Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited September 2015

    So here's a really silly question I came up with while at work, I hope this hasn't already been asked: If Rhys and Fiona (and the gang) made a band, what would be it's name and what would they play?

    I personally like: The Gortys Experience and they play blues, Rhys on vocals and guitar, Fiona on trumpet, Vaughn on bass, Sasha on Drums, and Gortys on saxophone (or at least she'll try)

    So what's your ideas?

  • I just imagined Gortys trying to play and it's the cutest thing.

    So here's a really silly question I came up with while at work, I hope this hasn't already been asked: If Rhys and Fiona (and the gang) made

  • fuck no.

    Eryka posted: »

    No! SaladMan × SteakMan !!!

  • edited September 2015

    i prefer butt just joking prefer life :D but GAME AWESOME !!!

    Eryka posted: »

    Your life or this game? Which one do you prefer?

  • yeaaaa big brotha

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • As cute as that is... I have to agree that Fiona would win, Rhys would let her :P

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Weak Rhys is weak hi everyone!

  • gortys breathing? its a robot man there no fricking way to gortys play saxophone -,- but nice idea :D

    So here's a really silly question I came up with while at work, I hope this hasn't already been asked: If Rhys and Fiona (and the gang) made

  • Gortys could try the electronic keyboard too <3

    So here's a really silly question I came up with while at work, I hope this hasn't already been asked: If Rhys and Fiona (and the gang) made

  • I went to the movies :P

    Then the laptop was being used by someone else for a while...

  • In 10 years. Sadly I think it'll be gone :(

    I mean, when I'm 30 I like to imagine myself with a wife and kids, a career and stuff.... I won't forget this thread though :')

  • enter image description here

    Also cause I remember back Borderlands (the first) when Claptrap has a panic attack he tries to breath deeply but all that happens is he plays a recording of breathing and it makes him nervous.

    gortys breathing? its a robot man there no fricking way to gortys play saxophone -,- but nice idea

  • I'm offended dude. You ask lotti as well? I thought I was special :'(

    no, because YOU didn't write it ;_;

  • Your future husband better prepare himself :P

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    But I'm a "keep my anger and disappointment locked up inside me until it one day explodes and brings everyone down with me" type of person


    This laptop is slow enough without being a pain to scroll down the pages when Gifs are everywhere! XP

    it's okay, nighty night

  • edited September 2015

    claptrap isnt realy breathing on that just noise he did not have a nose bro

    edit:of course claptrap not have lungs

    Also cause I remember back Borderlands (the first) when Claptrap has a panic attack he tries to breath deeply but all that happens is he plays a recording of breathing and it makes him nervous.

  • Nothing? :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    so what is everyone giving wolfenus and lilum next week?

  • yeah, I said he plays a recording

    claptrap isnt realy breathing on that just noise he did not have a nose bro edit:of course claptrap not have lungs

  • You can regenerate lost limbs!!! That is scary enough! XD

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    But I'm trying to be threatening here! Be afraid of me!

  • Ah... Aaaaah
    Well that's awkward, I get what you said now, haha. (man, I can be really slow sometimes :P)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I meant in the nicest way that it looks like I'm failing to be gay (I was trying not to stereotype) :P

  • Link to this thread?

    Btw, I've made about 10 or so threads :P The FIRST thing I did when I joined here was make a thread!! XD

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So i made a thread and honstley i feel as if i'm going to become kill ._.

  • 3 hours sleep then I hit the gym once... My eyes were BURNING!! T_T

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Whoa, is that the time?! Well, who needs six hours of sleep, amirite? Hehe... he... shit. Goodnight everyone

  • That statement is actually true! :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    Sleep is the best medicine, feel better tomorrow, pal! Sweet dreams.


    Poogers555 posted: »

    its just beautiful Sauce

  • Very nice!!! Is that a knife on her thigh?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Well i just nose bleeded Source edit: won't show up but i put a source so it's okay

  • edited September 2015

    So I replayed episode 4 for TFTBL and chose to tell Fiona and Sasha about Handsome Jack...talk about an awkward and scary situation...

    enter image description here

  • Those exist?! :O

    İ like

  • It's better that way. I chose not to tell them, so my Rhys will have a looot to explain in the next episode.

    So I replayed episode 4 for TFTBL and chose to tell Fiona and Sasha about Handsome Jack...talk about an awkward and scary situation...

  • UH OH!!!! :O


    Pipas posted: »

    So, ehm, I found this while browsing tumblr. Source

  • I think my heart just skipped a beat!

    Did they just make TFTB into Mad Max? I'M IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD XD XD XD

    Pipas posted: »

    That guy/gal has some good stuff there. His/her other tumblr blog.

  • Played that game for 8 hours straight and I could've kept on going into the next day easily!!! But I had work :(

    Seriously though that game is awesome as fuck! I've done like, 6 main missions and right now I'm just hunting for scrap and building up my Legend Rank so I can unlock more stuff (THINK I'm at the level 6 rank atm, I have the infamous jacket at last and the Lvl. 3 shotgun) :D

    gad dayum playing mad max for 4 hours my head hurts -,-

  • I think it would be generic like 'The Vault Hunters'

    Rhys would be Bass, Vaughn would be Lead guitar and vocals, Fiona would be main vocals, Sasha would be Drums, Loaderbot would be techno sounds, and Gortys would be Keyboard :D

    So here's a really silly question I came up with while at work, I hope this hasn't already been asked: If Rhys and Fiona (and the gang) made

  • Hope so the whole scene for me felt like:

    enter image description here

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    It's better that way. I chose not to tell them, so my Rhys will have a looot to explain in the next episode.

  • edited September 2015

    Ok, y'all can start hating on me now:

    Earlier today, I was missing my PS4 so much that I looked up the entire plot of Until Dawn. I know everything and quite honestly, I understand what the critics meant when they said the second half of the game wasn't as good as the first.

    Now atm, I am playing as Mike in the Sanitorium (just removed his fingers with the machete, but I broke the damn thing cuz I thought I could pry the trap open twice) So everything afterwards will be new to me.

    Seeing that Josh suddenly decides to prank you that way has made me hate him so much, he faked his own death and knocked out both Chris and Ashley?! WTAF DUDE?! Good thing Mike knocks him out afterwards :P

    Also, I called it, Sam is the last one to survive! Well Mike as well, technically he is the last one to survive as he pushes the button if Sam fails the Hide sequence twice. It was interesting to read up about what happens, though in the end, you can't save everyone :(

    So you can all scream at me now...

  • edited September 2015

    How many people do you expect to have alive by the end of the game? For you, I mean. :)

    I myself was mildly lucky...

  • I'm worse, trust me. One of the guys I work with is gay, but someone had to tell me he was :P

    They need to be super-obviously gay or else I'm clueless!

    buntingsir posted: »

    Ah... Aaaaah Well that's awkward, I get what you said now, haha. (man, I can be really slow sometimes :P)

  • edited September 2015

    Well, there we go, maybe it's not that unusal to be obsessed after all :D

    Yeah, send them, please. I'm not sure if I'll find a time to read everything, but I'll definitely check them out.

    Thanks for the song, it's beautiful! And glad you liked the ones that I posted.

    enter link description here

    HellFish posted: »

    Well, I've technically responded to this post, but it would be rude of me not to finish the conversation. I can be obsessed over thin

  • edited September 2015


    Quiff posted: »

    @Green613 this is just the beginning

  • enter image description here

    I'm finally done with this!! sort of

    enter image description here

  • Well atm no one is dead in my playthrough.

    I THOUGHT Josh was dead until I read up that he faked it all (don't tell me how he did it though, I want that surprise at least :P) and Jessica was alive when the mine elevator collapsed.

    Reading what I read, I could imagine me having a bad ending. I would be too curious about checking stuff out (the trapdoor for Chris/Ashley) and I hold serious grudges (so if I could let Emily die for cheating on Matt, I would do it in a heartbeat, plus she annoys me a lot)

    Obviously I will make my OWN decisions when I get back to playing it, regardless of what I know happens. TBH, getting them all to live isn't that hard! You just need to be cautious and smart with your decisions :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    How many people do you expect to have alive by the end of the game? For you, I mean. I myself was mildly lucky...

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