The Vent/Help Thread



  • I'm having a hard time deciding whether this is awesome or horrifying.

    Apparently, the rats in my house are able to open tupperwares and parkour.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited September 2015

    Fuck man, that made me depressed just reading it, people can be really ignorant and cruel sometimes. You have about as much choice in being bi as I have in being legally blind. Which is to say, none.

    That said, it seems like the biggest obstacle in making peace with the situation is you. Maybe you should spring for real therapy, because while you can't change your sexuality, you can improve your self worth!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Prepare for a sad angry rant Im really getting pissed off with people saying my sexual orientation is a choice, it happened this week and

  • Trust me, it's scary.

    We couldn't even hardly leave the table with food on it 'cause the rats'll take it.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'm having a hard time deciding whether this is awesome or horrifying.

  • Eugh, that's nasty. Time to call an exterminator perhaps?

    As much as I dislike finding lizards in my house (it's a Florida thing), I'd take them over rats any day.

    Trust me, it's scary. We couldn't even hardly leave the table with food on it 'cause the rats'll take it.

  • No one can make you feel worthless without your consent. You have the same rights to being yourself as they do, even though they use it to be cruel.

    Good for you for not cutting. I'm really proud of you. Hopefully you can stop for good, but I know it's not easy. Remember that recovery isn't a straight line, and if you relapse it doesn't automatically disregard your progress. I know you're a smart person and you'll be able to move past this. Stay strong. I'm here for you.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Prepare for a sad angry rant Im really getting pissed off with people saying my sexual orientation is a choice, it happened this week and

  • Rat traps with peanut butter bait work wonders. Rats do have some kind of crazy parkour skills though. I used to work in a warehouse with a rat problem where I would find rat droppings and paw prints everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE. The first time I saw the rat it was running along a pipe that was suspended from the ceiling, how the fuck? The ceiling was like 30 feet high. The second time I saw it was dead in a peanut buttered rat trap the day after the manager finally bought some traps.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Eugh, that's nasty. Time to call an exterminator perhaps? As much as I dislike finding lizards in my house (it's a Florida thing), I'd take them over rats any day.

  • Don't talk about fight club, when you're at school. Lets be honest here, most high school/mid school whatever are pretty immature,

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Prepare for a sad angry rant Im really getting pissed off with people saying my sexual orientation is a choice, it happened this week and

  • Rats are disgusting, i hate rats.

    Trust me, it's scary. We couldn't even hardly leave the table with food on it 'cause the rats'll take it.

  • I haven't cut for 18 days and counting

    Are you getting actual help for this?

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Prepare for a sad angry rant Im really getting pissed off with people saying my sexual orientation is a choice, it happened this week and

  • Welcome to the club.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Rats are disgusting, i hate rats.

    edited September 2015

    When people say things like "___ will be the end of the world" or if they don't accept you as who you are, it's time to cut ties. Don't bother talking to anyone who makes you feel unnatural.

    I agree with Max, I think that you're being too hard on yourself because of your religious upbringing, and the more you learn about the world and push yourself farther away from the Judeo-Christian dogma that depicts the world as black and white, the clearer it will be to you that your situation is natural. You should try to get therapy if you cut, even if you're stopping :)

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Prepare for a sad angry rant Im really getting pissed off with people saying my sexual orientation is a choice, it happened this week and

  • I'm really sorry to hear that. I know how bissexuals are not supported even in the LGBT community. I must admit that once I didn't believe in bissexuality either, I used to think that bissexuals were gays trying to be ''less gay'', basically what your friends think of it. But now I see how that's unfair and how you guys suffer discrimination from the people who are supposed to support you. I have a few friends who claim to be bissexual and I know they're not lying. Hopefully these people, especially the LGBT community, will understand that eventually.

    And it pisses me off too when someone says that it's a choice. No, it's not a choice, and we know that very well. Don't let anyone or any religion tell you that's wrong, cause you're not hurting anyone and love can't be wrong in any circumstance. I know it must be hard for you, but try to be open with your friends (especially your gay friends) about it, and explain to them how it's tough to not be supported by them, especially cause they know how it feels to suffer from discrimination.

    And if religion is one of the things that makes you believe that homo/bisexuality is wrong, just remember that a lot has been modified. I'm not trying to offend your religion or anything, just pointing out that the same Bible says that women must be submissive to men and etc, a lot of things have been manipulated through the history, so don't think being bi is wrong just because a book says so.

    If you EVER need to talk to someone, please PM me and I'll gladly talk to you. I may not reply immediatly, but I'm here if you ever need a friend to vent to.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Prepare for a sad angry rant Im really getting pissed off with people saying my sexual orientation is a choice, it happened this week and

  • Fucking 360 won't connect to live anymore so i gotta use my xbone and all my episodes of tales are on 360:(

  • I had a similar situation. Eventually, I just said fuck it and bought the Telltale bundle when it went on sale.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Fucking 360 won't connect to live anymore so i gotta use my xbone and all my episodes of tales are on 360:(

  • I'm straight but Sexuality your born with your bi-sexual awesome there is nothing at all to be ashamed of or be worried about your sexuality is very common and normal but unfortunately douches will always look to hurt you wherever they see weakness and it seems in your disgust of your sexuality they found it so they will attack

    People sense your doubt or anxiety so they take advantage how can you expect anyone to be accepting of you when your not?

    People are judgmental and pick up on your fears and doubts

    First you gotta accept your bi-sexual and that's AWESOME be proud of who you are and wear it with pride then no one will dare look down on you or mock you as they know this guy takes no sh*t and is no easy target

    Just think about how many bi-sexual people on this forum you just inspired with this honest post here thank you and also think what advice with you give to someone in the same sort of position?

    Be the guy who stands up to this and says I love being bi-sexual it's who I am and if anyone doesn't feel happy about that they don't my deserve your time inspire the next person who is suffering this problem your a completely awesome person whether you straight or bi your just as incredible

    And well done for not cutting so it's clear your making progress you should be delighted with yourself

    I'm not worried for you, you are a strong and smart person the only person who you need to accept it, it's you then no one can ever hurt you be proud of who and what you are anyway no big deal don't worry Bi or straight ur awesome either way

    The answer is whatever makes you happy it always will be

    Anyway I wish you luck and hope you find happiness

    enter link description here

    this always inspires me

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Prepare for a sad angry rant Im really getting pissed off with people saying my sexual orientation is a choice, it happened this week and

  • Lol yeah don't even have a xbone controller fucker stopped working and the damn things are expensive

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I had a similar situation. Eventually, I just said fuck it and bought the Telltale bundle when it went on sale.

  • Oh God, I wouldn't be able to stay there if I discovered the rats could do that.

    Try out rat traps.

    Apparently, the rats in my house are able to open tupperwares and parkour.

  • edited September 2015

    Huh, sorry. I might be late to reply, but you have my sympathies.

    In the long run, you can make a lot of choices, but being bisexual, homosexual, asexual, or hetrosexual, is a choice you do not make.

    (I tried posting a image, didn't seem to work, but if you wanna see it, then here. )

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Prepare for a sad angry rant Im really getting pissed off with people saying my sexual orientation is a choice, it happened this week and

  • That's a nice quote.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm straight but Sexuality your born with your bi-sexual awesome there is nothing at all to be ashamed of or be worried about your sexuality

  • edited September 2015

    Well I've never really told anybody about this but I might as well say it now. It's about my self-image and mental state.

    Around late March I was overweight and I didn't really care since I wasn't like very overweight, until one day in May my friend pointed it out. He said "Have you gained weight?" I said "No" because I didn't know I was that overweight. After this I did realize I was getting more overweight. I decided once summer started I will try to lose weight, so I did and I lost around 5 pounds from June to August. Was it wrong I listened to him? I know being extremely overweight is bad for you health but I listened to one person and that changed my lifestyle for a bit. What if it was more than one, if one person can basically change one thing about me what if I had to change more than one thing just because someone called me out on it. I would do military curls ups for christ around 50 a day. I know it's good I lost weight but nowadays I think to myself "What if I went over the edge to lose getting an eating disorder...probably because I'm still a teen worried about what other people think.

    So about my metal state.....around January I started to get really pissed off everyday(this was not about the weight thing), like I couldn't even talk to anyone without me calling them something. A few months later I started to get really violent. Even if someone tried to talk to me I wanted to punch them in the face. I thought it was just anger issues which it was/a stage. Around late June it started to get worse that's why I wasn't really around the forums from late May till late July(and....nobody cares about that). I punched my sister just because she was talking to me. I cursed out my dad for no reason, as for my mom she didn't really bothered me at the time because of that. Around early July I went to the hospital to for you know....mental incapacity. When they took me to a room to ask what's wrong I couldn't even talk without crying. They even brought a security guard to check me out. I stayed there most of the day. Until they brought in two people to ask me questions, like did I ever feel like committing suicide(which I never will/do), and when they ask me "Am I homicidal" I lied.....I never wanted to murder someone(I've thought of it but I never wanted to do it)but I have wanted to beat numerous of my classmates, not until they die but until they were knocked out just for the amusement. I never knew the reason behind that actually, they weren't bad people either. When they finished questioning me I was let out scotch free. I always think back to that day, what would've happened if I did say I was homicidal. As of right now I've gotten a lot better and the thoughts haven't gone away completely(the last time I've thought about it was around mid August). When they told me what I was going through they said "deep depression" I wasn't bullied or anything, my life was great at the time and still is now. I'm just worried if I was actually homicidal, even if I am still a teen. I've also been questioning on what I believe in too.

  • edited September 2015

    Where there is a person outside of what is considered the norm, there shall be haters, conservitives, bullies and basically human scum. RISE above them. PROVE yourself the better one, DISALLOW them the power to win, DEMONSTRATE they have no power over you and HUMILIATE their efforts through not showing to them that you care. By all means, DO discuss it with other people, but DO NOT allow them to see with their that they have power over you!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Prepare for a sad angry rant Im really getting pissed off with people saying my sexual orientation is a choice, it happened this week and

  • edited September 2015

    For weight, ask a doctor about your weight and if you need to change your eating or exercise habits. That's your best bet. Oh, sure, you can calculate your BMI (look it up online), but that's not really a perfect indicator.

    For anger, I'm inclined to say "teenage hormones/situation," because those years are really bizarre physically, mentally, and situationally. If it worries you, you can talk to a counselor or psychologist about it. Not the kind like you saw in the hospital, who were just trying to figure out if you were going to be a menace to society, but someone who will listen to and discuss your concerns, and maybe offer some suggestions on how to control your temperament.

    Well I've never really told anybody about this but I might as well say it now. It's about my self-image and mental state. Around late Mar

  • edited September 2015

    Thanks, don't worry about the weight thing I lost 5 pounds(I weigh 125 lbs now) and that's good enough for me because that's basically the range I'm supposed to be in for my age.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    For weight, ask a doctor about your weight and if you need to change your eating or exercise habits. That's your best bet. Oh, sure, you c

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited September 2015

    Don't worry about the weight thing. As long as you feel healthy and aren't obese, it's not really a problem. That said, there's nothing wrong with changing to a healthier lifestyle.

    The hostility is concerning, especially if it causes you to lash out violently at loved ones. It could be caused by any number of things: hormones, other psychological issues, even a medical side-effect. Once, when I had a platelet disorder, the doctor put me on a course of steroids that made me want to throttle anyone who looked at me wrong. It was terrifying because I literally felt like I wasn't in control of my own mind.

    If the anger comes back, I'd suggest two things that helped me.

    1. Mentally yell STOP whenever you have a violent impulse/fantasy. Table the conflict and get away from the situation until you're calm enough to approach it rationally.

    2. Keep a 'hostility log' where you make a record of each time you snap at someone and explain what you believe set you off. A lot of people don't realize what exactly triggers their temper, and this will help you find a pattern and deal with it. For instance, I learned that I snap at people when I'm nervous or worried.

    Well I've never really told anybody about this but I might as well say it now. It's about my self-image and mental state. Around late Mar

  • Thanks, wow you guys are more helpful than the doctors at the hospital. Most of the time I spent there was just waiting till a new doctor came in every 2 hours to talk to me.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Don't worry about the weight thing. As long as you feel healthy and aren't obese, it's not really a problem. That said, there's nothing wr

  • That's really strange, but not surprising (at least in America). It seems like hospitals never know quite what to do with non-suicidal mental health patients. Well, besides telling you that you're fine and charging you for the 'pleasure' of being there.

    I'm glad you found he advice helpful. Seeing a regular shrink (in a non-emergency situation) probably wouldn't hurt and could help you find a more permanent solution.

    Thanks, wow you guys are more helpful than the doctors at the hospital. Most of the time I spent there was just waiting till a new doctor came in every 2 hours to talk to me.

  • I had a really similar experience where I was taken to the psychiatric ward in the hospital and they did absolutely nothing to help me. Actually, probably even less, if that's possible. What's scary is that I was suicidal and I was self harming, and you know what they did? They took everything away from me (my clothes, my jewelry, even my glasses), and made me sit in a hospital room for probably two and a half hours while I cried before asking me meaningless questions about my life and then sending me home to "go to bed and sleep it off".

    If you feel you have a problem with your anger, do not hesitate to tell someone about it. Not only could it be potentially dangerous to yourself, but it can be dangerous to others as well. You have the right to feel normal. You have the right to have nonviolent thoughts. Hospitals aren't a good place for mental evaluations, I've found, even in a psychiatric ward, because most often they're there for emergencies (if you're in immediate danger of hurting/killing someone or yourself). If you feel you need to, you should see a therapist to help you in the long run. Even if you feel like it's embarrassing because only "crazies" go to therapists, it can really help to have someone to just talk to.

    Well I've never really told anybody about this but I might as well say it now. It's about my self-image and mental state. Around late Mar

  • From what you're saying, I don't think you have any serious problem. Wanting to beat people up is something almost everyone want, violence has a thrill to it, but you can hold yourself back, so what's the problem?

    You probably have anger management problems, if possible, seek therapeutic help.

    Well I've never really told anybody about this but I might as well say it now. It's about my self-image and mental state. Around late Mar

  • I'm sorry for what's happened to you, most of the time I go to the hospital/doctor for anything they rarely help and I've seen it happen to a lot of people as well. Like this one time my knee kept on popping constantly to the point where it caused pain. I went to the doctor to take X-rays of my knee cap when I was finished they said there was nothing. I know popping of the knees is normal but when it causes pain or swelling you should consult a doctor because it may be a sign of a tear on something that protects your bones from touching. In young people(as myself) it happens mostly in physical activity. I do remember this one time I did fall and twist my ankle but I don't think it did anything severe. Well I'm even afraid to talk to my parents about my feelings again. I was very hesitant when I first told them about it. I remember the start of it, I was watching tv and depression hit me that day.

    I had a really similar experience where I was taken to the psychiatric ward in the hospital and they did absolutely nothing to help me. Actu

  • edited September 2015

    I've been told I get very angry quickly and heavily. Yea.....therapists.....I was told to go the first time after the trip to the hospital but I always thought that they weren't worth my time, sitting there for an hour or two talking about my feelings. Talking about my feelings is difficult for me. It depends on what kind of feelings like if it's sadness I'll start getting into tears, if it's anger I lash out, if it's happiness I'm open to talk about it but at the same time I don't feel like it's important to others(Like oh its regular to be happy). I'm biased towards lots of things, therapists are one of them. I'll probably go see one if I lash out or get severe anger again.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    From what you're saying, I don't think you have any serious problem. Wanting to beat people up is something almost everyone want, violence h

  • Yeah, I've been told there's nothing wrong with me countless times, until I was pushed so far as to have the ultimate panic attack and literally thought I was dying. Only then did they decide it was time to put me on medicine for depression/panic disorder. The medical industry is really fucked up. They only care enough to do something if you run the risk of causing problems in society and I hate how mental disorders are some taboo thing that no one should talk about. Even some physical problems are passed off as just "stress" and they won't do anything to help (I had numbness in my hands caused by anxiety, I thought there was something wrong with my circulatory system but they told me I was fine and to drink some tea and rest, didn't help until I had my anxiety under control by the medicine).

    Is there anyone you can talk to who you trust? I know in my case talking to my parents didn't help. It's really hard keeping your feelings inside for a long time, so if you know anyone you feel comfortable talking to, you should definitely ask for help from them. Therapists are confidential and there to help you so you don't have to worry about them telling your parents.

    I'm sorry for what's happened to you, most of the time I go to the hospital/doctor for anything they rarely help and I've seen it happen to

  • When i was younger, i used to go to the local dump, with my .22 LR and i would wait until like midnight. I would proceed to turn on my brights, then proceed to varment shoot every single rat/ animal at the dump. It was good fun.

    Welcome to the club.

  • edited September 2015

    I'll try to practice shooting a gun in the near future.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    When i was younger, i used to go to the local dump, with my .22 LR and i would wait until like midnight. I would proceed to turn on my brights, then proceed to varment shoot every single rat/ animal at the dump. It was good fun.

  • that was really good advice max. I liked the journal idea.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    That's really strange, but not surprising (at least in America). It seems like hospitals never know quite what to do with non-suicidal ment

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited September 2015

    Thanks, it helped me a great deal.

    The log is something I kept going even after I got off the offending medications. I try not to let it show here, but I've always been a bit of a combative asshole. Keeping a journal has been vital in helping me keep Angry Max from shitting on all my personal relationships.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    that was really good advice max. I liked the journal idea.

  • enter image description here

    Thank you for being brave enough to share I'll give my honest opinion

    So about my metal state.....around January I started to get really pissed off everyday(this was not about the weight thing), like I couldn't even talk to anyone without me calling them something. A few months later I started to get really violent. Even if someone tried to talk to me I wanted to punch them in the face. I thought it was just anger issues which it was/a stage. Around late June it started to get worse that's why I wasn't really around the forums from late May till late July(and....nobody cares about that). I punched my sister just because she was talking to me. I cursed out my dad for no reason, as for my mom she didn't really bothered me at the time

    Of all the people you wanted to punch you chose to punch your sister if you can't control your anger while in rage why did you just curse out your dad not hit simple fear of consequence he would whip your ass so you had some sort of control over your actions

    You hit the weakest member you knew couldn't fight back so this was an opportunity to let out your anger without consequence a quick buzz

    To me this is a discipline issue no one ever taught you to express your feelings in a constructive way imo so you get angry to express yourself but anger is no free pass or justification to give in to violence everyone gets angry sometimes

    To me the reason even though we all get to urge to hit people and we don't is also fear, fear of consequence for your actions you can blame rage or troubles but the day you meet a bigger guy you will get beaten badly then I guarantee you would never give in to that rage to hit someone again.

    Let's say you hit another girl in rage I'll just say god bless your soul your loved ones who care for you sympathize getting hit they understand but in the real world you hit a girl your getting a badly beaten or locked up even both everytime no ones cares if you have rage issues which relates to the fear of consequence which keeps people from acting on rage

    You treat people how you want to be treated with respect and care by being this angry and aggressive everyone will be the exact same towards you making your depression and anger worse till you explode.

    You need to sort this right away control that anger I'm really sorry if I sound harsh but I'm trying to give you the truth you could get really hurt badly or locked up and get isolated from your friends if you keep letting this rage control you at anytime

    They even brought a security guard to check me out. I stayed there most of the day. Until they brought in two people to ask me questions, like did I ever feel like committing suicide(which I never will/do), and when they ask me "Am I homicidal" I lied....

    You were wise doctors they look out for themselves first they see a random homicidal kid they will drug you up to make you a zombie or lock you up in a mental institute imo they rather no risk then helping you

    Overall I think awesomeo summed it up perfectly this taughts are fairly common and the self esteem issues among teens

    You just need counselling and you will be fine

    I'd recommend doing a sport to help let out all your build up rage in a safe way it really helps me I do boxing without sport to let off steam I would get depressed

    Well I've never really told anybody about this but I might as well say it now. It's about my self-image and mental state. Around late Mar

  • Well......I do have a friend I really trust but at the same time she doesn't understand stuff like this. Doctors nowadays don't do shit, if they get paid by the hour then they'll probably just do an examination and say "Oh just rest a couple of days". I didn't get any type of medicine when I went to the hospital but I did drink this "stress reliever" thing as my mom said. It's called Ultra Doceplex. I started to drink it daily, within a month I actually started to feel better. Later I got back onto the forums for a cheer-up. It's been better without the issues. When I had the issues me and my dad didn't talk for a month, I was really upset about it. Everytime I went to a public area I used to get really pissed off by people who weren't even talking to me.

    Yeah, I've been told there's nothing wrong with me countless times, until I was pushed so far as to have the ultimate panic attack and liter

  • I know it's been fourteen years, but I still get emotions from the attacks. My mother's family is from New York. My uncle is NYPD detective. He dug through the rubble for six months. Every time he came home he took some of debris home for his garden. Every time he came home my mom told me he was always dusty, and his shower drain also got clogged, but he didn't know why. He called the plumber and he fixed it for a week. It got clogged again and my uncle yelled at the poor plumber. My aunt apologized for his behavior and the plumber said he would take it and unclog it every time because he couldn't do what my uncle was doing. He also privately told my aunt that the dust was that of people who died in the towers and the towers themselves. Once they finished the clogs stopped happening.

    My grandfather, my uncle's dad, was FDNY. Since so much of the leaders was lost he was called back up, the then 65 year old man, He was position at a station that lost all nineteen men. He had to motivate the young guys to go out. One veteran, Lee lelpi, encouraged them. My grandfather knew the guy and asked about his son, Jonathan, who was also a fire fighter. lelpi explained to my grandfather that Jonathan died in the attacks.

    My father was in DC when the plane there hit. I was so little, the only thing I remember clearly is the shaking of my house as the plane went over. Flashes of things on the TV that's it.

    But that's just my story.

  • edited September 2015

    I never knew how to talk to people about any kind of feelings actually with the exception of happiness. Yea......I'm female bruh, basically 75% of the girls in my school know how to fight so I basically learned to be like that to protect myself in school(even though I don't get bullied). I DON'T mind you being harsh, I always learn from my mistakes and it's made me become a better person. Well even my sister knows how to fight/protect herself too nowadays but not before.

    Edit: I meant to put "don't" but I forgot, don't take it the wrong way when it shows up in your feed

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Thank you for being brave enough to share I'll give my honest opinion So about my metal state.....around January I started to get real

  • enter image description here

    I'm sorry I taught you were a guy that's why I was so harsh on the sister part and I wish you the best of luck being a boxer myself girls who can box and protect themselves are awesome

    You should do boxing to to get that anger out :)

    You seem smart and know how to protect yourself you going to do great you will learn just make sure to only talk to people you completely trust on the feelings which trouble you some people just want the gossip more to spread then actually helping you so really important to learn how to but with the right people in your life

    Yeah I think you will be fine and do awesome things in the future you will get over all this and be a happy person :)

    I never knew how to talk to people about any kind of feelings actually with the exception of happiness. Yea......I'm female bruh, basically

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