i actually hate it i am all for women rights but that means they must be equal to men's rights feminazis want more than that by their logic a game should be taken off the selves for promoting violence against women but if it is men being killed it is ok, if a man gets rape no one bats a eye, when a woman gets raped everyone loses their minds rape is bad both ways
"It's a game that encourages players to murder women for entertainment. The incentive is to commit sexual violence against women, then abuse or kill them to proceed or get 'health' points..."
Spoken like someone that has never played Grand Theft Auto.
I found this rather ridiculous.
"It's a game that encourages players to murder women for entertainment. The incentive is to commit sexual violence against women, then abuse… more or kill them to proceed or get 'health' points..."
Spoken like someone that has never played Grand Theft Auto.
"It's a game that encourages players to murder women for entertainment. The incentive is to commit sexual violence against women, then abuse… more or kill them to proceed or get 'health' points..."
Spoken like someone that has never played Grand Theft Auto.
Feminism has got out of hand. Definitely. I am all for equality, but I feel equality has been reached (or nearly reached) in much of the developed world. I hear people talking about women earning less than men, but where I come from, women earn just as well. I have confirmed this by asking my friends, aunties, mom and cousins.
Do you have any link to back up your claim that the wage gap is false? Every study I've seen shows that the wage gap is still present. The… more article I linked above states there's been numerous studies that show that women still make less than men in the same field, even among the millenial generation, and even in fields that are traditionally dominated by women. And, according to the first study in that article, the gap is around $20,000 a year, which is significant.
There were a number of recent newspaper articles, petitions, and protests that led to the changes in the Olympics and the US military that I linked above. There has been small movements since the at least 90s to make these changes, but it wasn't until recently that the movements have become larger, and with large petition websites like change.org actually attracting media attention for serious issues (not just for women's rights, but for the rights of many other groups as w… [view original content]
Spoken like Anita Sarkeesian, lol. I wonder if she's behind that article.
I haven't really played GTA series, but it doesn't take much to figure out that it's way more to it than this. Not to mention that you can murder ANYONE for entertainment, not just women. Why isn't anyone in outrage over that? Hypocrisy much?
"It's a game that encourages players to murder women for entertainment. The incentive is to commit sexual violence against women, then abuse… more or kill them to proceed or get 'health' points..."
Spoken like someone that has never played Grand Theft Auto.
I like how they said, "The incentive is to commit sexual violence against women, then abuse or kill them to proceed or get 'health' points..." I always thought the incentive was to complete the campaign, find the hidden objects, do the stunt jumps, run from the cops, and then repeat most of those steps in multiplayer with your friends. Apparently I was wrong, and the game is actually a one dimensional thing solely about abusing women to restore health points. I have to wonder then, if the only incentive is to abuse women for health points and that's all the game is, why are there health points at all? Surely if all you are doing is abusing women, having a health system is pointless.
Spoken like Anita Sarkeesian, lol. I wonder if she's behind that article.
I haven't really played GTA series, but it doesn't take much to… more figure out that it's way more to it than this. Not to mention that you can murder ANYONE for entertainment, not just women. Why isn't anyone in outrage over that? Hypocrisy much?
Of course, you silly! It was always about murdering women for sick entertainment, there's virtually NOTHING more to it! Check your white cis male privilege, please!
I like how they said, "The incentive is to commit sexual violence against women, then abuse or kill them to proceed or get 'health' points..… more." I always thought the incentive was to complete the campaign, find the hidden objects, do the stunt jumps, run from the cops, and then repeat most of those steps in multiplayer with your friends. Apparently I was wrong, and the game is actually a one dimensional thing solely about abusing women to restore health points. I have to wonder then, if the only incentive is to abuse women for health points and that's all the game is, why are there health points at all? Surely if all you are doing is abusing women, having a health system is pointless.
I'm all for equality, however i think current feminism is getting a little crazy (Yes, i know not all feminists are crazy, i've met a few nice ones). I prefer Egalitarianism
I support equal rights between men and women. However, I don't support women that completely discriminate men, use sexist and hypocritical mentality to justify their causes, and confuse gender equality with gender dominance. Feminism is about equal rights between men and women. It is not about constant man shaming and trying to prove your dominance over the male sex. That's called sexism.
I usually try to avoid these subjects as much as I can but I do think that it is an interesting topic to discuss. My view on this as a woman and most importantly as a human being is that there is a lot of ignorance and mindless hating (not here but generally in real life) about feminism. This word has been so criticized and mocked that it has become a sort of insult or joke. It feels like people that believe in equality and would like to defend women's right should be ashamed of what they're doing. There are people murdering other people, all kinds of abuse and corruption in the world but apparently standing for the people who are being treated unfairly is wrong.
For the people who say that they're for egalitarism but reject feminism, it just doesn't make any sense and shows the lack of knowledge so many people have on this topic. If you had made some research, you would have discovered that egalitarism is exactly what feminism stands for. And to the people that claim that feminists want to dominate men it is simply ridiculous! Seriously, how is fighting for the rights of little girls and young women so that they can get the chance to go to school and how is speaking against sexual violence in anyway related to a will to dominate men ?
The worst thing in all of that is the number of people (I suppose rather young people, I hope) that post insulting comments, death threats and rape threats in all the videos that are related to this topic. Seriously, telling someone to go kill themselves just because they want to defend a cause that they believe is right and important is just stupid. There are many examples of that but I remember once watching a youtube video about a man interviewing women in cosplay costumes at comic con, and he kept focusing on their boobs and sexual stuff. One girl in the comments said that she would have prefered the man to ask them more intelligent and interesting questions rather than flirting with them and focusing on their appearance. You won't believe the number of insults and death threats she got! You think that is normal ? So feminism is absolute evil that was created by evil women who obviously don't need any more rights than we already give them but bullying is totally okay ?
And finally, to the peole that think women don't need any more rights and that they are already treated equally, just look at the amount of hate these women receive simply by stating their opinion and come back to tell me the same thing. Just seeing that shows that there is a big problem in the way a lot of men in the world treat women in general in every aspect of life (I have unfortuately seen that happen in my own life and perhaps that is why I am so eager to defend this cause). I'm not talking only about America or any other european country but also the middle east countries where little girls are forced to get married at only 8! They have zero rights and are always raped and beaten sometimes to death just because they had the terrible misfortune to have been born girls instead of boys. As if being a girl was something to be ashamed of. In these countries women are treated like animals sometimes even worst, they have no control over their own life, the man does everything and they must obey as slaves. You think this isn't worth fighting for ?
Can anyone please post a link to a video or an article that shows how feminists are planning to dominate men ? Because I have never seen one and I would like to finally understand what all these people that claim feminism is evil are talking about. If you have a daughter, remember that there was a time when girls like her didn't actually have the right to go to school and get a job. It was simply forbidden. If it wasn't for feminism and all the women who have bravely defied this mentality, it would still be the case today. I cannot speak for all the women in the world but I'll tell you what I truly believe in: I want a society based on mutual respect between men and women. No more stereotypes, no more violence only respect on both sides. Both men and women have an important part to play in this world. We will never be able to achieve that as long as one group will want to dominate the other.
You're either ignoring or you're completely oblivious to the hardcore extremists feminists who will paint men and MRA's as evil motherfuckers who hate women. People like this:
What women are receiving hate for stating their opinion? You have a valid point when it comes to Middle Eastern countries, but look at western society. I can name quite a few privileges that women have. For instance, women can get away with beating a man in PUBLIC without facing consequences. And unlike you, I'll post evidence.
Men have issues too, and the reason so many people reject feminism is that a lot of feminists (not all of them) ignore these issues. I'll give you a few more:
Women can accuse a man of raping them and get sympathy when the accusation is thrown out because there is no evidence.
Women have the privilege of having domestic abuse shelters or hotlines that serve only their own gender.
This is why a lot of people don't support feminism, because many feminists ignore these issues and focus only on women. I don't understand why both genders can't speak their opinions in a civilized manner and work towards a solution that benefits all.
I usually try to avoid these subjects as much as I can but I do think that it is an interesting topic to discuss. My view on this as a woman… more and most importantly as a human being is that there is a lot of ignorance and mindless hating (not here but generally in real life) about feminism. This word has been so criticized and mocked that it has become a sort of insult or joke. It feels like people that believe in equality and would like to defend women's right should be ashamed of what they're doing. There are people murdering other people, all kinds of abuse and corruption in the world but apparently standing for the people who are being treated unfairly is wrong.
For the people who say that they're for egalitarism but reject feminism, it just doesn't make any sense and shows the lack of knowledge so many people have on this topic. If you had made some research, you would have discovered that egalitarism is exactly what feminism stands for.… [view original content]
For the people who say that they're for egalitarism but reject feminism, it just doesn't make any sense and shows the lack of knowledge so many people have on this topic. If you had made some research, you would have discovered that egalitarism is exactly what feminism stands for.
What something stands for and what people actually do under that title are two very different things. Egalitarianism and feminism are not the same thing, in large part due to the people that comprise each group.
And to the people that claim that feminists want to dominate men it is simply ridiculous!
Many of them do, or some agenda in similarity to that respect.
Seriously, how is fighting for the rights of little girls and young women so that they can get the chance to go to school and how is speaking against sexual violence...
Are we talking about first world countries here?
related to this topic
You ahould check out the posts against gamergate. Bad commenst are hardly relegated to feminism.
And finally, to the peole that think women don't need any more rights
I've yet to hear these "missing rights".
but also the middle east countries where little girls are forced to get married at only 8!
These countries have ridiculous amounts of human rights violations in general. I completely agree that the treatment of women in these countries is deplorable, as is the treatment of men, animals, and everything else under the sun.
If you have a daughter, remember that there was a time when girls like her didn't actually have the right to go to school and get a job.
I usually try to avoid these subjects as much as I can but I do think that it is an interesting topic to discuss. My view on this as a woman… more and most importantly as a human being is that there is a lot of ignorance and mindless hating (not here but generally in real life) about feminism. This word has been so criticized and mocked that it has become a sort of insult or joke. It feels like people that believe in equality and would like to defend women's right should be ashamed of what they're doing. There are people murdering other people, all kinds of abuse and corruption in the world but apparently standing for the people who are being treated unfairly is wrong.
For the people who say that they're for egalitarism but reject feminism, it just doesn't make any sense and shows the lack of knowledge so many people have on this topic. If you had made some research, you would have discovered that egalitarism is exactly what feminism stands for.… [view original content]
Gonna be honest, I don't have a very strong personal opinion about the gender wars, so I'm going to go at it from a political angle.
I probably could spend hours lecturing about third wave feminism's failings as a grassroots movement, but the long and short of it is this: feminism went of the rails when people began to focus so much on the "why" that they lost track of the "what" and "how". Men's Rights has the same problems, as does Black Lives Matter, as does Occupy Wall Street.
Angry narratives of victimization aren't enough and identity politics are self-defeating. Without tangible goals and an action plan, you're pissing in the wind.
I will tell you a story, it was my girlfriends birthday and I came to her house and didn't bring her flowers she said, " Why didn't you get me flowers?" So I said, " Listen dear, I'm a feminist I believe you can go buy your own flowers."
Oh boy, the entire internet seems to be invaded by arrogant self-pitying murrican teens, Where are this getting out of hand, the new band of feminists who want dominance over men and the other women they deem to be inferior? Links please, I have little people to drink and despise everyone else with. Liberal-CYP-feminists are not these, btw, they by definition fall for this blind "eqalitarism" scheisse and radical one is too old to be "the new wave" for op.
Thank you. The only privileges that I hear men getting is not getting slut-shamed (although I've never seen it happen) and the wage gap (which I've also seen no evidence of.)
For the people who say that they're for egalitarism but reject feminism, it just doesn't make any sense and shows the lack of knowledge so m… moreany people have on this topic. If you had made some research, you would have discovered that egalitarism is exactly what feminism stands for.
What something stands for and what people actually do under that title are two very different things. Egalitarianism and feminism are not the same thing, in large part due to the people that comprise each group.
And to the people that claim that feminists want to dominate men it is simply ridiculous!
Many of them do, or some agenda in similarity to that respect.
Seriously, how is fighting for the rights of little girls and young women so that they can get the chance to go to school and how is speaking against sexual violence...
Are we talking about first world countries here?
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You ahould check ou… [view original content]
The wage gap does exist, it's just peddled off in a horrendouly different fashion than how it truly exists. (And funnily enough, the more feminists try to push for equality in high pay jobs (because they don't want equality in shit jobs) the unhappier women are getting!)
Slut shaming is bad, but in the scope of detrimental social issues, that's about as close to scraping the barrel as you can get. That and cat calls. Oh the humanity!
Thank you. The only privileges that I hear men getting is not getting slut-shamed (although I've never seen it happen) and the wage gap (which I've also seen no evidence of.)
Isn't it illegal to pay women less than men now? At least in the United States? I think there are other factor's into the wage gap other than 'women get payed less'. It's possible that women on average are spending more time at home. This is one of my problems with some feminists, that they look at something and go "Women's issue" without looking at the causes or other factors. We need to look into this stuff before we judge it.
And with cat calls, wouldn't that depend on the individual woman's response to it? One woman might see it as demeaning, but another might see it s a compliment. Isn't that subjective?
The wage gap does exist, it's just peddled off in a horrendouly different fashion than how it truly exists. (And funnily enough, the more fe… moreminists try to push for equality in high pay jobs (because they don't want equality in shit jobs) the unhappier women are getting!)
Slut shaming is bad, but in the scope of detrimental social issues, that's about as close to scraping the barrel as you can get. That and cat calls. Oh the humanity!
Yes, there are laws in place to prevent discrimination in the work place, and that includes wage differences. And your point is definitely one contributing factor, but there are others, such as women being socially turned away from STEM field jobs. Which has a lot to do with the theory that gynocentrism in society places importance on an individual for simply having a vagina, but if you have a johnson you need to accomplish major things to be worth anything. Why would a women enter STEM when they can be viewed as important for simply existing? Anyways, I'm going on a tangent. There are many reasons for the wage gap but "women get paid less for the same work, because patriarchy" is not one of them.
Yes, it is, but calling someone a freak on the street could also be seen as a compliment to a few random individuals. The large majority of people see it as demeaning. It's probably best to just not do it, because chances are they won't take it as a compliment.
Isn't it illegal to pay women less than men now? At least in the United States? I think there are other factor's into the wage gap other tha… moren 'women get payed less'. It's possible that women on average are spending more time at home. This is one of my problems with some feminists, that they look at something and go "Women's issue" without looking at the causes or other factors. We need to look into this stuff before we judge it.
And with cat calls, wouldn't that depend on the individual woman's response to it? One woman might see it as demeaning, but another might see it s a compliment. Isn't that subjective?
So... a little something I've been thinking about lately...
Does anyone remember when Target decided to quit designating the toy areas by gender? Now toys are all in one big general area, of, well, TOYS. As a child, I grew up making model kits that I found in the boys section. My mom thought it was weird, because she thought that anything my sister and I did was weird, just because we weren't like her. lol But my dad didn't care much but he and my grandpa were impressed with me that I could actually make the model kits myself.
Now, what if my mom and dad had told me, No. You can not build those model kits, because you're a girl. And as a girl, you like dolls and dress up and pink stuff. Today, even, I am given strange looks when I don't align to society's standards of what women 'want' or 'adhere' too. My neighbors made a joke that since my car was blue, soon I'd be painting my nails blue and dying my hair blue and everything would match my car. When I got my car, my mom and dad talked about getting me a whole bunch of pink stuff for to decorate the inside of my car and then my room. But, I don't like pink. I don't hate it, but since everyone automatically assumes because I'm a girl, that I should love pink. I hate pink now. But my parents think I like pink because I'm a girl, but they didn't teach me to like pink, they assumed.
Also, as a woman, shouldn't I be dying to start having babies? I should be finding myself a husband to depend on, I should be in the house cleaning and cooking and raising babies and being maternal and 'feminine'. Today, even those prevalent views are widely held in society. Honestly, even amongst my own family I am considered odd because I don't want kids, because I want a career instead. Then I get called selfish. Selfish, because I choose a different life than that of the 'average woman.'
The overall theme here? It's nature v. nurture.
I'm starting to really resent the role I'm automatically assumed to have as a woman. One day I'd like to say, my favorite color is blue and I don't want to be a housewife and mom, without feeling the eyes of many glaring at me, thinking I'm a deviant or thinking that I'm a selfish miscreant of nature. I love blue because I was able to choose what I wanted. I didn't want kids, because ever since I could remember, nothing about that appealed to me. Girls in middle school would all talk about, "Ohh I want 5 kids." They'd look at me, and I'd feel pressure to say I wanted some of my own. But now, as an adult, I can actually think, no, no I don't want kids. I don't hate them, but that doesn't not appeal to my nature as me. Myself.
I think that feminism today is really seen as something like, "Men are oppressive and mean, they want us to spread our legs, be submissive, and make them sandwiches. Fuck those pigs!" (Don't get me wrong, pigs like that do exist, but femnazi's will peg anything with a penis to be that very definition."
For me, feminism is perhaps my own definition of equality. It, like many things is the ability to make a choice and not feel the shame of said choice because of my God given gender. Sure, I might posses 'masculine' traits, but saying a woman has 'masculine' traits somehow demeans 'feminine' traits and deviates her from society. When in reality, everyone possess good and bad traits. Do we really have to pool them into male and female groups? Like we need anymore of a division between the sexes. God did a fine job of making men, have their manly bits, and make woman have their lady bits.
I think that, it needs to quit being so driven into our heads today of what we should and shouldn't be as our gender. I know this sounds stupid to some, some people might argue I'm asking that sexes be eliminated and we all be something of a mono gendered race. But that is not my point or my desire.
Overall, feminism is something I think is defined, person to person. The idea is equality. Femnazi's want female superiority. Most people, just don't want to feel like they're weird because they don't possesses the traits society has imposed of them, because of their gender. Male, or female.
I believe in equality between all genders, I don't believe that there should be too many or any restrictions applied to certain things like wages or certain aspects of careers just due to the gender of a person. Just because males are labelled as males and females are labelled as females doesn't mean one should be treated with superiority whilst the other is treated with inferiority. By that I also disagree with Extreme Feminist views, neither males nor females should be have more rights than one another, all these restrictions being applied to specific genders, ethnicities, religions and sexualities only continue to divide us and will continue to divide us. From how I see it, there will sadly always be a form of inequality on a multitude of different controversial topics, but I still understand where normal Feminists are coming from, in some areas of the world they're still treated like slaves, males sometimes even have a right of ownership towards their spouse, it sickens me to know things like that still occur in modern day, but some women also objectify men which is worthy to note. I believe it's only a controversial topic when facing extreme feminism but I'm pro-Traditional Feminism.
You're either ignoring or you're completely oblivious to the hardcore extremists feminists
Concerning the extremists feminists they do not represent the majority of people who defend women rights. It's just like in everything, there are always people who are going be extremists either in religions or in politics or in anything else in life. Extremists use the original idea that is being defended and then they add things to suit their own wishes.But in that case, a difference should be made between feminism and extremism. Why reject all feminists when only a few of them are extremists ? If you by some apples and you find one of them is rotten, is it worth throwing all the other apples even if they're good ?
What women are receiving hate for stating their opinion? You have a valid point when it comes to Middle Eastern countries, but look at western society.
It is undeniable that the condition and rights of women in western countries have improved tremendously over the time. However, I was mostly talking about the internet bullying. You can go to any youtube video dealing with this subject and you'll see the amount of hate and threats women receive for simply giving their point of view in the matter. They are insulted and people tell them that they should kill themselves, that they're useless and basically that they're an abomination that isn't worth living. Isn't that also a form of extremism ? And most of these comments are made by men. It doesn't mean all men are the same, far from it, but it shows that some men get too easily offended about this and for no reason. I believe that these kind of offensive comments are made by immature people that have no clue about what mutual respect is and they have no idea what impact their insults can have on people. I think that men should be more open on this topic and even if they do not agree with something, they should say it respectfully. How can you take seriously someone that only replies to you with insults ?
Men have issues too, and the reason so many people reject feminism is that a lot of feminists (not all of them) ignore these issues.
Of course men have issues too but that is an argument that comes too often against feminism and people who defend women rights. The thing is, feminism is supposed to focus only on women issues because when it was created women issues were a lot more serious that men issues. It doesn't mean women don't care about men's issues, it only means that feminism is about defending women's rights all over the world. Now what exactly prevents men from creating a similar association to defend their own rights and issues ? I'm sure women would be totally ready to help them and work with them to find solutions.
Women have the privilege of having domestic abuse shelters or hotlines that serve only their own gender.
Let's face it, though domestic violence exists against men too, it exists mostly against women. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't help the men that are dealing with domestic violence, it only means that domestic violence in the world is mostly directed towards women and that is why their issues are a lot more talked about than men. There was a time in America when men had actually the right to beat their wife and even kill them and they wouldn't be challenged for what they did. Yes, this is all in the past and there is a reason for that: feminism and the women and men that stood against it. But it isn't the case in every country in the world so that is why feminism is still important even today, there are women all over the world that are abused and denied any rights, feminists fight for that too.
And also there is something I'm really curious about, it's the amount of hatred Emma Watson got when she made her speech concerning women issues. I heard her speech and didn't find anything wrong or disturbing with it. Can you listen to it and tell me exactly what you disagree with or what you think shows that she wants women to dominate men ? Because the number of threats she received were truly unbelievable. I'll link the video: enter link description here
Overall, I think we should all agree that injustice, discrimination and violence should be condemned and avoided both towards men and women. Also, I'm curious to know how do you see the place and role of women in today's society ? And what do you think of the negative response feminists are receiving like death threats and rape threaths ? Don't you think it shows that men have also made some mistakes and that they should find a way to be more open and respectful towards these women that are only stating their opinion without insulting anyone ? Don't you believe men are getting too offensive for nothing ?
You're either ignoring or you're completely oblivious to the hardcore extremists feminists who will paint men and MRA's as evil motherfucker… mores who hate women. People like this:
What women are receiving hate for stating their opinion? You have a valid point when it comes to Middle Eastern countries, but look at western society. I can name quite a few privileges that women have. For instance, women can get away with beating a man in PUBLIC without facing consequences. And unlike you, I'll post evidence.
Men have issues too, and the reason so many people reject feminism is that a lot of feminists (not all of them) ignore these issues. I'll give you a few more:
Women can accuse a man of raping them and get sympathy when the accusation is thrown out because there is no evidence.
Women have the privilege of having domestic abuse shelters or hotlines that serve only their own gender.
Proof: https://nationalparentsor… [view original content]
I completely agree that the treatment of women in these countries is deplorable, as is the treatment of men
In many of these countries men are considered superior to women. They have the right to beat them sometimes to death, they have the right to sell them. They force little girls to marry older men, women do not have the right to leave their house or get a job and obviously they do not have the right to study. In some countries such as India, rape is something common. Just a few weeks ago I saw in the news that in India 3 women had been condemned to be raped because their brother had done something against the law. Isn't this worth fighting for ? So unfortunately the treatment of women in some countries is far worse than that of men and animals.
there was a time
Yes it is no longer the case today and that is because feminism was created. Otherwise, if none of that had happened, if nobody ever sopke agains it, it would still be the case today. If women didn't riot and defend their rights they would never have been granted the right to vote, they would never have been allowed to go to school or get a job, they would never have had the right to choose their husband. Men didn't have these issues at the time so it is normal that feminism focused on women. Nowadays, though these problems have disappeared in western countries, others have emerged such as all sorts of discriminations against women, the image of women that are being over sexualized and the pressure they receive to always look perfect. It is something a lot of teenage girls are struggling about with eating disorders for example and that is also worth fighting for in my opinion. I just wish more men felt the same way. Women need men just like men need women, we need each other to be better people and that is why men have a big part to play in this.
For the people who say that they're for egalitarism but reject feminism, it just doesn't make any sense and shows the lack of knowledge so m… moreany people have on this topic. If you had made some research, you would have discovered that egalitarism is exactly what feminism stands for.
What something stands for and what people actually do under that title are two very different things. Egalitarianism and feminism are not the same thing, in large part due to the people that comprise each group.
And to the people that claim that feminists want to dominate men it is simply ridiculous!
Many of them do, or some agenda in similarity to that respect.
Seriously, how is fighting for the rights of little girls and young women so that they can get the chance to go to school and how is speaking against sexual violence...
Are we talking about first world countries here?
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You ahould check ou… [view original content]
I'm from Ireland I never really heard of feminism before neither did my sisters and they are all highly successful ones a doctor, ones a highly successfully fitness instructor and another gets top grades in college. They blame no one for their problems and are strong independent women
My only really known experience of feminism was tumblr . Kinda like asking me my opinion on Gun rights should people have no guns while my only experience of no weapons is being thrown into the middle of isis who want my head chopped off XD
The moden feminism I see is all about censorship of free speech, triggers of delicate flowers and power hunger with a mix of sexism, racism and hate speech throw in to attack cis white people
They deal with issues like allowing bewbs on instragram, Make it illegal for guys to call them bossy, man spreading, a few games with no playable female characters such oppression could bring a tear to even a hardened war veteran I'd bet
I don't blame girls wanting to be feminists imagine a group who wants to give you more benefits and advantages of anyone just because of your gender no effort needed. All struggles and problems in your daily life is never your fault it's white cis males.
Didn't get that job, results in school not going well, struggles with finance, being unfit, struggles with depression, feeling unimportant not your fault it 's the patriarchy nothing is ever your fault with all this oppression going on, no one ever faces these issues everyday but you join our group because of sexism we can never be successful it's impossible it's the only way hur dur
Makes you feel part of something and like your making a difference from the comfort of your chair at home working to make the world a better place for you with a safety blanket of any of your words and actions are not just acceptable but your hateful and sexist blogs are celebrated because sexism I understand.
Life is hard being imaginary oppressed with no accountabilty is easy
Do I feel feminism is important?
Even though woman know have far more rights then any male I'd be an idiot to say feminism in it's true form is not important
Just need to look at countries with no feminism or through history where even in first world countries there was no feminism it was awful for woman they were like slaves to their gender.
I see the complaints alot but woman have far more rights then men in first world countries so why is feminism needed! now think about this line does that not mean feminism was a massive success why stop and lose all these advantages and benefits XD
There are people like Emma Watson who support harmony between men and woman to make this world a better place she doesn't scream cis white people hurdur EVIL...She looks at the issues women and men face and look to break down stereotypes for each gender and more I'm support this feminism
I think feminism is important it gives woman a voice and keeps people informed on issues or sexism they face daily of course you will get idiotic feminazis taking advantage to spread hate. But I'd rather live in a country with feminism where woman can feel they can go with issues and be represented to fight for rights. Then without it like dubai and saudi arabia where they are not represented they are scared and alone slaves to their genders and laws to keep them down.
In short Feminism is important some people wear it like a fashion trend now to attack cis white males for their problems
Then there are people who actually face sexism and oppression who need help I think feminism just needs a wake up call to start fighting important issues and represent the women all over the world who need them. Even in first world countries there is sexism and racism I have no doubt might not be as big as other countries but with these groups at least people know they are represented and have a voice.
Concerning the extremists feminists they do not represent the majority of people who defend women rights. It's just like in everything, there are always people who are going be extremists either in religions or in politics or in anything else in life. Extremists use the original idea that is being defended and then they add things to suit their own wishes.But in that case, a difference should be made between feminism and extremism.
I think it's because these radical feminists are getting more attention than rational feminists do. Feminists who are open to discussion and critique of what they say don't seem to get as much attention, at least I've never seen a lot of videos of people separating feminists from feminazi's. Perhaps I'll do a video on the topic this week. Since I don't go back to school for another week, it'll give me something to do.
It is undeniable that the condition and rights of women in western countries have improved tremendously over the time. However, I was mostly talking about the internet bullying. You can go to any youtube video dealing with this subject and you'll see the amount of hate and threats women receive for simply giving their point of view in the matter. They are insulted and people tell them that they should kill themselves, that they're useless and basically that they're an abomination that isn't worth living. Isn't that also a form of extremism ? And most of these comments are made by men. It doesn't mean all men are the same, far from it, but it shows that some men get too easily offended about this and for no reason. I believe that these kind of offensive comments are made by immature people that have no clue about what mutual respect is and they have no idea what impact their insults can have on people. I think that men should be more open on this topic and even if they do not agree with something, they should say it respectfully. How can you take seriously someone that only replies to you with insults ?
This isn't exclusive to women stating their opinion. Plenty of people have gotten attacked (not necessarily insulted, but slandered nonetheless) for stating their opinion. I've never experienced it, since my videos have only pulled in 20-30 views. Look at Gamergate, for example. People claim it's based around harrassment, but I've seen the Gamergaters get a lot of insults. For example:
It's not just women who get attack for their opinions. And if it's women such as Anita Sarkeesian that you're talking about, I will add that I think she takes things past opinions and actively convince people to believe that her word is all fact. Granted, she doesn't deserve the abuse she has gotten. Nobody does.
Of course men have issues too but that is an argument that comes too often against feminism and people who defend women rights. The thing is, feminism is supposed to focus only on women issues because when it was created women issues were a lot more serious that men issues. It doesn't mean women don't care about men's issues, it only means that feminism is about defending women's rights all over the world. Now what exactly prevents men from creating a similar association to defend their own rights and issues ? I'm sure women would be totally ready to help them and work with them to find solutions. Women have the privilege of having domestic abuse shelters or hotlines that serve only their own gender. Let's face it, though domestic violence exists against men too, it exists mostly against women. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't help the men that are dealing with domestic violence, it only means that domestic violence in the world is mostly directed towards women and that is why their issues are a lot more talked about than men. There was a time in America when men had actually the right to beat their wife and even kill them and they wouldn't be challenged for what they did. Yes, this is all in the past and there is a reason for that: feminism and the women and men that stood against it. But it isn't the case in every country in the world so that is why feminism is still important even today, there are women all over the world that are abused and denied any rights, feminists fight for that too.
It's the radical feminists such as the one's pulling the fire alarm that prevent men from defending their rights. Again, I accept that not all feminists are like that. But there's enough of them to demonize the men's rights movement. And I agree that feminism is necessary in foreign countries where girls are getting married at 8, and I support anyone who argues for women's rights in those countries. People like Malala Yousafzai, for example. But then there are some people who will claim that women are consistently oppressed in western society and are given far less rights than men, usually making statements without any concrete evidence.
As for domestic violence, I've gotten conflicting statistics on the ratio of male/female victims. But I don't see why domestic violence centers can't try to accommodate both genders. Why should it be acceptable for a domestic violence shelter to reject men or say it is their fault? Regardless of which gender cops it most, I think violence against anyone, whether it's men beating men, women beating men or men beating women, shouldn't be tolerated. That's my problem with some feminists. If they wanna focus on women's issues, then fine. But when they are presented with the evidence of sexism against men, I think it's disgusting to ignore it.
Youtube glitched out on me. I'll post my opinion of Emma Watson's speech later. What I will say is that nobody deserves hate for having an opinion. I think anyone can hold any opinion regardless of whether someone finds it distasteful. But I also think that we should encourage holding feminist views and any other views under the same scrutiny. What I think is that we should be able to listen, and disagree with people in a civilized manner, and that should go both ways and that BOTH sides should uphold that.
I also think that it's unfair to judge feminism as a whole, but rather judge individuals who call themselves feminists. Just because you subscribe to a certain movement or viewpoint is not the defining factor in whether you a good or bad person. So I'm not, strictly speaking, anti-feminist. Rather, I look at how feminists conduct themselves and draw my own conclusion on that individual.
You're either ignoring or you're completely oblivious to the hardcore extremists feminists
Concerning the extremists feminists they … moredo not represent the majority of people who defend women rights. It's just like in everything, there are always people who are going be extremists either in religions or in politics or in anything else in life. Extremists use the original idea that is being defended and then they add things to suit their own wishes.But in that case, a difference should be made between feminism and extremism. Why reject all feminists when only a few of them are extremists ? If you by some apples and you find one of them is rotten, is it worth throwing all the other apples even if they're good ?
What women are receiving hate for stating their opinion? You have a valid point when it comes to Middle Eastern countries, but look at western society.
It is undeniable that the condition and rights of women in western… [view original content]
In many of these countries men are considered superior to women. They have the right to beat them sometimes to death, they have the right to sell them. They force little girls to marry older men, women do not have the right to leave their house or get a job and obviously they do not have the right to study. In some countries such as India, rape is something common. Just a few weeks ago I saw in the news that in India 3 women had been condemned to be raped because their brother had done something against the law. Isn't this worth fighting for ? So unfortunately the treatment of women in some countries is far worse than that of men and animals.
I can also give you countless examples of horrendous crimes against men also, and they usually lead to death and not sexual abuse. Personally, while both are bad, I would rather be raped than murdered. That doesn't mean I think nothing should be done to help these women, so there's no reason to keep bringing that up. I'm talking about feminism in the modern world.
Yes it is no longer the case today and that is because feminism was created. Otherwise, if none of that had happened, if nobody ever sopke agains it, it would still be the case today
Lack of a scenario in history doesn't mean that events caused by the scenario wouldn't happen in some other way. More jmportantly notice your word choice..."no longer the case". Why keep something around because of what it used to do?
image of women that are being over sexualized and the pressure they receive to always look perfect.
I completely agree that the treatment of women in these countries is deplorable, as is the treatment of men
In many of these countri… morees men are considered superior to women. They have the right to beat them sometimes to death, they have the right to sell them. They force little girls to marry older men, women do not have the right to leave their house or get a job and obviously they do not have the right to study. In some countries such as India, rape is something common. Just a few weeks ago I saw in the news that in India 3 women had been condemned to be raped because their brother had done something against the law. Isn't this worth fighting for ? So unfortunately the treatment of women in some countries is far worse than that of men and animals.
there was a time
Yes it is no longer the case today and that is because feminism was created. Otherwise, if none of that had happened, if nobody ever sopke agains it, it would… [view original content]
I've been participating for two years now in Women's film festivals, one of them run by a center for domestic abuse, and am taking seminars in film and feminism. Admittedly this is all related to film, but I think it's safe to say I have more experience in Feminist organizations than most of the people posting here. And I'm sure you can find somebody on tumblr or youtube who is absolutely nuts, but I'm talking about organizations that actually work to do more than talk in front of a webcam.
To briefly talk about film and feminism - there are two clear strains I think, one I like the other is pretty sketchy (the film festivals I work with are the former, the classes I took in grad school were the latter - if anybody ever uses the word 'phallologocentricism' - RUN). When you're dealing with analyzing films through feminist film theory, it really does turn into a matter of begging the question, where you're trying to take film that has a woman in it (or God forbid a film without one) and demonstrate why it's sexist (not totally but a lot of the time), and most of the bullshit stems from psychoanalytical theory.
Then there's film feminism as a sort of industry activism, which is what I've experienced - dealing with issues of disproportionate representation of women in the film industry (despite there being more women coming out of film school), and films/documentaries dealing with issues such as domestic violence, sexual violence, GSM issues, inequality in labor, etc.) The non-film aspect of this is when activism on those issues take the form of political pressure.
As a man never have I felt unwanted, but I've always been welcomed and a lot of the material we've worked with deals not only with female issues but male issues as well. Even when dealing with issues such as campus sexual assault - not only were male victims covered but it was brought up why framing the issue as a women's issue marginalizes male victims. And let me remind you, this is coming from a women's rights organization. Feminists are concerned with gender equality, and equality means equality. I've brought up how there is sexism against men and how oftentimes those are two sides of the same coin. I've never been shouted down for that, but instead thanked for my imput and put in the newsletter/blog of the feminist organization.
You can ride this off as me not being a 'Western feminist,' but even in America, where I went to a public university of over 40,000 students, the feminist student organization focused primary on working with women's abortion rights. You can disagree with those, but I don't think they count as 'female supremacy' or 'trying to be a snowflake victim' or whatever nonsense people go on about with feminism.
Though I will agree trying to ban sex-bots is bullshit.
What is so stupid as that such things like men' rights get largely ignored as somehow they are seen as "dominant" gender in our world so they don't somehow deserve any pity and stuff like that.
Feminism is cause of not being able to forgive thousands of years human history where females were largely considered as property or "lesser humans" based on their rights.
I don't understand why it's expected that men buy everything on the dates for example while women also have money. Yes, I question a tradition that has probably existed for over thousand of years.
I have yet to meet a feminist who claims to expect men to be the ones to pay for dates. The point of feminism is equality, and I don't see how that would apply to everything but being able to pay for lunch every once in a while. Seems like less of a feminist issue and more of an issue regarding selfishness and a sense of high horse syndrome. The same goes for women who expect Prince Charming to come knocking on their doors even if they don't necessarily deserve it, however that goes for men too.
What is so stupid as that such things like men' rights get largely ignored as somehow they are seen as "dominant" gender in our world so the… morey don't somehow deserve any pity and stuff like that.
Feminism is cause of not being able to forgive thousands of years human history where females were largely considered as property or "lesser humans" based on their rights.
I don't understand why it's expected that men buy everything on the dates for example while women also have money. Yes, I question a tradition that has probably existed for over thousand of years.
i actually hate it i am all for women rights but that means they must be equal to men's rights feminazis want more than that by their logic a game should be taken off the selves for promoting violence against women but if it is men being killed it is ok, if a man gets rape no one bats a eye, when a woman gets raped everyone loses their minds rape is bad both ways
pretty much sums them up
"It's a game that encourages players to murder women for entertainment. The incentive is to commit sexual violence against women, then abuse or kill them to proceed or get 'health' points..."
Spoken like someone that has never played Grand Theft Auto.
XD Whoever wrote that doesn't know a damn thing about games.
Exactly. I guarantee 95% of the petition signers never played either. They saw that picture, read that bs, and hopped on the bandwagon.
But it gets worse...
Feminism has got out of hand. Definitely. I am all for equality, but I feel equality has been reached (or nearly reached) in much of the developed world. I hear people talking about women earning less than men, but where I come from, women earn just as well. I have confirmed this by asking my friends, aunties, mom and cousins.
A lot of stuff is just bullocks.
I unsubscribed from Time, The Verge and Polygon on Facebook, and don't visit their websites anymore. You simply cannot argue against their reasoning. The most shameful was this recent article on The Verge: http://www.theverge.com/2014/11/13/7213819/your-bowling-shirt-is-holding-back-progress
So I just found this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZfltpUhP30 Honestly, I don't even know how I feel about it. Any thoughts?
He said "What's up?" so... like... say hey back?
Spoken like Anita Sarkeesian, lol. I wonder if she's behind that article.
I haven't really played GTA series, but it doesn't take much to figure out that it's way more to it than this. Not to mention that you can murder ANYONE for entertainment, not just women. Why isn't anyone in outrage over that? Hypocrisy much?
That's fucked up.
I like how they said, "The incentive is to commit sexual violence against women, then abuse or kill them to proceed or get 'health' points..." I always thought the incentive was to complete the campaign, find the hidden objects, do the stunt jumps, run from the cops, and then repeat most of those steps in multiplayer with your friends. Apparently I was wrong, and the game is actually a one dimensional thing solely about abusing women to restore health points. I have to wonder then, if the only incentive is to abuse women for health points and that's all the game is, why are there health points at all? Surely if all you are doing is abusing women, having a health system is pointless.
I am against [First World] Feminism, but I am for Egalitarianism.
Of course, you silly! It was always about murdering women for sick entertainment, there's virtually NOTHING more to it! Check your white cis male privilege, please!
I'm all for equality, however i think current feminism is getting a little crazy (Yes, i know not all feminists are crazy, i've met a few nice ones). I prefer Egalitarianism
I support equal rights between men and women. However, I don't support women that completely discriminate men, use sexist and hypocritical mentality to justify their causes, and confuse gender equality with gender dominance. Feminism is about equal rights between men and women. It is not about constant man shaming and trying to prove your dominance over the male sex. That's called sexism.
Wow that's one hell of a thread bump.
I usually try to avoid these subjects as much as I can but I do think that it is an interesting topic to discuss. My view on this as a woman and most importantly as a human being is that there is a lot of ignorance and mindless hating (not here but generally in real life) about feminism. This word has been so criticized and mocked that it has become a sort of insult or joke. It feels like people that believe in equality and would like to defend women's right should be ashamed of what they're doing. There are people murdering other people, all kinds of abuse and corruption in the world but apparently standing for the people who are being treated unfairly is wrong.
For the people who say that they're for egalitarism but reject feminism, it just doesn't make any sense and shows the lack of knowledge so many people have on this topic. If you had made some research, you would have discovered that egalitarism is exactly what feminism stands for. And to the people that claim that feminists want to dominate men it is simply ridiculous! Seriously, how is fighting for the rights of little girls and young women so that they can get the chance to go to school and how is speaking against sexual violence in anyway related to a will to dominate men ?
The worst thing in all of that is the number of people (I suppose rather young people, I hope) that post insulting comments, death threats and rape threats in all the videos that are related to this topic. Seriously, telling someone to go kill themselves just because they want to defend a cause that they believe is right and important is just stupid. There are many examples of that but I remember once watching a youtube video about a man interviewing women in cosplay costumes at comic con, and he kept focusing on their boobs and sexual stuff. One girl in the comments said that she would have prefered the man to ask them more intelligent and interesting questions rather than flirting with them and focusing on their appearance. You won't believe the number of insults and death threats she got! You think that is normal ? So feminism is absolute evil that was created by evil women who obviously don't need any more rights than we already give them but bullying is totally okay ?
And finally, to the peole that think women don't need any more rights and that they are already treated equally, just look at the amount of hate these women receive simply by stating their opinion and come back to tell me the same thing. Just seeing that shows that there is a big problem in the way a lot of men in the world treat women in general in every aspect of life (I have unfortuately seen that happen in my own life and perhaps that is why I am so eager to defend this cause). I'm not talking only about America or any other european country but also the middle east countries where little girls are forced to get married at only 8! They have zero rights and are always raped and beaten sometimes to death just because they had the terrible misfortune to have been born girls instead of boys. As if being a girl was something to be ashamed of. In these countries women are treated like animals sometimes even worst, they have no control over their own life, the man does everything and they must obey as slaves. You think this isn't worth fighting for ?
Can anyone please post a link to a video or an article that shows how feminists are planning to dominate men ? Because I have never seen one and I would like to finally understand what all these people that claim feminism is evil are talking about. If you have a daughter, remember that there was a time when girls like her didn't actually have the right to go to school and get a job. It was simply forbidden. If it wasn't for feminism and all the women who have bravely defied this mentality, it would still be the case today. I cannot speak for all the women in the world but I'll tell you what I truly believe in: I want a society based on mutual respect between men and women. No more stereotypes, no more violence only respect on both sides. Both men and women have an important part to play in this world. We will never be able to achieve that as long as one group will want to dominate the other.
Damn, this was way back when I used faces in my posts.
You're either ignoring or you're completely oblivious to the hardcore extremists feminists who will paint men and MRA's as evil motherfuckers who hate women. People like this:
What women are receiving hate for stating their opinion? You have a valid point when it comes to Middle Eastern countries, but look at western society. I can name quite a few privileges that women have. For instance, women can get away with beating a man in PUBLIC without facing consequences. And unlike you, I'll post evidence.
Men have issues too, and the reason so many people reject feminism is that a lot of feminists (not all of them) ignore these issues. I'll give you a few more:
Women can accuse a man of raping them and get sympathy when the accusation is thrown out because there is no evidence.
Women have the privilege of having domestic abuse shelters or hotlines that serve only their own gender.
Proof: https://nationalparentsorganization.org/blog/3977-researcher-what-hap-3977
This is why a lot of people don't support feminism, because many feminists ignore these issues and focus only on women. I don't understand why both genders can't speak their opinions in a civilized manner and work towards a solution that benefits all.
What something stands for and what people actually do under that title are two very different things. Egalitarianism and feminism are not the same thing, in large part due to the people that comprise each group.
Many of them do, or some agenda in similarity to that respect.
Are we talking about first world countries here?
You ahould check out the posts against gamergate. Bad commenst are hardly relegated to feminism.
I've yet to hear these "missing rights".
These countries have ridiculous amounts of human rights violations in general. I completely agree that the treatment of women in these countries is deplorable, as is the treatment of men, animals, and everything else under the sun.
Gonna be honest, I don't have a very strong personal opinion about the gender wars, so I'm going to go at it from a political angle.
I probably could spend hours lecturing about third wave feminism's failings as a grassroots movement, but the long and short of it is this: feminism went of the rails when people began to focus so much on the "why" that they lost track of the "what" and "how". Men's Rights has the same problems, as does Black Lives Matter, as does Occupy Wall Street.
Angry narratives of victimization aren't enough and identity politics are self-defeating. Without tangible goals and an action plan, you're pissing in the wind.
Holy shit, a necromancer came through here!
I will tell you a story, it was my girlfriends birthday and I came to her house and didn't bring her flowers she said, " Why didn't you get me flowers?" So I said, " Listen dear, I'm a feminist I believe you can go buy your own flowers."
Oh boy, the entire internet seems to be invaded by arrogant self-pitying murrican teens, Where are this getting out of hand, the new band of feminists who want dominance over men and the other women they deem to be inferior? Links please, I have little people to drink and despise everyone else with. Liberal-CYP-feminists are not these, btw, they by definition fall for this blind "eqalitarism" scheisse and radical one is too old to be "the new wave" for op.
Thank you. The only privileges that I hear men getting is not getting slut-shamed (although I've never seen it happen) and the wage gap (which I've also seen no evidence of.)
The wage gap does exist, it's just peddled off in a horrendouly different fashion than how it truly exists. (And funnily enough, the more feminists try to push for equality in high pay jobs (because they don't want equality in shit jobs) the unhappier women are getting!)
Slut shaming is bad, but in the scope of detrimental social issues, that's about as close to scraping the barrel as you can get. That and cat calls. Oh the humanity!
Isn't it illegal to pay women less than men now? At least in the United States? I think there are other factor's into the wage gap other than 'women get payed less'. It's possible that women on average are spending more time at home. This is one of my problems with some feminists, that they look at something and go "Women's issue" without looking at the causes or other factors. We need to look into this stuff before we judge it.
And with cat calls, wouldn't that depend on the individual woman's response to it? One woman might see it as demeaning, but another might see it s a compliment. Isn't that subjective?
Yes, there are laws in place to prevent discrimination in the work place, and that includes wage differences. And your point is definitely one contributing factor, but there are others, such as women being socially turned away from STEM field jobs. Which has a lot to do with the theory that gynocentrism in society places importance on an individual for simply having a vagina, but if you have a johnson you need to accomplish major things to be worth anything. Why would a women enter STEM when they can be viewed as important for simply existing? Anyways, I'm going on a tangent. There are many reasons for the wage gap but "women get paid less for the same work, because patriarchy" is not one of them.
Yes, it is, but calling someone a freak on the street could also be seen as a compliment to a few random individuals. The large majority of people see it as demeaning. It's probably best to just not do it, because chances are they won't take it as a compliment.
So... a little something I've been thinking about lately...
Does anyone remember when Target decided to quit designating the toy areas by gender? Now toys are all in one big general area, of, well, TOYS. As a child, I grew up making model kits that I found in the boys section. My mom thought it was weird, because she thought that anything my sister and I did was weird, just because we weren't like her. lol But my dad didn't care much but he and my grandpa were impressed with me that I could actually make the model kits myself.
Now, what if my mom and dad had told me, No. You can not build those model kits, because you're a girl. And as a girl, you like dolls and dress up and pink stuff. Today, even, I am given strange looks when I don't align to society's standards of what women 'want' or 'adhere' too. My neighbors made a joke that since my car was blue, soon I'd be painting my nails blue and dying my hair blue and everything would match my car. When I got my car, my mom and dad talked about getting me a whole bunch of pink stuff for to decorate the inside of my car and then my room. But, I don't like pink. I don't hate it, but since everyone automatically assumes because I'm a girl, that I should love pink. I hate pink now. But my parents think I like pink because I'm a girl, but they didn't teach me to like pink, they assumed.
Also, as a woman, shouldn't I be dying to start having babies? I should be finding myself a husband to depend on, I should be in the house cleaning and cooking and raising babies and being maternal and 'feminine'. Today, even those prevalent views are widely held in society. Honestly, even amongst my own family I am considered odd because I don't want kids, because I want a career instead. Then I get called selfish. Selfish, because I choose a different life than that of the 'average woman.'
The overall theme here? It's nature v. nurture.
I'm starting to really resent the role I'm automatically assumed to have as a woman. One day I'd like to say, my favorite color is blue and I don't want to be a housewife and mom, without feeling the eyes of many glaring at me, thinking I'm a deviant or thinking that I'm a selfish miscreant of nature. I love blue because I was able to choose what I wanted. I didn't want kids, because ever since I could remember, nothing about that appealed to me. Girls in middle school would all talk about, "Ohh I want 5 kids." They'd look at me, and I'd feel pressure to say I wanted some of my own. But now, as an adult, I can actually think, no, no I don't want kids. I don't hate them, but that doesn't not appeal to my nature as me. Myself.
I think that feminism today is really seen as something like, "Men are oppressive and mean, they want us to spread our legs, be submissive, and make them sandwiches. Fuck those pigs!" (Don't get me wrong, pigs like that do exist, but femnazi's will peg anything with a penis to be that very definition."
For me, feminism is perhaps my own definition of equality. It, like many things is the ability to make a choice and not feel the shame of said choice because of my God given gender. Sure, I might posses 'masculine' traits, but saying a woman has 'masculine' traits somehow demeans 'feminine' traits and deviates her from society. When in reality, everyone possess good and bad traits. Do we really have to pool them into male and female groups? Like we need anymore of a division between the sexes. God did a fine job of making men, have their manly bits, and make woman have their lady bits.
I think that, it needs to quit being so driven into our heads today of what we should and shouldn't be as our gender. I know this sounds stupid to some, some people might argue I'm asking that sexes be eliminated and we all be something of a mono gendered race. But that is not my point or my desire.
Overall, feminism is something I think is defined, person to person. The idea is equality. Femnazi's want female superiority. Most people, just don't want to feel like they're weird because they don't possesses the traits society has imposed of them, because of their gender. Male, or female.
I believe in equality between all genders, I don't believe that there should be too many or any restrictions applied to certain things like wages or certain aspects of careers just due to the gender of a person. Just because males are labelled as males and females are labelled as females doesn't mean one should be treated with superiority whilst the other is treated with inferiority. By that I also disagree with Extreme Feminist views, neither males nor females should be have more rights than one another, all these restrictions being applied to specific genders, ethnicities, religions and sexualities only continue to divide us and will continue to divide us. From how I see it, there will sadly always be a form of inequality on a multitude of different controversial topics, but I still understand where normal Feminists are coming from, in some areas of the world they're still treated like slaves, males sometimes even have a right of ownership towards their spouse, it sickens me to know things like that still occur in modern day, but some women also objectify men which is worthy to note. I believe it's only a controversial topic when facing extreme feminism but I'm pro-Traditional Feminism.
I think that everyone is equal but when they say that "Men are pigs" it kinda makes me miffed.
Concerning the extremists feminists they do not represent the majority of people who defend women rights. It's just like in everything, there are always people who are going be extremists either in religions or in politics or in anything else in life. Extremists use the original idea that is being defended and then they add things to suit their own wishes.But in that case, a difference should be made between feminism and extremism. Why reject all feminists when only a few of them are extremists ? If you by some apples and you find one of them is rotten, is it worth throwing all the other apples even if they're good ?
It is undeniable that the condition and rights of women in western countries have improved tremendously over the time. However, I was mostly talking about the internet bullying. You can go to any youtube video dealing with this subject and you'll see the amount of hate and threats women receive for simply giving their point of view in the matter. They are insulted and people tell them that they should kill themselves, that they're useless and basically that they're an abomination that isn't worth living. Isn't that also a form of extremism ? And most of these comments are made by men. It doesn't mean all men are the same, far from it, but it shows that some men get too easily offended about this and for no reason. I believe that these kind of offensive comments are made by immature people that have no clue about what mutual respect is and they have no idea what impact their insults can have on people. I think that men should be more open on this topic and even if they do not agree with something, they should say it respectfully. How can you take seriously someone that only replies to you with insults ?
Of course men have issues too but that is an argument that comes too often against feminism and people who defend women rights. The thing is, feminism is supposed to focus only on women issues because when it was created women issues were a lot more serious that men issues. It doesn't mean women don't care about men's issues, it only means that feminism is about defending women's rights all over the world. Now what exactly prevents men from creating a similar association to defend their own rights and issues ? I'm sure women would be totally ready to help them and work with them to find solutions.
Women have the privilege of having domestic abuse shelters or hotlines that serve only their own gender.
Let's face it, though domestic violence exists against men too, it exists mostly against women. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't help the men that are dealing with domestic violence, it only means that domestic violence in the world is mostly directed towards women and that is why their issues are a lot more talked about than men. There was a time in America when men had actually the right to beat their wife and even kill them and they wouldn't be challenged for what they did. Yes, this is all in the past and there is a reason for that: feminism and the women and men that stood against it. But it isn't the case in every country in the world so that is why feminism is still important even today, there are women all over the world that are abused and denied any rights, feminists fight for that too.
And also there is something I'm really curious about, it's the amount of hatred Emma Watson got when she made her speech concerning women issues. I heard her speech and didn't find anything wrong or disturbing with it. Can you listen to it and tell me exactly what you disagree with or what you think shows that she wants women to dominate men ? Because the number of threats she received were truly unbelievable. I'll link the video:
enter link description here
Overall, I think we should all agree that injustice, discrimination and violence should be condemned and avoided both towards men and women. Also, I'm curious to know how do you see the place and role of women in today's society ? And what do you think of the negative response feminists are receiving like death threats and rape threaths ? Don't you think it shows that men have also made some mistakes and that they should find a way to be more open and respectful towards these women that are only stating their opinion without insulting anyone ? Don't you believe men are getting too offensive for nothing ?
In many of these countries men are considered superior to women. They have the right to beat them sometimes to death, they have the right to sell them. They force little girls to marry older men, women do not have the right to leave their house or get a job and obviously they do not have the right to study. In some countries such as India, rape is something common. Just a few weeks ago I saw in the news that in India 3 women had been condemned to be raped because their brother had done something against the law. Isn't this worth fighting for ? So unfortunately the treatment of women in some countries is far worse than that of men and animals.
Yes it is no longer the case today and that is because feminism was created. Otherwise, if none of that had happened, if nobody ever sopke agains it, it would still be the case today. If women didn't riot and defend their rights they would never have been granted the right to vote, they would never have been allowed to go to school or get a job, they would never have had the right to choose their husband. Men didn't have these issues at the time so it is normal that feminism focused on women. Nowadays, though these problems have disappeared in western countries, others have emerged such as all sorts of discriminations against women, the image of women that are being over sexualized and the pressure they receive to always look perfect. It is something a lot of teenage girls are struggling about with eating disorders for example and that is also worth fighting for in my opinion. I just wish more men felt the same way. Women need men just like men need women, we need each other to be better people and that is why men have a big part to play in this.
enter link description here
I'm from Ireland I never really heard of feminism before neither did my sisters and they are all highly successful ones a doctor, ones a highly successfully fitness instructor and another gets top grades in college. They blame no one for their problems and are strong independent women
My only really known experience of feminism was tumblr
. Kinda like asking me my opinion on Gun rights should people have no guns while my only experience of no weapons is being thrown into the middle of isis who want my head chopped off XD
The moden feminism I see is all about censorship of free speech, triggers of delicate flowers and power hunger with a mix of sexism, racism and hate speech throw in to attack cis white people
They deal with issues like allowing bewbs on instragram, Make it illegal for guys to call them bossy, man spreading, a few games with no playable female characters such oppression could bring a tear to even a hardened war veteran I'd bet
I don't blame girls wanting to be feminists imagine a group who wants to give you more benefits and advantages of anyone just because of your gender no effort needed. All struggles and problems in your daily life is never your fault it's white cis males.
Didn't get that job, results in school not going well, struggles with finance, being unfit, struggles with depression, feeling unimportant not your fault it 's the patriarchy nothing is ever your fault with all this oppression going on, no one ever faces these issues everyday but you join our group because of sexism we can never be successful it's impossible it's the only way hur dur
Makes you feel part of something and like your making a difference from the comfort of your chair at home working to make the world a better place for you with a safety blanket of any of your words and actions are not just acceptable but your hateful and sexist blogs are celebrated because sexism I understand.
Life is hard being imaginary oppressed with no accountabilty is easy
Do I feel feminism is important?
Even though woman know have far more rights then any male I'd be an idiot to say feminism in it's true form is not important
Just need to look at countries with no feminism or through history where even in first world countries there was no feminism it was awful for woman they were like slaves to their gender.
I see the complaints alot but woman have far more rights then men in first world countries so why is feminism needed! now think about this line does that not mean feminism was a massive success why stop and lose all these advantages and benefits XD
There are people like Emma Watson who support harmony between men and woman to make this world a better place she doesn't scream cis white people hurdur EVIL...She looks at the issues women and men face and look to break down stereotypes for each gender and more I'm support this feminism
I think feminism is important it gives woman a voice and keeps people informed on issues or sexism they face daily of course you will get idiotic feminazis taking advantage to spread hate. But I'd rather live in a country with feminism where woman can feel they can go with issues and be represented to fight for rights. Then without it like dubai and saudi arabia where they are not represented they are scared and alone slaves to their genders and laws to keep them down.
In short Feminism is important some people wear it like a fashion trend now to attack cis white males for their problems
Then there are people who actually face sexism and oppression who need help I think feminism just needs a wake up call to start fighting important issues and represent the women all over the world who need them. Even in first world countries there is sexism and racism I have no doubt might not be as big as other countries but with these groups at least people know they are represented and have a voice.
Okay, a lot to process here.
I think it's because these radical feminists are getting more attention than rational feminists do. Feminists who are open to discussion and critique of what they say don't seem to get as much attention, at least I've never seen a lot of videos of people separating feminists from feminazi's. Perhaps I'll do a video on the topic this week. Since I don't go back to school for another week, it'll give me something to do.
This isn't exclusive to women stating their opinion. Plenty of people have gotten attacked (not necessarily insulted, but slandered nonetheless) for stating their opinion. I've never experienced it, since my videos have only pulled in 20-30 views. Look at Gamergate, for example. People claim it's based around harrassment, but I've seen the Gamergaters get a lot of insults. For example:
It's not just women who get attack for their opinions. And if it's women such as Anita Sarkeesian that you're talking about, I will add that I think she takes things past opinions and actively convince people to believe that her word is all fact. Granted, she doesn't deserve the abuse she has gotten. Nobody does.
It's the radical feminists such as the one's pulling the fire alarm that prevent men from defending their rights. Again, I accept that not all feminists are like that. But there's enough of them to demonize the men's rights movement. And I agree that feminism is necessary in foreign countries where girls are getting married at 8, and I support anyone who argues for women's rights in those countries. People like Malala Yousafzai, for example. But then there are some people who will claim that women are consistently oppressed in western society and are given far less rights than men, usually making statements without any concrete evidence.
As for domestic violence, I've gotten conflicting statistics on the ratio of male/female victims. But I don't see why domestic violence centers can't try to accommodate both genders. Why should it be acceptable for a domestic violence shelter to reject men or say it is their fault? Regardless of which gender cops it most, I think violence against anyone, whether it's men beating men, women beating men or men beating women, shouldn't be tolerated. That's my problem with some feminists. If they wanna focus on women's issues, then fine. But when they are presented with the evidence of sexism against men, I think it's disgusting to ignore it.
Youtube glitched out on me. I'll post my opinion of Emma Watson's speech later. What I will say is that nobody deserves hate for having an opinion. I think anyone can hold any opinion regardless of whether someone finds it distasteful. But I also think that we should encourage holding feminist views and any other views under the same scrutiny. What I think is that we should be able to listen, and disagree with people in a civilized manner, and that should go both ways and that BOTH sides should uphold that.
I also think that it's unfair to judge feminism as a whole, but rather judge individuals who call themselves feminists. Just because you subscribe to a certain movement or viewpoint is not the defining factor in whether you a good or bad person. So I'm not, strictly speaking, anti-feminist. Rather, I look at how feminists conduct themselves and draw my own conclusion on that individual.
I can also give you countless examples of horrendous crimes against men also, and they usually lead to death and not sexual abuse. Personally, while both are bad, I would rather be raped than murdered. That doesn't mean I think nothing should be done to help these women, so there's no reason to keep bringing that up. I'm talking about feminism in the modern world.
Lack of a scenario in history doesn't mean that events caused by the scenario wouldn't happen in some other way. More jmportantly notice your word choice..."no longer the case". Why keep something around because of what it used to do?
Because that's a female problem, right?
I've been participating for two years now in Women's film festivals, one of them run by a center for domestic abuse, and am taking seminars in film and feminism. Admittedly this is all related to film, but I think it's safe to say I have more experience in Feminist organizations than most of the people posting here. And I'm sure you can find somebody on tumblr or youtube who is absolutely nuts, but I'm talking about organizations that actually work to do more than talk in front of a webcam.
To briefly talk about film and feminism - there are two clear strains I think, one I like the other is pretty sketchy (the film festivals I work with are the former, the classes I took in grad school were the latter - if anybody ever uses the word 'phallologocentricism' - RUN). When you're dealing with analyzing films through feminist film theory, it really does turn into a matter of begging the question, where you're trying to take film that has a woman in it (or God forbid a film without one) and demonstrate why it's sexist (not totally but a lot of the time), and most of the bullshit stems from psychoanalytical theory.
Then there's film feminism as a sort of industry activism, which is what I've experienced - dealing with issues of disproportionate representation of women in the film industry (despite there being more women coming out of film school), and films/documentaries dealing with issues such as domestic violence, sexual violence, GSM issues, inequality in labor, etc.) The non-film aspect of this is when activism on those issues take the form of political pressure.
As a man never have I felt unwanted, but I've always been welcomed and a lot of the material we've worked with deals not only with female issues but male issues as well. Even when dealing with issues such as campus sexual assault - not only were male victims covered but it was brought up why framing the issue as a women's issue marginalizes male victims. And let me remind you, this is coming from a women's rights organization. Feminists are concerned with gender equality, and equality means equality. I've brought up how there is sexism against men and how oftentimes those are two sides of the same coin. I've never been shouted down for that, but instead thanked for my imput and put in the newsletter/blog of the feminist organization.
You can ride this off as me not being a 'Western feminist,' but even in America, where I went to a public university of over 40,000 students, the feminist student organization focused primary on working with women's abortion rights. You can disagree with those, but I don't think they count as 'female supremacy' or 'trying to be a snowflake victim' or whatever nonsense people go on about with feminism.
Though I will agree trying to ban sex-bots is bullshit.
We don't need feminists or SJW's, we need Equalists
What is so stupid as that such things like men' rights get largely ignored as somehow they are seen as "dominant" gender in our world so they don't somehow deserve any pity and stuff like that.
Feminism is cause of not being able to forgive thousands of years human history where females were largely considered as property or "lesser humans" based on their rights.
I don't understand why it's expected that men buy everything on the dates for example while women also have money. Yes, I question a tradition that has probably existed for over thousand of years.
I have yet to meet a feminist who claims to expect men to be the ones to pay for dates. The point of feminism is equality, and I don't see how that would apply to everything but being able to pay for lunch every once in a while. Seems like less of a feminist issue and more of an issue regarding selfishness and a sense of high horse syndrome. The same goes for women who expect Prince Charming to come knocking on their doors even if they don't necessarily deserve it, however that goes for men too.