The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Bruh, why did you post a GIF that shows my country's flag? xD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @blueneon Happy birthday kerny hoped you enjoyed your pizza your the best have a great day we remember :P

  • edited October 2015

    She is greek I never met a greek who wasn't really nice and awesome I should of guessed you were greek too tbh :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Bruh, why did you post a GIF that shows my country's flag? xD

  • Yeah...

    Well, it's hard to guess that I'm Greek since I don't really have a Greek nickname x3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    She is greek I never met a greek who wasn't really nice and awesome I should of guessed you were greek too tbh

  • If your name is not kratos or Spartacus I have no idea if a name is greek XD tbh

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah... Well, it's hard to guess that I'm Greek since I don't really have a Greek nickname x3

  • So I hear that a sequel to Kingsman: The Secret Service is going to be shot starting next April. As someone who fell in love with the first movie, this greatly pleases me.

  • edited October 2015

    Last post before I go to sleep :/

    This is very serious issue Emma Watson brought up in the UN I thank her for her bravery on fighting the real issues in modern sexism that all women endure

    enter image description here

    Has anyone taught about what oppression mid 20 multi millionaire female celebrities go through?

    How she forced herself to get paid millions to act and be oppressed by male film directors a modern day hero,

    SO she even got paid way more then the director who cares the writer of Harry Potter is a woman who made over a billion with the help of the franchise movies but what about the director?

    How she chose the roles and the films she starred in yet majority chose male directors in roles which offered the most money. She chose oppression not to make millions but inspire and prove I chose more male directors for films so sexism in hollywood

    enter image description here

    Then later after saying how sexist it was to have a male director said.........................There the best feminists

    What's your opinion on sexism and oppression for rich and successful female actors?

  • I can't wait :)

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • Kewl :)

    I loved Kingsman and put it in my favorite 50 list on IMDb. Curious to see what the sequel will be like.

    So I hear that a sequel to Kingsman: The Secret Service is going to be shot starting next April. As someone who fell in love with the first movie, this greatly pleases me.

  • How is my avatar looking?

  • Creepy... ;-;

    How is my avatar looking?

  • I'm kind of tempted to do a new Mr. Krabs everyday till Halloween now...

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Creepy... ;-;

  • enter image description here

    How is my avatar looking?

  • Bruh, I r8 your avatar 69/69 :D

    6spooky9me ^-^

    I'm kind of tempted to do a new Mr. Krabs everyday till Halloween now...

  • Thanks for the nightmares.

    How is my avatar looking?

  • Pat pat.

    Thanks for the nightmares.

  • I remember when John Oliver battled with bullshit on gun control

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

    And bullshit continues to win

    enter link description here

  • OH SHIT, IT'S KONNI'S BIRTHDAY?! Fuck, I feel like an asshole for not remembering!

    Happy Birthday Konni! Let it rain pizza, along with gumdrops and icecream! Oh and monkies posing ontop of flying dolphins! x3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @blueneon Happy birthday kerny hoped you enjoyed your pizza your the best have a great day we remember :P


    Saltlick123 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • Moneyful.

    How is my avatar looking?

  • I lol'ed.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    We hetero white guys will make do with whatever's handy: knives, clubs, gardening equipment. We just can't help ourselves.

  • Ugh, I wish this mouse/rat gets the hell out of my house. I just saw it ran across from me, we got this soundwave device that's supposed to work on them but I still see em. :/

  • edited October 2015


    First they gotta announce a prequel TV show to TAKEN and now they're making a TV series remake of Lethal Weapon! What the fuck!? Stop cash-grabbing and come up with original stuff for Salts sake....

    enter image description here

  • Wow................What the Fuck?

    Jesus Christ...

  • I don't know if she will ever read this but i gotta type it. Konni you have been one of the best friends i have had in my life. I have nothing but kindness and respect for you and you are one of the best people i have ever met. Happy birthday. I posted a new part on my story today and since you won't take anything that cost money take it as a gift. May all the happiness in your life be multiplied by 10 from this day on :D

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @blueneon Happy birthday kerny hoped you enjoyed your pizza your the best have a great day we remember :P

  • "The money is always right!"

    BigBlindMax posted: »


  • Thank you, you adorable fuckbucket. hug

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @blueneon Happy birthday kerny hoped you enjoyed your pizza your the best have a great day we remember :P

  • It sort of did rain all that stuff actually. xD

    Thanks a lot. ^-^

    OH SHIT, IT'S KONNI'S BIRTHDAY?! Fuck, I feel like an asshole for not remembering! Happy Birthday Konni! Let it rain pizza, along with gumdrops and icecream! Oh and monkies posing ontop of flying dolphins! x3

  • Thanks, I bet the story is awesome. ^-^

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I don't know if she will ever read this but i gotta type it. Konni you have been one of the best friends i have had in my life. I have noth

  • I think the point she was trying to make was that there are very few female directors working, which is a valid point but the way she said it just sounds incredibly bitchy and stupid, sure perhaps we should give more women the chance to direct but not because the're women but because they are good.

    As for the other point, well that's actually valid, men do have the capacity to support female equality, I don't really think she was trying to insult the male directors with her first comment but I can see how it would come off as hypocritical.

    As for the question, I live in a third world country and I have seen people get kidnapped in front of me, I laugh at what most people consider problems.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Last post before I go to sleep This is very serious issue Emma Watson brought up in the UN I thank her for her bravery on fighting the r

  • Sooo... Anyone else here watch Caddicarus? He recently mentioned a song made for him by a musician called Patient Zero, and I checked him out on Spotify. That was when I found out he made the 'Diggy Diggy Hole' song for the Yogscast. I personally LOVE that song so I checked out some of his songs. Goddamn, I've never succumbed my ears to anything this


    in my entire life. I'd post a couple of his songs here but I'm on my iPad. I'll probably do it later on my laptop.

  • enter image description here

    U are the best and I have your present waiting on steam 4 u :3

    blueneon posted: »

    Thank you, you adorable fuckbucket. hug

  • YOU are awesome :)

    blueneon posted: »

    Thanks, I bet the story is awesome. ^-^

  • Caddicarus is good

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    Sooo... Anyone else here watch Caddicarus? He recently mentioned a song made for him by a musician called Patient Zero, and I checked him ou

  • So, how is everyone today?

  • Well, I just woke up, but otherwise quite well. How about yourself?

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    So, how is everyone today?

  • Good! I woke up very late though, so I have little time on here. ;-; It's super windy outside. My town's just got the tip of the hurricane. Better stay that way. :> How about'chu?

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    So, how is everyone today?


    enter image description here

    blueneon posted: »

    It sort of did rain all that stuff actually. xD Thanks a lot. ^-^

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