Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • more like 69 000 amirite

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    It will flourish with +30 000 pages, of course.

  • I just really like drawing mustaches to everyone! .-.

    Lol, I have an idea!

    I'm going to draw to every Rhyiona shipper a mustache :D

  • There's a short hair epidemic going around in my school. So it's pretty common to see girls with short or really short hair.

    Personally I've been thinking about growing out my hair a little bit. Want that hair like Carl in TWD :^)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Oh, it's not. Well, I dunno really, I've never thought about it. That's alike in all countries, then. Girls in my school will dye their h

  • wow, almost this entire thred doesn't like me ;_;

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    you just suck as a cupid /

  • nonsense, i really like you

    but you should work more on your cupid skills tho

    wow, almost this entire thred doesn't like me ;_;

  • edited September 2015

    Oh wow that is a big coincidence indeed :D Yeah I'll miss you too! I hope you'll have fun with your friend as well!

    This is actually the same friend who likes to draw Borderlands fan art with me so..mayyybe we'll draw some more? :D We are also gonna play Until Dawn together and I'm glad that she wants to play it with me! (because it's a horror game and it's super fun to play horror games at night with someone)

    but I also need to do a few tasks, but I can't bring myself to do them,

    Yeah, same here actually. (spooky coincidence day) There's so many things I should do but it's too easy to avoid all those important tasks :P

    I drew a picture for my dad as a birthday present and we both cried our eyes out hah :P

    buntingsir posted: »

    Ah that's wonderful, glad you had a great time! That's such a weird coincidence, I'm gonna visit my friend this weekend too, so I won't b

  • Sure xD

    more like 69 000 amirite

  • but you should work more on your cupid skills

    i kno, but how? ;_;

    i must do something 2moro...

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    nonsense, i really like you but you should work more on your cupid skills tho

  • Okay, tomorrow it will be my first day to school... no more vacations for me but as always... Winter is coming.

    So good night everyone! R rated Rhyiona dreams! ^-^ <3

    Yes, @Kawaiii ! I said "R rated Rhyiona dreams" again! What are you going to do about that, huh? ;)

    Well... anyways... hugs for everyone!

    [Hug everyone] [Glass everyone]

  • idk I suck at that too

    just watch how people interact with each other

    but you should work more on your cupid skills i kno, but how? ;_; i must do something 2moro...

  • tfw u find new delicious smut

    enter image description here

  • Huh. That's cool, I would like to see that xD

    Go for it, man!

    Quiff posted: »

    There's a short hair epidemic going around in my school. So it's pretty common to see girls with short or really short hair. Personally I've been thinking about growing out my hair a little bit. Want that hair like Carl in TWD :^)

  • He just wants to prove himself :P

    Thanks a lot! <3

    Kruzii posted: »

    comon rhys, just tell her that you let her win! amazing as always<3

  • ayy good night

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Okay, tomorrow it will be my first day to school... no more vacations for me but as always... Winter is coming. So good night everyone! R

  • u fcking cersei

    r rated rhyiona dreams wolfsei

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Okay, tomorrow it will be my first day to school... no more vacations for me but as always... Winter is coming. So good night everyone! R

  • r rated rhyiona dreams

    Welp, good night my favorite peeps in the world.

  • edited September 2015

    hugs Wolfsei

    Goodnight! I'm sure you'll make it until dawn when you riled up Kawaiii like that... ;D

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Okay, tomorrow it will be my first day to school... no more vacations for me but as always... Winter is coming. So good night everyone! R

  • Haha, get rekt, m8 <3

    Kawaiii posted: »

    u fcking cersei r rated rhyiona dreams wolfsei

  • edited September 2015


    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    idk I suck at that too just watch how people interact with each other


  • O' I am Death and none can tell if I open the door to heaven or hell. ;)

    HellFish posted: »

    hugs Wolfsei Goodnight! I'm sure you'll make it until dawn when you riled up Kawaiii like that... ;D

  • ayy macmillan!


  • I'm always relieved that you don't pick the other alternative, it seems pretty harsh xD

    Goodnight, Wolfenus :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Okay, tomorrow it will be my first day to school... no more vacations for me but as always... Winter is coming. So good night everyone! R

  • What is this "sleep" you are talking about? xD I don't understand the concept of it..

    Still haven't done anything productive today, though

    I hate/love those kind of days. I always want to be productive but on the other hand it's sometimes superfun to just do nothing and relax :P

    HellFish posted: »

    I'm great, I had some much needed sleep yesterday so I'm not sleepy at all, which is great. Still haven't done anything productive today, though. Thanks for asking!

  • Thanks, same for you! <3

    Oh, that's super awesome! Oooh, Until Dawn is really interesting, I watched Cry's playthrough (like always, haha). Playing horror games with friends is awesome, you can scream together and then laugh about it, yay! :D

    It always is!I hope we'll be able to do everything in time. ;] (2spooky4me)

    Aww, that's so sweet, spending time with your family is truly priceless.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh wow that is a big coincidence indeed Yeah I'll miss you too! I hope you'll have fun with your friend as well! This is actually the sa

  • Pleaseberhyionapleaseberhyionapleaseberhyiona

    tfw u find new delicious smut

  • enjoy your night... ;)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Okay, tomorrow it will be my first day to school... no more vacations for me but as always... Winter is coming. So good night everyone! R



  • edited September 2015

    i still haven't found the one :\

  • no, because YOU didn't write it ;_;

    lottii-lu posted: »


  • Why do I have to do all of the dirty work?

    Although... i do have an idea for one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    no, because YOU didn't write it ;_;

  • enter image description here

    JumpyJoey posted: »


  • do all of the dirty work

    enter image description here

    Although... i do have an idea for one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Why do I have to do all of the dirty work? Although... i do have an idea for one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • edited September 2015

    Oh believe me it's been super hard avoiding Cry's let's play of it but I don't wanna get spoiled. :D (gonna watch it later any way, Cry is too awesome)

    Playing horror games with friends is awesome, you can scream together and then laugh about it, yay! :D

    Exactly :P Plus I'm too afraid to play it all by myself xD

    buntingsir posted: »

    Thanks, same for you! Oh, that's super awesome! Oooh, Until Dawn is really interesting, I watched Cry's playthrough (like always, haha).




    Why the hell am I still screaming? -.-

  • My memory is not really the best, but I hope yours is, so you can keep this part of the conversation about Rhyiona con in mind and eventually remind me so I could try to convince more people it's a great idea. Then it's just a one small step away from becoming reality. We must make Shia proud! ;)

    The only problem (apart from money and time) I see is that some people here are too young to be travelling across Europe by themselves and meeting strangers from the internet... :D

    On the outside I'm keeping my cool, but on the inside I am freaking out! :D Story of my life.

    Do you have any other favorite songs? Band/genre is irrelevant; it's always funny to me when people ask me "What kind of music do you like?" and "What's your favourite band?", since I tend to listen to anything I like and I don't care what genre it is... If I like it, I listen to it, simple as that. :)

    Okay, I'm not sure if the last paragraph is actually comprehensible. :D What I wanted to say, is that if I had a playlist of my favorite songs, it would be crazy random. Pop, rock, metal, rap, classic, dubstep, ... you name it. :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    Pfff, I'm absolutely not sure about me looking nice and all too, but you're saying it so confident, so I'm not gonna doubt my statement abou

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