Well I've been playing MGSV a lot lately, and a thought popped into my head. How do y'all think Reese would react to seeing Fiona dressed up like this:
LMAO I think google translator has problems xD
Seriously, I think we should stop speaking in Spanish except if you want Pablo back or make Green upset xD
... and I really don't want to find out what will happen :c
already tried it? or maybe an anger management cursus?
So if you mess with him, you're trolled...?
I don't want to mess with him anyways xD
no wonder it takes so long for them to become a couple
hola chico malo
I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist.
Dayum ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ffs I sound like a pervert ;-;
He'll just mislead you about stuff and make you question if what you are seeing is cg or real life.
hola que mala chica mala
el hilo parece un poco tranquilo...
Sorry, that distracted me the most xD
Holy shit, is that Joshua Graham from FNV?
Hey that's not so bad. I expected him to get a nosebleed along with being frozen in place for an hour.
sí hilo muertos >.<
describe rhyiona with a song
it's worth the wait
It's fine. Sometimes you can't control your urges. ;p
Edit : wait, you aren't on the family tree
Yo no creo que pasará mucho tiempo muerto
habiendo dicho eso... sí tengo algo que mostrar pronto
me no know other songs, help pls
Ya know he really does look like him, but he's a cg version of this guy.
Chicos, ¿cómo piensan verde reaccionará cuando se entere de que hablamos español en el hilo de nuevo?
enter link description here
I'm uh gonna go to sleep, since tomorrows gonna be a long day.
GoT rated Rhyiona dreams, Dom ~-^
good night!
Night, Rabbit...
Well it's not wrong.
Picasso no aquí estamos bien
G'night Rabbit.
Hey, it's okay. MGS makes everyone a little lewder.
Nighty nighty's
:^) Oh well, this is just Quiet (pretty much) flirting with Punished "Venom" Snake.
Nope, I'm not. :I
LMAO I think google translator has problems xD
Seriously, I think we should stop speaking in Spanish except if you want Pablo back or make Green upset xD
... and I really don't want to find out what will happen :c
r rated rhyiona dreams
Muéstrame ahora!
Hah, definitely looks like it.
You just have to tag @Green613 @Green613 @Green613 and tell him your country and gender.
no tengo miedo de té arbusto
Why..? Why do I always keep hearing this song, want to go back in time and live again my old memories? ;__;
enter link description here
Did you rike it dad?
por favor, arbusto del té
¡está bien, está bien! que llegará pronto xd