.

  • I always do. This Forum, though toxic at times, is like a second family.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Yeah, just remember the people here in the Vent Thread are here if you wanna talk again.

  • I have had to deal with shit like anxiety and nervousness for a while now as well. It has affected me in a way similar to yours where I would skip school just to get away from it all. Even to this day it plagues me. It sucks.

    As for the situation with your dad, I seriously don't know what to say other than I hope it gets better for you somehow. It's just touchy and complicated and I can't provide anything other than comfort for you at the moment.

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    I haven't really been on here often but I just remember about this thread and I think it's a really good time to vent right now. The followi

  • I knew a girl like that before they are toxic she will keep reacting badly and hurting you over evey little thing and once she gets in with your friends she will turn them against you to believe me she sounds like an ego maniac with no guilt

    I think your better off without her in the long run but I know you like her so much so it's going to be very hard I'm sorry she did this to you, Your better off ignoring her back right now she is attention whoring to make you feel like the bad guy. If she likes you back if you ignore her she will be right back and know her little tantrums are wrong and won't work

    I really hope you leave this girl she is a bitch and will do so much mental damage to you bro but this is a lesson you must learn either the easy or hard way your choice

    anway I wish you luck bro and I'm so sorry she did this

    Got a random cute girls number on the 3rd day of school. She was walking with her friends to find seats in class and she glanced at me and t

  • I was thinking about this the other day, if he acts really bad Record him, like if you have a Camera, and tell him next time he does it you will put it on facebook. That will really get him to understand his actions, when they been made into public, he will understand he can't act like that. I never really had a relationship with my dad. He was busy keeping Murica safe. I wish you the best.

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    The only thing that truly helps me is him going to church (which he is doing now) but then he goes back to his old ways.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited September 2015

    Even though I'm a guy I cried like a bitch because I just lost this person who I liked so much.

    In Highschool times IMO you shouldn't even bother with women. Just go to college, get a degree, then play the field. You don't want to be that 18 year old dumbass with no job/3 kids, and no money. Having a child is a life ending experience, especially if you are young. I fucked up when i was younger, i thought i should be married/ all the other shit society tries to force down your skull from childbirth.

    Things happen, doesn't work out. Now i'm old as fuck, with no kids. I don't have money problems like all my friends do. Sally needs braces, well Crazy George needs a new .357. Sally aint my kid, and i'm like this guy.

    enter link description here

    ow she said she's gonna start to talking to her EX to make me jealous.

    If you want this girl back, all you have to do is ignore her, don't engage. She will come crawling back. Learn the Game.

    She's a bitch, fuck her...Not literally of course. Seriously though, if she really liked you then she wouldn't have done all of those hor

  • she got so mad over an innocent joke, there must be something wrong with her, lol. I

    Not necessarily, he said he was going to delete her number, her feelings were probably hurt, so now in her child mind she wants revenge, so she is using the boyfriend to make him jealous.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I'm sorry to hear about that, but I'll try to be honest here. If she got so mad over an innocent joke, there must be something wrong with


    Ok, i know i am not the smartest person in the world, but this story makes no sense at all. There is this evil fire guy, another reinvention of Psychic Mantis... It reminds me a lot of Final Fantasy 13 which was one of the worst games i have ever played story wise. I like how Kojima makes you sign a online agreement every TIME you start up the game, i mean how many times do i have to push the X button.

    When i saw the Whale of Fire i LOLED, so hard. I also laughed at, Snake crawling in the hospital. It was so funny to me, because they're wheelchairs, yet Ahab doesn't put Snake in one. He just says "Come on, follow me." Are lives are endangered, and we are probably going to die, but you need to crawl for some raisin.

    One thing that annoyed me is that there wasn't a tutorial on how to play the game, like a training mode. I wanted a VR game/room whatever so i could learn the controls. They didn't include that, they just expect you played the previous MGS demo. I looked in the instruction book, no mentions of controls.

    I just beat the Prologue, and i'm bored of the game.

  • Hey George, you accidently responded to me.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Even though I'm a guy I cried like a bitch because I just lost this person who I liked so much. In Highschool times IMO you shouldn'

  • I couldn't stop laughing when I saw the fire whale.

  • She sounds toxic. You're better off without her. Best thing you can do is block her and her friends back, and if she tries to taunt you by saying she's hanging out with her ex, the response is, "That's fine, he deserves you."

    Got a random cute girls number on the 3rd day of school. She was walking with her friends to find seats in class and she glanced at me and t

  • Actually, the problem is not about how she got mad over a joke, it's about how she got mad even after he apologized and etc. I know that some people don't like jokes, but what she's doing now is childish.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    she got so mad over an innocent joke, there must be something wrong with her, lol. I Not necessarily, he said he was going to delet

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited September 2015

    I laughed when Snake was crawling, and the other guy was like, COME ON. I crawled to a wheel chair, and he wouldn't help me.

    NEW DRINKING GAME. Take a drink every time you see Kojima's name in a Metal Gear Game after hitting the start button.

    I couldn't stop laughing when I saw the fire whale.

  • I recorded him before but I don't really wanna put it on Facebook cause it will get us in a bigger mess than before. But thank you for the advice. Also thanks to your dad for his service!!! :)

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I was thinking about this the other day, if he acts really bad Record him, like if you have a Camera, and tell him next time he does it yo

  • Have you gotten help for it? The anxiety get a little better with it. It sucks that you have to go through it cause it distracts us form enjoying school. And no worries. Comfort is enough for me thank you :)

    I have had to deal with shit like anxiety and nervousness for a while now as well. It has affected me in a way similar to yours where I woul

  • Have you gotten a chance to talk to her in real life? If not, then maybe send her a note from paper and deliver it to her personally. Explain to her that you were joking. If she doesn't wanna read it, them maybe you should forget about her. Also did you made it look like a joke?

    Got a random cute girls number on the 3rd day of school. She was walking with her friends to find seats in class and she glanced at me and t

  • Prepare for a sad angry rant

    Im really getting pissed off with people saying my sexual orientation is a choice, it happened this week and it is really bothersome to me. The main reason is because it makes me sad, it makes me sad its not true. Because even though im more accepting of who I am lately I hate myself for being bisexual, somedays I wake up feeling disgusted because I used to be so religious even when no one in my family was, I put all these things in my brain. I told myself when I was 11 I was 'disgusting' and I could be straight if I made myself. I converted to Christianity because the Jewish people around me were too accepting of LGBTS for me, I hated LGBT people because I secretly had feelings towards guys around 10 or 11. People said I acted girly in grade 6 and they didn't realize how much it affected me. I would go home and cry, I would tell myself over and over that I don't like guys but the feelings always came up. I self harmed and kept telling myself I was wrong and disgusting, I hated myself. Eventually I became non religious at about 13 or 14 (very slow process I still go back to being religious sometimes even now) and im not hating on religious people, I know theres a lot of accepting kind religious people that im good friends with. But once I became non religious I thought things would change they did, but in other ways they haven't. I don't feel like im supported, not even by a lot of LGBT people, one time a gay guy in my grade said "I don't really believe in bisexuality, they're just really gay" Really? Is it not that hard to figure out? Its not fucking math, I like guys and I like girls. I get so fucking depressed when people like @Cope49 say that gays will the end of the world. It makes me feel so gross and wrong it makes me just want to be straight, when I was 12 I started saving up for gay conversion therapy.. last week I got rid of all the money I saved up and decided not to do it. I'm slowly coming to the realization I cant change.. I haven't cut for 18 days and counting :D. So I'm getting better, but when people say "Being gay is a choice" It pisses me off, you never chose to be straight, so shut your bigoted ass up and understand how much it hurts other people. Because id give anything in the world to be straight.

    Man, feels so good to get that off my chest.

  • Just be bi then. I have to wonder when people say sexuality is a choice if they are actually gays or bi or whatever that just decided to act straight. Don't know. But I do want to say this,(and I'm not wanting to start a religious debate so keep those kind of arguments to yourselves and know I'm not responding to them) if you believe in God then god made you bi. If you think God wants you to hate yourself for that, then maybe ask yourself if that kind of demented mind is something you want to worship. As for the whole your peers giving you shit thing, those people are called assholes and should be set adrift at sea. Either they will recognize that everyone in their lives is beginning to hate them, and have to change themselves, or they will continue to be assholes and end up with other assholes. Once you get to about 20 years old your peers are going to start to be a lot less douchey. And as far as wanting to be straight, I don't know I've always been straight I doubt anyone could truly be trained to be straight. Much like I doubt anyone can be trained into being gay. Just be bi what's the big deal?

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Prepare for a sad angry rant Im really getting pissed off with people saying my sexual orientation is a choice, it happened this week and

  • Apparently, the rats in my house are able to open tupperwares and parkour.

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