The Vent/Help Thread



  • I can't tell you how many times I forgot something important in my locker in middle school, either for class or for the weekend. How many times have I forgotten something in high school? Like twice, compared to the tens of times in middle. If middle school taught me anything, it's fuck lockers.

    I agree with this completely.

  • i managed to fix it factory restart worked well installed it screen glitched corrupted the data im trying to recover it if i cant another install will happen

    I wish you luck in getting it fixed soon.

  • Damn, I feel sorry for you, the game is good but I don't know if it's worth all this trouble.

    i managed to fix it factory restart worked well installed it screen glitched corrupted the data im trying to recover it if i cant another install will happen

  • definitely worth it reinstalled it just hope it doesn't happen again

    Damn, I feel sorry for you, the game is good but I don't know if it's worth all this trouble.

  • Ok something I've wanted to do for awhile now is put 2k games on fucking blast. They've ruined NBA games for me (NBA2K15 was fucking trash) They ruined the WWE games (2k14 and 2K15 were the worst abominations ever)

  • Though I like Rhysha a bit more, I wish there was a option to support Rhyiona fans.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited August 2015


    I was listening to this song when I saw this comment. Not kidding.

    enter link description here

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    And Damn... I was in Bangkok a few months ago....

  • Damn....
    I'm not sure how but this means something is Illuminati Confirmed....

    ........ I was listening to this song when I saw this comment. Not kidding. enter link description here

  • More of a pity party and I feel like I'm getting into a bout of depression again...

    August 19th was my birthday. And my family doesn't celebrate birthdays. So, this year I decided to try and do something special for all my immediate family, by buying them presents and cards and trying to make their day special. When my birthday rolled around, I had to remind my sister and dad what day it was, and my mom borrowed money from my sis saying she was getting me a present, but bought a cookie cake of which I haven't eaten because I had asked for a strawberry cake and bought it myself when no one else would buy it for me. The only people who remembered my birthday were the people who saw me post a status on FB about it.

    I texted one of my friends to go hang out, just to get a smoothie and she texted me saying she couldn't because she didn't feel good. She then remember a few hours later it was my birthday, and said she would go now. I then told her I wasn't feeling well, because I'm getting sick. She never replied. Now, out of the group of friends I hang out with, none of them wished me a happy birthday.

    Not only that, but I run an art business. I rely on it to make all my money, one of my clients had told me his birthday was the day before mine. He pitched commissioning me for a picture that was for the both of us. As such, I offered a discount. When he changed his mind because he didn't want to pay the discounted price for it, he instead changed his mind because he was stressed for money, and begged for a discount on a 70 dollar piece, which was going to take me 10 hours to finish. I gave him a discount, and a day later he told me he had spent 120 dollars on video games. Not only that, he bought a new cell phone, and sold his old car and got a new one for his birthday. Seriously, stressed for fucking money?

    I haven't felt this shitty in a long time, I just want to get in my bed and never wake up. I'm so sick of everything, I hate being like this. I'm drained of my energy, my motivation, nothing makes me happy and I hate myself. So, yeah. Venting helps I guess.

  • I know it might not mean much, but happy birthday and I'm sorry that it wasn't acknowledged like it should have been.

    More of a pity party and I feel like I'm getting into a bout of depression again... August 19th was my birthday. And my family doesn't ce

  • edited August 2015

    Holy Shit....

    Thanks for showing me that I should be grateful for my friends and family who never shut up on my birthday. First off, that's just awful that your family treated you like that, no offense and I don't know your friend but from what you said she sounds like a bitch, and that dude sounds like a dumbass.... You shouldn't take it out on yourself, you're a nice person and from what you said it sounds like you're surrounded by a bunch of douches. Where do you live though? U.S? Canada? Australia? Because where ever you are, it seems pretty fucked up...So sorry you're having a bad time though :(

    More of a pity party and I feel like I'm getting into a bout of depression again... August 19th was my birthday. And my family doesn't ce

  • Thank you, nonetheless. :)

    I've gotten to the point where I absolutely despise my birthday, I tried to sleep all day yesterday so I wouldn't have to acknowledge it. I don't even know how birthdays should be approached, I think now that if I acknowledge my own birthday I'm selfish. Because that's how my family makes me feel.

    I know it might not mean much, but happy birthday and I'm sorry that it wasn't acknowledged like it should have been.

  • I don't know what birthdays are supposed to be like, but it's nice to know other people can have people try and make it special. It's not just this birthday though, it's always been like this. But this year, I'm done. Next year on my birthday I'm just leaving for the whole day, I'm taking a day trip and turning off my phone so I don't have to deal with people.

    Thank you though, that's sweet of you to think. And it's not the region that plays into that, I live in the US. And the issue because my mom hates birthdays, and has said this multiple times to my face. My dad just doesn't care, he is so consumed with his own crap he doesn't even know what day my birthday is.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Holy Shit.... Thanks for showing me that I should be grateful for my friends and family who never shut up on my birthday. First off, that

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited August 2015

    I was depressed about my birthday this year. No one talked to me, acknowledged me, whatever.

    So you know what i did? I got drunk and drunk dialed everyone in my phone and gave them choice words.

    Its not a successful birthday in my book unless i make it awkward at the next social/family gathering.

    If i would of known i would of said something. Happy belated birthday.

    More of a pity party and I feel like I'm getting into a bout of depression again... August 19th was my birthday. And my family doesn't ce

  • Haha, I don't get why in some family's if someone has a birthday everyone is expected to drop everything and go get them a present or acknowledge their existence, but for other family members (like you and me it sounds like) we don't get so much as a damn acknowledgement of our existence. Next birthday I'm seriously peacing out for the day, to get drunk and splurge for myself. And on everyone else's birthday in my fam, I won't say a damn thing like they did to me this year.

    And thank you, I feel selfish for even bringing it up afterwards... but meh. Birthdays are horse shit.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I was depressed about my birthday this year. No one talked to me, acknowledged me, whatever. So you know what i did? I got drunk and dru

  • So Busty Adventures will not be a thing RIP

  • My family doesn't pay attention to me other than to ask for money. That is the only reason they talk to me, or to ask me something to watch their children. My PTSD is so deep, the care is long dead. Anytime i ever go over there, you think you would feel welcome at a realtives house, never felt that way. i was a third wheel, the relative they felt like they had to invite to holiday dinners, at this point in my life i don't even show up anymore.

    My six year old nephew remembered my birthday a day later. I gave him the credit.

    Haha, I don't get why in some family's if someone has a birthday everyone is expected to drop everything and go get them a present or acknow

  • I'm late but happy birthday!

    More of a pity party and I feel like I'm getting into a bout of depression again... August 19th was my birthday. And my family doesn't ce

  • ME(The first one)...

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • Toughest part of writing stories for me....making up names...

  • Hold you gray head up with pride, and remember a lot of women and men find gray hair very attractive. It's considered distinct and distinguished. My great uncle was completely gray by the time he was twenty, and very popular with the ladies. Silver fox is a term for a reason.

    okay so, i am 16 and i have bits of grey hairs throughout my brown hair and every time i'm in a class at school there always some guy that s

  • I don't understand why MGS is so popular. I never really got into the stealth genre but I did enjoy Splinter Cell and others. Ican tell you from what I've played (MGS 1, 3 and 5) I think all it's praise is widely undeserved and it has to be the most overrated game series ever. In addition to that Hideo Kojima is one of the most arrogant, narcissistic god wannabe-ish people I've ever seen in my entire life. He's never made a single great game imo

  • You know it's just pure bullshit when people hate movies before they even see it. Fucking assholes.

  • I know that feeling....any one in particular that's getting you?

    You know it's just pure bullshit when people hate movies before they even see it. Fucking assholes.

  • Critics with Pixels and Rocky V. They don't even watch them and say "It has razzies and Adam Sandler." What a cruel joke.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I know that feeling....any one in particular that's getting you?

  • Hmmmm, I haven't seen Pixels yet and I don't criticise Rocky V like others do but I do think it's the worst of the series, people can be douchebags.

    Critics with Pixels and Rocky V. They don't even watch them and say "It has razzies and Adam Sandler." What a cruel joke.

  • edited August 2015

    I had the most horrible dream the other day. I was walking home from school (My Junior School, oddly enough, even though I'm in High School) and had my 2 aunties walking with me. All of a sudden, a man next to me pulled out a pistol and everyone around him started panicking (ourselves included). Then, out of nowhere, the man shot one of my aunties (She just fell to the floor, no noise, nothing, and what makes it worse is the fact that she was on holiday in another continent at the time of this dream and I hadn't seen her for a few weeks. She still is. Thankfully she's coming back on Wednesday.) My other auntie screamed in fear before the gunman also just fell (again, no noise) revealing a woman who also pulled out a pistol. She then shot me. Multiple times. All over my body, including my face. It even felt painful and I could feel holes tearing through my body. I woke up with a face of agony. I never seem to have good dreams. I just need to say this.

  • so i found out about until dawn at july 20th and i was amazed and i order a copy and it said it coming 26th august i was like ok and then it said 27th and then i was like ok(but angry)
    and then i got up at 9;00am and waited all day till 7pm for them to say that they coundnt deliver(mail guy)
    i cried so hard i was so hoping to play game before friday cause that the day when bullshit starts

  • Pixels ain't that bad. It's like brainless fun.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Hmmmm, I haven't seen Pixels yet and I don't criticise Rocky V like others do but I do think it's the worst of the series, people can be douchebags.

  • You know Talia Shire right? She played Adrian in Rocky movies and Connie in Godfather movies. Today I watched one of her movies where she was young and I kinda fell in love with her. It seems weird considering she is now 69. But oh well.

  • I think MGS is popular because of the first one. MGS that game was really good. Now he has been making the same game over and over again. I call it metal gear cutscene for a reason. Hideo Kojima thinks he is a rockstar because everyone kisses his ass and calls it ice cream.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I don't understand why MGS is so popular. I never really got into the stealth genre but I did enjoy Splinter Cell and others. Ican tell you

  • That sucks,. i know how you feel i got the FALLOUT 4 Blues.

    so i found out about until dawn at july 20th and i was amazed and i order a copy and it said it coming 26th august i was like ok and then it

  • Where did you order it from? That's some bullshit right there. I pre ordered mine from Amazon & got it the day it was released.

    so i found out about until dawn at july 20th and i was amazed and i order a copy and it said it coming 26th august i was like ok and then it

  • Awkward is awkward

    You know Talia Shire right? She played Adrian in Rocky movies and Connie in Godfather movies. Today I watched one of her movies where she was young and I kinda fell in love with her. It seems weird considering she is now 69. But oh well.

  • Take my sympathy likes... lol

    It's okay, I fell in love with Ellen Page & she's gay so...sad face. I also fell in love with Shirley Manson, singer of Garbage & she's 49...I'm 26. So if anyone can understand, it's probably me. haha

    Awkward is awkward

  • Hideo Kojima thinks he is a rockstar because everyone kisses his ass and calls it ice cream.

    XD. George, you just made my day.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I think MGS is popular because of the first one. MGS that game was really good. Now he has been making the same game over and over again. I

  • edited August 2015

    Finally someone like me. This shit very weird am I right?

    EDIT: Wait is she gay?

    Take my sympathy likes... lol It's okay, I fell in love with Ellen Page & she's gay so...sad face. I also fell in love with Shirley Manson, singer of Garbage & she's 49...I'm 26. So if anyone can understand, it's probably me. haha

  • Well, I'm pretty weird, so I guess I'm used to that. Actually, I should've used this as an example: I love Rosemary Clooney. She was a singer & acted a little bit. Was born in 1928, died in 2002. I own her autobiographies & she is an inspiration of mine. Could be weird, but I say embrace it. haha

    Ellen Page? Yup, she came out a couple years ago at Time to Thrive conference for LGBT. It was a powerful speech.

    Finally someone like me. This shit very weird am I right? EDIT: Wait is she gay?

  • Ellen Page is so gay even the characters she voice acts is gay.

    Finally someone like me. This shit very weird am I right? EDIT: Wait is she gay?

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