I Now Feel That I Want Revenge and Handsome Jack Was Right



  • Wait, you seriously think that?

    He (and by 'he' I mean Anthony) was clearly covering his tracks after straight up admitting to murdering his first wife.

    It's pretty much HJ 101 - horrible admission, followed by super manipulative 'clarification' (and/or justification).

    Yes but if you read the post after that he says "Oh, wait, you said "funniest." I thought you meant "tragic, violent, and accidental."" whic

  • Jack is love, Jack is life...

  • edited September 2015

    Ok but think of it this way: would you want some random guy coming down to your planet, enslaving and killing off everyone that defied him, and abusing and polluting the very planet he supposedly wanted to protect just because he can? If Pandora is going to ever change its lawless ways it has to come from them. Not some rich corporate asshole from space who just wants to commit genocide.

    Anyways, listen: Handsome Jack doesn't give a rats ass about anybody but himself, and this includes Rhys. He was always this way, always was this way, and always will be this way. Remember what he did to his daughter Angel? How he forcibly locked her away from everyone, including her mother, way before the first game even started (and before he decided he was going to "cleanse" Pandora) claiming it was "for her own good"? How he drilled two holes in her skull so he could pump eridium through her faster? And how this process of replacing her blood with liquid eridium literally killed her in the end (but nobody ever mentions this, because it;s so much more convenient to forget that he abused his own kid right)? And this whole "the vault hunters must be bad because Handsome Jack is the hero and can do no wrong™" mentality that Handsome Jack apologists have is so old and boring like obviously the vault hunters aren't the nicest people. That's the beauty of the series nobody is good, everyone is a little bit of a jerk. But to claim Handsome Jack was completely justified with all his actions and to shove the blame on other people (especially the vault hunters and especially people like Lilith) is just... ugh. Next.

  • would you want some random guy coming down to your planet, enslaving and killing off everyone that defied him, and abusing and polluting the very planet he supposedly wanted to protect just because he can?


    chordati posted: »

    Ok but think of it this way: would you want some random guy coming down to your planet, enslaving and killing off everyone that defied him,

  • ... I see that Handsome Jack's charm and seduction doesn't just work in the games.

  • yikes

    would you want some random guy coming down to your planet, enslaving and killing off everyone that defied him, and abusing and polluting the very planet he supposedly wanted to protect just because he can? yes

  • Vault Hunters are mercs not superheros

  • edited September 2015

    would you want some random guy coming down to your planet, enslaving and killing off everyone that defied him, and abusing and polluting the very planet he supposedly wanted to protect just because he can?


    ^I'm with him... Humanity or... whatever it is that lives on Pandora... needs to be contained and led, or it's chaos. The sacrifices are worth it.


    Well... now you know who to watch out for within your midst if an alien force ever tries to conquer Earth... :P

    would you want some random guy coming down to your planet, enslaving and killing off everyone that defied him, and abusing and polluting the very planet he supposedly wanted to protect just because he can? yes

  • enter image description here

    would you want some random guy coming down to your planet, enslaving and killing off everyone that defied him, and abusing and polluting the

  • I wouldnt count VH as villains nor heroes. They are more of a grey characters.

  • Honestly I can't tell if you're joking or not.

    would you want some random guy coming down to your planet, enslaving and killing off everyone that defied him, and abusing and polluting the

  • First off, why is everyone keeping this thread alive?

    But, yeah Borderlands is all about the grey. Why I love the characters so much is that everyone has at least a bit of good in them, and everyone has a quite bit of bad. What seperates VH's from Jack is they have a working moral compass. Jack thinks he's righteous but he's so far off the deep end, you love him but you know the world's a better place without him.

    I wouldnt count VH as villains nor heroes. They are more of a grey characters.

  • You.....finally I don't feel so alone on this.

    chordati posted: »

    Ok but think of it this way: would you want some random guy coming down to your planet, enslaving and killing off everyone that defied him,

  • Na he cool bru. I have video proof as well, wanna see it?

    chordati posted: »

    Ok but think of it this way: would you want some random guy coming down to your planet, enslaving and killing off everyone that defied him,

  • As long as it's not that atrocious Game Theory video.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Na he cool bru. I have video proof as well, wanna see it?

  • edited September 2015

    Well no I don't completely buy it (there should have been some more ifs in there somewhere I was tired when I wrote that so my phrasing isn't 100% to what i meant), but it IS a possibility because there isn't much on the situation to go on and that event happened before the first Borderlands even. Jack has always been screwed up yeah but he still had some semblance of sanity back then, and still delusional yeah but he wasn't the absolutely insane fully delusional nutcase he is in BL 2 yet. So we don't know if he did intentionally do it or if it really was an accident, both are highly probably options at the point in time the incident occurred. Doesn't change the fact that killing your own wife would still fuck up anyone even if it was on purpose or accidental.

    Wait, you seriously think that? He (and by 'he' I mean Anthony) was clearly covering his tracks after straight up admitting to murdering

  • chordati posted: »

    As long as it's not that atrocious Game Theory video.

  • (I think I'm quoting this right. XD )


    Jack is the goddamn hero of the story. These Va- BANDITS, must be punished. Pandora could have been paradise. The only one I truly 100% without a doubt want dead is a certain bitch named Lilith. She killed the hero of the story.

  • When has Jack ever been wrong?

  • would you want some random guy coming down to your planet, enslaving and killing off everyone that defied him, and abusing and polluting the very planet he supposedly wanted to protect just because he can?

    You know, our latest 2 presidents just barely fit this bill perfectly. Just barely. Take one half of killing off everyone and we're basically golden.

    chordati posted: »

    Ok but think of it this way: would you want some random guy coming down to your planet, enslaving and killing off everyone that defied him,

  • Before you call me uneducated, Let me say what I meant.


    People in the economy now are literally forced to find a job that they don't want to be in, to pay for their families. People could get payed doing what they love, but it takes way more time than it should, meaning you're stuck in this dead end job. And the only people who aren't lifeless and sad slaves to the country, are the people getting payed for making Youtube videos and doing what they love.

    killing off everyone that defied him

    This part isn't exactly about the president, but more or less about the Baltimore shit, the Cops gone wrong, and the glorious "Flag" bullshit that was going on. Lot's of people died because lots of people defied others.

    and abusing and polluting the very planet he supposedly wanted to protect just because he can?

    Well, let's see. Obama and Bush have both abused America's trust and our taxes, polluted our society with their bullshit, and made America, the land they both swore an oath to defend or whatever, even more of a destroyed country than it already is. Soviet Russia is probably better than us.

    My point is, at least Handsome Jack tried his best, and wanted to help, but the awful things haunting his mind in the Past, and Present, driving him to insanity, would not allow it. I don't know why the presidents needed to be brought up, I just thought to do so. Don't make Jack out to be so bad because other "Leaders" are worse is the point I'm trying to drive home here.

    kaza125 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • Whoops, replied to the wrong person. Sorry.

    Before you call me uneducated, Let me say what I meant. enslaving People in the economy now are literally forced to find a job

  • People in the economy now are literally forced to find a job that they don't want to be in, to pay for their families. People could get payed doing what they love, but it takes way more time than it should, meaning you're stuck in this dead end job. And the only people who aren't lifeless and sad slaves to the country, are the people getting payed for making Youtube videos and doing what they love.

    that's only slavery if you think 'slavery' means 'something you don't want to do', in which case i suppose you have enslaved me for causing me to write this comment.

    if you get monetary value out of doing your job, it's not slavery. the only punishment for leaving the job is that you A: lose that source of income and B: have to find another job. You are utterly free at any time to leave, as long as you have something else you can do afterwards, you won't be chased down by the police and punished.

    Before you call me uneducated, Let me say what I meant. enslaving People in the economy now are literally forced to find a job

  • Long story short: the Vault hunters are anti-heroes and Handsome Jack is a villain

  • No. I thought of slavery as lost souls losing all happiness in their lives what-so-ever.

    flame_warp posted: »

    People in the economy now are literally forced to find a job that they don't want to be in, to pay for their families. People could get paye

  • I'm failing to see what point you're trying to make by showing me this.

    kaza125 posted: »

    enter link description here

    1. You're assuming I'm an American, I'm not (though I do follow your politics)
    2. Having a job you don't like is not slavery
    3. Are you really trying to say that Handsome Jack is better than Obama like is this a real thing that I've had to read with my own two eyes

    Before you call me uneducated, Let me say what I meant. enslaving People in the economy now are literally forced to find a job

  • I made it, I thought this thread was a great oppertunity for self-promotion. I think jack would be proud.

    chordati posted: »

    I'm failing to see what point you're trying to make by showing me this.

  • enter image description here

    kaza125 posted: »

    I made it, I thought this thread was a great oppertunity for self-promotion. I think jack would be proud.

  • The only "politician" Jack might be better than is Trump

    chordati posted: »

    * You're assuming I'm an American, I'm not (though I do follow your politics) * Having a job you don't like is not slavery * Are you reall

  • Honestly. I don't know what the hell I was talking about. Never ask me what I mean because I know what I mean, but I can't say it because I can't explain myself.

    chordati posted: »

    * You're assuming I'm an American, I'm not (though I do follow your politics) * Having a job you don't like is not slavery * Are you reall

  • [removed]

    Axton posted: »

    Long story short: the Vault hunters are anti-heroes and Handsome Jack is a villain

  • I remember this thread. Whoever said history tends to repeats its self, they fucking hit the nail on the head and continued to be the hell out of it.

    Stages this thread will take:
    1.Lilith was wrong.
    2. Jack was right.
    3. Lilith is the cause of all of this. People trying to defend her.
    4. Theorizing how jack would've turned out. If his BL2 motives were righteous.
    5. Analyzing Jack's psychology.

    Calling it now.

  • Actually, an interesting little tid bit of info is that if you read the Inside The Box blogs, which is a blog for the gearbox employees, it's stated in one post that the whole story is anti-heros versus asshole. Which to clarify, anti-hero = vault hunters and asshole = Handsome Jack, as stated by the post. And for those who are not aware of what an anti-hero is, an anti-hero is someone viewed as the protagonist that is lacking the atributes of a hero. Going further with the Inside The Box blogs, it is also stated that the VH's and Handsome Jack really aren't supposed to hate each other until key points of the story. Those key points are when Handsome Jack kills bloodwing, for the VH, and when the player kills angel, for Handsome Jack. That is when things become personal for the two parties.

  • Well ... Handsome Jack does have borderline personality disorder, just saying. And no, I did not come to the conclusion after that gamer theory video, I study psychology in my spare time lol. It does explain a lot of his actions, even of they are horrible. He is insane. Indeed. Buuuuut ... I still think he's hot. That, and he is my favorite character from the series, second being claptrap, even if he is annoying lol.

    I remember this thread. Whoever said history tends to repeats its self, they fucking hit the nail on the head and continued to be the hell o

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