Borderlands 3 Hype Thread (Basically it's a "Keeping the community alive thread")
Since lots of people are upset about TFTBL ending soon I've created this thread to last as long as possible (probably won't last a week lmao).
So the main subject of this thread is.....well....about Borderlands 3! If is thread gets decent amount of comments after episode 5/before episode 5 I'll update it when ever there is news.
Or else this thread might as well be a dead thread.
And....ima create a photoshopped hype train related to Borderlands 3 after i finish downloading a 30 day free trial of photoshop(i know i sound cheap lemme just called my wallet and see what's up)
So enjoy the thread if you like .
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Borderlands 3 is a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way off
Borderlands 3 wont be out for a long while, but...
Rhys, Fiona, Sasha, and Vaughn for Borderlands 3, please and thank you.
For now this is just a "keeping the community alive thread" after episode 5 is out.
will only start hyping once Handsome Jack is confirmed to be in that game.
That was unneeded
It would feel weird seeing them run through bandit camps killing everything in sight
Yup I should edit that, sorry. It was very unprofessional.
I cant wait to see the new siren(or they could revive angel and let us play as her).
But I need it.
Hopefully the story for the next is even grander than the rest.
already saving for the special edition, my BL bro and I gonna take a week off when its released . there is a good chance that we will gain some kilos because we are NOT gonna cook and eat healthy the days we are playing it. can't imagine how they want to make a better villain than HJ
still hyped, I trust them
I would love to play tiny tina or tourge
How would we revive Angel?
I have no idea
Space magic? Secret Siren powers?
Wouldn't it be cool if AI Jack created AI Angel? It'd be like a big loving AI family.
Why did I suddenly have a de ja vu after reading that?
I don't know, someone's probably put the idea out there before or something.
Maybe,cuz I felt I’ve seen that AI family line somewhere before.
Like I said, someone's probably said it before.
Fair enough.
That would be great, i hope Jack gets a new body too.
we wont get ''news'' let alone a gameplay footage for borderlands 3 at least for 2 or more years. randy said ''thats the BIG one'' so they will take more time developing it.
thx 4 the revive fam
Now keep it coming for the next 2-3 years
lol I'm sorry, I should just get a mod to close this thread for me instead