For now, this wouldn't have had any effect on the outcome of the battle, as Marak would have only trained the recruits for half an hour. The choice was mainly important to determine the opinion Nora has about him, although there might be other consequences coming out of it in the future. If Marak gets the chance to train the recruits for a longer time, they might be able to improve their skills, but sadly, not after one training session. So, yeah, with Alysanne around, the guardsmen were screwed to begin with. The main choice that determined the outcome of this battle was the choice which assassin they would fight against, in the last Kersea part. If Clayton would have stayed behind, things would have ended even worse, even if Clayton himself would have been wounded in his fight against Darren, while the only chance the guardsmen had at a victory was the scenario where they would have fought against Kersea.
Yeah, hopefully the Stormlanders may have a chance to train some of the men kinda like how Marak had the chance to do so. Speaking of, would… more training the men as marak have any affect on the outcome of this battle, or were the guardsmen kinda screwed to begin with?
“Are you ready for this, Harking?”, Jarow asked, as they walked through the nightly streets of Raylansfair. Richard shook his hea… mored, which caused the Lord of the Bridges to grin. Behind them, the sound of a dozen marching guardsmen, armed with long spears and wooden shields, was audible. “I don't think anyone can be ready for this”, he answered and Jarow's grin turned into a light chuckle. “Well, I am. Haven't fought anyone for too long”, he answered.
Instead of answering, Richard looked over his shoulder. A few feet behind him, Philip and Urid walked in silence. Philip seemed to anticipate the coming fight, not unlike Jarow, although it was clear from the worried look in his eyes, that he wasn't anticipating the thought of bloodshed in general. Urid on the other hand was deeply afraid and it was obvious to see. Richard felt pity for his friend, who refused to leave his side out of simple loyalty.
And finally, there was Hackor… [view original content]
No, sadly (or perhaps fortunately) not. If he would have stayed behind in Raylansfair, the wounds he would have received from his fight against Kersea and Wolfius would have been a lot worse than the wounds he got in Oldtown. After spending the majority of the last chapter recovering from them, he would have started to take a more active role in this chapter again, but he wouldn't have been fit enough for such a dangerous task yet. His main role in this chapter would have been to work with Jenna in an attempt to gain evidence against Harris.
Richard will save Darren and therefore trust Philip with saving Urid
Needless to say, important choice. It'll have big consequences for all four characters involved in this. The next Richard part will reveal some of these consequences, but it will take me a bit of time to get back to his storyline. First, I plan to do a few Oldtown parts, featuring Jaron, Ellena, Samantha and Lucas, before returning to Raylansfair and even then, some of the sadly slightly neglected storylines in this chapter, especially Willfred, Maya and Gutten will have a higher priority. But nonetheless, Richard's next part is going to be intense and I can't wait to write it.
The next part will be a Jaron part and it will be out today. Actually, writing shouldn't take me that long anymore, so expect it to be out in a few hours. It was supposed to be finished yesterday, but I really couldn't stop playing Until Dawn. I feel like I'm the only person who ever said that, but Emily is genuinely awesome The whole game is awesome, even if it took some time away from writing the story. But as I said, the next part will be finished today.
You like Emily? That's interesting, did you like her at the beginning or did she grow on you later in the story? I haven't finished the game so please no spoilers.
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Richard will save Darren and therefore trust Philip with saving Urid
Needless to say, important choice. It'll ha… moreve big consequences for all four characters involved in this. The next Richard part will reveal some of these consequences, but it will take me a bit of time to get back to his storyline. First, I plan to do a few Oldtown parts, featuring Jaron, Ellena, Samantha and Lucas, before returning to Raylansfair and even then, some of the sadly slightly neglected storylines in this chapter, especially Willfred, Maya and Gutten will have a higher priority. But nonetheless, Richard's next part is going to be intense and I can't wait to write it.
The next part will be a Jaron part and it will be out today. Actually, writing shouldn't take me that long anymore, so expect it to be out in a few hours. It was supposed to be finished yesterday, but I really couldn't stop playing Until Dawn. I feel like I'm the only pe… [view original content]
The Voting is closed!
Richard will save Darren and therefore trust Philip with saving Urid
Needless to say, important choice. It'll ha… moreve big consequences for all four characters involved in this. The next Richard part will reveal some of these consequences, but it will take me a bit of time to get back to his storyline. First, I plan to do a few Oldtown parts, featuring Jaron, Ellena, Samantha and Lucas, before returning to Raylansfair and even then, some of the sadly slightly neglected storylines in this chapter, especially Willfred, Maya and Gutten will have a higher priority. But nonetheless, Richard's next part is going to be intense and I can't wait to write it.
The next part will be a Jaron part and it will be out today. Actually, writing shouldn't take me that long anymore, so expect it to be out in a few hours. It was supposed to be finished yesterday, but I really couldn't stop playing Until Dawn. I feel like I'm the only pe… [view original content]
Before I started the game, I read a review and found out that many people hate her and even actively tried to kill her, so when I started the game, I expected her to be horrible and was sure that I would hate her too. To my surprise I found her more hilarious than unlikeable in the first chapters of the game and while she was far from being my favourite for a long while, I found her very entertaining and just couldn't dislike her. Without spoiling anything, she gets a long playable section of her own later in the game and that was where she became one of my favourites, because if you play her right, she's just awesome during this section. This whole section in general is one of the most intense and memorable moments in the game, in my opinion. She also has some of the best lines in the game.
You like Emily? That's interesting, did you like her at the beginning or did she grow on you later in the story? I haven't finished the game so please no spoilers.
Yes, Mike is badass, but for some reason I disliked him for a very long time, until the final two chapters of the game. After finishing the game, he is still behind Sam, Chris and Emily for me, but I definitely grew to like him. My least favourite was probably Matt, simply because I found him a bit boring and generic, or Ashley, for being incredibly whiny and annoying. Emily on the other hand is very resourceful and for some reason, I just loved her attitude. There was one particular scene with Ashley later in the game that was just comedy gold
Well I find her incredibly bitchy but I don't hate her . I would never actively attempt to get a character killed no matter how much I hate them (at least not in my first playthrough).
Before I started the game, I read a review and found out that many people hate her and even actively tried to kill her, so when I started th… moree game, I expected her to be horrible and was sure that I would hate her too. To my surprise I found her more hilarious than unlikeable in the first chapters of the game and while she was far from being my favourite for a long while, I found her very entertaining and just couldn't dislike her. Without spoiling anything, she gets a long playable section of her own later in the game and that was where she became one of my favourites, because if you play her right, she's just awesome during this section. This whole section in general is one of the most intense and memorable moments in the game, in my opinion. She also has some of the best lines in the game.
I do believe Emily's bitchiness may be hilarious but only to a certain degree. Ashley really doesn't strike me as a memorable character because of her constant whining and complaining. I agree too, at first I didn't like Mike, but when he gets more screen time revolving around him especially, its extremely fun for me. Matt is just flat out boring, I'm not even sure why Emily hooked up with him in the first place. I also like Jess, despite she didn't have much screen time (except for the last chapter). Chris comes pretty close to being my favorite, his appearances are absolutely intense. I just don't like how he was almost completely forgotten by the end of the game (along with most of the characters). I don't need to say anything about Sam, because just about everyone loves her.
Yes, Mike is badass, but for some reason I disliked him for a very long time, until the final two chapters of the game. After finishing the … moregame, he is still behind Sam, Chris and Emily for me, but I definitely grew to like him. My least favourite was probably Matt, simply because I found him a bit boring and generic, or Ashley, for being incredibly whiny and annoying. Emily on the other hand is very resourceful and for some reason, I just loved her attitude. There was one particular scene with Ashley later in the game that was just comedy gold
Yes, Mike is badass, but for some reason I disliked him for a very long time, until the final two chapters of the game. After finishing the … moregame, he is still behind Sam, Chris and Emily for me, but I definitely grew to like him. My least favourite was probably Matt, simply because I found him a bit boring and generic, or Ashley, for being incredibly whiny and annoying. Emily on the other hand is very resourceful and for some reason, I just loved her attitude. There was one particular scene with Ashley later in the game that was just comedy gold
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, followed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She gave him a mildly annoyed look. “Yeah...”, she said slowly in a voice that showed that she wasn't too thrilled about his words. “How charming...”
Martin gave her a confused look. “What? Have I said something wrong?”, he asked, before shooting Jaron a playful glare. “Looks like I have to pay after all. I hope you're happy now” Jaron smirked at these words, before raising from his chair. “I'm going to follow Bakr's advice. I should probably check up with Blackwell now. Make some plans”, he answered and Bakr slightly clapped his hands. “That's the spirit, Jaron!”, he complimented him. “Go for it!”
Martin and Keira on the other hand just exchanged a glance, before the whore let out a sigh. “We can only warn you. If you want to talk to Harpy, you better do it as long as the feelings from your big moment back at the warehouse are still fresh”, she advised him. “Though I guess I can understand that there are other important things to talk about tonight”
Jaron gave her a nod and a smile, thankful for her advice and understanding. “I better leave now. I don't know what Blackwell plans, but it sounded pretty important”, he said. “From what I have seen about him back at the warehouse, we shouldn't take this Tom lightly”
He noticed Martin's grin to vanish as soon as he mentioned the name. The mercenary slightly shook his head. “That bastard...”, he mumbled. “Make sure that Blackwell's plan involves putting the Tom through a lot of pain before he dies” For a moment, he looked more distant, a bit sullen, before his cheerfulness returns. “I'd love to help you, but, you know,I got more important things to do...”, he smirked and looked at Keira. The whore chuckled and glanced at him. “We'll see about that”, she remarked. Bakr said nothing, instead he only gave Jaron a sly wink, before the knight moved away from the table, towards the door.
As soon as he entered the hallway, Jaron noticed how warm it has been in the room. The cold air in the hallways was refreshing. He had the bad feeling that following Bakr's advice in how to deal with a woman wasn't exactly the wisest approach. After all, this man was a Ghiscari! Then again, he remembered, so was Harpy. Still, Jaron couldn't get rid of the feeling that he had made a terrible mistake. For a moment, he stood in the hallway, almost willing to turn around. Then, a door at the other end of the hallway was opened and a small, thin figure walked out.
“Ah, Ser Jaron! Over here!”, the figure called with a young voice and in the darkness, it took Jaron a moment to identify Himani. An expression, half smile, half eye-rolling flashed over his face as he walked closer to the urchin. “Himani”, he greeted him and put his good hand on his purse. “How are you? Haven't seen you around after the warehouse was finished”
The boy gave him a big grin. “After I have lead Martin and his men to your aid, I have moved back to the mansion. I've never been keen on watching people killing people”, he said and his grin vanished. “Although I know it had to be done. M'lady Harpy is not in the best mood, I've heard”
Jaron gave him a grim nod. “You can say so”, he agreed. “I'm going to talk to her later. First I have a meeting with Ayden Blackwell” Swiftly, Himani pointed at the door he just left. “I know”, he answered. “He's in there, with the Burned Man and with Bakr's creepy friend”
This caused Jaron to raise an eyebrow. “Abbas and the Burned Man are in there? Blackwell hasn't mentioned them”, he interjected and Himani slightly shrugged. “You haven't expected that the Burned Man would allow Blackwell to make these plans all on himself, do you?”, he answered, before looking past him. “I'm going to join the fun in there”, he added and pointed at the room Jaron just left. “I have heard there's bottles of wine, just standing around”
He giggled and moved past Jaron, who took a step closer towards the room Himani just left, before throwing a look over his shoulder, back at the urchin. “Uh, Himani... how old are you exactly?”, he asked. Himani stopped and gave him a confused look. “Almost eleven. Why are you asking?”
Jaron gulped, before slightly shrugging. “Just... aren't you a bit too young to drink wine?”, he asked, which caused the boy to chuckle. “Oh, Ser Jaron”, he said with a grin. “I'm not going to drink it, I'm going to take it and sell it later” He hastily looked to the door, before giving Jaron a nod. “And now I gotta go, as long as there's still money to be made” With these words, he darted towards the room Jaron just left, leaving the knight alone in the hallway.
As he entered the room Himani had just left, he immediately noticed how hot it was in there. A bright fire was burning in the fireplace and the windows were shut tight. Bent forward over a big wooden table stood Ayden Blackwell, looking at a number of papers. Next to him stood Abbas al-Yunkari. The Ghiscari wore a red tunic that made him look almost like an honest businessman, but the shrewd and wicked look in his eyes fooled no one. And finally, the Burned Man, sitting in an armchair near the fire, slightly shivering despite the heat.
“Jaron”, he greeted him.”I am glad you decided to join us. I take it you haven't talked to Harpy then?” Jaron was unsure if the sober tone he spoke in was good or bad, just as he was unsure if the Burned Man in general approved or disapproved of his interest in Harpy. He feared the latter, while hoping for the former, as he saluted in front of the Burned Man. “No, Ser”, he answered. “ I figured, making a plan could be more important”
“More important than expressing your feelings?”, the Burned Man asked and raised an eyebrow. Before Jaron could even think of an answer, a deep, baritone chuckle sounded. “Don't bother with answering, Jaron. I understand your reasons”, the crimelord reassured him. “I was just surprised that a man as young as you values responsibilities that highly” He let out a sigh. “Although, if you came here with the intention of working out a plan together with Ayden here, I have to disappoint you. You only came to learn your position in this plan”
“You have already made a plan...”, Jaron deduced quickly and the crimelord gave him a nod. Blackwell slightly shrugged as he looked up. “Don't look at me, knight. Should have seen that one coming, right?”
“You should”, Abbas agreed coldly. “Me and the Burned Man have talked about this already. Now that Butterfly is dead, we are up against his highest ranking underlings. The one that gathered most of Butterfly's former men around him is a masked freak who is name 'The Tom'” His dark eyes met Jaron's and the fire that reflected in them couldn't hide the coldness in his glare. “You have already met him, haven't you?”
Jaron gave him a reluctant nod. “I am not easily intimidated, but that man was scary. I dislike men who feel the need to hide their face behind a mask. And the things I have heard about him”, he said and slightly shuddered. “And then there was this thing that accompanied him, this giant”
“The Moggy”, Abbas explained. “Not the brains in the Tom's gang, obviously. They call themselves 'Alley Cats' and claim to be a mercenary group of some sorts, but they are just common street thugs, if you ask me. As for the Moggy, you can be relieved that he is not an actual giant, just a freak of nature. Doesn't make him any less dangerous, of course”
“Their whole group is dangerous”, Blackwell remarked. “Killers, rapists, sadists. I'm not even sure if the Tom is the worst of them” He looked down at the papers again. “Killing him has to be our main goal from now on”
“I agree”, the Burned Man mumbled. “What makes them so dangerous is that I know nothing about what kind of people they are behind the mask” He paused a moment, apparently looking for words, while he started to tap onto the armrest of his chair. “I know about Jaylon Gordus' hard childhood. I know about the events that lead Samuel Harrington down on the dark path he is walking right now. But I know nothing about the Tom as a person, not even how he looks”, he explained. “I'm not surprised that he took control over most of Butterfly's remaining men”
“So, how are we going to kill him? He was present at the warehouse. He won't fall for the same trick”, Jaron remarked and the Burned Man shot him a glare. “And neither will I allow such a trick again”, the crimelord hissed and let out a sigh. “Sadly, the next step in our plan is risky too”, he explained. “Once again, I'm relying on Harpy and on you, though the circumstances will be different than last time. My sources report that the Tom plans something big, something we need to stop”
“What exactly do you mean?”, Jaron asked, looking into the crimelords dark eyes. “What is he planning?” The Burned Man leaned forwards, as good as possible and waited for a moment, before he started to speak. “There is one force in this world that allows scum like him to thrive”, he explained. “Chaos. Uncontrollable change. The complete absence of control and order. Everything I abhor and stand against. As long as we have nothing, we need chaos to become someone in this world, we need to change some part of the existing order. As soon as we have achieved something though, the order starts to work in our favour and we do everything to make it prevail”
“So, the Tom wants to create chaos in this city to become more powerful?”, Jaron asked. “I thought the death of Butterfly already created a lot of chaos” The Burned Man gave him a nod and the hint of a pleased smile. “Indeed, Jaron”, he answered. “And he used this chaos to take control over most of Butterfly's former men. However, if he ever wants to become more than a masked freak with an army of thugs, he needs to shake this city to its core”
He paused again and his eyes looked distant for a moment. “Now that Butterfly died, it was up to me and a few other powerful men in this city to contain the chaos as good as possible, to prevent someone like the Tom to gain power in place of Butterfly. These men are Lord Hightower, the High Septon and Commander Mullendore”
He gave Blackwell a nod and the sellsword moved one of the papers closer to Jaron. He immediately realized that it was the plan of a large building. “House Vyrwel's estate here in Oldtown”, Blackwell explained. “Like many lords, the Lord Leo Vyrwel owns property in the city. Unlike many others, he actively maintains it” The hint of a smirk flashed over Abbas' face. “Perhaps because he finds his real seat, Darkdell, as boring as everyone else”, the Ghiscari remarked with a stilted chuckle. Jaron gave the Burned Man a confused look. “And what has Lord Vyrwel's estate to do with the Tom?”, he asked
The Burned Man cleared his throat, which caused him to cough for a moment, before he regained his composure. “Once a year, Lord Vyrwel hosts a masquerade ball, one of the most exquisite events in the city. The next of these is in nine days. Interestingly enough, it is also one of the few events where Lord Hightower, Commander Mullendore and the High Septon will all be present”, he explained and for a moment, he grinned. “Strangely, it is one of the events I never get invited to”
“He wants to kill all of them...”, Jaron realized. “At the very least Hightower and the High Septon”, the Burned Man corrected him. “Mullendore is a born follower. Harmless without someone above him. But the other two are in great danger, because I have learned that several of the Tom's men are going to be present during this event, most likely even the Tom himself”
“So, why don't we warn Lord Hightower?”, Jaron asked and Abbas let out a irritating chuckle. “He will surely believe us", he remarked in a mocking tone. "Though, even if he truly does, he would most likely just cancel the whole event, depriving us of our best chance to kill the Tom”
The Burned Man nodded in agreement. “Abbas brings up a good point. As much as I hate it, we have to take a risk here. I don't know yet how the Tom was able to get invitations for him and his men, but I know it is fiendishly difficult”, he added. “I was, however, able to get one invitation, and a real one on top, for Lady Gwynna Caron, secondborn daughter of Lord Caron. Her grandmother was a zo Loraq, old Meereenese nobility”
“You're planning to send Harpy in her stead!”, Jaron exclaimed. “But... that's far too dangerous” The Burned Man gave him a sad nod. “Your concern is touching, Jaron. If there is any other way, I would take it. But we need to kill the Tom before he becomes a problem and the masquerade ball is our only chance”, he answered calmly. “I will send Abbas and Bakr on the road to Nightsong, to ensure that Lady Gwynna won't arrive in time. She and Harpy look similar, as I've been told. Half Ghiscari, half Andal. Besides, with the little trick she pulled on me and Butterfly, she proved that she is more capable than I have thought. In this matter, I trust only her”
Jaron clenched his fist and pressed his lips together, slightly upset about this plan. Sure, Harpy's plan worked out the last time, but barely, as his broken arm proved. The thought of sending her into danger once more was discomforting. “And what will be my role during this?”, he asked, already knowing the answer.
“You'll be her loyal guardian”, the Burned Man answered as expected. “Together with Martin, Ayden and another one of my men, Jarek. On top of that, Lord Vyrwel hired one of Martin's... acquaintances, a high-end whore named Keira, to entertain certain guests. You can count on her help as well. And then there's...” He looked at Ayden Blackwell, who started to speak. “Taria Templeton”, the sellsword said and a smile flashed over his stern face. “She and me, we're... close. She's a singer, the most beautiful voice in the Reach. The new Lord Vyrwel took a liking to her and hired her for this event. She will be able to smuggle weapons into the estate”
“The three potential targets are highly important for the balance in this city. If one of them dies, the Tom will get opportunities to become more powerful than Butterfly ever was”, the Burned Man explained. “But that's not the only consequence. Should only one of them die, or two, the remaining targets can also use the situation to their favour. While the Tom is my main concern at the moment, I don't want to strengthen Mullendore or Hightower's position any more either”
Jaron gave him a nod. “I think I understand the problem, Ser”, he spoke and a smile flashed over his face. “Looks like I need to buy a mask” The Burned Man slowly shook his head. “I'm taking care of this”, he remarked with a low voice. Jaron noticed that his shivering got stronger, even though the air in the room was warmer than ever. “Jaron, could you... I need to talk to Harpy about what happened today. Could you get her for me, please?”, he stuttered
“I can do that”, Jaron answered, though the Burned Man only gave him a frown in return. “I suppose you can. I know you want to talk to her, but keep it short. What I have to say to her is important”, he answered. A small handwave with his charred hand made it clear to Jaron that the talk was over. He lowered his head as a gesture of respect, before walking out of the room and into the cold hallway.
As Jaron walked down the hallway, he noticed that he was covered in sweat, not only because of the heat. On the one hand, he had a lot of respect for the Burned Man. If he said the truth about his plans for Oldtown, he deserved support, in Jaron's eyes. That, on the other hand, was the main problem. How much of his affability was genuine? Could he be trusted? At the very least, Jaron was sure that the Burned Man was better than Butterfly and the Tom, which of course did not mean much.
He entered the celebration room and the air that previously seemed so hot now appeared to be pleasantly warm. The room itself was a lot emptier than before. With a grin, Jaron saw Himani trying to hide a large bottle of Arbor White under his shirt. Bakr sat alone near the fire, staring at his half-empty glass, while Martin and Keira had apparently already left the room. The huge Ghiscari spotted Jaron and a wide, friendly and pissed drunken smile appeared on his face. “Ser Bastard!”, he greeted him. “Come over here”
Even though Jaron couldn't wait to talk to Harpy, he did the man a favour and walked towards him. “Bakr”, he greeted him with a short nod. “Where are Martin and Keira?” Bakr let out a short, thundering laugh and nearly spilled his drink as he grinned at Jaron. “Can't you think so, boy?”, he asked. “Anyway, I want to congratulate you. Just a few minutes ago, your girl ordered her third bottle of wine. That means, by now she's pissed drunken and ready to do anything you suggest”
“She's not my girl”, Jaron answered. “Not yet, at least. And the Burned Man would like to talk to her and I guess he prefers her sober” Bakr's grin vanished. “Shit...”, he mumbled. “No, no, no, that's not good. Go, talk to her, now! Make her sober again, somehow!” He gave Jaron a pleading stare. “And if someone asks, I never gave you any advice”, he said, before a smirk appeared on his face. “But if you win tonight, don't forget to thank me”
“I don't think anyone is going to win if the Burned Man gets angry”, Jaron answered, before turning to the door that lead outside, to the balcony. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment and tried to calm down a bit, before stepping outside.
It was a cold night. The balcony gave a wonderful view over the city and the pale moonlight successfully hid all the depravity Oldtown had. A comfortable looking bench was standing there, next to it a small table. Three bottles of wine stood on it, one empty, the other two opened, but still containing a lot of wine. As Jaron walked closer to the bench, he saw Harpy lying on it, her eyes closed, curled up in a ball, sleeping.
“Fuck...”, he mumbled, as he looked down on her. In the pale moonlight, she looked soft and misleadingly innocent. But no matter how beautiful she looked right now, it didn't change the fact that she was sleeping. “Fuck!”, he called again, a bit louder this time, as he faced the city below him. “Fucking Bakr, with his fucking advice...”
He stopped and shivered from the cold, realizing that Harpy was shivering as well. While he was wearing warm and thick clothes, she only had a thin, white dress that barely covered her arms. Perhaps bringing her inside would be a good idea, even if he had to wake her up for this. Jaron knew, with his broken arm, he could never carry her inside, even if she only had half of his weight at best. Alternatively, he could just let her sleep and simply bring her a blanket. After today's events and in her current condition, she had earned a little bit of rest, in his eyes.
[Try to wake her up to get her inside][Bring her a blanket and let her sleep]
I agree, Josh was great as well! Totally forgot about him when I thought about my favourite character XD Even though he had too little screentime to be my favourite. I wish there would have been more for him, he was a fascinating character. Matt could have also needed more screentime, he showed potential to be a good character, but I found him too generic, compared to the others. Both were a bit underused, together with Jess. But Emily was great and for some strange reason I found it adorable how she was always switching between being bitchy and being nice towards Matt
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
[Try to wake her up to get her inside] For some odd reason, I have the urge to get the Septon killed. I guess GoT has gotten me too used to seeing our religious leaders dying every other book.
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
[Bring her a blanket and let her sleep] From experience, waking up from being piss drunken is never a good thing. We will just let her have her rest. Plus its interesting to see a pissed off Burned Man.
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
[Bring her a blanket and let her sleep] It's for the best, never wake up a sleeping woman for any reason other than the end of the world, and even the be ready to have hell to pay.
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
Well Jess died in my first game Together with Mike and Sam (because i fucked up this Hold still thing. I have to take my pat on the ground i that happens.)
I agree, Josh was great as well! Totally forgot about him when I thought about my favourite character XD Even though he had too little scree… morentime to be my favourite. I wish there would have been more for him, he was a fascinating character. Matt could have also needed more screentime, he showed potential to be a good character, but I found him too generic, compared to the others. Both were a bit underused, together with Jess. But Emily was great and for some strange reason I found it adorable how she was always switching between being bitchy and being nice towards Matt
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, follow… moreed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She… [view original content]
That was one of the choices where I am still not sure which outcome I would have liked more. While I loved to write the part in question, sparing him would have been almost as interesting to write. But I wasn't surprised that killing him won, considering that everyone thought that he was the real Butterfly and since I tried my best to make him as despicable as possible. Still, while some obvious positive consequences would have come from sparing him, there would have been some negative consequences coming from that as well. Killing him is not necessarily a completely bad choice, depending on how you view a few elements of the Oldtown storyline.
While I like her, my opinion is not very representative, since I like most of the characters in the story, However, I have to say that I like Harpy more than many other characters, from a writer's perspective. She's a lot of fun to write Though, I am wondering, do you dislike her because she killed the fake Butterfly, or is there anything else you dislike? I'm always interested in the reasons people have for liking or disliking characters.
For now, this wouldn't have had any effect on the outcome of the battle, as Marak would have only trained the recruits for half an hour. The choice was mainly important to determine the opinion Nora has about him, although there might be other consequences coming out of it in the future. If Marak gets the chance to train the recruits for a longer time, they might be able to improve their skills, but sadly, not after one training session. So, yeah, with Alysanne around, the guardsmen were screwed to begin with. The main choice that determined the outcome of this battle was the choice which assassin they would fight against, in the last Kersea part. If Clayton would have stayed behind, things would have ended even worse, even if Clayton himself would have been wounded in his fight against Darren, while the only chance the guardsmen had at a victory was the scenario where they would have fought against Kersea.
[Save Darren and trust Philip with saving Urid] Eh... I dunno. I hope I don't screw up...
I wonder if Leonard would have recovered by now if he stayed behind and would have been involved in this.
No, sadly (or perhaps fortunately) not. If he would have stayed behind in Raylansfair, the wounds he would have received from his fight against Kersea and Wolfius would have been a lot worse than the wounds he got in Oldtown. After spending the majority of the last chapter recovering from them, he would have started to take a more active role in this chapter again, but he wouldn't have been fit enough for such a dangerous task yet. His main role in this chapter would have been to work with Jenna in an attempt to gain evidence against Harris.
The Voting is closed!
Richard will save Darren and therefore trust Philip with saving Urid
Needless to say, important choice. It'll have big consequences for all four characters involved in this. The next Richard part will reveal some of these consequences, but it will take me a bit of time to get back to his storyline. First, I plan to do a few Oldtown parts, featuring Jaron, Ellena, Samantha and Lucas, before returning to Raylansfair and even then, some of the sadly slightly neglected storylines in this chapter, especially Willfred, Maya and Gutten will have a higher priority. But nonetheless, Richard's next part is going to be intense and I can't wait to write it.
The next part will be a Jaron part and it will be out today. Actually, writing shouldn't take me that long anymore, so expect it to be out in a few hours. It was supposed to be finished yesterday, but I really couldn't stop playing Until Dawn. I feel like I'm the only person who ever said that, but Emily is genuinely awesome
The whole game is awesome, even if it took some time away from writing the story. But as I said, the next part will be finished today.
You like Emily? That's interesting, did you like her at the beginning or did she grow on you later in the story? I haven't finished the game so please no spoilers.
Emily is my least favorite. She is "too bitchy for my taste". I much prefer Mike, because he is badass.
Before I started the game, I read a review and found out that many people hate her and even actively tried to kill her, so when I started the game, I expected her to be horrible and was sure that I would hate her too. To my surprise I found her more hilarious than unlikeable in the first chapters of the game and while she was far from being my favourite for a long while, I found her very entertaining and just couldn't dislike her. Without spoiling anything, she gets a long playable section of her own later in the game and that was where she became one of my favourites, because if you play her right, she's just awesome during this section. This whole section in general is one of the most intense and memorable moments in the game, in my opinion. She also has some of the best lines in the game.
Yes, Mike is badass, but for some reason I disliked him for a very long time, until the final two chapters of the game. After finishing the game, he is still behind Sam, Chris and Emily for me, but I definitely grew to like him. My least favourite was probably Matt, simply because I found him a bit boring and generic, or Ashley, for being incredibly whiny and annoying. Emily on the other hand is very resourceful and for some reason, I just loved her attitude. There was one particular scene with Ashley later in the game that was just comedy gold
Well I find her incredibly bitchy but I don't hate her
. I would never actively attempt to get a character killed no matter how much I hate them (at least not in my first playthrough).
I do believe Emily's bitchiness may be hilarious but only to a certain degree. Ashley really doesn't strike me as a memorable character because of her constant whining and complaining. I agree too, at first I didn't like Mike, but when he gets more screen time revolving around him especially, its extremely fun for me. Matt is just flat out boring, I'm not even sure why Emily hooked up with him in the first place. I also like Jess, despite she didn't have much screen time (except for the last chapter). Chris comes pretty close to being my favorite, his appearances are absolutely intense. I just don't like how he was almost completely forgotten by the end of the game (along with most of the characters). I don't need to say anything about Sam, because just about everyone loves her.
Emely and Matt were my favourits^^ And ofcs...Josh
“So, you are sure this is the right course of action?”, Jaron asked, looking at Bakr. The large man gave him a decisive nod, followed by a big grin. “You can trust me. Don't run after some woman and it'll make her run after you instead”, he explained.
“As the legions of women chasing you can confirm”, Martin interjected with sarcasm. “Come on, Jaron. You don't plan on following that oaf's advice, do you?” Bakr narrowed his eyes, which made his brows come even closer, to the point where they touched. “Hey, no need to get rude, boy”, he growled. “Jaron follows a clever advice. First, he does the work. Then he does the pleasure, isn't that right?”
Jaron gave him a slightly overwhelmed nod. “Sure...”, he answered. “I guess” This caused Martin to shook his head. “Well, it's your decision. But keep in mind, he's not the one who is about to charm a whore out of her pants”, he answered with a grin and slightly rubbed Keira's belly. She gave him a mildly annoyed look. “Yeah...”, she said slowly in a voice that showed that she wasn't too thrilled about his words. “How charming...”
Martin gave her a confused look. “What? Have I said something wrong?”, he asked, before shooting Jaron a playful glare. “Looks like I have to pay after all. I hope you're happy now” Jaron smirked at these words, before raising from his chair. “I'm going to follow Bakr's advice. I should probably check up with Blackwell now. Make some plans”, he answered and Bakr slightly clapped his hands. “That's the spirit, Jaron!”, he complimented him. “Go for it!”
Martin and Keira on the other hand just exchanged a glance, before the whore let out a sigh. “We can only warn you. If you want to talk to Harpy, you better do it as long as the feelings from your big moment back at the warehouse are still fresh”, she advised him. “Though I guess I can understand that there are other important things to talk about tonight”
Jaron gave her a nod and a smile, thankful for her advice and understanding. “I better leave now. I don't know what Blackwell plans, but it sounded pretty important”, he said. “From what I have seen about him back at the warehouse, we shouldn't take this Tom lightly”
He noticed Martin's grin to vanish as soon as he mentioned the name. The mercenary slightly shook his head. “That bastard...”, he mumbled. “Make sure that Blackwell's plan involves putting the Tom through a lot of pain before he dies” For a moment, he looked more distant, a bit sullen, before his cheerfulness returns. “I'd love to help you, but, you know,I got more important things to do...”, he smirked and looked at Keira. The whore chuckled and glanced at him. “We'll see about that”, she remarked. Bakr said nothing, instead he only gave Jaron a sly wink, before the knight moved away from the table, towards the door.
As soon as he entered the hallway, Jaron noticed how warm it has been in the room. The cold air in the hallways was refreshing. He had the bad feeling that following Bakr's advice in how to deal with a woman wasn't exactly the wisest approach. After all, this man was a Ghiscari! Then again, he remembered, so was Harpy. Still, Jaron couldn't get rid of the feeling that he had made a terrible mistake. For a moment, he stood in the hallway, almost willing to turn around. Then, a door at the other end of the hallway was opened and a small, thin figure walked out.
“Ah, Ser Jaron! Over here!”, the figure called with a young voice and in the darkness, it took Jaron a moment to identify Himani. An expression, half smile, half eye-rolling flashed over his face as he walked closer to the urchin. “Himani”, he greeted him and put his good hand on his purse. “How are you? Haven't seen you around after the warehouse was finished”
The boy gave him a big grin. “After I have lead Martin and his men to your aid, I have moved back to the mansion. I've never been keen on watching people killing people”, he said and his grin vanished. “Although I know it had to be done. M'lady Harpy is not in the best mood, I've heard”
Jaron gave him a grim nod. “You can say so”, he agreed. “I'm going to talk to her later. First I have a meeting with Ayden Blackwell” Swiftly, Himani pointed at the door he just left. “I know”, he answered. “He's in there, with the Burned Man and with Bakr's creepy friend”
This caused Jaron to raise an eyebrow. “Abbas and the Burned Man are in there? Blackwell hasn't mentioned them”, he interjected and Himani slightly shrugged. “You haven't expected that the Burned Man would allow Blackwell to make these plans all on himself, do you?”, he answered, before looking past him. “I'm going to join the fun in there”, he added and pointed at the room Jaron just left. “I have heard there's bottles of wine, just standing around”
He giggled and moved past Jaron, who took a step closer towards the room Himani just left, before throwing a look over his shoulder, back at the urchin. “Uh, Himani... how old are you exactly?”, he asked. Himani stopped and gave him a confused look. “Almost eleven. Why are you asking?”
Jaron gulped, before slightly shrugging. “Just... aren't you a bit too young to drink wine?”, he asked, which caused the boy to chuckle. “Oh, Ser Jaron”, he said with a grin. “I'm not going to drink it, I'm going to take it and sell it later” He hastily looked to the door, before giving Jaron a nod. “And now I gotta go, as long as there's still money to be made” With these words, he darted towards the room Jaron just left, leaving the knight alone in the hallway.
As he entered the room Himani had just left, he immediately noticed how hot it was in there. A bright fire was burning in the fireplace and the windows were shut tight. Bent forward over a big wooden table stood Ayden Blackwell, looking at a number of papers. Next to him stood Abbas al-Yunkari. The Ghiscari wore a red tunic that made him look almost like an honest businessman, but the shrewd and wicked look in his eyes fooled no one. And finally, the Burned Man, sitting in an armchair near the fire, slightly shivering despite the heat.
“Jaron”, he greeted him.”I am glad you decided to join us. I take it you haven't talked to Harpy then?” Jaron was unsure if the sober tone he spoke in was good or bad, just as he was unsure if the Burned Man in general approved or disapproved of his interest in Harpy. He feared the latter, while hoping for the former, as he saluted in front of the Burned Man. “No, Ser”, he answered. “ I figured, making a plan could be more important”
“More important than expressing your feelings?”, the Burned Man asked and raised an eyebrow. Before Jaron could even think of an answer, a deep, baritone chuckle sounded. “Don't bother with answering, Jaron. I understand your reasons”, the crimelord reassured him. “I was just surprised that a man as young as you values responsibilities that highly” He let out a sigh. “Although, if you came here with the intention of working out a plan together with Ayden here, I have to disappoint you. You only came to learn your position in this plan”
“You have already made a plan...”, Jaron deduced quickly and the crimelord gave him a nod. Blackwell slightly shrugged as he looked up. “Don't look at me, knight. Should have seen that one coming, right?”
“You should”, Abbas agreed coldly. “Me and the Burned Man have talked about this already. Now that Butterfly is dead, we are up against his highest ranking underlings. The one that gathered most of Butterfly's former men around him is a masked freak who is name 'The Tom'” His dark eyes met Jaron's and the fire that reflected in them couldn't hide the coldness in his glare. “You have already met him, haven't you?”
Jaron gave him a reluctant nod. “I am not easily intimidated, but that man was scary. I dislike men who feel the need to hide their face behind a mask. And the things I have heard about him”, he said and slightly shuddered. “And then there was this thing that accompanied him, this giant”
“The Moggy”, Abbas explained. “Not the brains in the Tom's gang, obviously. They call themselves 'Alley Cats' and claim to be a mercenary group of some sorts, but they are just common street thugs, if you ask me. As for the Moggy, you can be relieved that he is not an actual giant, just a freak of nature. Doesn't make him any less dangerous, of course”
“Their whole group is dangerous”, Blackwell remarked. “Killers, rapists, sadists. I'm not even sure if the Tom is the worst of them” He looked down at the papers again. “Killing him has to be our main goal from now on”
“I agree”, the Burned Man mumbled. “What makes them so dangerous is that I know nothing about what kind of people they are behind the mask” He paused a moment, apparently looking for words, while he started to tap onto the armrest of his chair. “I know about Jaylon Gordus' hard childhood. I know about the events that lead Samuel Harrington down on the dark path he is walking right now. But I know nothing about the Tom as a person, not even how he looks”, he explained. “I'm not surprised that he took control over most of Butterfly's remaining men”
“So, how are we going to kill him? He was present at the warehouse. He won't fall for the same trick”, Jaron remarked and the Burned Man shot him a glare. “And neither will I allow such a trick again”, the crimelord hissed and let out a sigh. “Sadly, the next step in our plan is risky too”, he explained. “Once again, I'm relying on Harpy and on you, though the circumstances will be different than last time. My sources report that the Tom plans something big, something we need to stop”
“What exactly do you mean?”, Jaron asked, looking into the crimelords dark eyes. “What is he planning?” The Burned Man leaned forwards, as good as possible and waited for a moment, before he started to speak. “There is one force in this world that allows scum like him to thrive”, he explained. “Chaos. Uncontrollable change. The complete absence of control and order. Everything I abhor and stand against. As long as we have nothing, we need chaos to become someone in this world, we need to change some part of the existing order. As soon as we have achieved something though, the order starts to work in our favour and we do everything to make it prevail”
“So, the Tom wants to create chaos in this city to become more powerful?”, Jaron asked. “I thought the death of Butterfly already created a lot of chaos” The Burned Man gave him a nod and the hint of a pleased smile. “Indeed, Jaron”, he answered. “And he used this chaos to take control over most of Butterfly's former men. However, if he ever wants to become more than a masked freak with an army of thugs, he needs to shake this city to its core”
He paused again and his eyes looked distant for a moment. “Now that Butterfly died, it was up to me and a few other powerful men in this city to contain the chaos as good as possible, to prevent someone like the Tom to gain power in place of Butterfly. These men are Lord Hightower, the High Septon and Commander Mullendore”
He gave Blackwell a nod and the sellsword moved one of the papers closer to Jaron. He immediately realized that it was the plan of a large building. “House Vyrwel's estate here in Oldtown”, Blackwell explained. “Like many lords, the Lord Leo Vyrwel owns property in the city. Unlike many others, he actively maintains it” The hint of a smirk flashed over Abbas' face. “Perhaps because he finds his real seat, Darkdell, as boring as everyone else”, the Ghiscari remarked with a stilted chuckle. Jaron gave the Burned Man a confused look. “And what has Lord Vyrwel's estate to do with the Tom?”, he asked
The Burned Man cleared his throat, which caused him to cough for a moment, before he regained his composure. “Once a year, Lord Vyrwel hosts a masquerade ball, one of the most exquisite events in the city. The next of these is in nine days. Interestingly enough, it is also one of the few events where Lord Hightower, Commander Mullendore and the High Septon will all be present”, he explained and for a moment, he grinned. “Strangely, it is one of the events I never get invited to”
“He wants to kill all of them...”, Jaron realized. “At the very least Hightower and the High Septon”, the Burned Man corrected him. “Mullendore is a born follower. Harmless without someone above him. But the other two are in great danger, because I have learned that several of the Tom's men are going to be present during this event, most likely even the Tom himself”
“So, why don't we warn Lord Hightower?”, Jaron asked and Abbas let out a irritating chuckle. “He will surely believe us", he remarked in a mocking tone. "Though, even if he truly does, he would most likely just cancel the whole event, depriving us of our best chance to kill the Tom”
The Burned Man nodded in agreement. “Abbas brings up a good point. As much as I hate it, we have to take a risk here. I don't know yet how the Tom was able to get invitations for him and his men, but I know it is fiendishly difficult”, he added. “I was, however, able to get one invitation, and a real one on top, for Lady Gwynna Caron, secondborn daughter of Lord Caron. Her grandmother was a zo Loraq, old Meereenese nobility”
“You're planning to send Harpy in her stead!”, Jaron exclaimed. “But... that's far too dangerous” The Burned Man gave him a sad nod. “Your concern is touching, Jaron. If there is any other way, I would take it. But we need to kill the Tom before he becomes a problem and the masquerade ball is our only chance”, he answered calmly. “I will send Abbas and Bakr on the road to Nightsong, to ensure that Lady Gwynna won't arrive in time. She and Harpy look similar, as I've been told. Half Ghiscari, half Andal. Besides, with the little trick she pulled on me and Butterfly, she proved that she is more capable than I have thought. In this matter, I trust only her”
Jaron clenched his fist and pressed his lips together, slightly upset about this plan. Sure, Harpy's plan worked out the last time, but barely, as his broken arm proved. The thought of sending her into danger once more was discomforting. “And what will be my role during this?”, he asked, already knowing the answer.
“You'll be her loyal guardian”, the Burned Man answered as expected. “Together with Martin, Ayden and another one of my men, Jarek. On top of that, Lord Vyrwel hired one of Martin's... acquaintances, a high-end whore named Keira, to entertain certain guests. You can count on her help as well. And then there's...” He looked at Ayden Blackwell, who started to speak. “Taria Templeton”, the sellsword said and a smile flashed over his stern face. “She and me, we're... close. She's a singer, the most beautiful voice in the Reach. The new Lord Vyrwel took a liking to her and hired her for this event. She will be able to smuggle weapons into the estate”
“The three potential targets are highly important for the balance in this city. If one of them dies, the Tom will get opportunities to become more powerful than Butterfly ever was”, the Burned Man explained. “But that's not the only consequence. Should only one of them die, or two, the remaining targets can also use the situation to their favour. While the Tom is my main concern at the moment, I don't want to strengthen Mullendore or Hightower's position any more either”
Jaron gave him a nod. “I think I understand the problem, Ser”, he spoke and a smile flashed over his face. “Looks like I need to buy a mask” The Burned Man slowly shook his head. “I'm taking care of this”, he remarked with a low voice. Jaron noticed that his shivering got stronger, even though the air in the room was warmer than ever. “Jaron, could you... I need to talk to Harpy about what happened today. Could you get her for me, please?”, he stuttered
“I can do that”, Jaron answered, though the Burned Man only gave him a frown in return. “I suppose you can. I know you want to talk to her, but keep it short. What I have to say to her is important”, he answered. A small handwave with his charred hand made it clear to Jaron that the talk was over. He lowered his head as a gesture of respect, before walking out of the room and into the cold hallway.
As Jaron walked down the hallway, he noticed that he was covered in sweat, not only because of the heat. On the one hand, he had a lot of respect for the Burned Man. If he said the truth about his plans for Oldtown, he deserved support, in Jaron's eyes. That, on the other hand, was the main problem. How much of his affability was genuine? Could he be trusted? At the very least, Jaron was sure that the Burned Man was better than Butterfly and the Tom, which of course did not mean much.
He entered the celebration room and the air that previously seemed so hot now appeared to be pleasantly warm. The room itself was a lot emptier than before. With a grin, Jaron saw Himani trying to hide a large bottle of Arbor White under his shirt. Bakr sat alone near the fire, staring at his half-empty glass, while Martin and Keira had apparently already left the room. The huge Ghiscari spotted Jaron and a wide, friendly and pissed drunken smile appeared on his face. “Ser Bastard!”, he greeted him. “Come over here”
Even though Jaron couldn't wait to talk to Harpy, he did the man a favour and walked towards him. “Bakr”, he greeted him with a short nod. “Where are Martin and Keira?” Bakr let out a short, thundering laugh and nearly spilled his drink as he grinned at Jaron. “Can't you think so, boy?”, he asked. “Anyway, I want to congratulate you. Just a few minutes ago, your girl ordered her third bottle of wine. That means, by now she's pissed drunken and ready to do anything you suggest”
“She's not my girl”, Jaron answered. “Not yet, at least. And the Burned Man would like to talk to her and I guess he prefers her sober” Bakr's grin vanished. “Shit...”, he mumbled. “No, no, no, that's not good. Go, talk to her, now! Make her sober again, somehow!” He gave Jaron a pleading stare. “And if someone asks, I never gave you any advice”, he said, before a smirk appeared on his face. “But if you win tonight, don't forget to thank me”
“I don't think anyone is going to win if the Burned Man gets angry”, Jaron answered, before turning to the door that lead outside, to the balcony. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment and tried to calm down a bit, before stepping outside.
It was a cold night. The balcony gave a wonderful view over the city and the pale moonlight successfully hid all the depravity Oldtown had. A comfortable looking bench was standing there, next to it a small table. Three bottles of wine stood on it, one empty, the other two opened, but still containing a lot of wine. As Jaron walked closer to the bench, he saw Harpy lying on it, her eyes closed, curled up in a ball, sleeping.
“Fuck...”, he mumbled, as he looked down on her. In the pale moonlight, she looked soft and misleadingly innocent. But no matter how beautiful she looked right now, it didn't change the fact that she was sleeping. “Fuck!”, he called again, a bit louder this time, as he faced the city below him. “Fucking Bakr, with his fucking advice...”
He stopped and shivered from the cold, realizing that Harpy was shivering as well. While he was wearing warm and thick clothes, she only had a thin, white dress that barely covered her arms. Perhaps bringing her inside would be a good idea, even if he had to wake her up for this. Jaron knew, with his broken arm, he could never carry her inside, even if she only had half of his weight at best. Alternatively, he could just let her sleep and simply bring her a blanket. After today's events and in her current condition, she had earned a little bit of rest, in his eyes.
[Try to wake her up to get her inside] [Bring her a blanket and let her sleep]
I agree, Josh was great as well! Totally forgot about him when I thought about my favourite character XD Even though he had too little screentime to be my favourite. I wish there would have been more for him, he was a fascinating character. Matt could have also needed more screentime, he showed potential to be a good character, but I found him too generic, compared to the others. Both were a bit underused, together with Jess. But Emily was great and for some strange reason I found it adorable how she was always switching between being bitchy and being nice towards Matt
[Try to wake her up to get her inside]
(bring her a blanket and let her sleep)
[Try to wake her up to get her inside] For some odd reason, I have the urge to get the Septon killed. I guess GoT has gotten me too used to seeing our religious leaders dying every other book.
[Bring her a blanket and let her sleep]
[Bring her a blanket and let her sleep] I foresee us talking to her regardless of our choice.
I'm not sure what Mullendore would gain for killing the High Septon or Lord Hightower. It feels like a trap. A really complicated trap.
[Try to wake her up to get her inside] "Harpy, Harpy, Harpy! WAKE UP!!!"
Yes! A masquerade, this'll be great!
[Bring her a blanket and let her sleep] From experience, waking up from being piss drunken is never a good thing. We will just let her have her rest. Plus its interesting to see a pissed off Burned Man.
[Try to wake her up to get her inside]
[Bring her a blanket and let her sleep]
[Bring her a blanket and let her sleep]
Burned Man will understand... i hope.
**[Try to wake her up to get her inside] **
[Bring her a blanket and let her sleep] Not sure if I should give up about Jarpy or not...
Anyway, looking forward to the masquerade!
I'm still pissed that Jaron allowed 'Butterfly' to be murdered.
[Bring her a blanket and let her sleep]
Sorry for the question but what's the song name ?
[Bring her a blanket and let her sleep] It's for the best, never wake up a sleeping woman for any reason other than the end of the world, and even the be ready to have hell to pay.
Great part!
[Try to wake her up to get her inside] I ship them so hard
Well Jess died in my first game
Together with Mike and Sam (because i fucked up this Hold still thing. I have to take my pat on the ground i that happens.)
I'd probably ship them if I actually liked Harpy.
[Bring her a blanket and let her sleep]
[Bring her a blanket and let her sleep]
She's ok
[Bring her a blanket and let her sleep]
[Bring her a blanket and let her sleep]
That was one of the choices where I am still not sure which outcome I would have liked more. While I loved to write the part in question, sparing him would have been almost as interesting to write. But I wasn't surprised that killing him won, considering that everyone thought that he was the real Butterfly and since I tried my best to make him as despicable as possible. Still, while some obvious positive consequences would have come from sparing him, there would have been some negative consequences coming from that as well. Killing him is not necessarily a completely bad choice, depending on how you view a few elements of the Oldtown storyline.
While I like her, my opinion is not very representative, since I like most of the characters in the story, However, I have to say that I like Harpy more than many other characters, from a writer's perspective. She's a lot of fun to write
Though, I am wondering, do you dislike her because she killed the fake Butterfly, or is there anything else you dislike? I'm always interested in the reasons people have for liking or disliking characters.