Fiona's and Sasha's race?

Im curious of what ethnicity Fiona and Saha race are? Fiona doesnt seem to pure white(if that makes any sense) and she doesnt seem black either(her earlier concept art had her alot darker) but Sasha clearly looks like shes of African descent. The only the share in comon is hair and eye colour, could they be half sisters? I dunno they just alot different than each other.

*Note- Okay i got my answer, thread can close now.


  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited September 2015

    From @NickTTG aka Nick Herman:

    "Here to confirm that her and Fiona are more Mediterranean than anything. We liked jumbling the races of the Pandorans, as it was more interesting and made sense that on an alien planet that there wouldn't be "pure breeds", so to speak.*"

  • Probably multiracial.

  • edited September 2015

    Relax lol i dont think your being offensive(this isnt tumblr so dont fear asking questions that might be a bit touchy). Im a mix girl of both direct Caribbean and European descent. My father is French and my mother is Bahamian and i also happen to have siblings(2 brothers). Normally siblings can look alot like each other but at the same time they can alot unlike each other, the same is true for mixed children(even more so on the latter). My 2 elder brothers all look more euro while i look more caribbean so the whole notion of Fiona and Sasha being half sisters just because one has a light complexion is silly(lets not forgot that any body can have dreds). Like i said my brothers have a very fair/complexion but have dark brown eyes and i have light brown complexion but i have my fathers grey eyes. From afar we dont look alike but up closer and not looking at skin color its clear wear siblings, especially with my eldest brothers.

    I think its obvious they are mixed(everyone is not 100% of any race anyway) but just because they look a bit different doesn't mean their half sisters.

  • They're whatever race they happen to be on Pandora.

    Ethnic classifications from Earth should not apply to people born off planet.

  • pretty sure that a classification such as white, black and asian would still be used even if humanity were to develop far enough to colonize other planets.
    The name for it may change, maybe, but the classification would also be there. And we would probably add "Planet of birth" to our passports as well.

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    They're whatever race they happen to be on Pandora. Ethnic classifications from Earth should not apply to people born off planet.

  • They share the mysterious Clementine race.

  • but Sasha clearly looks like shes of African descent.

    Nothing about her says that and I hope you're not talking about her dreads here.

  • White and black are quite generalized, so I could see them making it. Asian is pretty specific to earth though, so in time maybe that would change? Who knows. This is all highly speculative.

    I get why calling an off worlder, in Fiona and Sashas case, "more Mediterranean than anything", a region specific to a planet they give absolutely no indication of ever even having heard of, happens. I just think it's pretty ridiculous.

    pretty sure that a classification such as white, black and asian would still be used even if humanity were to develop far enough to colonize

  • enter image description here

    She's clearly black. (Don't mean to be offensive)

    DeityD posted: »

    but Sasha clearly looks like shes of African descent. Nothing about her says that and I hope you're not talking about her dreads here.

  • I have to agree. At the very least, she would be half black.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    She's clearly black. (Don't mean to be offensive)

  • edited September 2015

    She's clearly what the devs said she is. And they didn't say "black". Everything else would be a headcanon. I see nothing here that would suggest she is. She has slightly different propostions than Fiona, but no one says that about Fiona - why? It's also because of her hairstyle. When your hair is slicked to the back you'll look different.

    Also,it's a game (which means we see characters as the devs made them, since they're not real people) and developers said she's not. The same thing they said about Handsome Jack but people like to think he's not 'white' too. I don't know what the hell is people's problem and why they don't want to listen to the creators of the characters in that matter.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    She's clearly black. (Don't mean to be offensive)

  • edited September 2015

    I think Greek whenever I look at her. Not that I think she is Greek, that's just the genetic mix she makes me think of. There's some African heritage there, definitely, and the way she styles herself kind of accentuates it, but it seems muddled up with a lot of Mediterranean genes too. What you absolutely cannot say is that she's clearly black.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    She's clearly black. (Don't mean to be offensive)

  • I gotta agree. The devs said 'Mediterranean', so that's what the girls are. And that's a fairly vague term, which in turn suggests the devs don't consider Fiona and Sasha to be 'definitely' black, or else they would say so... This way they're potentially white, black, middle-eastern, or anything in between. 'Clearly' not definitely anything.

    And, oh yeah, the 'stop whitewashing HJ' is one of my favorite tumblr causes... Still going strong, after repeated posts of the Anthony Burch quote...


    DeityD posted: »

    She's clearly what the devs said she is. And they didn't say "black". Everything else would be a headcanon. I see nothing here that would su

  • funny thing was i was thinking whether or not to make a thread for this about 5 mins ago and find the work has already been done lol

  • 'Stop Whitewashing HJ'

    W8 wat?

    I gotta agree. The devs said 'Mediterranean', so that's what the girls are. And that's a fairly vague term, which in turn suggests the devs

  • Here's a sample (that I've posted before in some thread or another, sorry):

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    It's still going, btw... I mean, who cares about what the creators of a character say, right...

    papai46 posted: »

    'Stop Whitewashing HJ' W8 wat?

  • edited September 2015

    I myself am, how shall I say this, multi-ethnic? Yeah, multi-ethnic, we'll go with that. (I'm part Hispanic, American Indian, Irish, Scottish, French, English, and German.) And I know that it's possible for siblings to have different skin tones. I'm much paler than my siblings, but I'm pretty sure that's 90% because I hate the sun. However, I still have a similar skin tone to them, and we all look multi-ethnic. We definitely don't look as different as Fiona and Sasha do. And I've known a number of mixed race families over the years and none of the full siblings looked quite as different as Fiona and Sasha do. I'm not saying full siblings don't look that different sometimes, but in my experience, it's not the norm for them to look that different. Fiona, IMO, looks fully Caucasian and Sasha looks like she could be any sort of mix. So while I'm sure it's possible -- POSSIBLE -- for Fiona and Sasha to be full sisters, I personally think it's more likely that they are half sisters. They could also be adoptive sisters, but because of the similar eye colors I still think that the most likely thing is that they are half sisters.

    And I honestly love the idea of them being half sisters simply because neither of them ever mentions that they're "only" half sisters. And if they are in fact half sisters, they are a perfect, heartwarming example of how a half sister is not less of a sister than a full sister. All that matters at all is that you take care of each other like sisters. If Fiona and Sasha are half sisters (or adoptive sisters, for that matter) they obviously don't give a fuck about that, and I think that's great. :)

  • Yep, you said it better. Plus I don't understand why people cling to terms like asian, black and white because in each group you can find very different people and I don't understand why being Mediterranean isn't good enough for some people. Like damn, they're still not white, they're still a "minority" and it's still creates a very diverse cast - if that is what sjws from tumblr cares about. We have so many characerts here, like Hugo and Yvette and so on and we don't know anything for certain about other characters like Felix or Rhys or Vaughn - but who cares, all whites are the same apparently and no one bothers to know anything about them.

    Also, good job finding that quote from Anthony, I saw it somewhere but forgot what he said exactly. I just remember that this bs is ancient and it goes on and on and on.

    I gotta agree. The devs said 'Mediterranean', so that's what the girls are. And that's a fairly vague term, which in turn suggests the devs

  • Classic tumblr, m8.

    papai46 posted: »

    'Stop Whitewashing HJ' W8 wat?

  • I'm at a loss for words right now.

    Here's a sample (that I've posted before in some thread or another, sorry): It's still going, btw... I mean, who cares about what the creators of a character say, right...

  • edited September 2015

    Fiona's original character model showed more African American traits like Sasha. I suppose they changed it which would lead me to believe her and Sasha being half sisters seeing as Sasha looks more bi racial

  • edited September 2015

    It was confirmed that both of the sisters are Mediterranean. You can find it here.

    (hopefully the comment immediately shows up)

  • Clementine is black.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    They share the mysterious Clementine race.

  • edited September 2015

    You know, my best friend and I (both of us are white) were playing TFTBL and were discussing possibling cosplaying Fiona and Sasha.

    Friend: I'm not black.

    Me: Me either, what does that have to do with anything?

    Friend: Sasha's black.

    Me: Uh... I don't think Sasha's black. Clementine is, but Sasha isn't.

    Friend: Clem is black?

    I figured they were either olived skinned or mixed race. I dunno, but I can definitely see how people might think they're black. Maybe they are, I dunno.

  • She doesn't look black, though.

    Clementine is black.

  • Although it's stated by statics people 100% African American very rarely have green eyes which could indicate she's not 100% and the lighter shade of skin. The irony of this situation being that I'm of Asian decent and have blue eyes (it's so weird)

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    She's clearly black. (Don't mean to be offensive)

  • edited September 2015

    Hey there! Please don't be scared of speaking of etnicies! Its a very sensitive theme yeah, but always have in mind that its a theme that needs to be explained carefully and not like: "theyre this race because that's how i see it and because i say so" so don't worry about it. Its not like PoC's are a freaking taboo.

    Now, i've always thought Fiona and Sasha were Romani women. ((Explanation time: Romani, Rom or Roma people are people that seems to come from the south east? part of India and they moved to the rest of Europe. They are mostly know as G*psies, but this is a very racist slur so please avoid using it)) Roma people are a mixed race. Da fuq is that? People that have 2 or more "races" in their blood. So you can't say a mixed raced person is only One race because that's not true, but you can say they are a sub-race. A sub-race is two different races joined as one sub race. For example, Latinos, mulatos, romani, indians and others are sub-races.

    That said, i think these two are Romani girls because when i did a little research on "Mediterranean people" i found out "Mediterranean people" is a vague way to talk about someone's race, but also i found that what we can say is the "Mediterranean zone" its conformed by multiple countries, sub-races and cultures. And the one that for me was the closest to Sasha and Fiona's race was the Romani people. Their similarities are that they tend to be light to dark skinned, have dark hair, their proportions seems close enough and also they have brown and green eyes . Here's a picture of a pretty Roma girl:

    enter image description here

    So yeah i compared this picture to the one you find in Felix's place in Hollow Point and i really get the feeling that the artists simply based the girls' physical apperance to someone from those parts of the mediterranean zone. Now, in the game, i dont remember where in ep3, i think it was on the dome in the trust Fiona route, that when you scan Sasha, the game tells you that Sasha's clothing style is boho-chic, and for the ones that dont know about it boho-chic or bohemian-chic fashion is heavily inspired by Roma people's clothing style. Also Bohémien is french for roma people. So, for me this reassures the artist choice and that TT stated that the two were mediterraneans is actually accurate.

    Now i've seen people that say that Sasha and specially Sasha is a black girl, and when they explain why, they simply say that she's black because she's not white, also because it seems that for them only black people wear dreads. Its a hairstyle for crying out loud, Anyone with enough hair can make themselves dreads. And to finally end, Sasha being more dark skinned that Fiona means that they are half sisters is pretty dumb. This is a pretty common thing that happens to mixed raced parents around the world, one child is more light skinned than the other, one can get lighter hair color, or even different eye color. That's genetics. For example, my family is mixed raced. My dad has green eyes and had blonde hair when he was a kid and now he has brown hair, my mom has brown eyes, brown hair and light skin color. But my Older sister has blonde hair, green eyes and white skin. But me, im not as light skinned as my sister, i have brow eyes and brown hair and we share the same two parents. Again its a pretty common thing.

  • I think it's because she (imo) looks like Michonne, who is black, so it kind of automatically gives my brain that feeling...

    Off_Ground posted: »

    I think Greek whenever I look at her. Not that I think she is Greek, that's just the genetic mix she makes me think of. There's some Africa

  • Compare with Roland. He is clearly black.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    I think it's because she (imo) looks like Michonne, who is black, so it kind of automatically gives my brain that feeling...

  • As a European myself I thought they look close to people from southern Europe, definitely mixed though since both look quite different from each other so their parents were probably from two different ethnic groups, like c0ntinue-testing already explained quite well. Not everything is just black and white, people forget there's so many more ethnic groups, it's most noticeable when you live in Europe.

  • enter image description here

    Now I am even MORE intellectual than before.

    Hey there! Please don't be scared of speaking of etnicies! Its a very sensitive theme yeah, but always have in mind that its a theme that ne

  • edited September 2015

    Very interesting, i pretty much agree with everything you stated especially the different skin tones half sisters part. Like i said before it think its pretty silly to say Sasha and Fiona are half sisters simply because they have contrasting tones, im mix(my father is European and my mother-who is also mixed- is Dominican/African descendant) and me and siblings look different. Our faces are similar but im dark skinned while they are very light skinned(im remembers as child i used to think i was adopted or that my daddy wasnt my real daddy and cried alot xD, its wasnt till i was bit older i realized that i have his exact same eyes and his light straight hair), but i also have very light brown hair and grey eyes while they have dark hair and dark eyes. One sibling will share traits to one parent while the other share there's to another, its more jarring/obvious when the parents are from different races. Like you said its common and simply put genetics.

    Hey there! Please don't be scared of speaking of etnicies! Its a very sensitive theme yeah, but always have in mind that its a theme that ne

  • They're whatever the devs say they are.

    Just from appearance though, they both don't look to be anything other than caucasian. Sasha just looks like a white girl with dreads.

  • Just from appearance though, they both don't look to be anything other than caucasian. Sasha just looks like a white girl with dreads.

    Other than her dark skin and facial features, yeah no. The most ignorant comment to come out of this thread so far.

    Scaeva posted: »

    They're whatever the devs say they are. Just from appearance though, they both don't look to be anything other than caucasian. Sasha just looks like a white girl with dreads.

  • Thanks for this post, you have great insight.

    Hey there! Please don't be scared of speaking of etnicies! Its a very sensitive theme yeah, but always have in mind that its a theme that ne

  • Okay thanks. Thread has served its purpose.

    From @NickTTG aka Nick Herman: "Here to confirm that her and Fiona are more Mediterranean than anything. We liked jumbling the races o

  • Nice post, these are really giving some different perspective.

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Relax lol i dont think your being offensive(this isnt tumblr so dont fear asking questions that might be a bit touchy). Im a mix girl of bot

  • The poster of this thread has told me they found the answer they were looking for, so I'm going to close this discussion.

This discussion has been closed.