I'll add that (for me) there's never really a question of how to play Fiona. She wants money, and she wants to look our for her sister. And those two things are never really in conflict. She never really has to make a difficult choice, never in what she "should" do, it's just about figuring out the best way to do something. To me that's kind of boring. I want to be morally torn about something every so often, it's just too easy to make Fiona's decisions.
With Rhys it feels like I'm always balancing my own ambitions vs loyalty to my friends. He's always torn between those two options. Does he betray Vaughn to get the out from Vasquez? Does he go straight to Gortys or pick up Sasha and Fiona first? Does he side with Jack over Fiona? Does he jack in to the executive port or go down and rejoin his friends? None of these choices are that easy.
I think it has less to do with who they are as characters, and more to do with the mechanics of storytelling. Good storytelling comes from c… moreonflict - and I don't mean two characters having a problem with each other (though that counts). Rhys is a total fish out of water, a corporate company man suddenly thrown in among a bunch of bandits and goons in a world totally alien to him. He has a smooth-talking psychopath in his head only he can see and hear, who is his idol, but can take over parts of his body and is always trying to talk him into something. There is the vast gulf between how he likes to see himself (confident, capable), and how he actually is and how things usually go for him (awkwardly, often in need of rescue). He has a giant crush on a character who may or may not be into him but is always pulling his ass out of the fire while all his attempts to be smooth end up with his foot in his mouth (adorably). All these things are confli… [view original content]
Rhys's dream( ruling Hyperion) is usually mentioned more than Fiona's (leaving Pandora with Sasha for a better life and getting away from Vallory and her goons).
Personally (since this all opinions anyways), I find Fiona more interesting but find Rhys more relatable. Rhys and Fiona are designed to be … moresome what of opposites. Fiona is a cool Pandorian thief while Rhys is a clumsy corporate idiot. I think whether or not you like the two characters probably depends upon who you are.
There is also another bias with Handsome Jack. People who love that character tend to like Rhys more and people who hate Jack seem to like Fiona more. It's alllllll opinions :P
it has nothing to do with Fiona's gender. It's her story, character and game mechanic. On one side, you have this funny and ambitious compan… morey man who has to fend in a new, hostile environment, accompanied by an holographic projection of his dangerous and charismatic idol while also being equiped with an ECHO eye and a robotic arm. You also have access to Loaderbot.
On the other side there is this con artist who has lived her entire life on Pandora. There is a bit of drama regarding her foster father, but that got easily resolved in the first episode by killing him off. To make matters worse, she has to share her spotlight with her sister, who has the same thing going for her like Fiona does, only that she does it better. She is good with guns, hot headed and hates Hyperion which does for a good conflict with Rhys who works for them. Fiona on the other hand doesn't care much about Hyperion, sucks at gunplay and only cares for money in a game … [view original content]
I know lol, i can tell from this thread(since most of people who supports him are guys) and the Ryhsha thread. On tumblr(gross) there are alot of people who think that only straight males like Rhys the most and thats why Telltale opts for a Rhysa romance instead on RhysXVaught/Jack and other nonsense etc. Despite the fact there are alot of girls who love Rhysha. Theres just alot of irrational hate for my OTP their.
Im just giving one my main reason for liking Rhys more, im a straight girl who enjoys playing Rhys more cause his story invlovles Jack/Hyperion and a romance with Sasha. And hes incredibly attractive.
Amen to that, I'm so happy that there are still people who have rational outlook on stuff
edit: Just to be clear I'm a straight guy but I also like playing Rhys more because he has so much more going on than Fiona, not saying that's she's bad to play.
I know lol, i can tell from this thread(since most of people who supports him are guys) and the Ryhsha thread. On tumblr(gross) there are al… moreot of people who think that only straight males like Rhys the most and thats why Telltale opts for a Rhysa romance instead on RhysXVaught/Jack and other nonsense etc. Despite the fact there are alot of girls who love Rhysha. Theres just alot of irrational hate for my OTP their.
Im just giving one my main reason for liking Rhys more, im a straight girl who enjoys playing Rhys more cause his story invlovles Jack/Hyperion and a romance with Sasha. And hes incredibly attractive.
I know lol, i can tell from this thread(since most of people who supports him are guys) and the Ryhsha thread. On tumblr(gross) there are al… moreot of people who think that only straight males like Rhys the most and thats why Telltale opts for a Rhysa romance instead on RhysXVaught/Jack and other nonsense etc. Despite the fact there are alot of girls who love Rhysha. Theres just alot of irrational hate for my OTP their.
Im just giving one my main reason for liking Rhys more, im a straight girl who enjoys playing Rhys more cause his story invlovles Jack/Hyperion and a romance with Sasha. And hes incredibly attractive.
When i read some post n tumblr saying that only guys can support forcedhetero ship that is Rhysa and that Telltale is catering to cis men made me so angry i almost made and account lol. Despite the fact are hoards of women who ship Rysha on tumblr(alot of the fanart are drawn by girls lol).
Yep, his entire story arc revolves Jacks epic return and their rise to power to take back Hyperion to take over the universe(if you side with him) or you trying struggling to keep the A.I of the most dangerous man in the universe at bay on the fact that hell destroy everything you love. Fiona's story just pales in comparison although i do like playing as her as well.
Amen to that, I'm so happy that there are still people who have rational outlook on stuff
edit: Just to be clear I'm a straight guy but I… more also like playing Rhys more because he has so much more going on than Fiona, not saying that's she's bad to play.
Tumblr is the worst place on the internet you could go to,I never went their and I already hate it.
enter link description here
But you gotta admit,their are some really artistic people on there.
I like playing Rhys mostly because he's consistent and a pretty authentic character, in addition to all the previously stated reasons. He ha… mores his particular skills and quirks which are sometimes called for, allowing him to shine a bit, and sometimes fail him spectacularly, and otherwise he just tries to get by. That's awesome.
I've been warming up to Fiona too a bit, but she just doesn't have that feeling of having her strong and weak sides and never being sure of anything. We're informed that she's good at pretty much everything from acting to fighting, but her behavior and competence in those two fields swing wildly and inconsistently - one moment she's incredibly eloquent and sure of herself, the next she's arrogant and overly cheesy, and then suddenly it seems like she has no social skills whatsoever. And the same goes for fighting, one moment she's relying on her little revolver for self-defense only, the next she's competently kickin… [view original content]
glad you didn't it would be one of worst mistakes in your life, while back I tried to argue with Tumblr person and all I got was a headache and ban so trust me there's no need to talk to those people. Best way it's just ignoring them and doing your stuff.
And I'm 100% with you about Rhys yeah like I mentioned on some other thread TT makes him the main character. Just look at ep 4 intro him walking right in the middle.
When i read some post n tumblr saying that only guys can support forcedhetero ship that is Rhysa and that Telltale is catering to cis men ma… morede me so angry i almost made and account lol. Despite the fact are hoards of women who ship Rysha on tumblr(alot of the fanart are drawn by girls lol).
Yep, his entire story arc revolves Jacks epic return and their rise to power to take back Hyperion to take over the universe(if you side with him) or you trying struggling to keep the A.I of the most dangerous man in the universe at bay on the fact that hell destroy everything you love. Fiona's story just pales in comparison although i do like playing as her as well.
Tumblr is the worst place on the internet you could go to,I never went their and I already hate it.
enter link description here
But you gotta admit,their are some really artistic people on there.
almost made and account
glad you didn't it would be one of worst mistakes in your life, while back I tried to argue with Tumblr pers… moreon and all I got was a headache and ban so trust me there's no need to talk to those people. Best way it's just ignoring them and doing your stuff.
And I'm 100% with you about Rhys yeah like I mentioned on some other thread TT makes him the main character. Just look at ep 4 intro him walking right in the middle.
I disagree. I find Rhys really boring and I don't like anyone from his part of the story (except Jack). His storyline is starting to get better tho, with that last decision.
Man I was just about to write a big post on this lol, but you pretty much took the words right outta my brain if I could give you a cookie right now I totally would.
I think it has less to do with who they are as characters, and more to do with the mechanics of storytelling. Good storytelling comes from c… moreonflict - and I don't mean two characters having a problem with each other (though that counts). Rhys is a total fish out of water, a corporate company man suddenly thrown in among a bunch of bandits and goons in a world totally alien to him. He has a smooth-talking psychopath in his head only he can see and hear, who is his idol, but can take over parts of his body and is always trying to talk him into something. There is the vast gulf between how he likes to see himself (confident, capable), and how he actually is and how things usually go for him (awkwardly, often in need of rescue). He has a giant crush on a character who may or may not be into him but is always pulling his ass out of the fire while all his attempts to be smooth end up with his foot in his mouth (adorably). All these things are confli… [view original content]
Man I was just about to write a big post on this lol, but you pretty much took the words right outta my brain if I could give you a cookie right now I totally would.
Aww, come on guys, seriously? Where is all this tumblr hate coming from?
* for one, it's a really convenient image upload place, I stor… moree all my screen-caps and stuff there
* as mentioned before, it stores a lot of great art
* you can actually follow all the most ridiculous blogs to later mock at other sites, like this one, eh?
* ...or I do, at least? But that's what everyone does, right..?
Or I guess I'm just a dick, but I actually do all of the above, and that makes me rather appreciative of tumblr... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aww, come on guys, seriously? Where is all this tumblr hate coming from?
* for one, it's a really convenient image upload place, I stor… moree all my screen-caps and stuff there
* as mentioned before, it stores a lot of great art
* you can actually follow all the most ridiculous blogs to later mock at other sites, like this one, eh?
* ...or I do, at least? But that's what everyone does, right..?
Or I guess I'm just a dick, but I actually do all of the above, and that makes me rather appreciative of tumblr... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Simply becasue it's filled with morons who think that they hold all the answers and everyone who dare to question them are instatly swarmed by said morons. Image would shit stom I would cause if I started a blog that says I hate Rhak and Gayperion and all those shippers should kill themselves.
Aww, come on guys, seriously? Where is all this tumblr hate coming from?
* for one, it's a really convenient image upload place, I stor… moree all my screen-caps and stuff there
* as mentioned before, it stores a lot of great art
* you can actually follow all the most ridiculous blogs to later mock at other sites, like this one, eh?
* ...or I do, at least? But that's what everyone does, right..?
Or I guess I'm just a dick, but I actually do all of the above, and that makes me rather appreciative of tumblr... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But... but that's where all the fun is at... You can literally start internet wars with one troll comment... You can. Start. Wars... and then sit back and watch the fallout. Screencap it, too.
Simply becasue it's filled with morons who think that they hold all the answers and everyone who dare to question them are instatly swarmed … moreby said morons. Image would shit stom I would cause if I started a blog that says I hate Rhak and Gayperion and all those shippers should kill themselves.
you...You...YOU!!!! that's actually a damn fine point you made....oh hell so frikin hilarious! Why hadn't I thought of it! I think I need to make account on Tumblr.
But... but that's where all the fun is at... You can literally start internet wars with one troll comment... You can. Start. Wars... and then sit back and watch the fallout. Screencap it, too.
What's not to love?!
Hmm, is there actual decisions to make to show Fiona's feelings to Athena? I've played through the chapters a few times but haven't received that sort of outcome.
I think it has less to do with who they are as characters, and more to do with the mechanics of storytelling. Good storytelling comes from c… moreonflict - and I don't mean two characters having a problem with each other (though that counts). Rhys is a total fish out of water, a corporate company man suddenly thrown in among a bunch of bandits and goons in a world totally alien to him. He has a smooth-talking psychopath in his head only he can see and hear, who is his idol, but can take over parts of his body and is always trying to talk him into something. There is the vast gulf between how he likes to see himself (confident, capable), and how he actually is and how things usually go for him (awkwardly, often in need of rescue). He has a giant crush on a character who may or may not be into him but is always pulling his ass out of the fire while all his attempts to be smooth end up with his foot in his mouth (adorably). All these things are confli… [view original content]
Fiona's lived long enough on Pandora to know how to handle most situations, and when she truly gets in trouble she's got other Pandora-savvy people to fall back on (Felix, Sasha and Athena especially). Rhys, on the other hand, has never been to Pandora, has no idea what the hell he's doing and has an accountant, a robot and a dead guy for backup. Inversely, Rhys is a lot more confident on Helios while Fiona's winging it more than usual.
That's why I prefer playing as Rhys in early episodes and Fiona in later ones. Things are fun when they go wrong.
I like both of their characters, though Rhys beats Fiona by a hair in my book.
I personally think I like Rhys more because I see more of myself in him, and the reason I slightly dislike Fiona a bit more is because I find her a bit rude at times.
Fiona's lived long enough on Pandora to know how to handle most situations, and when she truly gets in trouble she's got other Pandora-savvy… more people to fall back on (Felix, Sasha and Athena especially). Rhys, on the other hand, has never been to Pandora, has no idea what the hell he's doing and has an accountant, a robot and a dead guy for backup. Inversely, Rhys is a lot more confident on Helios while Fiona's winging it more than usual.
That's why I prefer playing as Rhys in early episodes and Fiona in later ones. Things are fun when they go wrong.
Not in any sort of super obvious way, and it's not telegraphed so clearly as Rhys's crush on Sasha, but there are a couple dialogue options that hint more towards it than others. A lot of it was the way she looks at Athena and brushes her hair away from her face/plays with her hair every time she talks to her, which is a thing girls do subconsciously when they are attracted to someone. It's subtle, but when I played through it the first time, I definitely came away thinking "oh, Fiona's gay, and she has a crush on Athena." It could also probably be read as Fiona just looking up to Athena as a super badass and wanting to be like her, and not a romantic or sexual attraction. Either way I thought it to be an interesting development and was bummed when Athena was taken out of the story.
I didn't make an account here till after ep 4 was released and I think I said in another thread somewhere that I was surprised that no one else seemed to pick up on Fiona being gay and attracted to Athena since I didn't see it being talked about anywhere, though it had seemed clear to me. Given how seriously people on this forum take "shipping" and how worked up they get about who is attracted to who and who should end up with who I thought it wise to just let it be my interpretation and not loudly insist that I am correct.
Though maybe it is worth mentioning that while I am a straight woman, probably 90% of my female friends are lesbians, which might mean that A) I am just good at recognizing the signs because I have been watching these girl crushes play out for decades, or maybe I read too much into it because I am used to lesbians everywhere
Whether or not it was a romantic crush or just mild hero worship, I thought it was an interesting dynamic and relationship development that I was sorry to see end.
Hmm, is there actual decisions to make to show Fiona's feelings to Athena? I've played through the chapters a few times but haven't received that sort of outcome.
But... but that's where all the fun is at... You can literally start internet wars with one troll comment... You can. Start. Wars... and then sit back and watch the fallout. Screencap it, too.
What's not to love?!
i prefer rhys because ive always liked to play as a cyborg kinda person like the dlc for dead rising2 otr cyborg pack always use that plus i get to scan stuff as with fiona you cant
This is pretty much it.
I'll add that (for me) there's never really a question of how to play Fiona. She wants money, and she wants to look our for her sister. And those two things are never really in conflict. She never really has to make a difficult choice, never in what she "should" do, it's just about figuring out the best way to do something. To me that's kind of boring. I want to be morally torn about something every so often, it's just too easy to make Fiona's decisions.
With Rhys it feels like I'm always balancing my own ambitions vs loyalty to my friends. He's always torn between those two options. Does he betray Vaughn to get the out from Vasquez? Does he go straight to Gortys or pick up Sasha and Fiona first? Does he side with Jack over Fiona? Does he jack in to the executive port or go down and rejoin his friends? None of these choices are that easy.
Am I the only one that thinks like literally the exact opposite?
Rhys's dream( ruling Hyperion) is usually mentioned more than Fiona's (leaving Pandora with Sasha for a better life and getting away from Vallory and her goons).
Couldn't have said it better myself.
I like Fiona better, but... okay.
You reasons being...?
I just like her side of the story much better, and I like her personality way more than Rhys'
Cause hes a hella more sexier and his story involves Handosme Jack(whos also sexy mind you). For me i enjoy playing as him, Alot *ahem.
But y’know,there are also straight males who play this game and find Rhys more interesting (including me),so it’s not that big of a factor.
I know lol, i can tell from this thread(since most of people who supports him are guys) and the Ryhsha thread. On tumblr(gross) there are alot of people who think that only straight males like Rhys the most and thats why Telltale opts for a Rhysa romance instead on RhysXVaught/Jack and other nonsense etc. Despite the fact there are alot of girls who love Rhysha. Theres just alot of irrational hate for my OTP their.
Im just giving one my main reason for liking Rhys more, im a straight girl who enjoys playing Rhys more cause his story invlovles Jack/Hyperion and a romance with Sasha. And hes incredibly attractive.
Amen to that, I'm so happy that there are still people who have rational outlook on stuff
edit: Just to be clear I'm a straight guy but I also like playing Rhys more because he has so much more going on than Fiona, not saying that's she's bad to play.
Tumblr is the worst place on the internet you could go to,I never went their and I already hate it.
enter link description here
But you gotta admit,their are some really artistic people on there.
When i read some post n tumblr saying that only guys can support forcedhetero ship that is Rhysa and that Telltale is catering to cis men made me so angry i almost made and account lol. Despite the fact are hoards of women who ship Rysha on tumblr(alot of the fanart are drawn by girls lol).
Yep, his entire story arc revolves Jacks epic return and their rise to power to take back Hyperion to take over the universe(if you side with him) or you trying struggling to keep the A.I of the most dangerous man in the universe at bay on the fact that hell destroy everything you love. Fiona's story just pales in comparison although i do like playing as her as well.
Thats like the only reason i go to that cesspoll of idiocy and hate. Most of them are idiots but like you said the art their is amazing.
This i all agree with
glad you didn't it would be one of worst mistakes in your life, while back I tried to argue with Tumblr person and all I got was a headache and ban so trust me there's no need to talk to those people. Best way it's just ignoring them and doing your stuff.
And I'm 100% with you about Rhys yeah like I mentioned on some other thread TT makes him the main character. Just look at ep 4 intro him walking right in the middle.
It's like looking for those rare pearls in a really deep and smelly mud
Glad i didnt lol and yeah he comes off as the central MC, ep 4 is basically his episode.
Yup I can't wait to see ep 5 and how this story ends
I disagree. I find Rhys really boring and I don't like anyone from his part of the story (except Jack). His storyline is starting to get better tho, with that last decision.
Man I was just about to write a big post on this lol, but you pretty much took the words right outta my brain
if I could give you a cookie right now I totally would.
Hey man, I will take cookies any time.
Aww, come on guys, seriously? Where is all this tumblr hate coming from?
Or I guess I'm just a dick, but I actually do all of the above, and that makes me rather appreciative of tumblr... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Rhysha shippers hate tumblr because the Rhack shippers are picking on them, or so I heard. I wouldn't know...never bothered with tumblr.
Eh? I just said tumblr is fun to mock and a good place to find art at, why you meme me buddy?
Simply becasue it's filled with morons who think that they hold all the answers and everyone who dare to question them are instatly swarmed by said morons. Image would shit stom I would cause if I started a blog that says I hate Rhak and Gayperion and all those shippers should kill themselves.
But... but that's where all the fun is at... You can literally start internet wars with one troll comment... You can. Start. Wars... and then sit back and watch the fallout. Screencap it, too.
What's not to love?!
you...You...YOU!!!! that's actually a damn fine point you made....oh hell so frikin hilarious! Why hadn't I thought of it! I think I need to make account on Tumblr.
Hmm, is there actual decisions to make to show Fiona's feelings to Athena? I've played through the chapters a few times but haven't received that sort of outcome.
What are you talking about? I enjoyed playing Fiona in that episode
Fiona's lived long enough on Pandora to know how to handle most situations, and when she truly gets in trouble she's got other Pandora-savvy people to fall back on (Felix, Sasha and Athena especially). Rhys, on the other hand, has never been to Pandora, has no idea what the hell he's doing and has an accountant, a robot and a dead guy for backup. Inversely, Rhys is a lot more confident on Helios while Fiona's winging it more than usual.
That's why I prefer playing as Rhys in early episodes and Fiona in later ones. Things are fun when they go wrong.
I like both of their characters, though Rhys beats Fiona by a hair in my book.
I personally think I like Rhys more because I see more of myself in him, and the reason I slightly dislike Fiona a bit more is because I find her a bit rude at times.
Not in any sort of super obvious way, and it's not telegraphed so clearly as Rhys's crush on Sasha, but there are a couple dialogue options that hint more towards it than others. A lot of it was the way she looks at Athena and brushes her hair away from her face/plays with her hair every time she talks to her, which is a thing girls do subconsciously when they are attracted to someone. It's subtle, but when I played through it the first time, I definitely came away thinking "oh, Fiona's gay, and she has a crush on Athena." It could also probably be read as Fiona just looking up to Athena as a super badass and wanting to be like her, and not a romantic or sexual attraction. Either way I thought it to be an interesting development and was bummed when Athena was taken out of the story.
I didn't make an account here till after ep 4 was released and I think I said in another thread somewhere that I was surprised that no one else seemed to pick up on Fiona being gay and attracted to Athena since I didn't see it being talked about anywhere, though it had seemed clear to me. Given how seriously people on this forum take "shipping" and how worked up they get about who is attracted to who and who should end up with who I thought it wise to just let it be my interpretation and not loudly insist that I am correct.
Though maybe it is worth mentioning that while I am a straight woman, probably 90% of my female friends are lesbians, which might mean that A) I am just good at recognizing the signs because I have been watching these girl crushes play out for decades, or
maybe I read too much into it because I am used to lesbians everywhere 
Whether or not it was a romantic crush or just mild hero worship, I thought it was an interesting dynamic and relationship development that I was sorry to see end.
...i've really gotta stop wasting my study time on this crap
You are so goddamn evil. xD
i prefer rhys because ive always liked to play as a cyborg kinda person like the dlc for dead rising2 otr cyborg pack always use that plus i get to scan stuff as with fiona you cant