Haha same it's not as fun when you are not in it. (I'm not complaining, obviously we cannot all be there and I appreciate the hard work that was put into this game)
Yeah, I'll prolly just wait for reviews/people's recation on forums and maybe watch a playthrough, because right now I'm not really excited about the game. But hey, it's Telltale, it might as well become one of my favourites games from them.
So I'm not sure actually if I'm going to play Minecraft: Story Mode. My father said that he will buy it if I actually want to. But maybe I'll just watch some videos about it on Youtube
That's true. I admire the amount of dedication included in the pictures, I remember making a game like this (with my classmates in it) and the copy-pasting nearly killed me.
Haha same it's not as fun when you are not in it. (I'm not complaining, obviously we cannot all be there and I appreciate the hard work that was put into this game)
@1602637 @98Elliottchin @ABigBadWolf @Quiff @Eryka @HandsomeChef @HellFish @HazzatheMan @JumpyJoey @Wolfenus54
Thanks for all your suppor… moret and sorry for my late reply
I was so nervous and had been struggling to press the "Post Comment" button for so long xDD
Now, I am so relieved because of all your encouragements. Seriously, each of them (including the likes) means so equally much for me!
Thanks again :DDD
Ok, so last night at 3am I finished Until Dawn. In the end it probably took me close to 9 hours to complete, seeing as when I take away the number of times I had to pause the game (for various reasons) it averages up to 8-9 hours of play time
Now here is where I am gonna be salty. I fucking suck at this game, I did worse then anyone else on this forum Even though I knew spoilers and stuff I was trying hard to ignore the details, and it turns out I can ignore them if I want to...
Here is why I'm so fucking pissed at myself:
4 of my characters died! That's right, 4!!!
First was Matt: Even though I had seen the stage demo of the game and knew from watching it how to save Matt, I fucked up by having Emily give him the flare gun right away. AND HE SHOT IT INTO THE SKY! So the Wendigo impaled his jaw through a hook and left him to die.
Next was Josh: I didn't find that one special artifact of Hannah's before I encountered her as a Wendigo, so she crushed Josh's head into mush...
Then Jessica: I was pleased that I managed to keep her alive up to this point, but when the option came up to either 'Hide' or 'Try to run' I tried to run away... So the Wendigo chased her down and ripped her jaw off.
Lastly was Mike: This one takes the cake as the most frustrating death because I was like 1 second away from winning it! I FAILED THE FIRST 'DON'T MOVE' SEQUENCE INSIDE THE LODGE! And I was so close to completing it as well So Hannah tossed him around the room and when Sam ran out and flicked the switch, he was inside and still unconscious, so he's dead.
Sigh I fucking sucked at this game! I went in blind and came back to it knowing everything! Everyone here who played it managed to save nearly everyone and went in completely blind to the events of the game T_T
better than having to be speared by your friend, amirite?
enter link description here
Lucky you ;-;
I'm too heartless :')
In my playthroughs you spend your days discovering caves...
What is wrong with you,man?
I don't know. My heart is made by stone xD
BTW you aren't lucky anymore xD
Don't worry, I died, too ;.;
Just got back and already seeing everybody showing how they killed each other....õ_O
@CraazyCakes is borned to be a murderer xD
The lucky bastard XD
that's interesting, i guess...
Oh shit, you just stepped on a landmine. I'm so sorry ;_;
Armis won this one.
I dunno, I just googled "creepy pictures" and there it was
Haha same
it's not as fun when you are not in it. (I'm not complaining, obviously we cannot all be there and I appreciate the hard work that was put into this game)
You should watch it, it's amazing.
meh, i'm very clumsy irl so i'm not really surprised :P
I just went to page 1146 and I found these:
You're right, @ABigBadWolf! I like it a lot ^-^
Kawaiii x Paul confirmed
Sorry, Zap, I don't know what you're getting at. If it's about the lack of screenshots, I'm on mobile :P
I just thought it would be funny hehe.
Yeah, I'll prolly just wait for reviews/people's recation on forums and maybe watch a playthrough, because right now I'm not really excited about the game. But hey, it's Telltale, it might as well become one of my favourites games from them.
enter link description here
That's true. I admire the amount of dedication included in the pictures, I remember making a game like this (with my classmates in it) and the copy-pasting nearly killed me.
No worries!
What's that? :P
Welcome back!
thanx fam ^-^
Ok, so last night at 3am I finished Until Dawn. In the end it probably took me close to 9 hours to complete, seeing as when I take away the number of times I had to pause the game (for various reasons) it averages up to 8-9 hours of play time
Now here is where I am gonna be salty. I fucking suck at this game, I did worse then anyone else on this forum Even though I knew spoilers and stuff I was trying hard to ignore the details, and it turns out I can ignore them if I want to...
Here is why I'm so fucking pissed at myself:
4 of my characters died! That's right, 4!!!
First was Matt: Even though I had seen the stage demo of the game and knew from watching it how to save Matt, I fucked up by having Emily give him the flare gun right away. AND HE SHOT IT INTO THE SKY! So the Wendigo impaled his jaw through a hook and left him to die.
Next was Josh: I didn't find that one special artifact of Hannah's before I encountered her as a Wendigo, so she crushed Josh's head into mush...
Then Jessica: I was pleased that I managed to keep her alive up to this point, but when the option came up to either 'Hide' or 'Try to run' I tried to run away... So the Wendigo chased her down and ripped her jaw off.
Lastly was Mike: This one takes the cake as the most frustrating death because I was like 1 second away from winning it! I FAILED THE FIRST 'DON'T MOVE' SEQUENCE INSIDE THE LODGE! And I was so close to completing it as well
So Hannah tossed him around the room and when Sam ran out and flicked the switch, he was inside and still unconscious, so he's dead.
Sigh I fucking sucked at this game! I went in blind and came back to it knowing everything! Everyone here who played it managed to save nearly everyone and went in completely blind to the events of the game T_T
And everyone else here who played Until Dawn. Congratulations, you all beat me. I lost 4 people... I'm gonna go now and await the laughing stock
Wtf is this? :P
So, did Josh turned into a wendigo to your walkthrough or Hannah squished his head?
Edit: I need glasses. I didn't notice for what you said about Josh .-.
But hey, you did it better than PewDiePie xD
Okay, that's the last one so I won't continue posting these :P
Me and Paul confirmed best friends xD
^ Dafuq? O.O
i ship it ^-^
Ahahaha!!! I wasn't even playing this game though!
Say wut?
It's not right ;.;
It's wrong. ;-;
o rly?