Indeed, that's what worries me. He'll journey in the North, fighting wildlings and Other ones all the way,find the North Grove, acquire whatever it is Gregor states that is there, and voyage aaaall the way back to the south,fighting wildlings and other ones all over again, and somehow cross the Wall despite being wanted for treason, just in time to help the Forresters at the their war, all in one final episode?
Welp this is gonna have to be one long episode if we don't want a cliffhanger then. Gared still has to get to the North Grove, and somehow use it to help House Forrester all the way back south of the wall. .
Maybe a lot of this happened when Asher was sailing to Westeros. We don't know how much time it took to sail for Asher. Therefore a lot could have happened in Kings Landing as well as Beyond the Wall. So, we must just wait and see what happened and how the events from the last part will be placed in the timeline.
Indeed, that's what worries me. He'll journey in the North, fighting wildlings and Other ones all the way,find the North Grove, acquire what… moreever it is Gregor states that is there, and voyage aaaall the way back to the south,fighting wildlings and other ones all over again, and somehow cross the Wall despite being wanted for treason, just in time to help the Forresters at the their war, all in one final episode?
It seems too crammed up.
They are concentrating on it. It's been promoted at the past three game shows they've attended and they're releasing information/given a release date for it before the finales of GoT or Tftb. I would say that the PR staff at Telltale are "focusing" their efforts on Minecraft.
Minecraft story mode(the game telltale is concentrating on at the moment)
They aren't really concentrating on it, they just finished… more the episode, no reason to not release it.
Do you guys think they'll finish off these games before or after MSM
Their finales will most likely release after, especially since neither of them have classification.
Yes I know about the seperate teams, but I mean telltale as a whole can concentrate on GoT now. Getting it out to the fans and the to rest of the world. Behold episode 6! It will be glorious! Gryff and Ludd are gonna die pretty soon.
Maybe a lot of this happened when Asher was sailing to Westeros. We don't know how much time it took to sail for Asher. Therefore a lot coul… mored have happened in Kings Landing as well as Beyond the Wall. So, we must just wait and see what happened and how the events from the last part will be placed in the timeline.
Yes I know about the seperate teams, but I mean telltale as a whole can concentrate on GoT now. Getting it out to the fans and the to rest of the world. Behold episode 6! It will be glorious! Gryff and Ludd are gonna die pretty soon.
Agreed, those pictures were gruesome and horrifying. I don't get what he/she was trying to do, raise awareness, be a troll, I don't know, but it doesn't belong here that's for sure.
When I saw those pictures I didn't realise what they were at first because I wasn't really concentrating and then when I realised I couldn't have closed the tab faster...
I have an awfully good memory. When I say awfully, the things I remember most are things that disgust me and horrify me... Those pictures will be staying in my mind for a long time and I'll do anything to just forget I ever saw them.
When I saw those pictures I didn't realise what they were at first because I wasn't really concentrating and then when I realised I couldn't… more have closed the tab faster...
I have an awfully good memory. When I say awfully, the things I remember most are things that disgust me and horrify me... Those pictures will be staying in my mind for a long time and I'll do anything to just forget I ever saw them.
I definitely predict a cliffhanger for next season, but not like an obvious cliffhanger like TWD season 1. I think the cliffhanger will be the north grove, and its inhabitants.
I'm amazed at how quickly episode 5 and this wait have made me loathe a series that I have enjoyed for nearly a year.
Really hating Telltale right now for their lack of communication and complete inability to stick to any sort of schedule.
This forum is defending them a bunch but many many people are losing interest and are pissed. Isn't the finale the fastest to be released? Well this one has taking the longest out of any Got episode.
If it takes more than 2 weeks, I honestly might just not care anymore.
Indeed, that's what worries me. He'll journey in the North, fighting wildlings and Other ones all the way,find the North Grove, acquire what… moreever it is Gregor states that is there, and voyage aaaall the way back to the south,fighting wildlings and other ones all over again, and somehow cross the Wall despite being wanted for treason, just in time to help the Forresters at the their war, all in one final episode?
It seems too crammed up.
I'm amazed at how quickly episode 5 and this wait have made me loathe a series that I have enjoyed for nearly a year.
Really hating Tellt… moreale right now for their lack of communication and complete inability to stick to any sort of schedule.
This forum is defending them a bunch but many many people are losing interest and are pissed. Isn't the finale the fastest to be released? Well this one has taking the longest out of any Got episode.
If it takes more than 2 weeks, I honestly might just not care anymore.
Be patient, that's what they want you to feel. Don't make a rookie mistake.
What, you're gonna lose interest? Come on, you know that's no… moret true.
Kinda like people who say that after season's five finale they're gonna stop watching the show. They'll do no such thing.
I'm amazed at how quickly episode 5 and this wait have made me loathe a series that I have enjoyed for nearly a year.
Really hating Tellt… moreale right now for their lack of communication and complete inability to stick to any sort of schedule.
This forum is defending them a bunch but many many people are losing interest and are pissed. Isn't the finale the fastest to be released? Well this one has taking the longest out of any Got episode.
If it takes more than 2 weeks, I honestly might just not care anymore.
Indeed, that's what worries me. He'll journey in the North, fighting wildlings and Other ones all the way,find the North Grove, acquire whatever it is Gregor states that is there, and voyage aaaall the way back to the south,fighting wildlings and other ones all over again, and somehow cross the Wall despite being wanted for treason, just in time to help the Forresters at the their war, all in one final episode?
It seems too crammed up.
Maybe a lot of this happened when Asher was sailing to Westeros. We don't know how much time it took to sail for Asher. Therefore a lot could have happened in Kings Landing as well as Beyond the Wall. So, we must just wait and see what happened and how the events from the last part will be placed in the timeline.
Where oh where is the release date for GoT?!?!
Soon. (Telltale soon)
They are concentrating on it. It's been promoted at the past three game shows they've attended and they're releasing information/given a release date for it before the finales of GoT or Tftb. I would say that the PR staff at Telltale are "focusing" their efforts on Minecraft.
Ep 6 better be 2 hours +. Or I will be upset.
I second this whole heartily. There's just so much to wrap up and after Episode five being so short, having a 2 1/2-3 hour episode would be fabulous!
I am going to play The Rains of Castamere during the last battle.
Not if there won't be a final battle
I love that gif.
No release date
true, I don't think of GoT as particularly linear. To some degree, but definitely not as a rule.
That would be a total cockblock by telltale
"And so the Forrestors and the Whitehills decided to live in peace. The end."
pls no
Ha, I wish.
enter link description here
I love giraffes!
Who doesn't? :P
enter link description here
But, uh, they'd be working on Episode 2 now.
I just checked and all of the pictures were deleted and his account banned. And I agree, that person was one sick fuck.
Oh thank god. That was really fucking scary.
Agreed, those pictures were gruesome and horrifying. I don't get what he/she was trying to do, raise awareness, be a troll, I don't know, but it doesn't belong here that's for sure.
I just saw this post and was about to say 'It's clobbering time' but alas it's done.
This will be an another horrifying memory that I may never forget in my life.
Agreed. It caught me off guard and I'm still horrified.
When I saw those pictures I didn't realise what they were at first because I wasn't really concentrating and then when I realised I couldn't have closed the tab faster...
I have an awfully good memory. When I say awfully, the things I remember most are things that disgust me and horrify me... Those pictures will be staying in my mind for a long time and I'll do anything to just forget I ever saw them.
Seriously, what the FUCK is wrong with some people?!
I don't know...
Some humans are just... I don't know.
I definitely predict a cliffhanger for next season, but not like an obvious cliffhanger like TWD season 1. I think the cliffhanger will be the north grove, and its inhabitants.
Hopefully the potato fucker doesn't die
I'm amazed at how quickly episode 5 and this wait have made me loathe a series that I have enjoyed for nearly a year.
Really hating Telltale right now for their lack of communication and complete inability to stick to any sort of schedule.
This forum is defending them a bunch but many many people are losing interest and are pissed. Isn't the finale the fastest to be released? Well this one has taking the longest out of any Got episode.
If it takes more than 2 weeks, I honestly might just not care anymore.
Be patient, that's what they want you to feel. Don't make a rookie mistake.
What, you're gonna lose interest? Come on, you know that's not true.
Kinda like people who say that after season's five finale they're gonna stop watching the show. They'll do no such thing.
I understand that the waits are normal. I waited through all of Twd s2, Borderlands, and Twau which had some incredibly long waits.
It's just that it's a finale, and I want this nightmare to be over haha.
Mostly just venting here.
Yeah well, this was probably 100 times worse.
To be fair, this is a finale that'll require far more effort than any other series finale yet.
You're not the only one ;-;
Probably not, but I missed it all so I'm not hesitant.