Anyways, in my honest opinion, this thread easily comes off some sort of spam thread. Sure, there is a decent quality of Rhyiona content. But I think we can both agree that that amount is overshadowed by unrelated posts. And this has been going on for quite some time. I'm not even kidding, I've been through entire pages without the word "Rhyiona" coming up once. This has been recently too.
I'm not even completely sure what your stance on this is! I've seen you condemn the fucking shat out of mass-spamming in the past (no more Coke and Degree) but the shitposts still remain strong. And when people visit this thread, you can bet they see the shitposts. Maybe some Rhyiona, but the shitposts make up the majority.
After several brief visits, seeing this each time, people form a certain about the thread. An inaccurate view, which lead to the mini-spam that just went down. I stalk this thread every day when my day is done, and as a result I know well enough some change is trying to be brought on. Those who posted though, have no idea about this threads' activities or actual content. I'm not trying to defend them, it is quite a shallow way to view things, but I can also see why such conclusions would be made about this place.
I admit, I'm guilty of shitposting Heavy pics in the past. But I've come to learn that a good bit of you are wanting change to the whole shitposting thing, so I stopped. And when I get bored with some rare free-time in the day, I just look for something else to do rather than shitpost in the forums.
Unfortunately, spamming is inevitable for some people, especially when bored. The shallow view formed leads them to believe they can just come to your thread to say shit and think it won't matter because "everyone else is doing it."
Still, I honestly believe your best bet would to make a chatroom of some sort. It would cut shitpost numbers down dramatically if you enforced the chat good enough.
I know that you want this to be a thread were people can come and hang out, and you've achieved that! But it also seems to me you want it to become more Rhyiona focused. I've talked to some of your members via PM about this too, and I'm being serious when I say some want change. So, I'll leave this here one more time; I think a chatroom would be a good choice. It would be a great place for Rhyionas to talk about things that wouldn't belong on this thread (if you plan on changing it the way I think you are) and when someone spams, they have no excuse for their actions.
Alright, the 6th of Semptember it is then. :^) Just needed it for the story but I'm never sure on dates. Should've asked for Fiona's that other time but what's done is done, I guess.
I can't say I understand either, if this thread is so annoying why would anyone waste their time coming here to just argue or to do "omg so fun xD" pranks? No logic whatsoever.
I am kind of guilty jumping on the Korrasami train too. But mainly cause I didn't believe they would go through and allow a same sex couple. Now that's become the gimmick of a lot of cartoons nowadays it seems
I've been through entire pages without the word "Rhyiona" coming up once. This has been recently too.
Oh yes, I've noticed that too , in fact I even pointed it out a few days ago.
I think a chatroom would be a good choice. It would be a great place for Rhyionas to talk about things that wouldn't belong on this thread
The problem with this is that most people who do come here to just chat don't like the idea of a chatroom, I'm thinking of an easier way to solve this but nothings come up as of late
Though posts that people just talk about how they're doing I'm mostly fine with, as long as there are limits. An off topic post here and there is fine, though the dank meme shitposting is the main problem, and the main thing clogging up the thread. Even go back to older pages and you'll see this place works with the posts of people talking about themselves, it's just the dank memes that are the problem. But I have a solution for that ;]
Awesome! Ima chat with u here.
Anyways, in my honest opinion, this thread easily comes off some sort of spam thread. Sure, there is a d… moreecent quality of Rhyiona content. But I think we can both agree that that amount is overshadowed by unrelated posts. And this has been going on for quite some time. I'm not even kidding, I've been through entire pages without the word "Rhyiona" coming up once. This has been recently too.
I'm not even completely sure what your stance on this is! I've seen you condemn the fucking shat out of mass-spamming in the past (no more Coke and Degree) but the shitposts still remain strong. And when people visit this thread, you can bet they see the shitposts. Maybe some Rhyiona, but the shitposts make up the majority.
After several brief visits, seeing this each time, people form a certain about the thread. An inaccurate view, which lead to the mini-spam that just went down. I stalk this thread every … [view original content]
Yeah, I dont want to sound really criticizing on Rhysha or anything but this is probably a good analogy.
As a die hard Kenny fan in Walking Dead, after seeing the Rhysha vs Rhyiona and all that and me desperately not wanting Rhysha, and it being forced on me, I finally understand how people that didnt like Kenny felt and were annoyed by being forced to talk to him and things like that.
Before that I guess I was pretty ignorant, and me seeing someone talk about how they didnt like Kenny gave me the same type of attitude of , "Pff, yeah right."
I don't to come off as rude (like remotely since your awesome) but would you like a reality-check on the potential Rhysha popularity? (I can PM if you want)
We're at 171 (give or take one or two). I'm still keeping count. I just haven't updated lists because people change their avatars all the time and I have no way to keep up.
I've been through entire pages without the word "Rhyiona" coming up once. This has been recently too.
Oh yes, I've noticed that too … more, in fact I even pointed it out a few days ago.
I think a chatroom would be a good choice. It would be a great place for Rhyionas to talk about things that wouldn't belong on this thread
The problem with this is that most people who do come here to just chat don't like the idea of a chatroom, I'm thinking of an easier way to solve this but nothings come up as of late
Though posts that people just talk about how they're doing I'm mostly fine with, as long as there are limits. An off topic post here and there is fine, though the dank meme shitposting is the main problem, and the main thing clogging up the thread. Even go back to older pages and you'll see this place works with the posts of people talking about themselves, it's just the dank memes that are the problem. But I have a solution for that ;]
I've been through entire pages without the word "Rhyiona" coming up once. This has been recently too.
Oh yes, I've noticed that too … more, in fact I even pointed it out a few days ago.
I think a chatroom would be a good choice. It would be a great place for Rhyionas to talk about things that wouldn't belong on this thread
The problem with this is that most people who do come here to just chat don't like the idea of a chatroom, I'm thinking of an easier way to solve this but nothings come up as of late
Though posts that people just talk about how they're doing I'm mostly fine with, as long as there are limits. An off topic post here and there is fine, though the dank meme shitposting is the main problem, and the main thing clogging up the thread. Even go back to older pages and you'll see this place works with the posts of people talking about themselves, it's just the dank memes that are the problem. But I have a solution for that ;]
The writing for Korrasami, the more I look at it, the more I view it as brilliant. Regardless of genders, Bryke wrote a solid romance subplot that a lot of shows and stories (targeted at younger audiences) miss completely. Korrasami is passively built up from them not being friends, to finally becoming friends after almost an entire season. Their friendship put to the test in the second, and they ultimately become closer, and then finally being closer to each other than anyone else. So when the show ends with them together, I had to applaud it.
Rhysha is similar in that the characters are not on good terms initially, they don't trust or even like each other. But by the end of that first episode, they finally got a moment to see each other shine and they bonded a bit. Then the writers seemed to speed up and skip a lot of steps and throw them into contemplating their feelings about each other. And I have a huge issue with jumping that quick into it. I'd have the same problem if Rhyiona had a sudden romantic scene that added nothing to the actual plot. These are characters I might add that are not good people. Unlike LoK, Rhys and Fiona live in a world where trust is a rarity that takes years or even decades not weeks and months. Look at Yvette, Rhys was/is just as scummy as she is (depending on how you play him, of course). Fiona and Sasha, they don't care really about anyone but their family, who even Felix breaks that bond. So even Rhyiona has the same issue, but that's not something that the writers are pushing on the players.
That works better than mine with Mass Effect cause I have to stretch it a bit. Like Bioware clearly wanted Liara to be the main LI and they tip it in her favor, but then there's still room to choose Ash/Kaiden or avoid romance entirely.
Yeah, I dont want to sound really criticizing on Rhysha or anything but this is probably a good analogy.
As a die hard Kenny fan in Walki… moreng Dead, after seeing the Rhysha vs Rhyiona and all that and me desperately not wanting Rhysha, and it being forced on me, I finally understand how people that didnt like Kenny felt and were annoyed by being forced to talk to him and things like that.
Before that I guess I was pretty ignorant, and me seeing someone talk about how they didnt like Kenny gave me the same type of attitude of , "Pff, yeah right."
Now I understand the pain.
I don't to come off as rude (like remotely since your awesome) but would you like a reality-check on the potential Rhysha popularity? (I can PM if you want)
Considering rhyshas been developing since episode 1 I wouldn't consider it forced even so if rhyiona was canon it would be kinda awkward talking to yourself about feelings.
That works better than mine with Mass Effect cause I have to stretch it a bit. Like Bioware clearly wanted Liara to be the main LI and they tip it in her favor, but then there's still room to choose Ash/Kaiden or avoid romance entirely.
I completely agree. I am not an immigrant, but my parents were. They are struggling with the integrating bit, but they managed more or less. They really tried at least. People like them should be allowed to live here. But leechers who are after the money and take help for granted are not. I really think the politicians are forcing the country too much to represent our people as friendly and helpful just to get rid of the bad image we received ever since WW2, but I think that's bullshit.
Yes, some horrible things happened. Yes, they should be remembered. But does that warrant having to go through the events FOUR TIMES in school? Does it warrant taking shit from every nation that wasn't allied with Germany? America threw two fucking nuclear bombs on civilian locations. Not one. Two. Where is the critique in that? Billions of defenseless people slaughtered, yet there is no remorse coming from the USA. Why? Juts because they won? Does it make their actions any less bad? How come we get pushed around so much for that, yet America is allowed to get away with everything, putting their noses into conflicts that doesn't concern them for some abstract reasoning such as "bringing freedom".
The point is...we shouldn't need showing so much that we are good people anymore. It's been 70 years since the war ended and more than half of our population wasn't even alive back then. It's time to let go already. Especially since no matter what you do, others will eventually fall back to the nazi argument anyway once they get dissatisfied. It's not worth the trouble and even though it's not a popular opinion, I really think we should stp taking in everyone. Because, let's face it, they claim to be returning to their home lands after conflicts in their region have settled, but we all know that they will try their hardest to get married here or get their women pregnant to bear a child here, which would earn them the right to remain here forever. Because why shouldn't they? Everyone is welcoming them, there is peace here and I bet the living standards are higher here as well. We are a rather rich country, so living here might be a win-win no matter how you look at it.
are you german too? yeah, they could and you are right, a lot of things are better up there but the most people think germany is super rich.… more.. I don't mind refugees, as long they have respect and be grateful. don't get me wrong, I'm a immigrant too(and I am so happy to be here), but I think germany is too soft at some points. I've got the feeling germany is like:"look at us! we are soooo tolerant!! WE ARE NO NAZIS ANYMORE!". if they can do something for this country, do nothing illegal and integrate, great, welcome lets be friends. if they are here just to get money from this country, not even trying to integrate, are rude to the germans etc. .. get the fuck out. maybe it sounds harsh but ya know..
Well, I am not spamming here, but see, even though I don't ship Rhyiona, I am spending most of my time in here anyway, because this thread kind of became a multi-functional one. People are talking in here about everything they like with some Rhyiona thrown into the mix here and there. You can't tell me it's not a spam thread when the actual thread's purpose (which is shipping) has merely ended up being a side topic. That's at least my impression, no offense.
No, no it is not a spam thread. I've been trying over the last few weeks to stop it from becoming that, spamming just because you think it's a spam thread doesn't really help me fix that problem either.
well, to be fair. Having avatars changed and being added to the map is not derailing the thread. It's a shipping thread, people are trying to join the ship. They merely seek to get accepted into the ship that way. I agree on the events, though. Even though some might be fun, they have little to nothing to do with Rhysha.
One page, right. Because whenever I go to check that place, almost always the pages are filled with how people want their avatars changed, or how they want to be on the map, or how there's an event coming up soon. Don't act so perfect please.
One page, right. Because whenever I go to check that place, almost always the pages are filled with how people want their avatars changed, or how they want to be on the map, or how there's an event coming up soon. Don't act so perfect please.
AMEN! FUCKING AMEN!!! goddammit germany, get your balls back!
and ah, did you heard of that?:fuckingbullshit<- excuse me, get back in your fucking country if you are not okay with our traditions. whats next? no pork? women have to wear a headscarf? das ist bullshit, die Person die diese Petition gestartet hat sollte straight rausgeschmissen werden. genau wie alle anderen 'Flüchtlinge' die da unterzeichnet haben. Ich hasse es das Deutschland von allen Seiten so respektlos behandelt wird.
achja.. Amerika. haben.. die sich eigentlich schon für Hiroshima entschuldigt..? Oder dafür das sie unser Land INKLUSIVE Kanzlerin ausspioniert haben..? Nein..?
I completely agree. I am not an immigrant, but my parents were. They are struggling with the integrating bit, but they managed more or less.… more They really tried at least. People like them should be allowed to live here. But leechers who are after the money and take help for granted are not. I really think the politicians are forcing the country too much to represent our people as friendly and helpful just to get rid of the bad image we received ever since WW2, but I think that's bullshit.
Yes, some horrible things happened. Yes, they should be remembered. But does that warrant having to go through the events FOUR TIMES in school? Does it warrant taking shit from every nation that wasn't allied with Germany? America threw two fucking nuclear bombs on civilian locations. Not one. Two. Where is the critique in that? Billions of defenseless people slaughtered, yet there is no remorse coming from the USA. Why? Juts because they won? Does it make … [view original content]
Awesome! Ima chat with u here.
Anyways, in my honest opinion, this thread easily comes off some sort of spam thread. Sure, there is a decent quality of Rhyiona content. But I think we can both agree that that amount is overshadowed by unrelated posts. And this has been going on for quite some time. I'm not even kidding, I've been through entire pages without the word "Rhyiona" coming up once. This has been recently too.
I'm not even completely sure what your stance on this is! I've seen you condemn the fucking shat out of mass-spamming in the past (no more Coke and Degree) but the shitposts still remain strong. And when people visit this thread, you can bet they see the shitposts. Maybe some Rhyiona, but the shitposts make up the majority.
After several brief visits, seeing this each time, people form a certain about the thread. An inaccurate view, which lead to the mini-spam that just went down. I stalk this thread every day when my day is done, and as a result I know well enough some change is trying to be brought on. Those who posted though, have no idea about this threads' activities or actual content. I'm not trying to defend them, it is quite a shallow way to view things, but I can also see why such conclusions would be made about this place.
I admit, I'm guilty of shitposting Heavy pics in the past. But I've come to learn that a good bit of you are wanting change to the whole shitposting thing, so I stopped. And when I get bored with some rare free-time in the day, I just look for something else to do rather than shitpost in the forums.
Unfortunately, spamming is inevitable for some people, especially when bored. The shallow view formed leads them to believe they can just come to your thread to say shit and think it won't matter because "everyone else is doing it."
Still, I honestly believe your best bet would to make a chatroom of some sort. It would cut shitpost numbers down dramatically if you enforced the chat good enough.
I know that you want this to be a thread were people can come and hang out, and you've achieved that! But it also seems to me you want it to become more Rhyiona focused. I've talked to some of your members via PM about this too, and I'm being serious when I say some want change. So, I'll leave this here one more time; I think a chatroom would be a good choice. It would be a great place for Rhyionas to talk about things that wouldn't belong on this thread (if you plan on changing it the way I think you are) and when someone spams, they have no excuse for their actions.
Wew :>
They straight up say it's not forced.
Alright, the 6th of Semptember it is then. :^) Just needed it for the story but I'm never sure on dates. Should've asked for Fiona's that other time but what's done is done, I guess.
I don't understand the sudden anger more than anything.
I am kind of guilty jumping on the Korrasami train too. But mainly cause I didn't believe they would go through and allow a same sex couple. Now that's become the gimmick of a lot of cartoons nowadays it seems
oh okay..
Oh yes, I've noticed that too
, in fact I even pointed it out a few days ago.
The problem with this is that most people who do come here to just chat don't like the idea of a chatroom, I'm thinking of an easier way to solve this but nothings come up as of late
Though posts that people just talk about how they're doing I'm mostly fine with, as long as there are limits. An off topic post here and there is fine, though the dank meme shitposting is the main problem, and the main thing clogging up the thread. Even go back to older pages and you'll see this place works with the posts of people talking about themselves, it's just the dank memes that are the problem. But I have a solution for that ;]
Yeah, I dont want to sound really criticizing on Rhysha or anything but this is probably a good analogy.
As a die hard Kenny fan in Walking Dead, after seeing the Rhysha vs Rhyiona and all that and me desperately not wanting Rhysha, and it being forced on me, I finally understand how people that didnt like Kenny felt and were annoyed by being forced to talk to him and things like that.
Before that I guess I was pretty ignorant, and me seeing someone talk about how they didnt like Kenny gave me the same type of attitude of , "Pff, yeah right."
Now I understand the pain.
I don't to come off as rude (like remotely since your awesome) but would you like a reality-check on the potential Rhysha popularity? (I can PM if you want)
Feel free to include me in those discussions, and just flag the posts and I can keep the threads clean. I need practice anyway.
Your choice! But my view on chatroom effectiveness stands. If it helps, we were skeptical of it at first too.
The writing for Korrasami, the more I look at it, the more I view it as brilliant. Regardless of genders, Bryke wrote a solid romance subplot that a lot of shows and stories (targeted at younger audiences) miss completely. Korrasami is passively built up from them not being friends, to finally becoming friends after almost an entire season. Their friendship put to the test in the second, and they ultimately become closer, and then finally being closer to each other than anyone else. So when the show ends with them together, I had to applaud it.
Rhysha is similar in that the characters are not on good terms initially, they don't trust or even like each other. But by the end of that first episode, they finally got a moment to see each other shine and they bonded a bit. Then the writers seemed to speed up and skip a lot of steps and throw them into contemplating their feelings about each other. And I have a huge issue with jumping that quick into it. I'd have the same problem if Rhyiona had a sudden romantic scene that added nothing to the actual plot. These are characters I might add that are not good people. Unlike LoK, Rhys and Fiona live in a world where trust is a rarity that takes years or even decades not weeks and months. Look at Yvette, Rhys was/is just as scummy as she is (depending on how you play him, of course). Fiona and Sasha, they don't care really about anyone but their family, who even Felix breaks that bond. So even Rhyiona has the same issue, but that's not something that the writers are pushing on the players.
You don't need to tell me twice. I left for two weeks and I am almost 300 pages behind...
A lot of it is random chatting so don't feel too bad.
would you mind giving me your country and gender so i can add you to the tree please?
That works better than mine with Mass Effect cause I have to stretch it a bit. Like Bioware clearly wanted Liara to be the main LI and they tip it in her favor, but then there's still room to choose Ash/Kaiden or avoid romance entirely.
It might be sleep getting to me (it's 4AM, sorry) but I'm sorta confused. You can PM me if that's what you mean. :P
America. Male.
They're thirsty
guys i got shit to do see ya all
Alright, updating the OP with you and @MichaelBP in a sec :]
Cause Merica and Date Flipping
Good night everyone, see you on the radest birthday of this thread so far
aka tomorrow
I'm actually tired too. College gets to me.
I'm not on the clock m8
I'm 13
Considering rhyshas been developing since episode 1 I wouldn't consider it forced even so if rhyiona was canon it would be kinda awkward talking to yourself about feelings.
Happy Birthday, Rhyiona! (GMT +8)
There'll be a sequel to the exclusive video 2 months ago.
Good morning. Gotta go to school today....
I no longer like school.
I completely agree. I am not an immigrant, but my parents were. They are struggling with the integrating bit, but they managed more or less. They really tried at least. People like them should be allowed to live here. But leechers who are after the money and take help for granted are not. I really think the politicians are forcing the country too much to represent our people as friendly and helpful just to get rid of the bad image we received ever since WW2, but I think that's bullshit.
Yes, some horrible things happened. Yes, they should be remembered. But does that warrant having to go through the events FOUR TIMES in school? Does it warrant taking shit from every nation that wasn't allied with Germany? America threw two fucking nuclear bombs on civilian locations. Not one. Two. Where is the critique in that? Billions of defenseless people slaughtered, yet there is no remorse coming from the USA. Why? Juts because they won? Does it make their actions any less bad? How come we get pushed around so much for that, yet America is allowed to get away with everything, putting their noses into conflicts that doesn't concern them for some abstract reasoning such as "bringing freedom".
The point is...we shouldn't need showing so much that we are good people anymore. It's been 70 years since the war ended and more than half of our population wasn't even alive back then. It's time to let go already. Especially since no matter what you do, others will eventually fall back to the nazi argument anyway once they get dissatisfied. It's not worth the trouble and even though it's not a popular opinion, I really think we should stp taking in everyone. Because, let's face it, they claim to be returning to their home lands after conflicts in their region have settled, but we all know that they will try their hardest to get married here or get their women pregnant to bear a child here, which would earn them the right to remain here forever. Because why shouldn't they? Everyone is welcoming them, there is peace here and I bet the living standards are higher here as well. We are a rather rich country, so living here might be a win-win no matter how you look at it.
And that's bad.
Well, I am not spamming here, but see, even though I don't ship Rhyiona, I am spending most of my time in here anyway, because this thread kind of became a multi-functional one. People are talking in here about everything they like with some Rhyiona thrown into the mix here and there. You can't tell me it's not a spam thread when the actual thread's purpose (which is shipping) has merely ended up being a side topic. That's at least my impression, no offense.
well, to be fair. Having avatars changed and being added to the map is not derailing the thread. It's a shipping thread, people are trying to join the ship. They merely seek to get accepted into the ship that way. I agree on the events, though. Even though some might be fun, they have little to nothing to do with Rhysha.
Don't worry i didn't see that answer. I'm sure you have a better one with an actual point, i believe in you.
Good morning, guys. I just came back from school :')
Nice. 6 month anniversary ^-^
BTW how are you all today?
Happy birthday to Rhyiona, aka Rhys and Fiona's 6 month anniversary!
AMEN! FUCKING AMEN!!! goddammit germany, get your balls back!
and ah, did you heard of that?:fuckingbullshit<- excuse me, get back in your fucking country if you are not okay with our traditions. whats next? no pork? women have to wear a headscarf? das ist bullshit, die Person die diese Petition gestartet hat sollte straight rausgeschmissen werden. genau wie alle anderen 'Flüchtlinge' die da unterzeichnet haben. Ich hasse es das Deutschland von allen Seiten so respektlos behandelt wird.
achja.. Amerika. haben.. die sich eigentlich schon für Hiroshima entschuldigt..? Oder dafür das sie unser Land INKLUSIVE Kanzlerin ausspioniert haben..? Nein..?