The Vent/Help Thread



  • Veto power on the security council is a wonderful thing.

    I do think the UN-run NGO's do a lot of good work, but the general assembly is just being stupid lately.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    That's why I love America tbh I heard the UN went after your guns to take them all away and America basically told them to f**k off legends

  • I'm sorry to hear this I don't know how to help or have any knowledge of this condition but thank you for sharing and I wish you the best of luck in fixing it endure and one day you will find the answer

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    These days it's just get harder and harder to put up with this Eustachian Tube Dysfunction that tormented me for years and had cost me count

  • Is that exploding head syndrome? I hear what sounds like wood cracking when I'm trying to fall asleep.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    These days it's just get harder and harder to put up with this Eustachian Tube Dysfunction that tormented me for years and had cost me count

  • Ew, feminazis.

    Markd4547 posted: » Before my rant I'll give a back story o

  • Yeah, I usually dislike when threads like that are closed. I don't believe things were getting out of hand there, not yet at least.

    The feminism thread. I was getting into a really good discussion.

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    That's awful she is completely in the wrong and your such a smart and kind girl she needs to appreciate you so much more

    This was disgraceful and your were right to get out of there I'm so sorry this happened stay safe please and keep us updated till your ok please

    Mom: Megan! What did you do to my phone? Why can't I text anymore? Me: um, it just turned off after the battery died. That phone's been

  • What the fuck. Is your mom going through a tough time or something? Either way, she's got no excuse to treat you like that.

    Mom: Megan! What did you do to my phone? Why can't I text anymore? Me: um, it just turned off after the battery died. That phone's been

  • I now love Murica.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I was never really bothered that much by gamer gate (I ignore that drivel), but that UN shit really bothers me. Twitter abuse is completely

  • This guy totally sums up how I feel:

    enter link description here

    Markd4547 posted: » Before my rant I'll give a back story o

  • edited September 2015

    Cencorship: One of the few things I truely hate with a passion.

    Markd4547 posted: » Before my rant I'll give a back story o

  • Your vent is justified. I have no cronic health problems, but my mother has serious back problems and the strain on her is evident in her tiredness. One thing I could try to recommend are relaxation CD's. I am not sure how much it would help in regard to your condition with the constant noise, but that is all I have to give you in regards to advice.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    These days it's just get harder and harder to put up with this Eustachian Tube Dysfunction that tormented me for years and had cost me count

  • To update everyone who read this post, I woke up the next morning in a better mood.

    For the time being I'll have to learn to keep positive and stay in routine with taking anti-depressants a few hours before bed to feel tired enough to not care if my condition fires up again. It could be tinnitus, exploding head syndrome, or a spasm inside the Eustachian Tube...but so as long as I can try to take sedatives as safe as possible I can look forward to sleeping until the next morning. At the end of the day, it's just another medication to take, but during the day I still need to learn how to stay calm if it fires up for no reason.

    Once I find a better opportunity in the future, I'll be looking for the next hospital who is guaranteed to look into my case, as a doctor was on the newspaper that claimed to have successfully treated an elderly woman with a similar condition as mine.

    Thank you all for listening to my story. Hopefully this will be my last rant about my condition.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    These days it's just get harder and harder to put up with this Eustachian Tube Dysfunction that tormented me for years and had cost me count

  • I may not be the bestest child of all, but the way she treated my brother and I was certainly unfair (which then lead to his death).

    My dad did notice her sudden change of personality, and which we agreed to her being somewhat "bipolar".

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Mom: So you're talking back now?! You're like your brother, sadly he passed away so he wouldn't know about how he influenced you to be like

  • She's fine with people her age.

    Like, she wants to ingratiate as many as she can, so it covers up our personal problems.

    Dear God, this brings back some awful memories. I had similar problems with my dad (other things happened on top of that, but that is bes

  • I'm fine now. Dad and I went to this candy store and chilled out for ahwile.

    Dad mentioned that mom was desperate to make me feel like shit for leaving the house, like ruining my image to my ex.

    I don't even know how I feel about her anymore.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    That's awful she is completely in the wrong and your such a smart and kind girl she needs to appreciate you so much more This was disgrac

  • Alright, reading what you have said to other people and this makes her sound more and more like my father.

    Would you feel comfortable continuing this via PM?

    She's fine with people her age. Like, she wants to ingratiate as many as she can, so it covers up our personal problems.

  • Sure, why not.

    Alright, reading what you have said to other people and this makes her sound more and more like my father. Would you feel comfortable continuing this via PM?

  • Thanks :) I think my mind is starting to realize the truth. It's a slippery slope, but I try to be strong.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    It's perfectly normal to feel empty and numb people grief in different ways I was the exact same when I lost people really close to me you f

  • I'm so sorry. My friend is going through the same thing as you are, you're not alone. There is no real solution that I have, other than endure it until you finish high school or graduate college, cut her off. Hopefully things will be better by then so it won't come down to that.

    Mom: Megan! What did you do to my phone? Why can't I text anymore? Me: um, it just turned off after the battery died. That phone's been

  • Well, at least it sounds like your dad is good people. I'd still think about economic independence and bolt as soon as that's possible.

    I'm fine now. Dad and I went to this candy store and chilled out for ahwile. Dad mentioned that mom was desperate to make me feel like shit for leaving the house, like ruining my image to my ex. I don't even know how I feel about her anymore.

  • enter image description here

    I'm glad to hear your ok :)

    I'm fine now. Dad and I went to this candy store and chilled out for ahwile. Dad mentioned that mom was desperate to make me feel like shit for leaving the house, like ruining my image to my ex. I don't even know how I feel about her anymore.

  • realistic drawings of feminists @ the UN

    enter image description here

    Markd4547 posted: » Before my rant I'll give a back story o

  • edited October 2015

    Ya know, it never ceases to amaze me how immature idiots can just try to start shit with you over the most little thing. You mind your own business, and someone straights up try to mock you for no reason. It's absolutely pathetic. Like, I'm so sorry you're miserable, but you don't need to try and hurt others just to feel better about yourself. Your sense of humor is just a scam, only to make yourself better and the other hurt. I don't interfere your space and try to mock you out of nowhere, so you can damn well do the same for me. People has such confidence to mock others behind their screens, but if they do it in your face they know they're gonna get punched in the face, especially by yours truly. So do me and everyone else who goes through the same shit as me a favor, get a life and grow the fuck up. Thank you, and good day!

  • Great rant but are your ok bro I hope no one is bothering you?

    Ya know, it never ceases to amaze me how immature idiots can just try to start shit with you over the most little thing. You mind your own b

  • enter image description here

    I'm doing ok now, I left an e-mail explaining it all for you.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Great rant but are your ok bro I hope no one is bothering you?

  • I hate internet asshole and douchebags.

    Like, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.

    I'm tired people randomly coming up to me and say shit, and i'm like: bitch imma pimpslap you

    Ugh i wish i could burn them alive along with their families and shit.

  • Just ignore them and move on. Don't let them ruin your day d:

    I hate internet asshole and douchebags. Like, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. I'm tired people randomly co

  • Life is full of them and there always will be

    Thankfully their influence is only dictated by how they effect you, you decide how much power their words are just laugh and ignore

    There just really sad people in their lifes who want everyone else to feel their pain so attack everyone

    You don't need revenge their lifes they live everyday is more then enough revenge

    Personally I've never been affected by douches on the internet as I just don't respect their opinion or won't waste my time on them I just laugh at them trolls are attention seekers if you don't give them attention they move on

    I hate internet asshole and douchebags. Like, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. I'm tired people randomly co

  • Awesome :)

    I'm doing ok now, I left an e-mail explaining it all for you.

  • edited October 2015

    Don't you just hate the final stages of moving? Packing everything up and going to the new house and having to put everything back together again? I just wisI could fast forward time and just skip that part.

  • I love decorating new houses. It's my favourite part ♡

    bloop posted: »

    Don't you just hate the final stages of moving? Packing everything up and going to the new house and having to put everything back together again? I just wisI could fast forward time and just skip that part.

  • Not decorating everything, but as in looking through all your random junk that you don't even care about to see what you want to bring with you. And of course having to hook up all the wires, ugh. I hate it.

    I love decorating new houses. It's my favourite part ♡

  • Oh, I see. Yeah that does suck. That's why I get someone else to do it for me :P

    bloop posted: »

    Not decorating everything, but as in looking through all your random junk that you don't even care about to see what you want to bring with you. And of course having to hook up all the wires, ugh. I hate it.

  • I don't have the money nor many friends to help either. Plus a lot of the people in my family are old and the poster people of unhealthiness. So me and maybe 2 or 3 people do it. Plus they want to take lots of bullshit things with them and force us to look through and ask them: "Do you want this?" and they say no individually and then a whole load of junk is done.

    Oh, I see. Yeah that does suck. That's why I get someone else to do it for me :P

  • Punch them in the fucking nose.

    I hate internet asshole and douchebags. Like, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. I'm tired people randomly co

  • Now that's what I'm talking about!

    Punch them in the fucking nose.

  • It disturbs me that Americans only decide to acknowledge this country's mental health crisis when they need a scapegoat for the latest mass shooting. Especially since the mental I'll are statistically much, much, much more likely to be targets of violent crime than the perpetrators.

  • Damn, I might be a bit late for the party.

    First of all you have my condolences for your brother.

    Well your mom doesn't ah... sound like the most fun person to be around. My mom is kind of like that, as in she cannot comprehend that some things are her fault and I don't ruin everything, except not this extreme at all. It's real rare for me.

    Good friends are the best thing at a time like this, they can cheer you up and keep you away from her.

    I hope you're okay by now, you don't deserve this.

    Mom: Megan! What did you do to my phone? Why can't I text anymore? Me: um, it just turned off after the battery died. That phone's been

  • edited October 2015

    They pretend to care and do nothing or fund more money into giving mental help to those struggling while spending billions on an army

    I hope their being more careful with who gets guns

    Then it happens again and again nothing changes I hope this time something does

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    It disturbs me that Americans only decide to acknowledge this country's mental health crisis when they need a scapegoat for the latest mass

  • Mental illness does play a part in crimes to a degree, just maybe not as much as the media claims.

    The biggest mistake America is making right now is that firearms are so available and they end up in the wrong hands. Sure, you can medicate people until they're shitting antidepressants, but if they want to shoot up a school full of little kids, they will.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    It disturbs me that Americans only decide to acknowledge this country's mental health crisis when they need a scapegoat for the latest mass

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