Tales From The Borderlands Cast Questions

Hey gang!
Telltale is going to be sitting down with several cast members of Tales From The Borderlands pretty soon to chat and we want to know what pressing questions the community has for them!
The awesome people we'll be talking to:
- Troy Baker (Rhys)
- Laura Bailey (Fiona)
- Ashley Johnson (Gortys)
- Dameon Clarke (Handsome Jack)
Feel free to post anything you're curious about in regards to Tales From The Borderlands and we'll do our best to get them to answer in some upcoming videos we'll be producing!
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Alrighty! I have one for both Dameon Clarke and Troy Baker.
Have you two had any recording sessions together? If so, what was it like, considering the unique relationship that Rhys and Jack have. Was there anything like goofing off between takes?
Also, considering this has been your first time working with Telltale for the both of you (as far I know), how has the experience been? Are there any differences in the process compared to the other studios you two have worked for?
To Ashley Johnson:
I've heard some of the unused dialogue for Gortys, and they sound more "teenagerish" than Gortys in the final cut. Do you know why Gortys's personality and voice was changed? Thanks!
Question for Troy Baker: Do you ship Rhysha?
Question for Troy Baker: Do you like dank memes?
Question to Dameon Clarke:How does it feel like when you play Handsome Jack and be douchy to others like that,does it feel horrible or good?
Question to Ashley Johnson:How did it feel like transiting from a badass zombie killer little girl to a little adorable little robot?
Question to Laura Bailey:Considering you played a lot of female characters in videogames,did Fiona feel any special than the other characters you did before?
Question to Troy Baker:The same as Laura.
Question to all of you:What do you ship for god’s sake?
Question to Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson: How does it feel like working together again?
Question to Laura Bailey: What's the best thing about being Fiona's VA?
Question to Dameon Clarke: Do you think Handsome Jack will be a part of Borderlands 3?
Question to all: What do you guys think of "Handsome Rhys".
And this is to Dameon also....
On a scale of 1 to 10 how dank is my photoshop?
Thanks for the quick responses gang, keep 'em coming!
One little quick note, I'm not super sure how much they're going to be able to speak in regards to the production side of things, this'll mostly be focusing on character(s), the craft of acting and their experiences performing in a Telltale series, as well as their thoughts on the story and franchise etc. I'll certainly float every question by them but I can't guarantee they'll be things the performers can respond on.
Also I am afraid they won't have time to comment on 'dank memes', DictatorAsylum. :P
How about my dank photoshop? :>
I'm willing to bet Dameon Clarke already owns like ten of those sweaters!
Now we only need some boxers
Handsome Jack's VA wearing a Handsome Jack Sweater
See what I did there?
No? Ok I'll leave now.....
Troy Baker has played a lot of female characters?
God this is so frustrating, all these good questions I've had bottled up inside me since I first got into the Borderlands franchise and I can't think any!!?!?!?!?!?
So this is open to anyone: Was there any scene that you had difficulty recording for any reason?
Again to anyone: How did you go about finding the voice of your character?
Question for Laura Bailey: Do you still ship Rhyiona? (u know i had to ask)
She's already my favorite voice actor of all time, but this would make her even more my favorite :]]]]]
No obviously,wth?
Question for everyone: What has been your favourite moment with each of your characters?
Question for Dameon Clark: What's your favorite Handsome Jack line to voice in TFTB?
This is not a question, just something really stupid I wonder if Dameon realizes. Handsome Jack, when you break him down, is pretty much Cell. Not cause you (Dameon) voiced both but they're both egotistical, arrogant, and vain, psychopathic murderers that used Colleen Clinkenbeard's super powers for their own gain, in an attempt to wipe out all life but also get killed by Colleen Clinkenbeard (I let her finish Jack off in BL2).
Continuing off track with DBZ, was it just coincidence that so much of the cast was involved with both franchises? (ignore if too random, I won't mind)
For Troy:
Do you believe that Rhys could evolve into Handsome Jack given enough stuff?
For Laura:
If given the choice between lots of money and her Hyperion 'friends', what do you think Fiona would choose?
For Ashley:
Gortys is a robot, so they aren't supposed to have emotions? I think? Anyway, could Gortys become evil or something.
For Dameon:
Dameon, how would you think AI Jack would react to learning of Angel's death by bandits?
To Troy: So Troy, you seem to have a lot of colorful socks. Was Rhys' sense of (sock) fashion your idea to put into the game?
Which leads into another open to anyone question: Did anyone else get something subtle into the game (like the socks)?
To Laura: How much can you tell us about Fiona's involvement in future Borderlands' games?
Back to Troy: So Rhys is a fanboy of Jack, but he's also aware of how terrible a person Jack is. How did you handle that conflict within the character, or was there any at all?
You should phrase that last part as: Laura do you know we love you so much we want you to change your name to Laura Bae-ley
More for everyone
If you could add your own idea or scene in Tales, what would you add?
To Troy, Ashley, and Laura: How would your character react to CL4P-TP, as of never seeing or hearing him before?
To Dameon: If Jack's AI dies in TftB (which I hope it doesn't) where will you go for a new voice acting job? (if you don't stay at Gearbox)?
Also, if y'all could like, sign a Cheez it box or something and send it to me, that'd be great.
why not pretzels?
Why not cock flavored soup packets?
Why not a can of Sweet Sue's Canned Whole Chicken... @LilacsBloom
More like this UTZ party mix sucks
I don't think Sweet Sue is sweet after all.....
Cuz Cheez its man.
But a box of sucky pretzels is always a good substitute for signatures
2 Question for everyone: Which scene do you think is the most defining for your character? and Which trait from your character you like the most?
Troy: What is an example of one of the lines you improvised on and made it into the game? And I'd also like to see if he ships either Rhyiona or Rhysha, and then if Rhyiona, how Laura responds to this.
Troy Baker (Rhys): Hello Troy! What do you like most about voicing Rhys?
Laura Bailey (Fiona): And hello to you, Laura! Same question, what do you like most about voicing Fiona?
Ashley Johnson (Gortys): Hi there, Ashley! Do you also wave your arms like Gortys, while voicing her?
Dameon Clarke (Handsome Jack): All hail, Dameon Clarke! Is there any difference between voicing AI Handsome Jack and the then Freshly living Handsome Jack? Do you think, they are the same character? Or two different characters?
It's really awesome that Telltale is doing this - so thanks, guys! ^_^
Dameon: Have you noticed much of a difference between physical Jack and AI Jack, and if so, has that affected how you play him?
Laura: In your opinion, does Fiona have what it takes to be a Vault Hunter?
Troy: Do you think Rhys would make a better Hyperion CEO than Jack?
Ashley: What's it like playing a robot, and how do you manage to give Gortys so much humanity?
And a bonus question for Dameon because I'm greedy: Do you personally think that Jack truly loved Angel?
Can you also please tell them (on behalf of the whole community) how amazing they all are, and how thankful we are for their wonderful performances?
Question for Laura: have you considered changing your last name to Baeley?
For Troy: On a scale of 1 to 10 how bro is Rhys and Vaughns broness?
To all: Do you ever improvise when reading your dialogue? (Is there any unscripted lines in the game?)
Troy: Isn’t it hard to keep a straight face when reading the lines sometimes? (When doing the Vasquez-impression, for an example. That was hilarious.)
Thanks for putting this Q&A on Telltale!
To all: Looking back on all your lines for TftB and the reactions they've gotten, can you pick one thing that you'd go back and change or alter if you could.
(For Dameon): expand the above question to include Borderlands 2.
For all but Dameon: Why did you decide to VA for Tales?
For Dameon: Why did you decide to VA for Borderlands 2?
To Troy:
Would you ever hang out with someone that had the personality of Rhys?
To Daemon:
Honest answer, do you see any traits of yourself in handsome Jack? Like do you share anything in your personalities?
To Laura:
Do you think that Fiona really likes the company she's in? I mean she obviously likes her sister, but what about anyone else?
To Ashley:
Is it fun in the recordings doing such a cute voice? Do you hear many "awwwww" from other people?