Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhyiona have mercy on us... KILL IT WHILE YOU CAN


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhyiona have mercy on us... KILL IT WHILE YOU CAN


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhyiona have mercy on us... KILL IT WHILE YOU CAN

  • Damn, It's too soon for robots to take over the world.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhyiona have mercy on us... KILL IT WHILE YOU CAN

  • ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhyiona have mercy on us... KILL IT WHILE YOU CAN

  • Maybe this means Gortys isn't as innocent as she seems.

  • enter image description here

    How can something this cute be evil?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Maybe this means Gortys isn't as innocent as she seems.

  • Just lost every save file I had for TFTB. This makes me very sad.
    But at least I get to play through everything again. :D
    Also I kinda haven't posted here in a long time it's nice to see everyone is still going strong.

  • tftb ending confirmed to be the cast in a people zoo

    How can something this cute be evil?

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    Here's how she was originally gonna look like....

    and sound like....


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Maybe this means Gortys isn't as innocent as she seems.

  • Because people are people, and they love to exercise their freedom :)

    Kruzii posted: »

    so.. why don't they just stay away from the thread?

  • No need, I handled it by myself :)

    wat a war? any need reinforcements?

  • I wouldn't mind this title!! XD

    Hazza, is officialy crowned as peacemaker of threads! (Not really because I have no power here, but I support this! :P)

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    And we were promised some hot SashaxJaney action too, but that didn't happen

    Here's how she was originally gonna look like.... and sound like.... http://hyperiontrashcan.tumblr.com/post/125919331898/tales-from-the-borderlands-cassius-vaughn

  • Hey! Sorry to hear about that. :( Hope you have fun replaying though!

    ThizIzCrazy posted: »

    Just lost every save file I had for TFTB. This makes me very sad. But at least I get to play through everything again. Also I kinda haven't posted here in a long time it's nice to see everyone is still going strong.

  • Yeah, she was boring before, glad they changed her. :)

    Here's how she was originally gonna look like.... and sound like.... http://hyperiontrashcan.tumblr.com/post/125919331898/tales-from-the-borderlands-cassius-vaughn

  • Lol, not sure if you read but I decided that I missed my PS4 way too much, so I spoiled the whole game for myself :/

    I know a lot of what happens, and I'm excited to say the least :D

    and no spoiler

  • Can't save everyone dude... Watch the credits all the way to the end next time >:)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • hmmmmm..... okay, I was saying going on, you have me intrigued

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I see no image

  • edited September 2015

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought "When tf were they gonna put this scene into an episode". Probably got cut........or it could appear in episode 5.

    And we were promised some hot SashaxJaney action too, but that didn't happen

  • How the fuck did you have Mike die?!

    I thought the only way he could die was by pushing the button in the cabin as Sam?

  • Well I haven't finished the fucking game yet so I will tell all when I do :P

    So far I can see 2-3 of my characters dying...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Just got reminded I didn't get the perfect ending in Until Dawn... Please cheer me up with some Rhyiona...

  • Your comment was kinda forceful :/

    I thought I had smoothed things over already?

    Green613 posted: »

    Man, every time I go in the Rhysha thread somehow an argument just starts up, lmao. I think I'm gonna stop going in there, half of them just seem like they want to pick a fight with me all the time. Kind of tired of it.

  • I like you, Rhysha :D

    I saw those arguments, and I liked each and everyone of you replies. :] Trust me, a few bad apples can ruin it for everyone. We're (tr

  • i always got backup saves on my pc on telltale games :D you should try to

    ThizIzCrazy posted: »

    Just lost every save file I had for TFTB. This makes me very sad. But at least I get to play through everything again. Also I kinda haven't posted here in a long time it's nice to see everyone is still going strong.

  • Ok so long as it cannot walk or connect to the Internet. We are fine!

    ... Right?? :(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhyiona have mercy on us... KILL IT WHILE YOU CAN

  • I'm gonna assume this is a special intro for a replay of a completed Borderlands playthrough???

    This is relevant?

  • Have you maxed out any relationships yet?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Well I haven't finished the fucking game yet so I will tell all when I do :P So far I can see 2-3 of my characters dying...

  • 3 rules of a robot:

    • Must not harm a human being
    • Must obey any order given to it by a human being
    • May defend itself, if such a defense does not conflict with the first law.
    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Maybe this means Gortys isn't as innocent as she seems.

  • edited September 2015

    You have to wait until everyone goes out the cabin one by one to push the button.

    Thing is... Emily, Chris and Ashley were out so I assumed Mike would follow me so I pushed the button........he's crispy now.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    How the fuck did you have Mike die?! I thought the only way he could die was by pushing the button in the cabin as Sam?

  • I'm playing on a Xbox One.
    I tend to play CS:GO when I go on PC so I try something else once every while to keep myself sane.

    i always got backup saves on my pc on telltale games you should try to

  • Wasn't that an Episode 2 trailer moment?

    And we were promised some hot SashaxJaney action too, but that didn't happen

  • I did watch. :P I know what you mean by that. It's still a cooler ending for him than what I got.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Can't save everyone dude... Watch the credits all the way to the end next time

  • So she looks meaner and sounds a lot like Fiona?

    Wow... I prefer the Gortys we have actually! :D

    Here's how she was originally gonna look like.... and sound like.... http://hyperiontrashcan.tumblr.com/post/125919331898/tales-from-the-borderlands-cassius-vaughn

  • It was unfortunate but not disheartening TFTB is a great way to waste a hour or two away without realising. I just hope ep.4 is good I haven't gotten around to playing it just yet.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hey! Sorry to hear about that. Hope you have fun replaying though!

  • edited September 2015

    Hey guys, so apparently @Rhyionasislife jokingly wants me to be the official peacekeeper of the 2 threads.

    Not trying to brag but I do get along with the Rhysha's!

    IntellectualPoultry and ZapThroat are cool with me, armis37 and me go WAY back into last year. So I was wondering if maybe I should be the one to cool things down if they get heated between the 2 threads?

    Tbh I hate the arguments we can have, it makes this place really shit, almost not worth coming too if it's just tension and hateful remarks.

    So would you all be ok with me in this role? Do you trust me to be in this role? @Green613 what do you think about this proposition dude???

    I'm up for it btw!

  • I don't really know about Xbox since I'm all PC/PS4 but I think this should help.


    ThizIzCrazy posted: »

    I'm playing on a Xbox One. I tend to play CS:GO when I go on PC so I try something else once every while to keep myself sane.

  • enter image description here

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey guys, so apparently @Rhyionasislife jokingly wants me to be the official peacekeeper of the 2 threads. Not trying to brag but I do ge

  • Uhhhh... No :(

    Wait, MAYBE one but I don't remember which one...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Have you maxed out any relationships yet?

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