Scooter didn't die

Because of his plot armour, he is alive in borderland games right? So I'm sure he will appear in E5. :)



  • enter image description here

    Works with anything.

  • edited September 2015



  • Spoiler

    He's got as much chance of being alive as Lee.

  • At least Lee died only from infection,but Scooter,the dude got blown into pieces.

  • Feeling how you turn into freaking zombie it's better ? nah nah nah..
    At least Scootter got his final kiss ( or hug, or hat or nothing) and he died happy :P

    ZapThroat posted: »

    At least Lee died only from infection,but Scooter,the dude got blown into pieces.

  • Nah,for me,Lee died with a bullet,he didn’t have to worry about turning,but Scooter,although he was really brave and didn’t fear death got a much worse fate.

    PCGaming posted: »

    Feeling how you turn into freaking zombie it's better ? nah nah nah.. At least Scootter got his final kiss ( or hug, or hat or nothing) and he died happy :P

  • Nice username, bruh. But nah, I think his plot armor got shattered in Ep 4.

  • Sadly he is dead..No plot armour can save him.

    Or can it?

    [insert X-Files theme here]

  • The most useful gif of 2k15.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Works with anything.

  • enter image description here

    That just proves your point.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    The most useful gif of 2k15.

  • puts hand on shoulder

    Son. Scooter left and went to the land of cars, he is very happy there, I don't think he will be coming back.

  • The borderlands games don't need him anymore, since we clearly see Janey taking over his business.

  • [Record Scratch]

    Nah. He's dead. Everyone can go home now. Go on. everyone out. hordes the remaining food party table snacks

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Sadly he is dead..No plot armour can save him. Or can it? [insert X-Files theme here]

  • The borderlands games don't need him anymore

    enter image description here

    The borderlands games don't need him anymore, since we clearly see Janey taking over his business.

  • Amazing!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    That just proves your point.

  • TFTBL is set after any Scooter scenes seen in the Borderlands games.

  • I meant that Janey is ready to be the next one in BL3, so Scooter wasn't required for the game to function.

    I still love him though.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    The borderlands games don't need him anymore

  • Ok rubs eyes,I understand ;_;

    I meant that Janey is ready to be the next one in BL3, so Scooter wasn't required for the game to function. I still love him though.

  • Scooter's voice actor confirmed on his Twitter that he won't be working on any BL games in the future.

  • Well, he's the creative director for Gearbox, so he'll definitely be working on a BL game in the future (just not as a voice actor).

    papai46 posted: »

    Scooter's voice actor confirmed on his Twitter that he won't be working on any BL games in the future.

  • yeah, no hope for scooter unless fiona was making this part up to see the stranger reactions and try to figure out who he is or something.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Nah,for me,Lee died with a bullet,he didn’t have to worry about turning,but Scooter,although he was really brave and didn’t fear death got a much worse fate.

  • I think they could work in one last Scooter voice roll into BL3 if they really wanted to, via a side mission. Like, let's say Scooter knew that this trip to space was going to be dangerous and potentially deadly. So he makes a couple of echo recordings to leave behind for his friends and love ones just incase he doesn't make it back. Then you as the player have to deliver them to people like Moxxi, Ellie, a couple vault hunters, and of course Fiona. I'd love for them to do something like that. It would give us one final goodbye for Scooter, and catch up fans on his death (for those who never played Tales).

    Come on, Gearbox. Do it and break my heart all over again!

    Well, he's the creative director for Gearbox, so he'll definitely be working on a BL game in the future (just not as a voice actor).

  • edited September 2015

    janey, elie, moxxi, gaige, and other unlimited number of people can "replace" him. it wont be the same. but heck if we get driveable rockets from janey im sold.

    I meant that Janey is ready to be the next one in BL3, so Scooter wasn't required for the game to function. I still love him though.

  • enter image description here

    This NEEDS to happen!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I think they could work in one last Scooter voice roll into BL3 if they really wanted to, via a side mission. Like, let's say Scooter knew t

  • Lol,I will nuke Telltale if this turns out to be the case.

    yeah, no hope for scooter unless fiona was making this part up to see the stranger reactions and try to figure out who he is or something.

  • Imagine if BL3 just started and they were like,


    And just every character who ever died came back.

  • Then,I would be like:

    "Gearbox,you’re dead".

    Imagine if BL3 just started and they were like, "GUYS, WE TOTALLY LIED, NEW-U'S ARE CANON!" And just every character who ever died came back.

  • well that will make any weapon in the universe useless, so much for farming legendaries

    Imagine if BL3 just started and they were like, "GUYS, WE TOTALLY LIED, NEW-U'S ARE CANON!" And just every character who ever died came back.

  • Haha, oh my god. Now I'm just imagining Handsome Jack and AI Jack having some sort of epic fight to the death over who gets to rule Hyperion. Or do you think they'd get along? Nobody loves Handsome Jack as much as Handsome Jack. Hmm...

    Imagine if BL3 just started and they were like, "GUYS, WE TOTALLY LIED, NEW-U'S ARE CANON!" And just every character who ever died came back.

  • enter image description here

    Imagine if BL3 just started and they were like, "GUYS, WE TOTALLY LIED, NEW-U'S ARE CANON!" And just every character who ever died came back.

  • edited September 2015

    fight to the death

    yeah.. thats will be pointless if new u is canon

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Haha, oh my god. Now I'm just imagining Handsome Jack and AI Jack having some sort of epic fight to the death over who gets to rule Hyperion. Or do you think they'd get along? Nobody loves Handsome Jack as much as Handsome Jack. Hmm...

  • ...Oops. :P

    fight to the death yeah.. thats will be pointless if new u is canon

  • I personally think Jack would love to have his exact copy around (not like those poser doubles that can never capture the pure essence of Jackness).

    Could you imagine the two of them wreaking havoc and just driving everyone insane?

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Haha, oh my god. Now I'm just imagining Handsome Jack and AI Jack having some sort of epic fight to the death over who gets to rule Hyperion. Or do you think they'd get along? Nobody loves Handsome Jack as much as Handsome Jack. Hmm...

  • Will Scooter become the new Lee for 'alive' theories?

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