Troy: Hey there! What do you think Rhys' relationships with all the characters would be like if you were to create an Alternate Universe with them? Would Rhys and Vaughn still be bros forever? Thanks!
Laura: Hi, Laura! So, what's your favourite trait of Fiona? What really intrigues and interests you about her? And, if you do play through TftB, how do you play her? Thanks!
Daemon: Hello, Daemon! Do you see any traits of Jack in Rhys? Do you maybe think that, if Rhys stuck with him throughout the episodes, Rhys could become the next Handsome Jack? And how do you think Jack feels about Rhys and his friends? Thanks!
Ashley: Hi there, Ashley! So, Gortys is a cutie and I'd like to know about her and Loader Bot's relationship. They're robots, obviously, but some of the community here likes to think that they're best buddies! Do you think they have a special bond? Thanks!
Thank you all for working with TellTale and bringing nothing but more amazing stuff to Tales from the Borderlands! You're all so awesome!
To sign or to eat the chicken? Because I'd 100% watch a video of the cast eating that thing.
You get stuck on Pandora after Dameon thought was a great idea to have you all fly off on a spaceship while intoxicated, causing the ship to crash-land down onto the planet, smack-bang in the middle of the desert. You're all miraculously alive, uninjured and sobered out, but the spaceship is wrecked, leaving you stranded miles from civilization, and you have quickly come to realize chucking your cell phones out the airlock earlier while you were drunk, because 'it looked soooo cool watching them float out there' was probably not a good idea.
Thanks to some convenient SHINY MEAT BICYCLES stored away on the spaceship which also very conveniently survived the crash, you all start riding off in the direction that you hope will take you somewhere safe-ish. But oh no! Suddenly from nowhere a giant tornado full of ravenous sharks appears and is coming right towards you!
Which one of you would stay behind as a distraction, sacrificing yourself to allow the others time to escape?
[To the whole cast]
You get stuck on Pandora after Dameon thought was a great idea to have you all fly off on a spaceship while intoxicat… moreed, causing the ship to crash-land down onto the planet, smack-bang in the middle of the desert. You're all miraculously alive, uninjured and sobered out, but the spaceship is wrecked, leaving you stranded miles from civilization, and you have quickly come to realize chucking your cell phones out the airlock earlier while you were drunk, because 'it looked soooo cool watching them float out there' was probably not a good idea.
Thanks to some convenient SHINY MEAT BICYCLES stored away on the spaceship which also very conveniently survived the crash, you all start riding off in the direction that you hope will take you somewhere safe-ish. But oh no! Suddenly from nowhere a giant tornado full of ravenous sharks appears and is coming right towards you!
Which one of you would stay behind as a distraction, sacrificing yourself to allow the others time to escape?
[To the whole cast]
You get stuck on Pandora after Dameon thought was a great idea to have you all fly off on a spaceship while intoxicat… moreed, causing the ship to crash-land down onto the planet, smack-bang in the middle of the desert. You're all miraculously alive, uninjured and sobered out, but the spaceship is wrecked, leaving you stranded miles from civilization, and you have quickly come to realize chucking your cell phones out the airlock earlier while you were drunk, because 'it looked soooo cool watching them float out there' was probably not a good idea.
Thanks to some convenient SHINY MEAT BICYCLES stored away on the spaceship which also very conveniently survived the crash, you all start riding off in the direction that you hope will take you somewhere safe-ish. But oh no! Suddenly from nowhere a giant tornado full of ravenous sharks appears and is coming right towards you!
Which one of you would stay behind as a distraction, sacrificing yourself to allow the others time to escape?
Lidia Soprano used to say that a lot of times, and guess what? She knew more than anybody else... And also, the boy's nose has a pretty familiar shape... Got anything to say about that?
Lidia Soprano used to say that a lot of times, and guess what? She knew more than anybody else... And also, the boy's nose has a pretty familiar shape... Got anything to say about that?
To all: Hello. So are there any interesting fan stories, both weird or amazing, you would like to share? P.S. I would just like to say I think you are all amazing. Keep up the good work.
Edit I took a shower and thought up a bunch of weird questions to ask...
To all:
What would your character theme song?
Are there any questions you would like to ask your fellow cast members?
Who is your least/favorite character from Tales and Who Would You Kill or save?
What Borderlands games have you played/beaten?
Did you have any crazy theories about where Tales was going with its story, characters, etc?
To all: What has been the most awkward experience when voice acting for Tales?
Are there any lines that you wish were used, but didn't make it into the game?
How does a recording session usually go?
Favourite episode so far, and favourite scene from that episode?
By the way, brilliant job! Telltale made the right choice in choosing you guys for this! (See what I did there?)
To Troy: If you would/ have played TFTB, how would you play your Rhys? Would you be a friendly Rhys who cares for people like Sasha and Fiona or a power hungry Hyperion man often siding with Jack?
To Dameon: Have all of Jack's hilarious lines in TFTB been scripted, or has Tell Tale allowed you to work your improv magic and come up with more comedic genius? Follow up, what is your favorite Jack line from TFTB?
You can pick up a picture of Jack and Angel in Jacks office and ask Jack what it is. Jack will say that that's his angel he'd like to visit her when this is all over.
Oh, wow, this is so cool! I'm very excited to see the upcoming video. There's a lot of really great questions in this thread already!
For those of you who have had the time to do your own playthrough of the game: how have you been playing your Rhys and Fiona? Are they friendly? Are they assholes? A little of both?
Another for everyone: If your character survives their journey through Tales, what kind of role would you like to see them have in BL3?
Edit-thought of a few more...
Dameon: Should we all form an angry mob, march down to lionsgate and demand that they cast you as Jack in the recently announced Borderlands movie?
Ashley: Do you think Gortys and Claptrap would get along? They both like dancing!
And thanks very much for taking the time to answer fan questions! You're all super awesome and talented people. Tales has been an absolute blast to play, and I can't wait to see how it ends.
And also, the boy's nose has a pretty familiar shape... Got anything to say about that?
Wirt? He's from Over The Garden Wall.
enter link description here
To Laura and Ashley: I have heard some unused voice clips of Gortys and she sounded really different back then. I know that Laura recommended Ashley to voice Gortys but did Ashley come up with the naive and adorable personality or was it scripted? I'm a huge Gortys fan and I'm really happy that she's such an adorable little robot and Ashley does amazing job voicing her!
Troy: Is Rhys gonna have a nipplering in the final episode? They already gave Rhys amazing socks but I will not be satisfied until I see that nipplering.
To Laura and Ashley: I have heard some unused voice clips of Gortys and she sounded really different back then. I know that Laura recommend… moreed Ashley to voice Gortys but did Ashley come up with the naive and adorable personality or was it scripted? I'm a huge Gortys fan and I'm really happy that she's such an adorable little robot and Ashley does amazing job voicing her!
Troy: Is Rhys gonna have a nipplering in the final episode? They already gave Rhys amazing socks but I will not be satisfied until I see that nipplering.
Oh, I have no idea what to ask all of a sudden. Hm, hmm...
Ashley: Gortys loves everyone and is generally an innocent little ball of joy. What would you think is one bad point about her character? Anything?
Troy: What did Patrick Warburton think of your Patrick Warburton impression?
Laura: How do you feel about Fiona and Scooter's relationship? Did she ever like him that way, or was step three only for goodbye?
Dameon: If you were playing through Tales and did not know the outcome, would you think you'd be biased towards siding with Handsome Jack, or would you realize that he's a crazy son of a gun and not trust him?
Thank you for all your work over there! Love everything you've done for this game!
Oh, I have no idea what to ask all of a sudden. Hm, hmm...
* Ashley: Gortys loves everyone and is generally an innocent little ball of … morejoy. What would you think is one bad point about her character? Anything?
* Troy: What did Patrick Warburton think of your Patrick Warburton impression?
* Laura: How do you feel about Fiona and Scooter's relationship? Did she ever like him that way, or was step three only for goodbye?
* Dameon: If you were playing through Tales and did not know the outcome, would you think you'd be biased towards siding with Handsome Jack, or would you realize that he's a crazy son of a gun and not trust him?
Thank you for all your work over there! Love everything you've done for this game!
When Rhysquez's voice emulator(or whatever it was) broke in the finger gun fight and talking to the guard, it was Troy Baker. He did a Patrick Warburton impression in the Ep. 2 stream and there was a comment from a staff member about his impression being too good so they had to re-record that scene in Episode 4, so I'm positive it was him.
When Rhysquez's voice emulator(or whatever it was) broke in the finger gun fight and talking to the guard, it was Troy Baker. He did a Patri… moreck Warburton impression in the Ep. 2 stream and there was a comment from a staff member about his impression being too good so they had to re-record that scene in Episode 4, so I'm positive it was him.
To Troy: Will you ever be back on Twitter? I dunno if this question will be answered or not, but you've got a lot of people on you're side #IStandWithTroy
What I'd like to know is where does Tales from the Borderlands rank amongst the multiple game titles that each have provided VO for, and whether or not they think it could be GOTY material.
Also, what would they think about doing future episodes if more were ever made?
Another question for Dameon: Does Jack know Angel is dead or not?
Ohhh - and also... For Laura and Troy: Do Rhys and Fiona really hate each other? Or how would you describe their relationship?
A legit question about their relationship and not about shipping. Thank you.
Troy: Would you accept Accept or Reject Hyperion?
Troy : What was your first impression of Vasquez that they removed? I'm sure 90 percent of people want to hear it
Laura : Was it you saying "bro" during Rhys and Vaughn's bro moment, since you cut in saying bro?
Ashley : How did they turn your voice into a robotic version to voice act Gortys?
Daemon : Do you torture the Troy Baker?
Troy: Hey there! What do you think Rhys' relationships with all the characters would be like if you were to create an Alternate Universe with them? Would Rhys and Vaughn still be bros forever? Thanks!
Laura: Hi, Laura! So, what's your favourite trait of Fiona? What really intrigues and interests you about her? And, if you do play through TftB, how do you play her? Thanks!
Daemon: Hello, Daemon! Do you see any traits of Jack in Rhys? Do you maybe think that, if Rhys stuck with him throughout the episodes, Rhys could become the next Handsome Jack? And how do you think Jack feels about Rhys and his friends? Thanks!
Ashley: Hi there, Ashley! So, Gortys is a cutie and I'd like to know about her and Loader Bot's relationship. They're robots, obviously, but some of the community here likes to think that they're best buddies! Do you think they have a special bond? Thanks!
Thank you all for working with TellTale and bringing nothing but more amazing stuff to Tales from the Borderlands! You're all so awesome!
To sign or to eat the chicken? Because I'd 100% watch a video of the cast eating that thing.
Yea I'd pay $20 to watch them eat that chicken whole and throw it back up whole.
[To the whole cast]
You get stuck on Pandora after Dameon thought was a great idea to have you all fly off on a spaceship while intoxicated, causing the ship to crash-land down onto the planet, smack-bang in the middle of the desert. You're all miraculously alive, uninjured and sobered out, but the spaceship is wrecked, leaving you stranded miles from civilization, and you have quickly come to realize chucking your cell phones out the airlock earlier while you were drunk, because 'it looked soooo cool watching them float out there' was probably not a good idea.
Thanks to some convenient SHINY MEAT BICYCLES stored away on the spaceship which also very conveniently survived the crash, you all start riding off in the direction that you hope will take you somewhere safe-ish. But oh no! Suddenly from nowhere a giant tornado full of ravenous sharks appears and is coming right towards you!
Which one of you would stay behind as a distraction, sacrificing yourself to allow the others time to escape?
This is the weirdest and best question ever.
If they get stuck in the middle of a dessert, why don't they just stop there and eat it?
[to Ashley Johnson]
Do you know anything about The Last of Us 2?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Lidia Soprano used to say that a lot of times, and guess what? She knew more than anybody else... And also, the boy's nose has a pretty familiar shape... Got anything to say about that?
Wirt? He's from Over The Garden Wall.
enter link description here
To all: Hello. So are there any interesting fan stories, both weird or amazing, you would like to share? P.S. I would just like to say I think you are all amazing. Keep up the good work.
Edit I took a shower and thought up a bunch of weird questions to ask...
To all:
To all: What has been the most awkward experience when voice acting for Tales?
Are there any lines that you wish were used, but didn't make it into the game?
How does a recording session usually go?
Favourite episode so far, and favourite scene from that episode?
By the way, brilliant job! Telltale made the right choice in choosing you guys for this! (See what I did there?)
To Troy: If you would/ have played TFTB, how would you play your Rhys? Would you be a friendly Rhys who cares for people like Sasha and Fiona or a power hungry Hyperion man often siding with Jack?
To Dameon: Have all of Jack's hilarious lines in TFTB been scripted, or has Tell Tale allowed you to work your improv magic and come up with more comedic genius? Follow up, what is your favorite Jack line from TFTB?
You can pick up a picture of Jack and Angel in Jacks office and ask Jack what it is. Jack will say that that's his angel he'd like to visit her when this is all over.
So I guess no.
Thanks for the flood of awesome questions gang! Feel free to keep 'em coming as inspiration strikes, and we'll do what we can to work them in.
Oh, wow, this is so cool! I'm very excited to see the upcoming video. There's a lot of really great questions in this thread already!
For those of you who have had the time to do your own playthrough of the game: how have you been playing your Rhys and Fiona? Are they friendly? Are they assholes? A little of both?
Another for everyone: If your character survives their journey through Tales, what kind of role would you like to see them have in BL3?
Edit- thought of a few more...
Dameon: Should we all form an angry mob, march down to lionsgate and demand that they cast you as Jack in the recently announced Borderlands movie?
Ashley: Do you think Gortys and Claptrap would get along? They both like dancing!
And thanks very much for taking the time to answer fan questions! You're all super awesome and talented people. Tales has been an absolute blast to play, and I can't wait to see how it ends.
Lemme rephrase that:
When do you guys stop taking questions?
[To Troy]
Do you also think that if Rhys would sing "Apparition " on the end of episode 5, it would have been priceless and epic?
Sure, whatever you say.
Illuminati confirmed
To Laura and Ashley: I have heard some unused voice clips of Gortys and she sounded really different back then. I know that Laura recommended Ashley to voice Gortys but did Ashley come up with the naive and adorable personality or was it scripted? I'm a huge Gortys fan and I'm really happy that she's such an adorable little robot and Ashley does amazing job voicing her!
Troy: Is Rhys gonna have a nipplering in the final episode? They already gave Rhys amazing socks but I will not be satisfied until I see that nipplering.
And will Rhys be shirtless to show off that sick swoll bod?!
These are really important questions :^]
I know right?!
How many pixels make up Rhys sweet body and awesome tats!?
How many, TellTale?! How many?!
Oh, I have no idea what to ask all of a sudden. Hm, hmm...
Thank you for all your work over there! Love everything you've done for this game!
I'm pretty sure Patrick Warburton played Rhysquez if you're talking about that.
When Rhysquez's voice emulator(or whatever it was) broke in the finger gun fight and talking to the guard, it was Troy Baker. He did a Patrick Warburton impression in the Ep. 2 stream and there was a comment from a staff member about his impression being too good so they had to re-record that scene in Episode 4, so I'm positive it was him.
Yea I didn't see the live stream, my mistake.
We're meeting with the cast members over the next few days, so definitely get them in ASAP and we'll do our best to get them covered!
ight thx
To everyone: If you could change one part of the story, what would you change?
To everyone: What was your favorite line that got cut from the game.
To Troy: Will you ever be back on Twitter? I dunno if this question will be answered or not, but you've got a lot of people on you're side
What I'd like to know is where does Tales from the Borderlands rank amongst the multiple game titles that each have provided VO for, and whether or not they think it could be GOTY material.
Also, what would they think about doing future episodes if more were ever made?
Only could think of one xD
Dameon: How did you feel when you found out that Handsome Jack would be 'coming back'?
To Troy: It's true that you voice acted as Pagan Min in Farcry 4?
To Dameon Clarke: How did it feel when you first voice acted as Handsome Jack.
I can answer the first one. Yes, he voiced Pagan Min.