Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • School isn't love, School is life

  • And why do you think so? (assuming you watched the GC)

    Although Shu is my #1 favourite character I couldn't resist her face on this photo.

    I think Inori fits you the most.

  • thug life

    Eryka posted: »

    School isn't love, School is life

  • That's good to hear.

    enter image description here

    I'll stop annoying you then :P

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    good, thanks for asking. it was nothing, don't worry :P

  • crap

    enter image description here

    ahhhhhh no I haven't watched it, I'm planning on it though, would you recommend it?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    And why do you think so? (assuming you watched the GC) Although Shu is my #1 favourite character I couldn't resist her face on this photo.


    Inoreeen <3

    Slowly, Guilty Crown characters are taking over the forums. A glorious event!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Shu rocks Although I still can't decide whether to keep this one or one with Inori..so difficult.

  • Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

    The stuff in the beginning happens pretty fast so maybe it'll take you a while to completely understand it but it's amazing, the plot, the characters, everything.

    crap ahhhhhh no I haven't watched it, I'm planning on it though, would you recommend it?

  • you call that thug life

    this is thug life:

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    thug life

  • edited September 2015

    hahaha :D nice one! don't you worry about it, its ok :) something similar happened to me some month ago. so boys, if a girl doesn't give you her number it does not necessary mean she she don't like you or stuff. so just go ahead and give her your number. and I think the guy will learn from it :)

    and yup, Rhys would totally be the guy who would not get to the point and Fiona would totally be the gal who has no idea what this dude wants from her.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Story time I was going home and one guy walked up to me on the street out of nowhere. He said that I looked charming and was rambling som

  • enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. The stuff in the beginning happens pretty fast so maybe it'll take you a while to completely understand it but it's amazing, the plot, the characters, everything.

  • I spent the last night choosing between like 10 different avatars (all GC) and finally chose this one. I edited it a bit though.

    That's the best kind of a take-over. People who haven't even watched it are missing so much out.

    THIS ONE! TAKE THIS ONE! TAKE IT NOW! Inoreeen Slowly, Guilty Crown characters are taking over the forums. A glorious event!

  • Even the music is so beautiful.

    Watching GC is one of the best decisions in my life.

  • We are taking over this thread! ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I keep thinking you're King with that avatar lmao

  • those struggles of the thug life

    you call that thug life this is thug life:

  • I can't help it, but feel like a complete jerk, but thanks for your encouragement, I appreciate it!

    Kruzii posted: »

    hahaha nice one! don't you worry about it, its ok something similar happened to me some month ago. so boys, if a girl doesn't give you her

  • then my momma spanks me and I cry myself to sleep


    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    those struggles of the thug life

  • I know the struggle. I actually had the Ryshas help me out with picking my new avatar. I am not surprised this one won :P

    Yeah. The world needs more Inori. Imagine how nice it would be. People who don't watch this are definitely missing out on this one. Haven't fallen in love with an anime as much ever since.

    Second season when? >.<

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I spent the last night choosing between like 10 different avatars (all GC) and finally chose this one. I edited it a bit though. That's the best kind of a take-over. People who haven't even watched it are missing so much out.

  • don't put yourself down :) he will be over it and learn from it

    buntingsir posted: »

    It's okay, your comment made me smile actually, so thanks for that! I still feel super bad for him, I'm the worst person ever. But oh well, maybe he's already got over it... hopefully.

  • kids these days..they never learn, do they?

    then my momma spanks me and I cry myself to sleep worth

  • This needs a fitting song.

    enter link description here

    you call that thug life this is thug life:

  • True! If you ever feel the need to read some fanfics, you might wanna give mine a try. People say it is the best one around and they treat it like an "unofficial second season" :P

    They might be overrating it a bit, but I certainly am putting a lot of effort into it.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Even the music is so beautiful. Watching GC is one of the best decisions in my life.

  • enter image description here


    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    !esruoc fO

  • So in which website can I watch GC? I'm considering watching a new anime :P

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Even the music is so beautiful. Watching GC is one of the best decisions in my life.

  • is that an insult ;~~~;

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    kids these days..they never learn, do they?

  • I've never even knew picking an avatar would be so difficult.

    Just imagine hearing her sweet voice singing so everyone could hear it..<3

    I've tried to find some interesting animes (for my liking) but I usually stop after the first episode, which wasn't the case with the Guilty Crown. Do you know any similar animes that are good?

    I'd kill for a second season..

    I know the struggle. I actually had the Ryshas help me out with picking my new avatar. I am not surprised this one won :P Yeah. The world

  • I watched it here

    I'm happy that there are more people who are interested, you won't regret it. :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So in which website can I watch GC? I'm considering watching a new anime :P

  • (: !deednI

    MichaelBP posted: »


  • I'll check them out once I find some free time, because..school and studying.

    I've read one of your fanfics already, the one with Shu/Hare/Inori. So far I like your writing skills, it keeps you interested although that was pretty much 'lemon' but it was definitely a good start imo! (:

    True! If you ever feel the need to read some fanfics, you might wanna give mine a try. People say it is the best one around and they treat i

  • I...I don't even know.

    I don't have a thug life how would I even know? :P

    is that an insult ;~~~;

  • School is hate, school is death :P

    Eryka posted: »

    School isn't love, School is life

  • People usually know what they're saying :P

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I...I don't even know. I don't have a thug life how would I even know? :P

  • Usually being the keyword. :p

    People usually know what they're saying :P

  • enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Usually being the keyword.

  • I feel like I'm 80.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    man, you sound 80 :P

  • If school isn't taking over your life, you're doing it wrong.

    Eryka posted: »

    School isn't love, School is life

  • yeah, especially if you have many pics to choose from.

    IKR? And then all wars would end and everyone would just come together and sing along because Inori is love, Inori is life :D

    finding similar animes is hard. I haven't found one that amazed me as much as GC did. There are some animes which have a few similarities such as setting or general character personalities, however. Sakurasou no pet na kanojo features a girl not unlike Inori...she even has the same VA. It's not exactly the same, but it was still entertaining. It's slice of life, tho

    Erementar Gerad features the same situation, meaning boy meets girl, followed by boy learns how to get a huge and powerful sword out of that girl. They end up falling in love. I think it used to be my favorite before GC, but rather the manga than the anime. The anime's quality is rather low and they cut out all the blood and death and stuff...which kinda makes it weaker.

    In terms of setting, Code Geass is similar, although I would never say it comes even close to GC in terms of characters, art and music. The story itself is interesting, but it feels more like a better Death Note than a good alternative to GC. There is no real love going on, no burden of leadership and the characters are mostly not very likable in my opinion. The story revolves around plot twists after plot twists to keep going, which works, but once you are done, you kinda just accept teh anime for what it was, put it away and never deal with it ever again. It doesn't affect you very much on an emotional level, even though the ending is quite tragic and not unlike GC's one.

    Unfortunately, if you are like me, who mainly loved GC for the characters and setting, mainly the pure and unconditional, yet also tragic love between Shu and Inori as well as the topic of the burden of leadership, you will find no real alternatives. Real romance doesn't seem to be done that much in anime, it appears. Japan seems to like fanservice and harem more. A nation full of cockteases.

    I can probably count the japanese stories with romance in them that actually managed to move me on my hand...which is quite sad, given teh fact that I have watched/read anime/manga for many, many years now. I can only think of 5 animes, including GC, Erementar Gerad and Sakurasou. A real shame.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I've never even knew picking an avatar would be so difficult. Just imagine hearing her sweet voice singing so everyone could hear it..<

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    School is hate, school is death :P

  • yay, someone read my stuff! Though I am kinda embarrassed when people tell me they started with my smut fics. I always get worried they might think that's all I write and then leave xD

    The Hare lemon, especially, kinda got very disappointing feedback. Meaning I almost received none at all, which kinda tells me that it either sucked or that it was alright, but nothing worth reviewing for. Which makes me a sad king.

    I am glad you enjoyed it, though. I thought I might do another one with Mana/Gai, but considering the sub-optimal amount of feedback, I think I will just cancel my plans and will continue writing the main story instead.

    If you ever find the time to check out the main story (screw school...stupid time eater, grrr), then don't get fooled by its slow start. The beginning of the fic is kinda old, so the writing style isn't up to date. I would like to think I have improved by now, so if it's not too much to ask for, just try to bear with it. It should become better after the first 5 chapters. :D

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I'll check them out once I find some free time, because..school and studying. I've read one of your fanfics already, the one with Shu/Har

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