I'm curious, do you think the normal avenues for obtaining sex are that different from prostitution? It is changing, but the vast majority o… moref noncommittal sexual relations revolve around the man spending money on the woman before being allowed into the land of warm milk and honey. Going to the movies, a nice restaurant, then the bedroom.
This morning I watched a video about prostitution on Stardusk's YouTube channel. He talked about Swedish prostitution and how it is legal for people to sell their services, but illegal for others to purchase them. I was just curious what this forum's take on prostitution as a whole is.
It's a terrible idea.
It treats prostitutes purely as "victims", and yes it's true that (well certainly here in Australia anyway) the overwhelming majority are victims of addictions or abuse or trafficking or broken homes, or some combination of those things. However, creating fear is just going to make things worse. Especially when it comes to clientele - prostitution customers aren't exactly known for their good manners, and that kind of law encourages those with some more morals and legal ethics not to partake, which means the customers that the prostitutes serve are going to be worse (if that makes sense).
Could you imagine making it legal to sell Ice and Heroin - but illegal to buy them? Prostitution does harm - there's no doubt about it - and criminalising it does far more harm than good, however you'd get further by educating people about the harm done to prostitutes rather them telling them it's illegal for them to pay for sex. Legalising it by the way doesn't diminish the harm done of course - which is why women need to be educated and given decisions, and given pathways to exit prostitution.
I don't understand why you can't understand simple things. If you want your wife to be a slut, fine dude go for it. If you want to be that guy, who lets his wife be a ho, like the one interviewed last week on DR Phil, go at it. Other men won't judge you.
Well, whatever respect I had for your opinion just dashed out the door like Shere Khan in The Jungle Book.
"Other men won't judge you." This is the only part that I am going to respond to, because it made me giggle that the rest of your post directly opposes it.
I don't understand why you can't understand simple things. If you want your wife to be a slut, fine dude go for it. If you want to be that… more guy, who lets his wife be a ho, like the one interviewed last week on DR Phil, go at it. Other men won't judge you.
Well, whatever respect I had for your opinion just dashed out the door like Shere Khan in The Jungle Book.
"Other men won't judge you." T… morehis is the only part that I am going to respond to, because it made me giggle that the rest of your post directly opposes it.
I agree with you, the education could solve most of today's problems. And I'm glad to see a logical opinion. I may be wrong, but prostitution degrades human beings, as well as drugs or alcohol addiction. I can't understand why people say "it's their life, I don't care" about prostitutes, but do not say the same about drug addicts, for example. The state should help those people equally and prohibit that way of life, because it is destructive for both society and individuals.
This morning I watched a video about prostitution on Stardusk's YouTube channel. He talked about Swedish prostitution and how it is legal fo… morer people to sell their services, but illegal for others to purchase them. I was just curious what this forum's take on prostitution as a whole is.
It's a terrible idea.
It treats prostitutes purely as "victims", and yes it's true that (well certainly here in Australia anyway) the overwhelming majority are victims of addictions or abuse or trafficking or broken homes, or some combination of those things. However, creating fear is just going to make things worse. Especially when it comes to clientele - prostitution customers aren't exactly known for their good manners, and that kind of law encourages those with some more morals and legal ethics not to partake, which means the customers that the prostitutes serve are going to be worse (if that makes sense).
Could you imagine making it legal to … [view original content]
But prostitution is not destructive to either. Drugs hold someone back (in theory), and cause them to be a burden to society in the process. Prostitution is a job that someone can work to make money, proving for themselves and society. Where would a prostitute be if she could not be a prostitute? Would she be homeless?
I agree with you, the education could solve most of today's problems. And I'm glad to see a logical opinion. I may be wrong, but prostitutio… moren degrades human beings, as well as drugs or alcohol addiction. I can't understand why people say "it's their life, I don't care" about prostitutes, but do not say the same about drug addicts, for example. The state should help those people equally and prohibit that way of life, because it is destructive for both society and individuals.
It is a bad society where homelessness is the only other option Of course life is hard, but I'm talking about state policy. When it is legal, some women will do it even if they have other options, because it does not require education etc. It is not a profession, and any person who is not learning a profession will not develop fully. I can imagine a girl who is poor and earns money for education that way, bur she'll 1 in thousand. For many others it will be a legal way to not progress. And I think society does not benefit from prostitution. What good does it give?
But prostitution is not destructive to either. Drugs hold someone back (in theory), and cause them to be a burden to society in the process.… more Prostitution is a job that someone can work to make money, proving for themselves and society. Where would a prostitute be if she could not be a prostitute? Would she be homeless?
The state should help those people equally and prohibit that way of life
If we lived in a utopia where the state helps everyone in need, then yes. Some people simply feel like they have no other choice, so of course we should try to give them other options, but prohibiting prostitution doesn't work if you're trying to protect them. If it's illegal then it can't be regulated by the state, so those people might end up in the hands of an abusive pimp.
I agree with you, the education could solve most of today's problems. And I'm glad to see a logical opinion. I may be wrong, but prostitutio… moren degrades human beings, as well as drugs or alcohol addiction. I can't understand why people say "it's their life, I don't care" about prostitutes, but do not say the same about drug addicts, for example. The state should help those people equally and prohibit that way of life, because it is destructive for both society and individuals.
Not to try and puff myself up, but look at what I wrote on page 1 (partly because I don't want to repeat myself). When you start talking about homelessness as being the only other option, I think it goes into the question of mimimum wage (exactly where do way say working wage/conditions are too extreme). And when you say a profession, it sounds to me like you're talking about lack of possiblities of advancement - I hate to break it to you, but that guy working down in the coal mine isn't going to become CEO. Moreover, I don't think 'not being good for society' is a legitimate principle for outlawing things. And even then, prostitution can serve help a person's physical and mental wellbeing, as well as provide companionship (albeit ephemeral) for the lonely.
It is a bad society where homelessness is the only other option Of course life is hard, but I'm talking about state policy. When it is lega… morel, some women will do it even if they have other options, because it does not require education etc. It is not a profession, and any person who is not learning a profession will not develop fully. I can imagine a girl who is poor and earns money for education that way, bur she'll 1 in thousand. For many others it will be a legal way to not progress. And I think society does not benefit from prostitution. What good does it give?
It is a bad society where homelessness is the only other option
I didn't say it was the only option, but it's hard to deny it would be much more likely under those conditions.
When it is legal, some women will do it even if they have other options, because it does not require education etc. It is not a profession, and any person who is not learning a profession will not develop fully.
So? How many stagnant jobs exist in the world? Where once you start, you pretty much stay. Should we eliminate all of these jobs because people choose to do them instead of continuing education? And where do you draw the line? Which jobs have enough "progress" to make it okay for one to choose to do it?
What good does it give?
It gives these women money for themselves, and puts money back into the economy. That's good.
It is a bad society where homelessness is the only other option Of course life is hard, but I'm talking about state policy. When it is lega… morel, some women will do it even if they have other options, because it does not require education etc. It is not a profession, and any person who is not learning a profession will not develop fully. I can imagine a girl who is poor and earns money for education that way, bur she'll 1 in thousand. For many others it will be a legal way to not progress. And I think society does not benefit from prostitution. What good does it give?
In all honesty, no, the only real difference I think is with prostitution, money is involved.
Still waiting on that more.
I think I'm gonna be sick.
It needs to be legalized and regulated.
I don't think this would be a good idea. The family unit is already fucked up enough, now you want mom/dad to be a prostitute?
Lol, what?
what???????? xD
My dad would be an awesome prostitute tho
I'd buy.
It's a terrible idea.
It treats prostitutes purely as "victims", and yes it's true that (well certainly here in Australia anyway) the overwhelming majority are victims of addictions or abuse or trafficking or broken homes, or some combination of those things. However, creating fear is just going to make things worse. Especially when it comes to clientele - prostitution customers aren't exactly known for their good manners, and that kind of law encourages those with some more morals and legal ethics not to partake, which means the customers that the prostitutes serve are going to be worse (if that makes sense).
Could you imagine making it legal to sell Ice and Heroin - but illegal to buy them? Prostitution does harm - there's no doubt about it - and criminalising it does far more harm than good, however you'd get further by educating people about the harm done to prostitutes rather them telling them it's illegal for them to pay for sex. Legalising it by the way doesn't diminish the harm done of course - which is why women need to be educated and given decisions, and given pathways to exit prostitution.
Opinions are a subconscious thing. We don't have them willingly. We either have them or we don't.
Maybe he's spending all of his time working on making a big response that will blow us away with how amazing and smart it is.
I don't understand why you can't understand simple things. If you want your wife to be a slut, fine dude go for it. If you want to be that guy, who lets his wife be a ho, like the one interviewed last week on DR Phil, go at it. Other men won't judge you.
Well, whatever respect I had for your opinion just dashed out the door like Shere Khan in The Jungle Book.
"Other men won't judge you." This is the only part that I am going to respond to, because it made me giggle that the rest of your post directly opposes it.
So you must laugh at all obvious things in life, March 31 must be a real chuckle day for ya right?
Whatever you say, Mr. Alpha.
Want to hear something funny, OBAMA won't be president next year.
Well that's not true. Conservatives already know Obama is going to overthrough the Constitution and make himself permanent president / Pharoah.
that is assuming we haven't all been killed off by nuclear war.
And chemtrails.
Or he could be a busy man who can't access a computer at the moment?
For how much?
I agree with you, the education could solve most of today's problems. And I'm glad to see a logical opinion. I may be wrong, but prostitution degrades human beings, as well as drugs or alcohol addiction. I can't understand why people say "it's their life, I don't care" about prostitutes, but do not say the same about drug addicts, for example. The state should help those people equally and prohibit that way of life, because it is destructive for both society and individuals.
But prostitution is not destructive to either. Drugs hold someone back (in theory), and cause them to be a burden to society in the process. Prostitution is a job that someone can work to make money, proving for themselves and society. Where would a prostitute be if she could not be a prostitute? Would she be homeless?
It is a bad society where homelessness is the only other option Of course life is hard, but I'm talking about state policy. When it is legal, some women will do it even if they have other options, because it does not require education etc. It is not a profession, and any person who is not learning a profession will not develop fully. I can imagine a girl who is poor and earns money for education that way, bur she'll 1 in thousand. For many others it will be a legal way to not progress. And I think society does not benefit from prostitution. What good does it give?
If we lived in a utopia where the state helps everyone in need, then yes. Some people simply feel like they have no other choice, so of course we should try to give them other options, but prohibiting prostitution doesn't work if you're trying to protect them. If it's illegal then it can't be regulated by the state, so those people might end up in the hands of an abusive pimp.
Not to try and puff myself up, but look at what I wrote on page 1 (partly because I don't want to repeat myself). When you start talking about homelessness as being the only other option, I think it goes into the question of mimimum wage (exactly where do way say working wage/conditions are too extreme). And when you say a profession, it sounds to me like you're talking about lack of possiblities of advancement - I hate to break it to you, but that guy working down in the coal mine isn't going to become CEO. Moreover, I don't think 'not being good for society' is a legitimate principle for outlawing things. And even then, prostitution can serve help a person's physical and mental wellbeing, as well as provide companionship (albeit ephemeral) for the lonely.
I didn't say it was the only option, but it's hard to deny it would be much more likely under those conditions.
So? How many stagnant jobs exist in the world? Where once you start, you pretty much stay. Should we eliminate all of these jobs because people choose to do them instead of continuing education? And where do you draw the line? Which jobs have enough "progress" to make it okay for one to choose to do it?
It gives these women money for themselves, and puts money back into the economy. That's good.
And that later never came.