You just now watched them? Kewl then, they're classics. Personally IV and V are my favs. 6th is the least greatest of the original trilogy… more in my opinion and even though most others would disagree with me , I actually enjoyed the 1st prequel but was mixed about the 2nd and my mood changes on the 3rd. I'm still debating whether or not I'll see the 7th.
Haha yea. I actually saw it in my English class because my teacher had us discuss the definition of "Hero" and she thought of Luke Skywalker. So that's how I saw Star Wars lol.
I've heard about them before but I didn't expect to like them. My brother watched all 6 of them within 5 days a few months ago and he told me that the movies were great. I asked him to come with me to the cinema when batman vs superman is released and he said that I will have to watch star wars episode 7 with him on decembre first. I thought of not watching the other movies but if I had done that, I wouldn't be able to understand anything in episode 7. I watched the first movie, now I'm hooked.
You just now watched them? Kewl then, they're classics. Personally IV and V are my favs. 6th is the least greatest of the original trilogy… more in my opinion and even though most others would disagree with me , I actually enjoyed the 1st prequel but was mixed about the 2nd and my mood changes on the 3rd. I'm still debating whether or not I'll see the 7th.
It was better than I expected it to be and I enjoyed it but I'm still thinking about where it places in "my ranking of movies I've seen in theaters this year" list.
Man, it has been a long while since I've posted anything here. After a long month of shabby movies being released, it's great to finally see a movie that I can describe as epic. No, not Straight Outta Compton sadly, but The Martian.
The Martian is directed by the great Ridley Scott, and it stars Matt Damon, Chiwetel Ejoifor, and Jessica Chastain among many others. The story follows Mark Watney (Damon), an astronaut that was presumed dead after getting struck by debris during a massive storm on Mars. Believing there was no hope for Watney's survival, his crew reluctantly leaves him behind in order to evacuate to safety. Surprise surprise though, Watney is alive! Left behind on a deserted planet with little to no resources, Watney only has his wits and a base filled with items to help him survive his extended stay on Mars and find a way to get rescued.
The Positives
The Martian is epic on a grand scale because it takes a whole new perspective on the man vs. nature survival trope. There are movies where our character is stranded on an island, in the middle of the sea, in a jungle, or in a prison camp. Gravity may have taken it a step further with being stranded in space, but The Martian takes it to a whole entire level by being stranded on another friggin planet! A planet that has absolutely no resources. That is beyond the definition of screwed. However, this isn't enough to convince Mark Watney to give up. No siree. Matt Damon proves his acting ability by being able to present Mark Watney as an incredibly likable character. Watney is this insanely smart botanist that finds various ways to use his environment to his own advantage. He even finds a way to grow food on Mars! Not only is Watney incredibly smart and resourceful, but he is extremely enthusiastic. Lots of these lone survivor movies have our main character appear absolutely devastated and depressed with no positive outlook on their situation because the odds are against them. Watney's character is the complete opposite as he strives to find a solution for every problem he encounters and stays positive throughout. Yes, there are moments where Watney is in absolute despair, but he doesn't suffer through it. He gets back up on his feet and finds a way to solve his problem. His character also has an excellent sense of humor, adding on to his optimistic demeanor. With that said, this movie is extremely funny. Not even Spy had me rolling this hard here. The best comedic moments aren't just with Watney, but also with Chiwetel Ejoifer. Ejoifer proves he's one of the best actors working today because he was fucking awesome in this movie. Every scene he's in, he steals it. His comedic timing was spot on. Another great thing about this movie was the relationship between Watney and his crew. Scott was able to establish that Watney's crew does genuinely care as they feel guilty for abandoning him. Cinematography wise, this movie looks stunning. Scott not only captured the look of Mars, but isolation of being on this planet. My favorite part of this movie was its ending as it was extremely intense. The right word to describe it as is exciting. This movie is long, but that doesn't deter from the enjoyment of the film. It actually helps it because we get to witness the long stay of Watney being on Mars. We feel like Watney was on Mars for more than a month. As a matter of fact, he was there for a year! Imagine being on a planet, by yourself, for a year. I would go insane if that were my case.
The Negatives
One gripe I have with this movie was the introduction of a certain character that wasn't well executed. The dude was played by Donald Glover, the dude from Community, and I felt like he was insanely miscast. All I can see from him is that weirdo on the show. There were also some moments in the movie that I felt weren't likely to happen and I consistently called bullshit on it. But I'm not an astrophysicist, so how should I know?
Overall: The Martian is one of the best movies of 2015. Once I make my Top 10 list, it will most likely be in the top 3. It has great humor, great characters, an interesting story, and a very triumphant feel to it near its ending. In my opinion, this movie kicks the shit out of Gravity because there is so much meat in this movie. My final grade for The Martian is:
Grade: A
So, if you've seen The Martian, tell me what you thought about it.
Saw the Martian today!
It was better than I expected it to be and I enjoyed it but I'm still thinking about where it places in "my ranking of movies I've seen in theaters this year" list.
I loved it and basically agree with what you said but one thing killed me....SEAN BEAN FUCKING LIVED!!! Don't get me wrong, I really like Sean Bean but I was hoping he would die an epic death like he's known to do....maybe go into space to help the team and get sucked out of the ship, or have the NASA president lose his shit and shoot him in the head, or maybe some deranged fanatic doesn't want Matt Damon to come back to Earth and assasinates Bean...I don't know how to make it work but he should have DIED....Is that too much? lol. Trolling aside, Great story, acting, music and such a good damn good movie.
The Martian movie review
Man, it has been a long while since I've posted anything here. After a long month of shabby movies being rel… moreeased, it's great to finally see a movie that I can describe as epic. No, not Straight Outta Compton sadly, but The Martian.
The Martian is directed by the great Ridley Scott, and it stars Matt Damon, Chiwetel Ejoifor, and Jessica Chastain among many others. The story follows Mark Watney (Damon), an astronaut that was presumed dead after getting struck by debris during a massive storm on Mars. Believing there was no hope for Watney's survival, his crew reluctantly leaves him behind in order to evacuate to safety. Surprise surprise though, Watney is alive! Left behind on a deserted planet with little to no resources, Watney only has his wits and a base filled with items to help him survive his extended stay on Mars and find a way to get rescued.
The Positives
The Martian is epic on a grand scale b… [view original content]
The Martian movie review
Man, it has been a long while since I've posted anything here. After a long month of shabby movies being rel… moreeased, it's great to finally see a movie that I can describe as epic. No, not Straight Outta Compton sadly, but The Martian.
The Martian is directed by the great Ridley Scott, and it stars Matt Damon, Chiwetel Ejoifor, and Jessica Chastain among many others. The story follows Mark Watney (Damon), an astronaut that was presumed dead after getting struck by debris during a massive storm on Mars. Believing there was no hope for Watney's survival, his crew reluctantly leaves him behind in order to evacuate to safety. Surprise surprise though, Watney is alive! Left behind on a deserted planet with little to no resources, Watney only has his wits and a base filled with items to help him survive his extended stay on Mars and find a way to get rescued.
The Positives
The Martian is epic on a grand scale b… [view original content]
Oh yea! The moment I saw Sean Bean, I turned to my sister and said, "He's gonna die." I didn't think he was gonna go into space because isn't he just one of the people that run the place like Jeff Daniels' character? I actually envisioned someone just bringing a gun out of nowhere and killing Sean Bean lol. It's so out of place, but also pretty funny.
I actually envisioned someone just bringing a gun out of nowhere and killing Sean Bean lol.
As I said, I was expecting the NASA head to lose his shit with him and shoot him....And did they make a Lord of the Rings reference? Sounds like they did and I know Bean has a role and DIES in those movies but I haven't watched them.
Oh yea! The moment I saw Sean Bean, I turned to my sister and said, "He's gonna die." I didn't think he was gonna go into space because isn'… moret he just one of the people that run the place like Jeff Daniels' character? I actually envisioned someone just bringing a gun out of nowhere and killing Sean Bean lol. It's so out of place, but also pretty funny.
I actually envisioned someone just bringing a gun out of nowhere and killing Sean Bean lol.
As I said, I was expecting the NASA head… more to lose his shit with him and shoot him....And did they make a Lord of the Rings reference? Sounds like they did and I know Bean has a role and DIES in those movies but I haven't watched them.
Hey everyone. Since we are coming to a pretty close end to the year, why not share our Top 5 movies of the year so far? (Keep in mind that these are subject to change in the future)
1. Jurassic World - The 1st is my favorite movie and I loved it when I was a little kid and just seeing this made me feel like my life was complete despite the movies flaws.
2. Kingsman: The Secret Service
3. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
4. The Man From U.N.C.L.E
5. The Martian
Honorable Mentions: Furious 7, The Gift, Spy, and No Escape.
Hey everyone. Since we are coming to a pretty close end to the year, why not share our Top 5 movies of the year so far? (Keep in mind that t… morehese are subject to change in the future)
Mine go as:
1. Kingsman: The Secret Service
2. Inside Out
3. The Martian
4. Mad Max: Fury Road
5. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
1. Jurassic World - The 1st is my favorite movie and I loved it when I was a little kid and just seeing this made me feel like my life was c… moreomplete despite the movies flaws.
2. Kingsman: The Secret Service
3. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
4. The Man From U.N.C.L.E
5. The Martian
Honorable Mentions: Furious 7, The Gift, Spy, and No Escape.
OH! I'm surprised you didn't see it lol. I guess it was someone else here who said it was overrated. I suppose that's true, but that doesn't mean it's not a great movie. People also complained for its simple plot, but lots of great action movies have had simple plots. We don't need Matrix level types of stuff (even thought it was a really good action movie) all the time.
OH! I'm surprised you didn't see it lol. I guess it was someone else here who said it was overrated. I suppose that's true, but that doesn't… more mean it's not a great movie. People also complained for its simple plot, but lots of great action movies have had simple plots. We don't need Matrix level types of stuff (even thought it was a really good action movie) all the time.
The Martian movie review
Man, it has been a long while since I've posted anything here. After a long month of shabby movies being rel… moreeased, it's great to finally see a movie that I can describe as epic. No, not Straight Outta Compton sadly, but The Martian.
The Martian is directed by the great Ridley Scott, and it stars Matt Damon, Chiwetel Ejoifor, and Jessica Chastain among many others. The story follows Mark Watney (Damon), an astronaut that was presumed dead after getting struck by debris during a massive storm on Mars. Believing there was no hope for Watney's survival, his crew reluctantly leaves him behind in order to evacuate to safety. Surprise surprise though, Watney is alive! Left behind on a deserted planet with little to no resources, Watney only has his wits and a base filled with items to help him survive his extended stay on Mars and find a way to get rescued.
The Positives
The Martian is epic on a grand scale b… [view original content]
Hey everyone. Since we are coming to a pretty close end to the year, why not share our Top 5 movies of the year so far? (Keep in mind that t… morehese are subject to change in the future)
Mine go as:
1. Kingsman: The Secret Service
2. Inside Out
3. The Martian
4. Mad Max: Fury Road
5. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
Hmmm, the movie "I Saw the Light" starring Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen which is about the life of singer Hank Williams (which I was debating if I should see it or not) has been moved to 2016...From screenings that already happened, it has pretty negative reviews and the plot doesn't interest me but I'm a fan of Hiddleston and Olsen so that was the main reason I was interested idk if anyone else was interested but just postin it.
I don't get this hate of telling that the "prequel" movies are somehow bad just because there is Jar Jar Binks (which I actually liked somewhat) and they went a bit overboard with CGI (which doesn't look that bad in my opinion, even though Force Awakens show what you can do without relying that much on to CGI.)
Watched Star Wars episode IV( a new hope) and Star Wars: Episode V( The empire strikes back)! holy sh*t, those movies were so much better th… morean expected. Personally, I find Darth Vader to be the most interesting character.( I still like Han, Luke, yoda and the rest but I like vader because he's very mysterious) I'm super excited to watch the other 4 movies although I heard the prequels are very boring and bad ;/
Hmmmm, this worries me but then again critics on WhatCulture are usually really harsh if you read their reviews and this has been getting positive reviews elsewhere so far.
I'm still highly confident in Spectre. Sam Mendes is directing it, and he made Skyfall so this movie should still be good. Maybe not better than Skyfall or Casino Royale, but still a solid Bond movie.
Hmmmm, this worries me but then again critics on WhatCulture are usually really harsh if you read their reviews and this has been getting po… moresitive reviews elsewhere so far.
Maybe not better than Skyfall or Casino Royale, but still a solid Bond movie.
That's what most other early reviews are saying- On Rotten Tomatoes it has an 86% so far, while Casino Royale has a 95% and Skyfall with a 93%, still looking forward to it
I'm still highly confident in Spectre. Sam Mendes is directing it, and he made Skyfall so this movie should still be good. Maybe not better than Skyfall or Casino Royale, but still a solid Bond movie.
Not planning on it.
I wanna see Straight Outta Compton so badly.
Hey he's not alone, I've only seen Episode IV out of the entire series. I'm gonna catch up on Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi though.
No. It looks retarded honestly.
Same here ;_;
Really? Wow, that's kind of shocking coming from you xD. A lot of critics say Empire Strikes Back is one of the best sequels all time.
Haha yea. I actually saw it in my English class because my teacher had us discuss the definition of "Hero" and she thought of Luke Skywalker. So that's how I saw Star Wars lol.
yall havent seen it??! man. school or work right??? that sucks.
Damn you schoool! But I'm seeing The Martian this weekend lol/
I've heard about them before but I didn't expect to like them. My brother watched all 6 of them within 5 days a few months ago and he told me that the movies were great. I asked him to come with me to the cinema when batman vs superman is released and he said that I will have to watch star wars episode 7 with him on decembre first. I thought of not watching the other movies but if I had done that, I wouldn't be able to understand anything in episode 7. I watched the first movie, now I'm hooked.
awww man that movie looks so good
Saw the Martian today!
It was better than I expected it to be and I enjoyed it but I'm still thinking about where it places in "my ranking of movies I've seen in theaters this year" list.
The Martian movie review
Man, it has been a long while since I've posted anything here. After a long month of shabby movies being released, it's great to finally see a movie that I can describe as epic. No, not Straight Outta Compton sadly, but The Martian.
The Martian is directed by the great Ridley Scott, and it stars Matt Damon, Chiwetel Ejoifor, and Jessica Chastain among many others. The story follows Mark Watney (Damon), an astronaut that was presumed dead after getting struck by debris during a massive storm on Mars. Believing there was no hope for Watney's survival, his crew reluctantly leaves him behind in order to evacuate to safety. Surprise surprise though, Watney is alive! Left behind on a deserted planet with little to no resources, Watney only has his wits and a base filled with items to help him survive his extended stay on Mars and find a way to get rescued.
The Positives
The Martian is epic on a grand scale because it takes a whole new perspective on the man vs. nature survival trope. There are movies where our character is stranded on an island, in the middle of the sea, in a jungle, or in a prison camp. Gravity may have taken it a step further with being stranded in space, but The Martian takes it to a whole entire level by being stranded on another friggin planet! A planet that has absolutely no resources. That is beyond the definition of screwed. However, this isn't enough to convince Mark Watney to give up. No siree. Matt Damon proves his acting ability by being able to present Mark Watney as an incredibly likable character. Watney is this insanely smart botanist that finds various ways to use his environment to his own advantage. He even finds a way to grow food on Mars! Not only is Watney incredibly smart and resourceful, but he is extremely enthusiastic. Lots of these lone survivor movies have our main character appear absolutely devastated and depressed with no positive outlook on their situation because the odds are against them. Watney's character is the complete opposite as he strives to find a solution for every problem he encounters and stays positive throughout. Yes, there are moments where Watney is in absolute despair, but he doesn't suffer through it. He gets back up on his feet and finds a way to solve his problem. His character also has an excellent sense of humor, adding on to his optimistic demeanor. With that said, this movie is extremely funny. Not even Spy had me rolling this hard here. The best comedic moments aren't just with Watney, but also with Chiwetel Ejoifer. Ejoifer proves he's one of the best actors working today because he was fucking awesome in this movie. Every scene he's in, he steals it. His comedic timing was spot on. Another great thing about this movie was the relationship between Watney and his crew. Scott was able to establish that Watney's crew does genuinely care as they feel guilty for abandoning him. Cinematography wise, this movie looks stunning. Scott not only captured the look of Mars, but isolation of being on this planet. My favorite part of this movie was its ending as it was extremely intense. The right word to describe it as is exciting. This movie is long, but that doesn't deter from the enjoyment of the film. It actually helps it because we get to witness the long stay of Watney being on Mars. We feel like Watney was on Mars for more than a month. As a matter of fact, he was there for a year! Imagine being on a planet, by yourself, for a year. I would go insane if that were my case.
The Negatives
One gripe I have with this movie was the introduction of a certain character that wasn't well executed. The dude was played by Donald Glover, the dude from Community, and I felt like he was insanely miscast. All I can see from him is that weirdo on the show. There were also some moments in the movie that I felt weren't likely to happen and I consistently called bullshit on it. But I'm not an astrophysicist, so how should I know?
Overall: The Martian is one of the best movies of 2015. Once I make my Top 10 list, it will most likely be in the top 3. It has great humor, great characters, an interesting story, and a very triumphant feel to it near its ending. In my opinion, this movie kicks the shit out of Gravity because there is so much meat in this movie. My final grade for The Martian is:
Grade: A
So, if you've seen The Martian, tell me what you thought about it.
Hells yea! I was afraid it would be the same as Gravity, but hell no it wasn't.
Right after I post :P
I loved it and basically agree with what you said but one thing killed me....SEAN BEAN FUCKING LIVED!!! Don't get me wrong, I really like Sean Bean but I was hoping he would die an epic death like he's known to do....maybe go into space to help the team and get sucked out of the ship, or have the NASA president lose his shit and shoot him in the head, or maybe some deranged fanatic doesn't want Matt Damon to come back to Earth and assasinates Bean...I don't know how to make it work but he should have DIED....Is that too much? lol. Trolling aside, Great story, acting, music and such a good damn good movie.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I have read the book and loved it. I'm definitely going to try to see it soon.
Oh yea! The moment I saw Sean Bean, I turned to my sister and said, "He's gonna die." I didn't think he was gonna go into space because isn't he just one of the people that run the place like Jeff Daniels' character? I actually envisioned someone just bringing a gun out of nowhere and killing Sean Bean lol. It's so out of place, but also pretty funny.
I don't know how close to the book it is, but it's definitely worth the watch.
As I said, I was expecting the NASA head to lose his shit with him and shoot him....And did they make a Lord of the Rings reference? Sounds like they did and I know Bean has a role and DIES in those movies but I haven't watched them.
You haven't seen The Lord of the Rings? WHAT! I never expected that :O
The one major franchise I haven't watched xD
Just like how I haven't seen all of Star Wars
Hey everyone. Since we are coming to a pretty close end to the year, why not share our Top 5 movies of the year so far? (Keep in mind that these are subject to change in the future)
Mine go as:
1. Kingsman: The Secret Service
2. Inside Out
3. The Martian
4. Mad Max: Fury Road
5. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
1. Jurassic World - The 1st is my favorite movie and I loved it when I was a little kid and just seeing this made me feel like my life was complete despite the movies flaws.
2. Kingsman: The Secret Service
3. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
4. The Man From U.N.C.L.E
5. The Martian
Honorable Mentions: Furious 7, The Gift, Spy, and No Escape.
Kinda surprised Mad Max wasn't mentioned. I think you said you didn't like it as much as everyone else or I'm thinking someone else?
I've seen the Mel Gibson ones but not Fury Road, from what I've heard it seems pretty over-rated but I'll give it a chance eventually.
OH! I'm surprised you didn't see it lol. I guess it was someone else here who said it was overrated. I suppose that's true, but that doesn't mean it's not a great movie. People also complained for its simple plot, but lots of great action movies have had simple plots. We don't need Matrix level types of stuff (even thought it was a really good action movie) all the time.
The Lord of the Rings is the one major series I haven't seen and Fury Road is the one major movie I haven't seen :P
some people are comparing it to interstellar. and i havent seen interstellar, but ive heard its great. how good is martian? like interstellar?
Honestly can't say much about Interstellar as I haven't seen it either. But trust me, this movie is awesome.
I really want to watch The Martian. I heard it was good.
It's definitely worth seeing, so do it now while you still have the chance!
enter link description here
SPOILER (maybe): Pause at 1:45..that can't be good....
Hmmm, the movie "I Saw the Light" starring Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen which is about the life of singer Hank Williams (which I was debating if I should see it or not) has been moved to 2016...From screenings that already happened, it has pretty negative reviews and the plot doesn't interest me but I'm a fan of Hiddleston and Olsen so that was the main reason I was interested idk if anyone else was interested but just postin it.
All Star Wars movies so far have been good.
I don't get this hate of telling that the "prequel" movies are somehow bad just because there is Jar Jar Binks (which I actually liked somewhat) and they went a bit overboard with CGI (which doesn't look that bad in my opinion, even though Force Awakens show what you can do without relying that much on to CGI.)
Hmmmm, this worries me but then again critics on WhatCulture are usually really harsh if you read their reviews and this has been getting positive reviews elsewhere so far.
I'm still highly confident in Spectre. Sam Mendes is directing it, and he made Skyfall so this movie should still be good. Maybe not better than Skyfall or Casino Royale, but still a solid Bond movie.
That's what most other early reviews are saying- On Rotten Tomatoes it has an 86% so far, while Casino Royale has a 95% and Skyfall with a 93%, still looking forward to it