
lets have a discussion about their purpose and a list of the ones that was allready opened

we know the vaults was created by the eridians which is an alien race that lived long ago on pandora its galaxy, their purpose is unknown

1. borderlands 1) the vault of the destroyer - located on pandora.

the first known vault to be opened, (acording to angel can be opened only once in a lifetime presumably because of the charging rate of the key) it was opened by commandant steele (siren) using the vault key.

held an alien monster known as the destroyer and caused eridium to to apear all over pandora. eridium enhance the power of sirens.

2. borderlands tps) the vault of the sentinel - located on elpis.

opened a couple years after the vault of the destroyer. the way the vault was opened is unknown. zarpadon was working with the eridian watcher who later came to inform us about a war to come, which is probably what zarpadon and the lost legion was trying to avoid. (zarpadon stated that her motives are to save the universe by sacrifacing hundreds to save billions eventualy)

the vault held a powefull gurdian known as the sentinel and a relic that held knowledge of the future and the vault of the warrior (the relic may had more to it but jack was interrupted).

zarpadon has seen inside the vault before jack and probably saw the "war" to come and tried to prevent it. i think what caused the war is vaults being opened, because zarpadon said the opening of the vault will cause a chain of events before getting killed by jack. now it will make sense because jack seeing inside the vault is what caused him to go after the vault of the warrior and what caused the vault hunters to find the map of vaults all over the galaxy, which they probably allready opened some of them. (gaige and axton was hunting one while athena was interrogated.)

3. borderlands 2) the vault of the warrior - located on pandora,

opened 5 years after the vault of the destroyer. the vault key required a siren to charge it with eridium for years in order to open this vault (acording to angel otherwise the vault can only be opened once in 300 years) opened by handsome jack using the charged vault key.

held an alien monster known as the warrior, the monster obey who ever opens the vault unlike the destroyer. this vault also contained a "map" that revealed hundreds of vaults all over the galaxy.

3.5. borderlands 2 - mr. torgue campaing of carnage) the vault of torgue? - located on pandora, opened 5 years (close enough) after the vault of the destroyer.

didnt required a key nor a siren in order to be opened, opened by.... itself? after the vault hunter(s) killed piston and moved into number 1 on the torgue "badass leaderboards", the "vault" held bunch of common weapons and some money.

i think this vault was fake and a promotional thing for the torgue coroporation created by president smith (mr. torgue's boss) or another torgue worker, i think it was hinted through out HH pack 2 and mr. torgue campaing of carnage dlcs, though its not confirmed.

4. borderlands tps - holodome dlc) unknown vault - located on ephtah opened(unconfirmed) around the time of athena's interrogation.

was mentioned by gaige that she and axton was ordered by lilith to hunt this vault. other then that nothing is known about this vault.

5. tales from the borderlands) the vault of the traveler -???

if you think there is something importent i missed feel free to leave it in your comment

whats your theories and thoughts


  • Well you covered all known for purpose?

    The Vault of the Destroyer, I'm pretty sure was meant to be an inter-dimensional prison. I don't think they ever specified any more than that. The whole: can only be opened in one lifetime is due to the fact that the Vault Key takes roughly a century to charge naturally, not that the door can't be opened repeatedly, hence why Jack uses sirens to speed up process for the warrior. In fact in a way, all "real" (I don't view Torgue as a real Vault) Vaults so far are prisons for beings from other dimensions.

    Speaking of the key, that's what has the map of all the Vaults, not the Warrior's Vault. They haven't explained why it suddenly activated it's map feature. I could guess it may have to do with direct contact with Lilith who was juiced up on Eridium at that time. But the Vault of the Sentinel did show the map of all the Vaults to Jack, but did not directly cause them opening.

    Torgue's Vault is just weak sauce DLC plot nonsense, I don't really take it seriously, though I do like the idea that it was all just a promotion idea for Torgue.

    The Vault of the Traveler is an interesting beast because, seeing as how big an impact TTG's are going to have on Borderlands canon, it does matter what is in this Vault. Based off the little we know: name, who knows about it, what previous vaults held, etc, I am guessing that it is probably an Eridian creature. I don't think it will be like the Destroyer (where it is just wrecking everything), nor like the Warrior (where it has a sole controller). I do believe it will be something that will serve whoever has the macguffin item of the TFTBL (I would guess Gortys is it, or is in possession of it and unaware). It probably is something that could be weaponized, probably why Jack and Atlas wanted it, but I think it's original purpose would transportation (just shooting in the dark based of the name). Crimson Raiders/ Vault Hunters will get interested because it can help with hunting vaults quickly, protect Sanctuary, and also to fight whichever Mega-Corp that will stand in their way.

  • edited September 2015

    good thinking, what i ment by the vault of the sentinal causing the chain of events is pretty much what zarpadon was trying to explain to jack before he killed her. the vault of the sentinal caused jack to open the vault of the warrior and cause the vault hunters to kill him and find the map of all the vaults over the galaxy which i assume they opened a bunch of in the time gap of tps(axton and gaige was just hunting one while athena was interrogated). i think the opening of the vaults is what caused the "war" to come, considering the eridian that informed us about the war is the same eridian that was helping zarpadon in the start of tps.

    Well you covered all known for purpose? The Vault of the Destroyer, I'm pretty sure was meant to be an inter-dimensional pris

  • edited September 2015

    100 views and 1 comments? come on i cant be the only one that intressted in the games lore more then shipping theards :p

  • the original vault of the travellerenter image description here

  • I am interested in this game's lore as well, though more about the game's companies than the vaults, since as far as I could see, the vaults are just big spaces that hold strange creatures inside which attack you and reward you with guns once killed. I can't think of a single reason someone would build them all over the universe and let other creatures open it. Even if it was a prison for aliens, then why would they possibly reveal the locations of other vaults for others to open? It's weird and doesn't make sense to me. And before that can be explained to me properly, I will see vaults as nothing else but a cheap method to put lore into the flashy end boss fights they come up with. To me, it just looks like they wanted to have a reason to justify having huge final fights at the end of the game.

    100 views and 1 comments? come on i cant be the only one that intressted in the games lore more then shipping theards

  • Would be even funnier if Rhys and Fiona will interpret it as "a vision of the future" while the player will know it for the mere trailer it is xD

  • Source? .-.

    the original vault of the traveller

  • lmao

    the original vault of the traveller

  • It's a joke, that's the main vault in Fallout 3.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Source? .-.

  • glad you liked it, it was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the word vaults


  • Hmm... considering the final episode's probable release date, maybe rather:

    enter image description here

    the original vault of the traveller

  • I would love to see a reference to fallout in ep:5 shame I cant play fallout 4 I have a ps3 hoping to upgrade when I have more money to get a ps4

    Hmm... considering the final episode's probable release date, maybe rather:

  • I'm gonna Pre-order Fallout 4 on PC so hyped :D.

    Hmm... considering the final episode's probable release date, maybe rather:

  • Probably my all-time favorite game franchise, despite all the horrid bugs and issues :P

    I'm on ps4, and I do hope TFTB ep.5 comes out in October, cause November will be Fallout month... I need my hype in doses, man...

    I'm gonna Pre-order Fallout 4 on PC so hyped .

  • ^ Basically this. November is specifically for Fallout 4 and my birthday.

    Probably my all-time favorite game franchise, despite all the horrid bugs and issues :P I'm on ps4, and I do hope TFTB ep.5 comes out in October, cause November will be Fallout month... I need my hype in doses, man...

  • but I think it's original purpose would transportation

    I agree, I think it will set up the plot for BL3 in the sense that it will allow the new playable Vault Hunters to travel to different planets. Instead of using Fast Travel we'll use it (and hopefully Gortys will be in charge of it and we get to interact with her each time)!

    Well you covered all known for purpose? The Vault of the Destroyer, I'm pretty sure was meant to be an inter-dimensional pris

  • enter image description here

    ^ Basically this. November is specifically for Fallout 4 and my birthday.

  • edited September 2015

    lol I completely forgot about that scene lmao Butch was so fucking annoying
    (I don't wanna give you my fucking sweetroll) and thanks :D.

  • well theres alot of ways to have an epic end boss monster, look at claptastic voyage or pretty much any other dlc. i dont see why having a map of them is a problem as it was ment to be seen only by eridians.

    I am interested in this game's lore as well, though more about the game's companies than the vaults, since as far as I could see, the vaults

  • No I m with you - Lore is much better than shipping :)

    100 views and 1 comments? come on i cant be the only one that intressted in the games lore more then shipping theards

  • its a shame you cant punch him back

    lol I completely forgot about that scene lmao Butch was so fucking annoying (I don't wanna give you my fucking sweetroll) and thanks .

  • edited September 2015
    1. borderlands 1) the vault of the destroyer - located on pandora.

    the first known vault to be opened, (acording to angel can be opened only once in a lifetime) it was opened by commandant steele (siren) using the vault key.

    held an alien monster known as the destroyer and caused eridium to to apear all over pandora. eridium enhance the power of sirens.

    It's only able to be opened once in a lifetime because nobody will live long enough to open it again, because the recharge rate of the key.

    1. borderlands tps) the vault of the sentinal - located on elpis.

    opened a couple years after the vault of the destroyer. the way the vault was opened is unknown presumably opened by zarapdon who could possibly be a siren.

    the vault held a powefull gurdian known as the sentinal and a relic that held knowledge about the vault of the warrior. (the opening of this vault caused a chain reaction of more vaults being revealed and opened)

    Zarpedon is not a siren. It was confirmed by one of the Gearbox employee on the older gearbox forums. Plus she doesn't have any siren powers. That was just the Eridian relic she was using.

    3.5. borderlands 2 - mr. torgue campaing of carnage) the vault of torgue? - located on pandora, opened 5 years (close enough) after the vault of the destroyer.

    didnt required a key nor a siren in order to be opened, opened by.... itself? after the vault hunter(s) killed piston and moved into number 1 on the torgue "badass >leaderboards", the "vault" held bunch of common weapons and some money.

    i think this vault was fake and a promotional thing for the torgue coroporation created by president smith (mr. torgue's boss) or another torgue worker, i think it was hinted through out HH pack 2 and mr. torgue campaing of carnage dlcs, though its not confirmed.

    Torgue was bullshiting us. That wasn't a vault.

    . borderlands tps - holodome dlc) unknown vault - located on ephtah opened(unconfirmed) around the time of athena's interrogation.

    was mentioned by gaige that she and axton was ordered by lilith to hunt this vault. other then that nothing is known about this vault.

    It was the vault that Ted uses to store his old record tapes.

  • It was the vault Ted uses to store his old record tapes

    Old Record Tapes

    Record Tapes


    nu ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    * borderlands 1) the vault of the destroyer - located on pandora. the first known vault to be opened, (acording to angel can be op

  • edited September 2015

    It's only able to be opened once in a lifetime because nobody will live long enough to open it again, because the recharge rate of the key.

    yeah thats the definition of once in lifetime

    Zarpedon is not a siren. It was confirmed by one of the Gearbox employee on the older gearbox forums. Plus she doesn't have any siren powers. That was just the Eridian relic she was using.

    i havent read this forum post, can you put a link or a picture of it?

    Torgue was bullshiting us. That wasn't a vault.

    thats pretty much what i said, though its not confirmed yet

    It was the vault that Ted uses to store his old record tapes.

    nah its where i stored all of my bottlecaps, dr teds vault was on eden five

    * borderlands 1) the vault of the destroyer - located on pandora. the first known vault to be opened, (acording to angel can be op

  • I would give you a link, but when they transferred to the new forums, you can only view the fist page of any thread. Basically they ruined the massive store of information.

    nah its where i stored all of my bottlecaps, dr teds vault was on eden five

    I forgot that. I need to go and pick them up, Eridian storage costs a ton of moneys.

    It's only able to be opened once in a lifetime because nobody will live long enough to open it again, because the recharge rate of the key.

  • you can a couple of years later

    its a shame you cant punch him back

  • oh yeah i forgot about that lol that bit was quite fun got some pretty decent glitches from that made one of them fall through the ground

    you can a couple of years later

  • The generally accepted view is that the Torgue vault wasn't a vault, Tannis was wrong and Torgue was hyping up stuff.

  • IIRC wasn't the treasure room in the Captain Scarlett DLC called a vault? Is there some kind of consensus about whether or not it was legit at one point in the past? Or just some place a pirate hid treasure.

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