Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • and plus one gratis

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    how am i supposed to know what's gonna satisfy u the most

  • Ded thread ;____;


    Bravo, bravo! xD

    buntingsir posted: »

    WE DEMAND 3 WEEKEND DAYS There ain't no rest for the wicked until we close our eyes for good!

  • Thank you kind sir!


    armis37 posted: »

    WE DEMAND IT NOW Bravo, bravo! xD

  • Do you all remember the story I wrote about Fiona getting mad at Rhys because he confessed and she secretly liked him but didn't want to say so she got mad?


    Do any of you know which page that was on? I'll try to find it and notify you all soon. :)

  • You wrote it 16(or 15?).08 (know it 'cause i saved it to Word document xD).
    I guess this date could help you with search.
    Anyway lookin forward to part two

    Do you all remember the story I wrote about Fiona getting mad at Rhys because he confessed and she secretly liked him but didn't want to say

  • Snitches get stitches

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Yeah, true.. But thankfully I had already finished the test and I got a great grade, but it's still unfair.

  • It was pretty unexpected.

    Buuuut I can never dream about what I want to at a certain moment. It's usually about my classmates and boring stuff..

  • enter image description here

    Snitches get stitches

  • edited September 2015

    Okay i'm up

    P.s. i am now dank B)

  • Thank you very much! I've found it now, and I'll try to post part two as soon as possible. :)

    Vernaya posted: »

    You wrote it 16(or 15?).08 (know it 'cause i saved it to Word document xD). I guess this date could help you with search. Anyway lookin forward to part two

  • edited September 2015

    found it lads

    Fiona slammed the caravan door shut, allowing her emotions to fly out of her mind and take over her body. She screamed and cried and fell to the wooden floor, curling up into a ball and clutching her aching chest. She thought of everything she had said, how stupid she had been, and thought of him, how hurt he must be.

    "Rhys, you're acting so fucking stupid!" Fiona growled, pacing up and down the hallway of her foster's home. The Hyperion sat on the tattered couch alone, clutching his head and closing his eyes, "I-I'm sorry! I can't help how I feel, my mind is all kinds of messed up right now." He whispers the last part as he quivered to himself. Fiona was fuming, she stopped right in front of Rhys with a growing frown, "Well, you better find out how to fix it, because I'm not dealing with the fact that you love me when I don't feel the same." The Pandoran resident pointed her finger in Rhys' face, making him flinch and contort his features into a sad expression, "You.. don't?" He felt hurt and sad and alltogether depressed. Fiona screamed at him, "I don't love you, Rhys! Get that into your head that I'll never like you!" By now, she had a vein popping out of her forehead, her eyes watering with anger. Before she could hear his reply, she stormed out of the house and ran to her caravan, exploding with emotions.

    She had been so idiotic. She couldn't admit the fact that she loved Rhys, she longed for him to be hers. Now that she had him in her grip, she couldn't deal with it, so she panicked to hide her feelings. A light tap on the door and a voice calling her name perked Fiona's attention, and she stood up. With tears still managing to slip from her eyes, she creaked the door open slightly and looked out to find the other Hyperion standing with a hunched back and a white rose. Vaughn merely smiled at Fiona, to be met with a sob from the latter. Without words, she opened the door enough for the short man to slide in. He handed her the rose and coughed, "Why did you just deny him?" He asked, not needing to classify who 'him' was. Fiona wiped her cheeks with her sleeve cuff before responding, "Because I love him and he doesn't deserve me." Her voice wavered with every word while she twirled the flower in her hands. Vaughn sighed and tutted, shaking his head slowly.

    "Fiona," He started, placing a hand on his taller friend's shoulder, "you and I both know that's not true. You love him with every bone in your body and he totally deserves you. Tell him." These encouraging words did nothing but pry more tears from the now-hatless lady as she hugged Vaughn tightly and sobbed into his shoulder, "I can't.." She breathed, speaking what can only be the truth for now. Vaughn rubbed Fiona's back soothingly, "You can and you will. Just, not until we get you cleaned up a bit, 'kay?" The goatee-ed 27 year old smiled sheepishly, before Fiona -reluctantly- agreed. It took a few hours until Fiona was ready to talk to Rhys, but she stepped out of the caravan and spotted the bionic male slouching on a pole outside. She slowly inched toward him until she caught his attention. She inhaled sharply.

    "I need to tell you something." She started.

    this is part one, i posted it in early august, so part two is coming soon :3

  • Man, I love this artist.

    enter image description here


  • .... ily <3

    Pipas posted: »

    Man, I love this artist. Source

  • Only about 100 new messages, I guess I didn't miss anything. ;)

    And it seems that I've been posting music almost every time so I might as well continue with that.

    EDIT: Wow the forum went all laggy, what the hell happened. I had to write this message again.

    enter link description here

  • wolfenus accepted tho

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    UMMMM Wolf check your ships, Lilium is Sandra's bae k? Also JuliexSandra is a thing

  • Well the guy worships her... seen it in Skype... creepy and annoying cuz he was a scrub and always against me LMAO

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    wolfenus accepted tho

  • well I have no idea about your skype adventures so I can't comment on that :P

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Well the guy worships her... seen it in Skype... creepy and annoying cuz he was a scrub and always against me LMAO

  • edited September 2015


    enter image description here

    Excuse the low quality but imgur is bitchy today

    Also I accept requests!!! So feel free to ask for any kind of picture(digital ofc)

    Requests can be even other themes than Rhyiona ^^

    BUT! I won't accept anything nude/mature or anything with animals that I'm not able to draw properly (I'll tell when it's the case) ^^"

    I may consider semi lewd pics .... may...

  • I'm not a metal fan, but when I heard this song I thought it was good. Though I don't like any other ones.

  • yeah, yeah... but trust me... he was full on Notice me Senpai mode, like.. no kiddin..

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    well I have no idea about your skype adventures so I can't comment on that :P

  • We all die?

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Guess what happens in 17 days...



    XDJulieXD posted: »

    YO BROS!! JULIE'S HERE WITH SOMETHING NEW Excuse the low quality but imgur is bitchy today Also I accept requests!!! So feel free

  • enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Man, I love this artist. Source

  • Any request? :3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »



    XDJulieXD posted: »

    YO BROS!! JULIE'S HERE WITH SOMETHING NEW Excuse the low quality but imgur is bitchy today Also I accept requests!!! So feel free

  • Oh my god this is so good!!! :D

    I love your art style!

    and look at GORTYS!! She's so cute <3

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    YO BROS!! JULIE'S HERE WITH SOMETHING NEW Excuse the low quality but imgur is bitchy today Also I accept requests!!! So feel free

  • Any request? X)

    lottii-lu posted: »


  • edited September 2015


    How about Rhys and Fiona in the supermarket with the kids? And loaderbot is in the shopping cart, while gortys is pushing it or the other way around idk.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    YO BROS!! JULIE'S HERE WITH SOMETHING NEW Excuse the low quality but imgur is bitchy today Also I accept requests!!! So feel free

  • Draw Fiona flirting Rhys.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    YO BROS!! JULIE'S HERE WITH SOMETHING NEW Excuse the low quality but imgur is bitchy today Also I accept requests!!! So feel free

  • Thank youuu ^^ hmmm human ver or robot ver?

    OMFMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG How about Rhys and Fiona in the supermarket with the kids? And loaderbot is in the shopping cart, while gortys is pushing it or the other way around idk.

  • Thank ya sis ^^

    I know you can draw yourself butttt do you have any request? :3

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Oh my god this is so good!!! I love your art style! and look at GORTYS!! She's so cute

  • I loved Disturbed when I was in high school or so, damn. :D I may have to listen to their new album at some point, haven't listened to Disturbed in years!

    I first found the band because of Guitar Hero 3 lol.

    enter link description here


    enter image description here

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    YO BROS!! JULIE'S HERE WITH SOMETHING NEW Excuse the low quality but imgur is bitchy today Also I accept requests!!! So feel free

  • This Gray Skull guy

    enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Man, I love this artist. Source

  • Awww, I love the way you draw Fiona! :3

    And I know the clishce thing with Fiona carrying Rhys, but no one has had a Rhys carrying Fiona bridal style. So, do you think you could do that? :D

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    YO BROS!! JULIE'S HERE WITH SOMETHING NEW Excuse the low quality but imgur is bitchy today Also I accept requests!!! So feel free

  • I love ya 2 ;v;

    Any request brotha?


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