going silent dosent says nisha was importent to him, he didnt went silent after angel's death, he mentioned it every chance he get. it seems more like he was suprised that it actually pissed him off
Jack says, "You killed my girlfriend. That actually makes me kinda angry."(paraphrase I can't remember the exact quote) Then he goes silent.… more Jack going silent is much more telling than his taunting. When he doesn't say anything, you've caught him off guard and he doesn't know what to say. It implies that Nisha was very important to Jack.
The fact that it pissed him off shows he had feelings for her, probably not even aware of how deep himself. The man isn't known for his forays out of the shallow end of the emotional pool.
going silent dosent says nisha was importent to him, he didnt went silent after angel's death, he mentioned it every chance he get. it seems more like he was suprised that it actually pissed him off
Don't ask what we looked like when this little "what if" actually took a life of its own and goes by "Jiona" on tumblr now... XD (Hello, rl friend of glas-onion here.)
Different strokes for different folks.
going silent dosent says nisha was importent to him, he didnt went silent after angel's death, he mentioned it every chance he get. it seems more like he was suprised that it actually pissed him off
Darn it, you're making me want to ship it!
But Rhyiona......argh I ship it
me too.
But i really wanna see how Jack (Rhys) 'll try strangle Fi. xP
The fact that it pissed him off shows he had feelings for her, probably not even aware of how deep himself. The man isn't known for his forays out of the shallow end of the emotional pool.
by glas-onion
OK, so I'm jelly right now.
Jaiona confirmed.
Fuck these wierd names. :P
Yeah, that seemed like 4th wall breaking to me.
Aaaannnddd, just like that I ship it...
Did everybody just seem to forget the part where Jack says he's going to make Rhys kill Fiona if you reject him at the end of Episode 4?
Because I sure as hell do.
Generally you don't crush on people you're happy to kill.
Then again, Jack is a pretty well known psychopath by now.
unusual fetish confirmed?
Don't ask what we looked like when this little "what if" actually took a life of its own and goes by "Jiona" on tumblr now... XD (Hello, rl friend of glas-onion here.)
You know nothing Jon Snow.
She can't say no if she's dead.
Hey, i'm not wrong, right?
I totally wasn't the one who written that entry.
That seriously did not take long.
Hey Jack tries to strangle everyone! It's his way to show you're special.