Middle: An Interactive Story
So, where do I start?
Okay, so here's the deal: lately I wanted to create an interactive story myself but I was (and still am) quite lazy or I didn't have the time to make one. Then, I started to watch the series Game of Thrones, making me finally decide to make my own story. The title of my Interactive Story is "Middle" (the only thing similar to Game of Thrones is that it's set in the Middle Ages, although it inspired me a lot).
I would be happy if you help me writing it by creating character(s), sending me via PM your ideas of what I should write next, etc.
And, since it's "Interactive", this story adapts to the choices you choose and it is tailored by how you choose.
You can submit as many characters as you want here:
The story begins in Gensincolo, days before the rebel Zabagam Ecilefde reaches at the castle of the Katz Dynasty. The rest of the story is up to you to create and read.
The countries or kingdoms that apear in this story are: United Merchant Republics of Kynthos, Ottimoland, Kingsholding, The Golden Noble Republic of Fawido, Monterra, Erbaterra.
Before I say "That's it, enjoy", I would mention that I will ONLY continue writing the Interactive Story if it's successful enough. If it's not successful, I'll stop writing it.
So… that's it, enjoy!
Alive: Nimidia Gunmar, Doctor Grigori Petrovich, Alana Morion, Garen Morion, Alistair Drakethys, Tamaya Drakethys, Bardric Bardison, Kreep, Alisha Drakethys, Shaldrick Ironheart, Valaena Drakethys, Abon Ranga
Dead: Linea Drakethys, Marcus Fletcher, Samuel Smith, Galahan Oathkeeper
Waiting to be introduced: Lily Lancaster, Donald Bartholomew, Captain Koke
Mentioned: Astrid Smith
Unknown: Yuma
PROLOGUE: Tail Between Legs
CHAPTER I: The Way It Jumps
CHAPTER II: Out Of The Beg
CHAPTER III: What Got Your Tongue?
CHAPTER IV: Beckoning
Cool! I submitted a character and will advertise this a little for you
Thank you.
[Choose Lord Edirings Chutxo, Lord of Faith] [Choose Lord Lereost Mumu, Lord of Justice] [Choose Lord Cecil Sonbron, Lord of Warfare]
[Choose Lord Cecil Sonbron, Lord of Warfare]
This was a very well-written start and I'm looking forward for more! I'm going to submit two characters later today, as soon as I have finished writing them
Good First Part!
Choose Lord Cecil, Sonbron, Lord of Warfare
Thanks, much appreciated.
I'm glad to hear, it sounds fantastic.
[Choose Lord Cecil Sonbron, Lord of Warfare]
[Choose Lord Cecil Sonbron, Lord of Warfare]
[Execute the scout] [Capture the scout]
[Capture the scout] I am loving this! I am doing one too,i'd appreciate if you could check it out!
Submitted. Hope you like my entry and it can fit somewhere in the story, even if it's a bit strange :-)
Choices like this usually don't end well in the movies but I'm gonna go with...
Capture the scout
[Capture the scout]
I want more! :-))
[Capture the scout]
"Kill a fellow human being?" Zabagam asked "Keep him prisoner, for Saltlick's sake!"
Jaidetapa was in joy, although Marcus was angry.
"Are you sure, my Captain?" the mercenary asked.
Zabagam looked at Marcus with an expression that scared the mercenary. Marcus, offended and upset, nodded at his Captain. Then, Marcus put his sword back. Helping a person was his duty as a human. Helping the enemy's scout was rising a white flag. Many things went in Zabagam's head. Could one life change another?
"Both of you," said Zabagam to the two mercenaries, Marcus and Ramsuc, "take him to the tent were we keep our prisoners."
When Marcus and the other mercenary brought the scout to the tent that their Captain mentioned, there was another prisoner sleeping. Or was that prisoner dead? Nobody really paid attention.
"Free me," started to say the scout "and I'll pay you double the kingsilver than Zabagam has ever seen."
Marcus shook his head. He did not believe such lies. Suddenly, the scout took Ramsuc's sword and stabbed him in the neck. While Marcus was taking out his weapon, the scout was able to point the sword to the living mercenary.
"I'm sorry. War is not pretty, but it will never change" the scout said while he stabbed and wounded Marcus in the leg "Now, remember this wound and think twice before you choose what to do next."
The scout then fled the tent.
Yuma, silently, was walking through the grasslands with Reio. The grasslands, at this season, was very moist since it had poor water drainage but, sooner or later, the season of drought would come and make everything dry again. This area of the grassland was rocky and with tall grass, but not far away there was antelope in a near wooded area with several trees.
Yuma then saw two hunters from the Baltri tribe not so far away from her and hid in the tall grass with Reio while they walked by. They were caring a dead antelope. Although Yuma was an excellent hunter, their tribe were too dangerous and close for Yuma to kill any of their members.
"Mager, t'as mitdor be taquesa nit?" one hunter asked.
"Naqui nape" the other one said "Volske riplo?"
"Llaca't, ticre!" the first hunter answered in anger "Kels sonsmal no dengraa'm."
"Nadoper, datsol;" the second hunter replied while laughing "rope raa gunin rarimo, la raguer fa fer sesco teslendo."
When they walked far away, Yuma continued her trip through a land called Nomanslake. When she walked passed a big rock, she noticed somebody sitting behind it.
"Hey, mister," she said to him "if you're tryin' to attack me, it is bad idea to hide this way if I sees you."
"Oh, hey," replied the man while getting up. He slapped the dust off his worn and tattered clothes "I'm not the fighting type of lad. I'm rather that type of lad that is quite an adventurer. Well, I was an adventurer just like you, until all my friends got an arrow in their head in this land with bad weeds."
Yuma started to get angry at the man for saying that the land she had been living in for the most part of her life was just a bunch of bad weeds.
"I know you is lost, mister" Yuma told the man "If you were not lost, you would not say that the only thing you sees here is bush and weed. You'd also say that you sees bad tribes."
"I do not care about this godforsaken land, madam. I'm trying to get to Ottimoland. To see the sea… and other stuff, obviously" the man, offended at Yuma's conclusion, replied.
There was a long and silent pause, with either of them not knowing what do to next. Yuma noticed the fear of the man towards Reio and then sighed, shaking her head.
“Mister, this is my friend Reio” she finally said while petting it "Reio saved me and saves me, there is nothin' to fear.”
The man slowly moved himself towards Reio to pet it. The man noticed that Yuma and Reio look alike. Yuma had brown hair and purple eyes, while Reio had brown fur and purple eyes. For a moment, the man seemed to calm down.
"Pay attention," she suddenly said "Reio don't like waitin' for food much longer."
The man got scared and Yuma got glad.
"What are you trying to be with this wolf? The Goddess Mathea?" the man asked, ashamed of his fear.
"I is tryin' my hard to not be that person that will feed you to Reio" she replied, furious in anger "Now, what is you doin'?"
"I said I was going to Ottimoland " he replied "It isn't that complicated… I guess. Towards the setting sun. From Monterra to Ottimoland! I'm still following the sun. Still dreaming. Still free! You can't cage me! Although my horse and friends got killed by one of those tribes during my travels, I don't mind. They were a little bit slow, a bit predictable, a touch mundane. I don't care."
Suddenly, a dozen men on horses were seen coming from the horizon. Were they the Baltri or were they something worse?
"Those people seem like the tribe that attacked me and my friends" noted the man.
What should Yuma do?
Should she attack them with Reio and steal their stuff? She could be deadly if necessary. So why not give it a try? But, meanwhile, Yuma was quite curious to know what would happen if she waited while doing nothing. She was quite a curious person, since she was growing up not with people, but animals.
Run away was another option. She could escape, since she was athletic. She did not feel like dying; at least not that day. Yuma also though to use the man as a distraction. He was annoying, but he was also a good bait.
[Attack] [Wait and do nothing] [Run away] [Use the man as bait]
[Attack] Oh well, i know they are too many i guess, but perhaps some help will come or Yuma, Reio and Nameless guy can make it as trio? Those guys after all attacked this adventurer companions, so they would not just ignore them, standing there. Bait option could be too a good option, but i think this guy made her even more curious than those people, who are just approaching.
Hey, great part, i enjoyed reading it, and this being an adventurer and taking arrow in the head... made me laugh, that was really good! :-D
And yay, i won the contest, this make the part even better! Keep writing, i am loving it.
[Attack] Curious how this will continue, good written :-)
Thanks. It pleases me seeing the joy the readers get.
[Use the man as bait]
[No choice]
Yay, some romance! Like to read that kind of stuff from time to time. As for no choice, totally understand, sometimes it is just no choice option at all.
I hope the choice of choosing the [Attack] wont be too rich in consequences, i really like how you presented Yuma, same as the nameless so far adventurer, would be a shame to get them killed in the first part. Anyway, can't wait for next part though.
It is time to give a round of applause for @Mathea's art of the characters in this Interactive story: Yuma and Lereost Mumu.
If you feel like reading another amazing Interactive Story, go check out Venatore
Thank you, Mathea.
[Attack the city at that moment][Attack the city another day]
[leave] i think there's more chance for them to survive
[Attack the city another day] Better to play it safe , don't know if seven ppl could be enough
[Attack the city at that moment] Never back down!
Great story so far! I plan on submitting an entire family of characters and just submitted one.
[Attack the city another day]
Thank you for reading and for the characters
[Attack the city another day]
I just found this, And I really like it. It has great potential to it. And I will love to see where it goes from here!
Vote and see how your choices affect the character's lives and their world. Remember that no choice is "good" and no choice is "bad".
Attack the city at the moment
[Attack the city at that moment]
[Attack the city another day]
I finally finished writing my characters and I submitted them. I hope you like them.
Thank you very much. Do not worry, I do like them.
I've still got a couple characters to submit XD it's taking forever.
[Attack the city at that moment]
I've submitted FOUR characters now! One more to go.
(Stay)(Attack another day)
[Leave] and [Attack the city another day]
["Grigori will keep the secret, only if he gets paid what he deserves"]["Grigori has enough enemies as it is. He doesn't want to be a enemy of Fawido"]
["Grigori has enough enemies as it is. He doesn't want to be a enemy of Fawido"]
gold is always good, but at least one non enemy is good to have.
["Grigori has enough enemies as it is. He doesn't want to be a enemy of Fawido"]
["Grigori has enough enemies as it is. He doesn't want to be a enemy of Fawido"]
I gotta be honest... This guy's a little creepy...
Great part!
["Grigori has enough enemies as it is. He doesn't want to be a enemy of Fawido"]
Great to see Alana in the story
The doctor guy is creepy, but I somewhat like him too.