A siren HAS to show up next episode for this one reason..



  • Yeah that would be cool. And Krieg ... Maya and Krieg = best episode!

    UmbraCode posted: »

    I really want Maya to show up, shes so awesome.

  • actually, they kinda retconned the whole "evil Lillith" thing, in the claptastic voyage she apologises to Athena for being all crazy and stuff (or something along those lines)

    This image says otherwise.

  • A lot of people think Rhys could be a Siren...but I doubt that is likely. However...!

    If Handsome Jack had a digital version of himself created, perhaps Angel may come back in some shape or form...either as an artificial intelligence, or embedded in Holo-Jack's own memories of her. That way, she could save Rhys!

  • I actually like the idea of Lilith being a mini boss to complete tutorial. Also, I like the idea that if Gearbox actually takes a risk they could make her an optional boss later in the story. As in, depending on how the player interacts with her will determine if she temporarily loses it and you have to knock some sense into her (not kill her). (maybe by doing or not doing optional objectives in missions she assigns, like maybe she request you do something that is rather harsh and you can decide to just skip that part of the mission, you won't get as cool gear but it her character is more stable).

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Nah. BL3 opening fight, during your last stage of training: Fight Lilith.

  • Well there's 2 options:
    1) He's part of the minority that's disliked Lilith from the start of the series
    2) He's part of the band wagon that wrongfully blames Lilith for "creating" Handsome Jack, when there is so much evidence to prove that Jack was already a monster.

    Why must you kill Lilith

  • It's a band wagon that wrongfully blames Lilith for "creating" Handsome Jack. In the TPS alone there is proof that the belief is wrong. And if you add in the established history of Jack from BL2, it's not even a question. But people seem to have short term memories for that (also a surprisingly large number of people played TPS without any prior Borderlands experience). These people piss me off because how easily played they are. The game clearly does try to put Jack in a sympathetic light but you can't do that without seriously skewing the pov.

    In short, these people believe TPS explains how and why Jack grew his fangs, when it really is just about what made him show his true colors.

    Healoz posted: »

    I don't get it, why don't people like Lilith? Is it from the presequel, if so please no spoilers still need to play it.

  • I have no idea where that idea of "Rhys the Siren" came from. It makes no sense considering Sirens are always female, so unless........you know, he can't be one.

    Your second statement reminds me of this somewhat out there hope/theory about how to bring Angel back into the plot.

    TonyFedora posted: »

    A lot of people think Rhys could be a Siren...but I doubt that is likely. However...! If Handsome Jack had a digital version of himself c

  • Please no spoilers

    Nice one dude, nice one.

    It's a band wagon that wrongfully blames Lilith for "creating" Handsome Jack. In the TPS alone there is proof that the belief is wrong. And

  • Sorry? I try to be vague (cause I did get into a debate with someone who while acted confident in their opinion, had not played any Borderlands game aside from TFTBL), I don't think I put anything here that wasn't in/ could be figured out from the trailers

    Please no spoilers Nice one dude, nice one.

  • This is a theory/idea I cam up with a while ago pertaining to Ep. 5:

    Would it be possible that we would see Angel in the final episode? Because she clearly knew she was waiting for her death in BL2, even if she was suicidal, I still think the idea of death would scare her enough for her to create an AI clone of herself, similar to what Nakayama did for Jack. Not to mention she probably realized that the Vault Hunters would need a hand at some point. Again this would be entirely done by Angel, no one else, not even Jack would have knowledge of it. But somehow, Rhys and/or Fiona get their hands on it. Or more likely Vaughn since he's still on Pandora, where I would think her hardware for such an AI would be, and he's the only one there right now and did nothing in this last episode.

    The main reason I'm thinking this is that now, Jack has complete control over Rhys, consenting or not and the only possible person I can think that could clean him out would be Angel. Cause either the find a way to get Jack out of Rhys, or (going off the fact that Rhys does have a gold implant eye when with the Stranger) they assimilate somehow? I don't really know, I'm just throwing out this idea.

  • ..Or maybe it's a siren everyone already knows.....

    That would probably be one of the only situations where I would actually be content with The Stranger being someone we haven't met before - introducing a new Siren would get me super hyped for BL3.

  • mr torgues was very likely fake promotional thing torgue or other guy in his company made, other then that we havent saw the pre sequel vault opened. zarpadon opened it somehow. while dieing she says seen inside and then jacks says "waiwaiwait the vault is allready open?" other then that steele (siren) opened the first vault without charging the key for years like jack did. that means that either the vault of the warrior was more guarded then other vaults or that she was a REALLY powerfull siren

    tumnus555 posted: »

    Not all vaults need keys to be opened (as seen in Mister Tourge's Campaign of Carnage and The Pre-Sequel).

  • can only be maya in that case

    J-Master posted: »

    ..Or maybe it's a siren everyone already knows.....

  • edited September 2015

    Not exactly, there's another familiar siren and I think her name starts with an L.

    can only be maya in that case

  • edited September 2015

    she is too busy right now, she is the leader of the crimson raiders. she woudlnt walk around the deserts with a mask and question fiona and rhys. if anything she would have send people to get them and question them in sanctuary. and the other 4 sirens we know (angel, steele, that old siren from lilith origin comics, and maya) are dead exept for maya

    J-Master posted: »

    Not exactly, there's another familiar siren and I think her name starts with an L.

  • Well, she might actually be looking for suitable Vault Hunters for BL3 since the Guardian told she was going to need all the Vault Hunters she could get of course I could be wrong, as it's just a theory..

    she is too busy right now, she is the leader of the crimson raiders. she woudlnt walk around the deserts with a mask and question fiona and

  • edited September 2015

    i guess the opening of the vaults is what caused the "war" to come and jack opening the moon vault caused to the chain reaction of more vaults being opened. the vault of the warrior for start and then it reveals vaults all around the universe that vault hunters split up and go after (we know gaige and axton opened a vault on ephtah) probably much more vaults was opened in that time gap of bl2 ending and tps intro. zarpadons dosent seems so nuts right now..

    Roymiller33 posted: »

    Yes, the Watcher showed the Vault (and the relict) to Zarpedon and also members of the Lost Legion. So yeah they saw the future of Handsome Jack and tried to stop it ... and by doing that they made everything worse as Athena said in the intro

  • Rhys has tattoos on one side of his body...but that's just following the theme of all characters being asymmetrical.

    I have no idea where that idea of "Rhys the Siren" came from. It makes no sense considering Sirens are always female, so unless........you k

  • You gotta back me up a bit here, it seems I missed something here. Where is it stated that Axton ang Gaige opened a vault? BL2 dlc?

    i guess the opening of the vaults is what caused the "war" to come and jack opening the moon vault caused to the chain reaction of more vaul

  • edited September 2015

    holodome dlc, tps. also dont buy it if you planing too, trust me. just hear the few dialogue quotes online and youre good.

    Roymiller33 posted: »

    You gotta back me up a bit here, it seems I missed something here. Where is it stated that Axton ang Gaige opened a vault? BL2 dlc?

  • The Vault key charges itself over the time of 200 years. The Vault key was charged those 200 years when Steele used it to open the Vault of the Destroyer.
    Jack stole the key from Tannis and charged it with the (forced) help of his siren daughter (and lilith later on) just because he was not patient enough to wait 200 years til the key is ready again.

    Zarpedon (and also the Lost Legion) was inside the Vault on Elpis because the watcher (the eridian alien) let them in - the alien wanted to stop Jack and teamed up with Zarpedon

    In some unused Audio Fiona asks Athena if every vault contains a big vault monster and she answered that the vault that Torgue opened only contained loot... so i guess its canon that torgues vault is real... anyway I really disliked the Carnage Dlc so I dont have deep inside into its story details

    mr torgues was very likely fake promotional thing torgue or other guy in his company made, other then that we havent saw the pre sequel vaul

  • Alright I will! Thanks for the Info :D

    holodome dlc, tps. also dont buy it if you planing too, trust me. just hear the few dialogue quotes online and youre good.

  • edited September 2015

    apart from the siren brain of courseenter image description here

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    But one is only born as a siren. UNLESS! mega plot twist: Gortys actually used to be a young female siren before she was put into a robot bo

  • I would absolutely love Angel to come back in some way, shape or form, but after Jack's resurrection the franchise runs the risk of the concept of (canonical) death losing its impact.

    This is a theory/idea I cam up with a while ago pertaining to Ep. 5: Would it be possible that we would see Angel in the final episode? B

  • i heared this dialogue, but that dosent really confirm anything. just that it actually fooled the idiots of pandora.

    Roymiller33 posted: »

    The Vault key charges itself over the time of 200 years. The Vault key was charged those 200 years when Steele used it to open the Vault of

  • Yeah, could be :)

    i heared this dialogue, but that dosent really confirm anything. just that it actually fooled the idiots of pandora.

    1. A siren, Eridian, or Dr. Ted has to show up. They are they only guys who can open the vault.

    2. Torgues vault was ****. Not a real vault, just a torgue publicity stunt. Why would they go through all that length to make a vault, only for you to murder a dick head. They have a key, that is enough protection for it.

    3. Siren + Eridium + Vault keys are all connected on a very, very, very, deep level. Gearbox seems to be beating us in they face with sirens are needed for they vault keys to open the vault.

  • Actually, once the Vault Hunter in the mission destroys the final Eridium Injector, Angel appears on Control Core Angel's video monitor, saying "It's done. It's finally done. Thank you... friend.", Jack himself also refers to the vault hunter as killing his little girl for the vault key, he pleads with her that she can "stop this", but she does ultimately end up dying. Roland talks to the vault hunter on the floor of Control Core Angel, where the first part of Where Angels Fear To Tread is turned in to him, before Jack ambushes him fatally before taking Lilith hostage, as she's a siren, and ANGEL (who was also a siren) IS DEAD at that point, so he uses Lilith to finish charging the vault key as his deceased daughter was doing for him, and he also tries to intimidate the vault hunter by saying "and THAT is why you don't mess with a man with nothing to lose."

    Maybe you need to replay that mission, but the game gives all kind of indications of Angel dying at the end of "Part 1" of Where Angels Fear To Tread.

    The prosecution rests its case.

    LeFedore posted: »

    Except the AI never refers to Angel as dead, or anything indicating that, same with Nisha. He likely doesn't know anything up to and past Where Angels Fear to Tread.

  • SirenLivesMatter

    Kill Lilith. Fixed it for you.

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