Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • but this time we need some good proof

    and a real chemistry

    let's do it

    yeh, seems we have 2 make more amirite #CupidsMeetAgain

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Not anymore. If I actually did, I would say "Paul x Kawaiii" everyday but yesterday I didn't

  • enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    but this time we need some good proof and a real chemistry let's do it

  • Hey but I shipped you two cuz you started calling me Wolfsei and you know I don't like that nickname ._.

  • wtf these ships just sailed and they're already sinking... youngsters these days...

  • Says the Big Bad Wolf that was in love with his wi-fi.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    wtf these ships just sailed and they're already sinking... youngsters these days...

  • What ships are we talking about?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    wtf these ships just sailed and they're already sinking... youngsters these days...

  • I'm good, thanks for asking! 6 MORE DAYSSSS.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good morning, Kristi! How are you, today? ^-^

  • wifi is rad as fuck okay

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Says the Big Bad Wolf that was in love with his wi-fi.

  • Just shipping random people from this thread.

    Do you want to be shipped with any girl in this thread? ;)

    What ships are we talking about?

  • ._. I..I will at some point.

    Eryka posted: »


  • ^^^ the thing up there

    What ships are we talking about?

  • And later she left you :p

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    wifi is rad as fuck okay

  • bored to death :\


    kristi78968 posted: »

    Sup Lewd John.

  • HYPE!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I'm good, thanks for asking! 6 MORE DAYSSSS.

  • HMS Bismarck X HMS Belfast

    We're now Shipping ships :)

    What ships are we talking about?

  • I've been staring at the family tree for a few minutes..and man it's so tough

    since rhyionsislife x chef pretty much sank maybe they'd want someone else...?

  • Hey there Cara! WHAT'S UP?

    Good morning, Kristi! ^^

  • I would say no, but I think that doesn't stop the almighty power called Shipping from shipping me with someone. :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Just shipping random people from this thread. Do you want to be shipped with any girl in this thread?

  • That GIF, I'm going to assume it's a girl transforming into a magical girl.

    What's up Marija? :D

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • nah, it didn't sink, rhyions confirmed it ^-^

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I've been staring at the family tree for a few minutes..and man it's so tough since rhyionsislife x chef pretty much sank maybe they'd want someone else...?

  • edited September 2015

    who cares

    wifi still rad

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    And later she left you

  • Afternoon Hazza (Saying afternoon cause I wanna be accurate with timezones. :P)

    Sup? :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Good morning President Kristi!!

  • Hola Kawaiii! HOW ARE YOU DOING? :)

    Kawaiii posted: »

    hola kristi

  • Do you want to be shipped with someone? xD

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I've been staring at the family tree for a few minutes..and man it's so tough since rhyionsislife x chef pretty much sank maybe they'd want someone else...?

  • edited September 2015

    I dunno, I think that Bismarck would be better off with USS Iowa... :)

    HMS Bismarck X HMS Belfast We're now Shipping ships

  • Gooood morning Dave! How are you? :D

    Good morning!

  • yay that's awesome

    so what now

    nah, it didn't sink, rhyions confirmed it ^-^

  • Jack is so amazing when it comes to GIFs. Everything he does in Tales can be turned into an awesome GIF!

    I'm good, 6 more days until my birthday so I'm hyped! How are you? :)

  • Nah

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Do you want to be shipped with someone? xD

  • we find moar shipz, ofc ^-^

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    yay that's awesome so what now

  • I'll respect that so I won't ship you with someone else :3

    But if you change your mind, you know where I'll be xD

    I would say no, but I think that doesn't stop the almighty power called Shipping from shipping me with someone.

  • Your Choices Matter 2

    Rhys shoved the mans arm off of Fiona's face. "You wanna try that again?"

    The bandit stared at Rhys, before grabbing his arm and pulling him from the ground.

    "Don't. Touch. Me. Ever. Again." He said, his eyes boring into Rhys.

    "As long as you promise to not hurt my friends ever again." Rhys said bravely.

    Heroic, but stupid. Fiona thought to herself, brushing the dirt off of her face where the man's slap had been. She could fel the bruise forming already.

    "We're not negotiating." The man growled.

    Suddenly, he pulled Rhys closer to him, and snapped his arm like a twig.

    Rhys screamed in agony, the bandit only chuckling as he began to twist the broken arm, the bone poking through the skin.

    "Leave him alone." Fiona said, not able to bear anymore of Rhys' screams.

    "Awww, she cares for 'im. 'Ow sweet." He mocked, twisting the arm around itself.

    "Please! P-please!" Rhys cried in agony.

    "You came down here for me. Not him." Fiona reminded them, trying to take the attention off of Rhys.

    "Hmm. You do 'ave a point. But this is so fun." The bandit murmured, licking his lips.

    Fiona held her breath, Rhys couldn't take much more of this. If she couldn't ward the bandit away, Rhys would be in trouble.

    "Alright, bring the lady over to me, she seems like a lot more fun than this little 'ero." The bandit said, staring at Fiona greedily.

    "N-no, Fi... Fi you can't... I won't let..." Rhys mumbled, barely staying conscious.

    "Shaddup." The bandit said, giving Rhys' arm one final twist, before throwing him roughly to the ground.

    It took everything in Fiona's power not to rush to him. She had to keep calm in front of the bandit, no matter what.

    Rhys moaned, before throwing up bile, the pain becoming too much for him.

    "Hyperion scum." The bandit said, spitting on Rhys' limp body.

    "Come 'ere, darling." The bandit asked Fiona, though not giving her much of a choice.

    As she approached him, he snaked his arm around her waist, pushing her against him.

    "That's better." He whispered in her ear.

    As the bandit leader commanded his men to drop a rope down for them, Rhys began to stand, using his metal arm to pull himself up the wall.

    "Fiona... Don't do this." He pleaded, wobbling on his feet.

    "It's not like I have a choice." Fiona said, with a small smile on her face.

    "You know you do." Rhys said, staring at her with sad, broken eyes.

    Fiona's smile drooped off her face.

    She was doing this for him. At least he realized that.

    She didn't answer, only stared sadly at him as she was pulled up the rope, the bandit leader tightening his hold on her waist.

    The hole was closed, and Fiona was gone, leaving a broken Rhys and a balled up Gortys alone in the darkness, once more.


    As she was led away from the pit, the bandit leader began barking out orders immediately.

    "I want 'er bathed and newly clothed. Get this Pandoran smell off 'er." He said disdainfully.

    "If you hate the stench so much, why do you smell of it my bandit lord?" Fiona asked dryly.

    The bandit raised his hand as if to hit her, but decided against it. "Not worth damaging that pretty face o' yours. Well, anymore than I already 'ave." He said with a chuckle.

    "Once she 'as been, uhh, prepared, take her to my bedroom chambers. I will meet 'er there when I see fit." He told his maid servants, before turning to Fiona.

    "Can't wait to see ya there." He said huskily, brushing his lips against her ear.

    Fiona stood stiff, not wanting to show her fear.

    As the bandit walked away he called out behind him. "The names Cliff by the way, not bandit lord."


    "Sorry girls, but there's no way on Pandora I'd let you bathe me." Fiona said as she began to push them out of the tent.

    "But the lord commanded." One maid declared, wringing her hands.

    As Fiona saw how nervous they all were, she decided to make a deal with them.

    "Fine. But no bathing. I will let you dress me in whatever god-awful clothes Cliff has for me. After I've put my undergarments on first though." Fiona said, not knowing how to deal with them. They were like three pestering birds, trying to help but only getting in the way.

    "Whatever m'lady insists." Another maid said, as all three of them left.

    They act like I'm a princess. Fiona thought as she stripped, and entered the tub.

    As Fiona scrubbed herself clean, she finally let the tears come.

    She wept for Gortys, she wept for Rhys, and she wept for herself.

    If she hadn't thought she was some big shot 'Vault Hunter' they would never be in this mess. They would never have taken on such a large bandit camp. It was all her fault.

    As she ran out of tears to cry, she washed her face to mask the tear tracks as best she could. She could not show any weakness to these people.

    After putting on her underclothes, she called for the maids again.

    "Ugh, I'm ready?"

    They came immediately, if they had heard her crying they said nothing. One of them was carrying a 'gift' for her.

    It was a short, milky white dress, strangely untouched by the grit of Pandora. It seemed to stop at the knees, and the part above the chest was cut out, making a perfect oval.

    Fiona sighed. "Make it quick."

    The dress fit nicely. Well actually, perfectly.

    "One last touch, dear." The third maid said, as she began to apply rose red lipstick to her mouth.

    "That looks lovely with your red streak m'lady." The second maid said, as she began putting makeup on her lashes.

    "Umm, thank you?" Fiona said, uncomfortable with their compliments.

    Once they had finished with make-up, they sprayed her down in perfume. She thought it smelled like cinnamon, but she wasn't sure.

    She looked at herself in the mirror. If she wasn't being "prepared" for Cliff, she might have enjoyed dressing up like this. Not including the maids.

    As she went to put her heels on, one of the maids suddenly cried out.

    "Wait! Almost forgot!" She exclaimed as she ran back to grab something.

    It was her hat.

    The exact hat she was wearing, but it was white.

    "M'lord insists that you wear it for the big night." She said as she handed it over.

    Fiona sighed as she switched it out with the hat she was wearing, leaving her black one behind.

    "I'll come back for you." She whispered as she slipped on her white heels, readying herself for the so called, 'big night.'


    As she entered Cliff's tent slowly, she glanced around for him.

    Once she realized he wasn't home, she immediately searched for an escape route, a weapon, or anything to help her.

    The place was empty, and there were guards posted at every exit.

    "You look delicious." Cliff said as he entered the tent behind her.

    Fiona quickly turned around, not wanting her back to him.

    "Don't toy with me. What do you want?" Fiona said, wanting to leave Cliff's tent as soon as possible.

    "Straight to the point. I like that." Cliff chuckled, as he brushed Fiona's cheek softly.

    "I'm not here to flirt." Fiona said, pulling her face away from his greedy fingers.

    "No. We're not." Cliff said.

    Fiona was expecting him to try and grab her, but instead he clapped his hands, calling slaves who were carrying huge chunks of meat on a silver platter.

    Her mouth drooled, she had not anything to eat in so long...

    Throwing caution to the wind, she grabbed the first slice of the mystery meat and garbled it down.

    "Skag meat?!" Fiona asked, hungry enough not to spit it out.

    "Don't get picky on me now." Cliff said as he bit into a leg.

    Fiona rolled her eyes, and then she saw it.

    A knife.

    Sharp enough to cut skag skin.

    "Well, what's not to love?" Fiona said, picking the knife up, cutting a huge chunk of skag for herself.

    Cliff chuckled through a mouthful of food.

    Her plate shattered across the floor, as she dropped it, heading for her seat.

    "Whoops. Looks like I got too much." Fiona said with a cheeky smile.

    Cliff didn't seem to notice her sarcasm, too busy eating like he was a starved man.

    She bent down to pick her plate up, but Cliff waved her away.

    "The servants will take care of that."

    "I like to clean up up my own messes." Fiona said, ignoring him.

    "I said, the servants will take care of that." He growled, swallowing his food.

    Fiona glared at him, slowly moving to her seat next to Cliff.

    She hadn't gotten the knife. There were guards everywhere. And Cliff was staring at her like a hungry pig.

    In summary, she was screwed.

    "Stop glancin' around the room like that and eat." Cliff commanded, growing impatient.

    Fiona clenched her fists together. She was his lap dog and their was nothing she could do about it.

    Even though she wanted to refuse to obey, she was hungry and had no idea when she would eat again.

    As she grabbed a new plateful of skag, Cliff smirked. "There's a good girl."

    "What do you expect, I'm hungry m'lord." She shot back.

    His slap was sudden and hard, throwing her on the floor.

    He was speaking but she couldn't hear him, the world spinning around her.

    When her eyes focused again, she saw the knife. It was laying right next to her.

    Suddenly, Cliff was grabbing at her legs, trying to pull her to him.

    Fiona kicked out wildly, arms reaching for the weapon.

    She managed to kick Cliff in the face, blood running down his face. "You little bitch!"

    She crawled across the floor quickly, finally grabbing the knife once more.

    "Stay back! Stay back or I swear to God I'll kill you right now!" Fiona yelled, slashing the knife through the air crazily.

    "What's going on in there?" One of the guards asked, not yet entering.

    "Everything is fine. We're just messing around." Cliff answered, his hands raised in the air.

    "Get up. Now." Fiona told him, shakily standing herself.

    Cliff stood up, trying to back away from her. "Let's make a deal."

    "No. No deals. I'm going to kill you." Fiona said with a fire in her eyes.

    "And what would 'at accomplish? Your boyfriend's death 'at's for sure. If I don't leave this tent in one hour, it's his 'ead on a stake." Cliff said, walking in a circle around Fiona.

    She pivoted on one foot, following him with her knife. "So I have one hour to get to him."

    "Let's say you do manage to get past the guards outside, and get all the way to the pit without being seen, there's no way you're goin' to escape the outer walls. Ever since you and you're little crew managed to get in we've doubled the guards and patched all the holes in our defenses. There's no way you'd make it out alive." Cliff explained.

    "Or..." He began, still circling Fiona, "You could kiss me."

    "What?" Fiona asked, disgusted.

    "If you kiss me all of this will go away. I'll let you return safely to your lovebird. I'll even send a medic to help that arm of his. You really think you can escape, with his arm like that? I'd be surprised if he hasn't died already, there's no way he could make the journey." He said, smirking.

    "Just a kiss?" She asked skeptically.

    "I have whores for everything else, if that's what you're worried about." He said with a chuckle.

    "Why do you even want a kiss?" Fiona asked, stepping closer to him.

    "Because I'm enjoying breaking you. Slowly." He whispered into her ear, his breath warm on her face.

    "So what's it gonna be? Help for your friend at the price of a kiss? Or my death at the price of your friend?"

    [Kiss Cliff] [Kill Cliff]


    First big decision go!

    Sorry it took me so long to update, but I think you prefer quality over quantity. :P

    I know a lot of you thought Rhys was going to give it to him, but I mean come on, it's Rhys.

    My plan is to have one chapter from Rhys' point of view, and then switch to Fiona and vice versa, so next chapter you'll see what Rhys has been up to!

    If you want to know what would happen if you had chosen to stay silent, Rhys arm would be okay, Fiona would be pissed at him, and he would be fighting in the skag pits.

    Anyways, don't forget to review and vote! :D


    (If you had trouble imagining Fiona's dress. ;3)

  • so...

    let's say scrubbington x ...?

    we find moar shipz, ofc ^-^

  • hey wolf

    where's yo ship lmao

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    wtf these ships just sailed and they're already sinking... youngsters these days...

  • Lol okay :P

    So does rhonu x you still sail?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    who cares wifi still rad

  • she sure was

    and she sure fuck a lot

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    wifi is rad as fuck okay

  • Okay :P

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


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