The Episode 5 Big Twist Prediction Thread
Sure, Tales From The Borderlands is a good game. It may have great characters, both humourous and heartfelt moments, an involving plot with twists and turns, with awesome villians, well voiced people, as well as great big action set pieces, as well as quieter ones, set in a fascinating sci-fi universe which is constantly being fleshed out. But the only true way Tales can be considered great is if it has one big twist in the final episode. It doesn't matter how absurd it is or how little it has to make sense, but it has to happen to guarntee Tales for greatness, like all the work of M Night Shyamalan.
What are your predictions? Mine would be:
Rhys is actually a trans, lesbian, siren.
Vaughn is the traitor if you didn't high five him.
Sasha is the traitor if you didn't get her an ass a spank.
The Handsome Jack AI doesn't exist, it's actually a split personality defect of Rhys, who is suffering from PTSD after having all his friends murdered by the BL2 Vault Hunters.
Loader Bot is the traitor and stranger at the same time.
It turns out Fiona and Sasha are not real sisters.
Hideo Kojima is the stranger. "What took you so long?"
Scooter isn't dead. (In all seriousness, I actually believe this will be the case, I mean, he can't of died. Right? Right?)
The Personification of Telltale's Game of Thrones is the stranger. "WHY CAN'T I BE GOOD AS YOU! WHY!? sobs
Everyone is actually dead, including Rhys, Fiona and the stranger.
And this game was a lie
In all seriousness tho, I think another twist is that someone was else is going to betray us. But I'm most likely wrong ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Try telling that to The Village, The Happening, The Last Airbender, and After Earth. Yes the other Borderlands games have had a major twist in them, and so has Tales, but this game would still be fantastic without one. Telltale shouldn't force in a twist (like Shymalan does) if it doesn't need it, only if it will benefit the story.
I was kidding.
Im sure the twist will be the strangers identity.
Also Scooters voice actor basically confirmed that Scooter isnt coming back ;-;
Those points you stated:
The Stranger is actually the Captain's dead mother. No one expects her because they say she's dead, but have we seen the body?
This isn't for episode 5 but for the whole Borderlands franchise
Marcus was hallucinating the stories, they were all fake
Every Character in all the Borderlands games were made up except Marcus
The End.
My life is a lie.
Your lie is a life.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That security guards mom is the stranger.
Anyone want some pie?
A bomb pie?
(It rhymed I'm sorry)
Either everyone:
A) Gets the reference and are trying to find pictures to post about the reference.
C) Thinks I'm an idiot and what I posted didn't make any sense
[Gets the reference and are trying to find pictures to post about the reference]
[Is going to insult ClapTrap]
[Thinks I'm an idiot and what I posted didn't make any sense]
Me: Claptrap ruined it
lmao my bad
whoops, rite?
The Stranger is Gared Tuttle and the North Grove is a Vault.
In Borderlands 2 Jack mentions scooping out a guy's eyes with a spoon as the guys kids are watching, one of those kids was Gregor Forrester. Gregor doesn't want the North Grove to fall into the wrong hands because he doesn't want Westeros to suffer at the hands of Handsome Jack. It is vital to the survival of House Forrester because of the Siren inside, Gared rescues her but is transported to Pandora.
When the Stranger tella Fiona he knows what it's like to lose someone you care about he's talking about Sylvie and Cotter who are killed on Pandora moments after arriving.
I can't be serious about my theories or everyone will think I'm insane, I can't be serious about my th--
I would say this is plausible, but Rhys's anatomy is just too man-like. His shoulders are too broad for what a woman's would be, too.
But, y'know, it IS 800 years into the future, so I don't doubt that he's had some pretty neat work done.
Again, plausible, but is it possible for his split personality to be EXACTLY like Handsome Jack? And it's also a major coincidence that Jack suddenly appeared when Rhys stuck in Nakyama's ID drive.
I've also been thinking about this, too. They just don't look alike that much, which gave me the sub-conscious thought that they were from different families but when they were young, referred to themselves as sisters. Or as the title-card says "kid sister."
Isn't he hooked up to a New-U machine?
That. That is priceless!!!
Yea present time Rhys looks more buff than past Rhys (Look at the chest, probably could be the clothes but eh)
The stranger is the real handsome jack. The AI that has been in rhys' head that has now taken over Helios is nakayama's final f#ck up from the grave, which would explain why the stranger seems to hate rhys more than Fiona. I have a whole theory behind this, coming from the presequel, as well as tftbl.
The entire game is a dream that Rhys was thinking about on his way to the promotion and he actually got killed by vasquez
Rhys is telling his kids the story of how he met their mother.
Honestly, I wish that was true and when we killed Jack it turns out it was actually one of his doubles ;-;
hilarious and original
Rhys = Ted
Fiona = Robin
Sasha = Tracy
New U machines aren't canon.
Sorry,that was rude.
when a rhyiona low-key admits sasha will father rhys' children but they don't realize it and ur just like
I thought you were cool bruh
That was the point actually
Rhys loved Sasha at first but after Sasha dies Rhys' kids tell him to go ask Fiona (His true love)
and Ted brings the "Smurf Penis" to Robin
In the Rhyiona world it's the shoe
You need Jesus m8
You know, I called Yvette betraying Rhys, so you know, I think I'm going to quit while ahead.
That's the joke Metallica.
But the HIMYM finale sucked ass, and it ruins the whole show because of how illogical it is for Ted to go after Robin.
Thank you very much. The alternate ending was def. superior.
Nothing about those two words is bad lol