What do you think about Borderlands 3?

Would you guys think Fiona and Rhys(?) are gonna become the next vault hunters? What about Sasha and Vaughn? What or where would you think the game is based on? Other vault hunters returning again? I dunno just give me anything of your theories/opinions I dunno I'm curious what people have to say :P



  • I think Fiona would be a vault hunter in the next game, but I just can't see Rhys being one.

  • edited September 2015

    I think a lot of them will be NPC's, but I really hope some of them will return as playable characters!:) However, I don't think they would make it too complicated for people who only played BL2 and not TFTBL.

    Jack will probably be in it tho - in some way - and with what happened at the end of ep. 4... I mean, everyone would know who Rhys is, that can't really be ignored;)

  • Jack will probably be in it tho - in some way - and with what happened at the end of ep. 4...

    Definitely a great way to bring evil back to life, Telltale went the right way with Jack.

    I don't think that Fiona will be a playable character, but she should be an important NPC and story quest giver. Same with Rhys, unless something bad happens in ep5...

    Caoline posted: »

    I think a lot of them will be NPC's, but I really hope some of them will return as playable characters!:) However, I don't think they would

  • Maybe Rhys would become the new enemy? Maybe probably not, who knows? The original vault hunters hopefully would be NPCs :D

    Caoline posted: »

    I think a lot of them will be NPC's, but I really hope some of them will return as playable characters!:) However, I don't think they would

  • Yeah I'm not sure about Rhys? It would be cool but the state hes in now... I'm not sure

    I think Fiona would be a vault hunter in the next game, but I just can't see Rhys being one.

  • I've given this a lot of thought. And this is my hope/ pitch of a plot idea. It would be branching path rpg, as far as the story would go. While it still will be 4 person co-op, the scale would be getting a lot grander. Side quests would have a greater impact on the main story, for example: if you don't complete a side arc of wiping out a bandit clan, they come back and harass the Vault Hunters later. However there would be rpg elements in which you could use various types of diplomacy to prevent a bandit clan from attacking, and you would use different tactics of diplomacy for more "civilized" factions like Hyperion. So player choice would impact more than just loot given.

    BL3 would start out with the new recruits to the Raiders being trained by Athena/ other Vault Hunters, you could incorporate digistruct peak back into the plot. This intro arc would deal mainly with "cleaning up" Pandora and creating more areas that are safe from bandits. Then maybe after you do enough missions to toughen up, you get a "boss fight" against Lilith or a group of the VH's to test your worth before your character gets to be called Vault Hunter. After this tutorial arc is done, there could be a lot of side missions on Pandora, but it won't be the site of major plot line anymore. This would also apply to Elpis (they would probably add stuff to do their as a DLC).

    Next would be the assault against Helios and against the Mega-corps. So you get pretty much a war where the Vault Hunters go almost all out (gotta keep Sanctuary and the other innocents of Pandora safe) and you get the chance to fight along side Vault Hunter NPC's now. The main goal of this would be to secure the port area and major labs. So there would be room to add side quests to do a lot of things like clearing out specific parts of the station or obtaining data from certain databases throughout the ship. Interacting with side quests would affect how advanced the tech the Vault Hunters would get and also learn secrets about vaults (and maybe sirens and etc.), but also the dirt Hyperion has on other corporations.

    Once Helios' port is under control (you don't need the entire station they would be side quests), you then get to finally branch and choose which vaults you will go for. These would be time affected because NPCs will interact and go after Vaults you don't. There would intentionally way too many vaults (as you can see on the map of them). So there would be a rough balance of for every vault arc you complete 2 others are done by NPCs. They gives the possibility to actually encourage replaying the game with different characters. Now this would require a lot of time and effort (okay, the entire project would require Gearbox to step up their game really) by developers to make multiple Vault arcs that are interesting and give each one a unique story, gameplay elements, etc. Like there would be a total of 20 vaults but the player could only hunt 8 per play through, and npc's would take care of rest. They could make it easier by having different tier vaults, like only 8 are initially open to choose and they are easier to complete and after you do 3, 7 become available and they're harder, and then finally 5 more after you complete another 3.

    After these vault arcs are done, there would have to be some kind of true conclusion, to all this. I would think it would somehow all come back to Pandora and you get a big last fight against either a Mega-corp. or something that they add through the Eridians. How much you did certain side quests and decisions you made could decide how exactly the story ends.

    Now for characters, Fiona I see her being an npc Vault Hunter (maybe a romanceable?). Rhys I see as an NPC too, his impact would be more subtle in that he would work as a hacker and data-smuggler for the Raiders (also romanceable?). If Sasha and Vaughn are alive after TFTBL, they'd probably be helping the Vault Hunters in their respective ways. Sasha would be a Raider, not a VH, but wouldn't be stationed on Pandora seeing as how Fiona and her want to get off the planet (there would be a distinct difference in quality and purpose of Raiders vs Hunters). Vaughn would be helping Rhys. All living Vault Hunters would be there helping out, Mark Mamaril would actually do stuff other than pass out loot. They would get help you on vaults, or like said above, would be hunting vaults you don't. Lilith and Athena probably would be running all this together from Sanctuary. They could occasionally leave for either random event encounters on Pandora or scripted events off Pandora (like Helios, Elpis, or one of the Vaults).

    I have 2 concepts for NPCs, one would open up the ability to customize mods, to an extent, and the other would be a reason to justify bringing back weapons and gear that were in the first Borderlands but removed for the second (like Atlas guns, or Double Anarchy's, or more mashers). And they would interact with the characters different ways. Like maybe one has a crush on Gaige or anyone (and like JokerxEdi) you get to impact whether or not that happens through encouraging/discouraging it. Also more importantly, interacting more with NPCs gives you a better standing with them. Like if you actually buy guns from Marcus early on, he might give discounts (I know shocking right?) later in the game. Or doing errands for Moxxi opens up other events. Angel and Jack would be around in that you'd find echoes of them in different spots. As great as a character Jack is, and as much as I miss Angel, they're dead, and they can't keep being reworked back into the plot like they have been so far (that's more true for Jack than Angel).

    Other characters that I would want to see return, that are less obvious are: Scarlett (somehow you work with her to fight bandits, learn more about her, maybe she betrays depending on how you interact with her, romance?), Dukino (he could be your pet, or one of the pets you could get in the game), Deputy Winger (incorporate him on the cleaning up Pandora missions, romance?), Janey of course would be replacing Scooter as the Raiders mechanic, but Ellie would probably also help out (maybe there's a side arc where you help Moxxi convince her to care about her image?), Nurse Nina (I don't really like her character but I think the Raiders use a more qualified doctor than Zed, as hilarious as he is). It's hard to think of npc's that would still be alive because so many ones that aren't generic background ones are killed.

  • I think Fiona is probably gonna become a Vault Hunter (that training scene with Athena).

    But the others? I think they are gonna be just NPC's and we'll have a few quests from/with them.

  • I think Fiona's going to be a vault hunter and Rhys might end up being the next villain.

    VixTrix posted: »

    Yeah I'm not sure about Rhys? It would be cool but the state hes in now... I'm not sure

  • I think that would be really cool! Even though he would be a very loveable antagonist:) I mean how could I kill him

    ... But yeah, then something very bad would have to happen at the end of ep. 5

    VixTrix posted: »

    Maybe Rhys would become the new enemy? Maybe probably not, who knows? The original vault hunters hopefully would be NPCs

  • Dont really wanna sound bummery about Fiona being a Vault Hunter, but I dont really think she should.

    Tales was always advertised that we wouldnt be a vault hunter, and if she did end up being a Vault Hunter in Borderlands 3, everyone would play as her because she was Fiona, making the other 3 Vault Hunters really unpopular

  • That'll probably end up what happened with the Pre-Sequel Vault Hunters, how Anthony Burch apparently regretted killing off Nisha?

    I think Fiona's going to be a vault hunter and Rhys might end up being the next villain.

  • Rhys and Fiona look like they're against each other :/
    Someones most likely probably gonna die
    Maybe Sasha or Vaughn?

    Caoline posted: »

    I think that would be really cool! Even though he would be a very loveable antagonist:) I mean how could I kill him ... But yeah, then something very bad would have to happen at the end of ep. 5

  • edited October 2015

    Thats probably true actually I won't disagree on that but what about the people who want to play as the other characters?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Dont really wanna sound bummery about Fiona being a Vault Hunter, but I dont really think she should. Tales was always advertised that we

  • Spoiler

    Yeah but hopefully some of them actually survive in ep 5 tho rip scooter :(

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I think Fiona is probably gonna become a Vault Hunter (that training scene with Athena). But the others? I think they are gonna be just NPC's and we'll have a few quests from/with them.

  • This whole romance thing is starting to remind me of Mass Effect. Ooh maybe we could get some Zed and Nina action, eh? ;)

    I've given this a lot of thought. And this is my hope/ pitch of a plot idea. It would be branching path rpg, as far as the story would go. W

  • edited September 2015

    everyone would play as her because she was Fiona, making the other 3 Vault Hunters really unpopular

    Dunno about that... If their skills and personalities will be interesting, I really doubt that. But then again, I'm not sure it's such a bad thing, plus Gearbox up till now always gave us 6 characters to play, not 4. I'm sure at least someone will be interesting.

    Plus, people always say that Nisha's op and Axton/Salvador is the easiest to play but I personally don't like Nisha's skill tree and special ability (actually, it seems kinda like Fiona's abilities will be similar to Nisha's) and can't bring myself to play as Axton or Sal. And only Tales gave me a reason to try out Athena, and I think it's actually not that bad. I mean, it's natural that people will be more likely to play as someone they already know - but that's only logical, and the same goes for other Vault Hunters if they would be there. But I don't think that means that they won't try other characters at all at some point, if anything it should give people a reason to bet the game 2... whatever times.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Dont really wanna sound bummery about Fiona being a Vault Hunter, but I dont really think she should. Tales was always advertised that we

  • edited September 2015

    Really? That logic doesn't really make sense in my opinion. That's like saying no one would pick the other characters in The Presequel because Claptrap was a returning character.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Dont really wanna sound bummery about Fiona being a Vault Hunter, but I dont really think she should. Tales was always advertised that we

  • edited September 2015

    It'll be sweet to have Fiona return as a playable character decked out with RPG's and laser guns. Enhance (lol) on that whole steampunk look and style she's got and she'd fit right in with the other crazy vault hunters. Trying not to spoil the end of BL2 but seeing as all of the vault hunters are kinda forced to work together it'll be cool to see the chemistry with the likes of Brick, Lilith and ofc Athena.

  • Is it true that there will be more than six vault hunters to play as?

  • and with what happened at the end of ep. 4... I mean, everyone would know who Rhys is, that can't really be ignored

    "History's attention is fickle, my friends."

    Caoline posted: »

    I think a lot of them will be NPC's, but I really hope some of them will return as playable characters!:) However, I don't think they would

  • So are Athena Nisha and Wilhelm.

    Healoz posted: »

    Really? That logic doesn't really make sense in my opinion. That's like saying no one would pick the other characters in The Presequel because Claptrap was a returning character.

  • I don't think any of them will be vault hunters, but they will most likely be in the game

  • Who knows.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Is it true that there will be more than six vault hunters to play as?

  • ...and the most popular is still Timothy. Or at the very least really popular. I'm not sure that many people knew Athena before tps as majority of players didn't play BL1, and even if they did, not all of them played the dlcs.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So are Athena Nisha and Wilhelm.

  • edited September 2015

    Yeah Timothy is, but he is also basically Jack, and everyone loved the idea of playing as Jack.

    DeityD posted: »

    ...and the most popular is still Timothy. Or at the very least really popular. I'm not sure that many people knew Athena before tps as majority of players didn't play BL1, and even if they did, not all of them played the dlcs.

  • I hope so that would be great if there's more options for characters, and maybe they'll add more characters as dlc.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Is it true that there will be more than six vault hunters to play as?

  • edited September 2015

    Only in appearance tho. And I think Antony said that he didn't expect people to like Tim after they found out that he's the opposite of what Jack is, but they still did. I can't tell for the others, but I've played TPS first (I mean, after Tales) and still liked him and his abilities knowing basically nothing about him or Jack.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah Timothy is, but he is also basically Jack, and everyone loved the idea of playing as Jack.

  • EWWWWWW.....I should go.....

    VixTrix posted: »

    This whole romance thing is starting to remind me of Mass Effect. Ooh maybe we could get some Zed and Nina action, eh?

  • I just want Rhys and Moxxi to make babies. shrugs

  • nice name

    MadMaxxi posted: »

    I just want Rhys and Moxxi to make babies. shrugs

  • wait what

    MadMaxxi posted: »

    I just want Rhys and Moxxi to make babies. shrugs

  • Maybe.

    But I think it'll be the usual like 4 default vault hunters, then 2 DLC ones. It'd be cool if Fiona was one of them.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Is it true that there will be more than six vault hunters to play as?

  • edited September 2015

    I think that Fiona will be a playable Vault Hunter...I really only think this because Rhys actually mentions her as a VH. However, she may be one of the DLC characters. (If they are following the same format as the other two games)

    As far as Rhys goes...I think he will be a major part in the game somehow but not a Vault Hunter. He may help the Vault Hunters or be like the new "Handsome Jack". I can see his character going either way at the moment.

  • Yep that's not stupid and all to familiar

    I think Fiona's going to be a vault hunter and Rhys might end up being the next villain.

  • If either Rhys or Fiona don't become Vault Hunters that'll be a HUUUUGE waste.

  • what do you mean?

    Yep that's not stupid and all to familiar

  • I highly doubt Rhys will be a vault hunter, but I can see him somehow (idk maybe he gives you a side quest or something) being in bl3 as npc.

    As for Fiona, although it's obvious that she's a vault hunter, I don't see her being playable either. ButIWouldLikeToSeeGearBoxToProveMeWrongPleaseHaveFionaAsAPlayableCharacterIWouldDoAnything

  • If Fiona DID become a Vault Hunter, I would imagine her skill would be to slow down time and attack her enemies while the duration continues. Like when you play through the episodes you decide what moves she makes to beat down her enemies. Kinda like Zer0

  • Who doesn't love Tim tho

    DeityD posted: »

    Only in appearance tho. And I think Antony said that he didn't expect people to like Tim after they found out that he's the opposite of what

  • Ummmmm, hate to break it to you, but do you remember Lucky, from the first game?

    MadMaxxi posted: »

    I just want Rhys and Moxxi to make babies. shrugs

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