Will Rhys and Fiona survive the end of Tales?

"History's attention is fickle, my friends. It remembers those pirates like Handsome Jack, but forgets the adventurers who risk it all for less... obvious rewards."-Marcus, Episode 1 intro

I suddenly need reassurance that this isn't forshadowing the death of our protagonists. I mean, why would they be forgotten by history with all they've done, all they're going to do!? They have bright futures Marcus!! Rhys is President of Hyperion, you can't say history forgets them!

These are the things that keep me up at night when Telltale threatens us with heartbreak.


  • I mean, why would they be forgotten by history with all they've done

    They haven't done much, actually. That's why people don't remember them. Even Marcus said they risked it all for less obvious rewards - even if they'll find the Vault, that'll be pretty meh by Pandora's standards. It's only interesting to listen how you fought the Vault Monster or Handsome Jack, less so if you're just telling a story how you got rich by finding some loot (like Torgue).

  • I think it will a fight between Rhys and Fiona according to the thumbail of episode 5.

  • Nah, not yet exactly. But with Rhys being kind of sort of possibly President of Hyperion, and Fiona a 'vault hunter' that helped almost beat Brick and Mordecai, things like history not remembering them has me worried about why they don't continue down a history-making path.

    DeityD posted: »

    I mean, why would they be forgotten by history with all they've done They haven't done much, actually. That's why people don't remem

  • A fight to the death? That would be terrifying. I do not want to play through killing myself, suicidally nor homicidally. If that makes sense.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I think it will a fight between Rhys and Fiona according to the thumbail of episode 5.

  • We don't know for sure. Thumbails always have misleadings.

    mirashade posted: »

    A fight to the death? That would be terrifying. I do not want to play through killing myself, suicidally nor homicidally. If that makes sense.

  • I've always taken that to suggest that 'history' (or in this case the Borderlands canon) will only remember Jack's ressurection - without all the help of his meat buddy, Rhys.

    So basically, BL3 will be all "yeah, Jack's back because he's awesome", not "Jack's back because of Rhys and Fiona" - It's kind of like how most people in the Borderlands universe genuinely believe that Jack was the one who opened the Vault of the Destroyer, rather than the original Vault Hunters, because of all the propaganda he spread about it.

    History is indeed fickle - ESPECIALLY when it comes to Jack (hell, just look at all those 'Jack IS the hero threads' - it's even seeping into real life)!

  • That calms me down a bit. It makes sense for Jack history to overwrite the little folk no matter what they've done. What you're saying also implies Handsome Jack will likely survive until Borderlands 3, and that idea kills two worries with one stone. I'll hold that as the most hopeful possibility.

    (Everything is Jack. Jack is Everything. The mask-wearers may have only been on a tour, but the cult is real, and exists in our reality.)

    I've always taken that to suggest that 'history' (or in this case the Borderlands canon) will only remember Jack's ressurection - without al

  • That's because Jack is the hero lol.

    I've always taken that to suggest that 'history' (or in this case the Borderlands canon) will only remember Jack's ressurection - without al

  • I hope so ;-;

  • I hold my hope but... I have my doubts ;~;

  • Yeah, they're probably gonna survive. No idea why they would kill them off when they could do so much more with them.

    I mean, they could always chose not to expand on their stories - and that would be pretty dumb, in my opinion - but outright killing them? I don't see it.

  • But with Rhys being kind of sort of possibly President of Hyperion

    He's not the President in the present. I mean, at least not the President of Hyperion. Plus we don't know anything about him, like yeah, he seems rich but that's about it, he's not Jack and not that famous. And kinda-sorta beat Brick and Mordy? That was Athena - that's what history remembers. No matter how you look at it, things they've done till now are pretty mediocre if it weren't for Jack and Vault hunters their story would've been of a common bandit/merc.

    mirashade posted: »

    Nah, not yet exactly. But with Rhys being kind of sort of possibly President of Hyperion, and Fiona a 'vault hunter' that helped almost beat

  • The stranger wants to kill them for whatever reasons, and we have a choice.

    (?)Who stays behind? Then we need to click on either Rhys on Fiona and when you click to the side of the character, there will be voices asking them to go, simiarly to GOT E5 choice.

  • Well the last thumbnail changed too, used to be loaderbots fighting but then they changed it to the space scene

    AronDracula posted: »

    We don't know for sure. Thumbails always have misleadings.

  • Oi they better survive or I will personally visit whoever decides that having them die is a good idea and make them remember me :D

  • I think Fiona and Rhys won`t survive episode 5.
    And there is a simple reason beside those "heartbreaking" rumours.

    The reason is Tales from the Borderlands is canon, but the Story will vary because of the players choices.
    But if they get both killed, the main plot can come to an player neutral end (regardless of your decisions).
    So Gearbox has a smooth cut for future Borderlands Games and can ignore the personal Storys of Fiona and Rhys.

    It would definitely be shocking and surprising because many people consider them as safe and are more worried about Sasha, Vaughn, Gortys and Loaderbot, or who to ship.
    And i am pretty sure regardless of your decision to rule Hyperion or not, "Handsome Jack`s AI Story" will END always the same way.
    They cant make both decision canon unless the final outcome is the same or unimportant for future Borderlands.

    I really hope it does not end this way, because that would probably ruin the series for me.

    On the other side there are endless ways to end this chapter logical without killing anyone, but i have such a bad feeling about episode 5.

    If Fiona survive I`m happy!

    Sorry for my bad english it`s not my native.

  • edited September 2015

    Honestly, after reading this you've made me paranoid.

    I'm going to safely assume they won't be dying, though. I think Marcus meant that people will remember Jack and don't remember those who risk themselves just as much just for small rewards, aka, keeping their life on Pandora.

  • This would scar me emotionally for the rest of my life if this happened lol.

    The stranger wants to kill them for whatever reasons, and we have a choice. (?)Who stays behind? Then we need to click on either Rhys on

  • edited September 2015

    I hope not. I would be really angry if they died, since I play this game for its comedy, not tragedy. I play GoT for the later.

    Edit: To be clear, I mean that I hope that isn't foreshadowing the death of the protagonists, not that "I hope they do not survive". I want them to survive.

  • edited September 2015

    pls no. :'( I know they're pissed at eachother but I don't think they'd take it that far... right?

  • Yikes. You make some very excellent points there. The easiest way to make sure that the story ends the same place regardless of player choices would definitely be to kill both Fiona and Rhys... and probably Sasha, Vaughn, August, and everybody else involved with the whole Gortys mess.

  • Which is ironic because Loader Bot didn't have much role and screentime in episode 4.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Well the last thumbnail changed too, used to be loaderbots fighting but then they changed it to the space scene

  • enter image description here

    That's because Jack is the hero lol.

  • I don't think that death of one of the protagonists would be a fitting ending for Tales, I may be blinded by the eternal love towards them, but I just can't think of any way how it could be justified.

    As for Marcus' quote my guess is that Rhys and Fiona were going to split up and lay low at some point before being captured by the Stranger, while the part of the phrase about Handsome Jack is mostly a reference to his past exploits. I mean if Rhys' words about Fiona's vault hunting are true how could history easily forget them without them (or a certain someone) wanting it to...

  • Dont kill rhys, because it then the Rhyonians and Rhyshans would have to move on to something like Sasha X Scooter or Fiona X Vaughn xD

  • Oh man, I hate to break it to you about Sasha x Scooter bud...

    But I don't imagine that working out any better than Sasha x Dead Rhys.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Dont kill rhys, because it then the Rhyonians and Rhyshans would have to move on to something like Sasha X Scooter or Fiona X Vaughn xD

  • To be fair they did seem like they didn't really want to hurt her. So the combination of holding back against Fiona and holding back against Athena (who is a complete badass) made them seem weaker than they are. Plus Fiona could have been embellishing a bit.

  • How did I forget that? I played the game

  • Oh god! What if they're forced kill eachother. Bum bum bumm.

  • It would be really good.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    This would scar me emotionally for the rest of my life if this happened lol.

  • But they are alive in the present, do you really think e5 can fit so much in? It would probably need 3-4 hours episode.

    mcemily posted: »

    Yikes. You make some very excellent points there. The easiest way to make sure that the story ends the same place regardless of player choic

  • I'd like there to be a choice at the end, Where the designs for each of their choice bars collide, Fiona and Rhys will be in a life or death situation, and if you choose one or the other, Rhys or Fiona sacrifice themselves for what you choose. It'd be a great way to end it. Based on how you play, the decision will either be the easiest, or hardest one you'll ever have to make.

  • Also, my post didn't actually answer your question. I think they will, but I hope one of them dies.

    I'd like there to be a choice at the end, Where the designs for each of their choice bars collide, Fiona and Rhys will be in a life or death

  • Well, all we actually know is that Fiona and Rhys are alive in the present, and Gortys has somehow been stripped of her upgrades, which The Stranger is dragging Rhys and Fiona across Pandora to collect. Sasha, Vaughn, Loaderbot and Gortys are nowhere to be seen, and Fiona and Rhys now hate each other. Some pretty serious crap had to go down to make all of that happen. And Fiona did make specific mention of the fact that Scooter's death was the FIRST casualty of the mission. (Speaking of Scooter... I love your username, LOL.)

    As for how much can be crammed into episode 5... I do think the last episode is going to be a bit longer than the previous couple were. The first episode was a bit longer, since it had to set the story in motion, so it would make sense for the last episode to be a bit longer to wrap everything up.

    But they are alive in the present, do you really think e5 can fit so much in? It would probably need 3-4 hours episode.

  • There is enough time for this.

    -------------- possible spoiler, because short episode 5 theory follows!......( I do not know whether you have to write a warning for theories or not?)-------------

    One Episode has 6 chapters and i am pretty sure this whole Handsome Jack Helios thing is over after the first 2 chapters.
    I guess that even if you choose to rule Hyperion a revolt or an accident happens, so that Handsome Jack becomes uncontrollable crazy and riots ( or something that way). After that comes the Intro and while the song plays we see the events how they get separated and returned to Pandora. Gortys was maybe just caught by Hyperion but eject her upgrades beforehand, so that the bad guys cant get the Vault. Then we have 4 chapters of this Episode left in the present. That`s enough time to make a really Heartbreaking end. (and to go shopping!)

    Just imagine, if the Story just switches in the last 1 or 2 Chapters to the present, (ca. only a half hour of screen time is then left), would this be enough time to end the whole Fiona Vs Rhys Vs Stranger Story and to create a satisfying end.

    But hey! its just a theory of mine!.....also I hope I am wrong about this and Fiona survives and becomes a pretty badass Vault Huntress in Borderlands 3.

    But they are alive in the present, do you really think e5 can fit so much in? It would probably need 3-4 hours episode.

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