I almost don't like how the comic is giving us more than the game did....
I also hope that if TWAU Season 2 happens, it won't follow the plot of the comic. That would be bad.
The game is the source material to this comic, so why should this comic contain more than the game? And why should it be changing so much than the game did???
I mean, Jersey is now dead in the comic. In the game he is still alive...
I don't mind all the new backstories and stuff, but I have a horrible feeling that if TWAU S2 happens, then it will follow everything that the comic has done, mainly cuz of set choices but also because some things won't need to be explained.
Its an intrepretation of the same story, like Game of Thrones. The books and the show have two separate continuities. If you dont like it, you dont have to accept it, just stick with the game's continuity. If and when there is a season two, Im sure it wont be based on the comic that's based on the game. It would be like it was cannibalizing itself. Im sure it will either jump off from where the game left off or start a new story.
I personally love the game and the added extras that the comic provides. It doesnt diminish the game whatsoever for me.
I think it's kinda unfair though.
The game is the source material to this comic, so why should this comic contain more than the game? And… more why should it be changing so much than the game did???
I mean, Jersey is now dead in the comic. In the game he is still alive...
I don't mind all the new backstories and stuff, but I have a horrible feeling that if TWAU S2 happens, then it will follow everything that the comic has done, mainly cuz of set choices but also because some things won't need to be explained.
They'll probably be alright if what was different from the comics isn't addressed in the games : i.e. Jersey died in the comics, but for the game, from Season 2 onwards, Jersey doesn't appear.
However, if Telltale have Jersey appear in Season 2 (or any future seasons), I have a feeling it's gonna be similar to Game of Thrones Season 5 scenario (from season 1 till near the end of season 4, they followed the books closely, but from Season 5, drastic changes occurred, most likely due to not enough material left in the books. Granted, TWAU's source material is the game, so its not exactly same as GoT situation, but parts of it does feel oddly similar).
So while I understand some parts of it may be different from the games, I kinda understand what Hazza feels (since in some ways, I feel the same way).
p.s. personally though, while I do accept TWAU comic is canon, I definitely prefer the portrayal of Bigby in the games (over the comic's portrayal of him). I feel Bigby has been nerfed way too much in the comic, and I always want Bigby to be seen as a badass (not invincible or invulnerable, but still badass enough [and definitely not helpless] so that I don't feel that he's been nerfed so much).
Its an intrepretation of the same story, like Game of Thrones. The books and the show have two separate continuities. If you dont like it, y… moreou dont have to accept it, just stick with the game's continuity. If and when there is a season two, Im sure it wont be based on the comic that's based on the game. It would be like it was cannibalizing itself. Im sure it will either jump off from where the game left off or start a new story.
I personally love the game and the added extras that the comic provides. It doesnt diminish the game whatsoever for me.
I dont get the whole nerfed thing, I must admit. It doesnt bother me that Bigby doesnt automatically win every fight. I think we get greater insight into his mindset in exchange and I like my heroes to have a little vulnerability. It makes them more relatable to me.
They'll probably be alright if what was different from the comics isn't addressed in the games : i.e. Jersey died in the comics, but for the… more game, from Season 2 onwards, Jersey doesn't appear.
However, if Telltale have Jersey appear in Season 2 (or any future seasons), I have a feeling it's gonna be similar to Game of Thrones Season 5 scenario (from season 1 till near the end of season 4, they followed the books closely, but from Season 5, drastic changes occurred, most likely due to not enough material left in the books. Granted, TWAU's source material is the game, so its not exactly same as GoT situation, but parts of it does feel oddly similar).
So while I understand some parts of it may be different from the games, I kinda understand what Hazza feels (since in some ways, I feel the same way).
p.s. personally though, while I do accept TWAU comic is canon, I definitely prefer the portrayal of Bigby in the games (over the comic's … [view original content]
Did you finish reading the Fables main series and its spinoffs KCohere? Because I'm speaking by comparing Bigby's fighting skills in TWAU compared to his skills in the main series + spinoffs.
In other comics, Bigby normally fights pretty skillfully, with cunning, tactics and strength, taking minimum damage, unless he takes on very, very strong opponents, or ones who have a bit of advantage over him (such as specific weapons etc).
Compared to that we see him helpless quite a bit here (in TWAU comics), so that's why I'm saying that.
If you still don't get it, and haven't yet seen other comics, I'd suggest you check them out.
I dont get the whole nerfed thing, I must admit. It doesnt bother me that Bigby doesnt automatically win every fight. I think we get greater… more insight into his mindset in exchange and I like my heroes to have a little vulnerability. It makes them more relatable to me.
I have read the entire main series, I haven't finish every spin off yet. I know Bigby is powerful but never got the impression that he was all powerful. Mostly he's damned intimidating as a giant, man eating wolf. But, I guess it depends on what you focus on. I never had much interest in his fighting prowess. What interested me about him from the first was his mentalility and intelligence as a sheriff and detective, and his relationships with the other characters, particularly Snow of course. I never saw him in this comic or in the game as helpless, only that he gets knocked down sometimes, and gets back up again, sometimes accepting help, sometimes not. I like that about him, that he's not too proud to accept help. But, you know, different strokes.
Did you finish reading the Fables main series and its spinoffs KCohere? Because I'm speaking by comparing Bigby's fighting skills in TWAU c… moreompared to his skills in the main series + spinoffs.
In other comics, Bigby normally fights pretty skillfully, with cunning, tactics and strength, taking minimum damage, unless he takes on very, very strong opponents, or ones who have a bit of advantage over him (such as specific weapons etc).
Compared to that we see him helpless quite a bit here (in TWAU comics), so that's why I'm saying that.
If you still don't get it, and haven't yet seen other comics, I'd suggest you check them out.
While I do love Bigby's cunning, intellect, and tactical mind, what interested me also about him was how powerful he actually is and how he fares against them (so I guess that includes fighting prowess. But heck, I love everything about Bigby).
I'm not saying he shouldn't receive help, or that he should be invulnerable (if that happens, he would be overpowered like Brandish was), but it did (and still does actually) annoy me quite a bit of how (in my view) Bigby was seen as being completely helpless (he was just about to black out and lose the fight, and probably would have if Woody didn't help him), especially in his fight with Jersey (I didn't like portrayal of his fight with Woody in Issue #1 either, but that fight felt like only a tip of the iceberg compared to Jersey fight).
How I would have preferred to see it was like in the game, of them trading blows, without Bigby looking like he's losing his ground, and Woody coming in to help in the middle of the scuffle.
In the main series (plus the spinoffs), there were only 4 foes/opponents in which Bigby wasn't able to overcome by himself:
North Wind (Boreas Frostheart), his father
Prince Brandish
The Emperor (of the Adversary's Empire)
North Wind, Brandish, and Emperor are excusable, because with North Wind, his power was on just another level (pretty much God-level) above Bigby, and Brandish had all those overpowered spells put on his body and his sword. The Emperor well,, his size was just huge.....several times bigger than Bigby himself, while made from pretty sturdy wood from the sacred grove (he eventually used his tactical mind and help from Boy Blue [armed with Vorpal sword] to overcome the Emperor though).
And Goldilocks, while a human-type Fable, was armed with 30-378 Weatherby Hunting Rounds (which were enough to kill a charging elephant, so that's one really powerful gun/ammunition, even if it wasn't Silver), so I didn't mind that it slowed down Bigby to the point of being really helpless (adding to that, Snow was the one who helped him, so I definitely didn't mind that).
All other situations where he had to fight, he eventually overcame those situations/foes without really receiving help from others (nor going to the point where he loses / almost loses the fight).
But yeah, like you said, different strokes, and everybody has their own way of looking at the characters. I'm not saying I don't think his mentalility, intelligence as a sheriff and detective, and his relationships with the other characters aren't important - they definitely are, but I have at least just as much interest (probably a bit more than other factors) on how powerful Bigby is and his fighting prowess.
I have read the entire main series, I haven't finish every spin off yet. I know Bigby is powerful but never got the impression that he was a… morell powerful. Mostly he's damned intimidating as a giant, man eating wolf. But, I guess it depends on what you focus on. I never had much interest in his fighting prowess. What interested me about him from the first was his mentalility and intelligence as a sheriff and detective, and his relationships with the other characters, particularly Snow of course. I never saw him in this comic or in the game as helpless, only that he gets knocked down sometimes, and gets back up again, sometimes accepting help, sometimes not. I like that about him, that he's not too proud to accept help. But, you know, different strokes.
Yeah, I'm not really liking the art either (I've seen this artist's art before in some previous issues, and they're not to my liking....).....
It would have been awesome if Buckingham did the entire Bigby vs Mary issues, but ugh.......
I got around to reading this issue late due to work.
Ugh... I just didn't like this issue. First of all, I really didn't like the art. Shane McManus's art just ooked really weird and sometimes, characters figures looked out of proportion (then again, I guess I wasn't too surprised this time around, since some of previous issues that McManus did the art had the same problems).
Secondly, while I applaud them for trying the hundreds of Mary's popping out of the mirrors, they really shouldn't have overdone it with some of Marys having big heads, some looking bent and crooked etc (guess they were trying to shows different angles of reflection). It just looked really ridiculous and like a bad comedy than "terror" described by Bigby's monologue (complete contrast to what a player would feel when the Marys swarm at you in the game).
With the past storyline, a lot of talking. I do wonder what will happen to Abigail (since she is not around during the time of present in TWAU Season 1).
I just hope it gets better from next issue. Bigby vs Mary fight was one of those moments I was hyped about, and it's off to a disappointing start.
I do wonder what will happen to Abigail (since she is not around during the time of present in TWAU Season 1).
I think Abigail will die. At the moment the mad king is controlling her and he knows these people just want the mirror-donkey. He will probably offer them the magic word for the mirror in exchange for his daughter. I think they will either find Faith and she will kill her father (in Abigails body) or they dont find her and come back for Abigail and the king decides to kill her since they were unable find his daughter or something like that. But I wonder what will happen to the knave, his fate is unknown as well. I kinda hope he and Abigail survive, but since they werent shown in the game they will probably die somehow before these events took part. Or maybe the knave tries to free Abigail from the control of the king and dies with her. Too many possibilities, Iam excited to see how things will turn out, especially the ending^^
Loved the style of the art and Bigby's final form was not too bad, if I do say so myself. the battle between him and Mary was as expected, although I appreciated the detail added and sections of the scenes added in shards of glass. That was cool.
but all I gotta say is this: Dat ass, Bigby. Dat ass.
Now this is more like it!! I liked this issue a lot more than the previous issue. Travis Moore's art, while not quite up to Mark Buckingham, is still miles better than Shane McManus's art (at least in my opinion). And that huff-and-puff scene, it was just glorious
Also, I can't tell how many times I've chuckled with comments about Bigby's ass, hahaha....
The past storyline was alright, a lot of talking going on, and we get to find out why maybe Tweedle came after Faith and Lawrence. As the end approaches issue by issue, I do have to wonder, will they reveal what actually happened to Faith, or will they leave it as a mystery, like in the games?
Sadowski's art for this issue was not as good as previous issue, but was better than the art for issue #44. Personally though, I prefer the art on the flashback (Pepoy) than the one in the present (Sadowski).
I loved the Crooked Man's remarks about Crane taking a shine on Snow angering Bigby (with Bigby smashing the Crooked man through the window, but still holding onto him). Everything else was just a lot of talking, mostly from the game.
With the flashback, why was Lawrence so trusting of the mirror man? The mirror man just asked for Faith's dresses and Lawrence just told him what happened to them just like that, without trying to find out who this stranger is in the mirror.
Oh well, at least we now know partly what happened in Lawrence's apartment before Snow and Bigby got there.
I think this comic was a really good idea and it had potential but they fucked it up with having different artstyles... That one artstyle that looks like Telltale's is gorgeous... The third one is just horrible (and the worst thing is that most of the awesome action scenes get done in that art)...
I dont think they messed it up at all. You might not like the art but its still telling the same story just as clearly. They probably cant get the same artist for the entire run with how frequent the issues come out and how cheap they are, and Fables is known for having many different artists anyway. I have artwork that I like more than others but I enjoy seeing the different styles.
I think this comic was a really good idea and it had potential but they fucked it up with having different artstyles... That one artstyle th… moreat looks like Telltale's is gorgeous... The third one is just horrible (and the worst thing is that most of the awesome action scenes get done in that art)...
Sadly, I don't think the scene with Lawrence is a flashback. I don't think he shows up at all in Ep. 5. He mentions something about dying again, and Faith being gone. She was still alive when he tried the first time.
Sadly, I don't think the scene with Lawrence is a flashback. I don't think he shows up at all in Ep. 5. He mentions something about dying again, and Faith being gone. She was still alive when he tried the first time.
I dont think they messed it up at all. You might not like the art but its still telling the same story just as clearly. They probably cant g… moreet the same artist for the entire run with how frequent the issues come out and how cheap they are, and Fables is known for having many different artists anyway. I have artwork that I like more than others but I enjoy seeing the different styles.
Looks like I'm wrong. If you save him, he does show up to the trial (in the game at least in-game). But he says he know where his heart is, and last time he missed, so I still think it's not a flashback.
But isnt that the purpose of the comic, to fill in those blanks? I dont see a point in reading them oherwise.
I think it's kinda unfair though.
The game is the source material to this comic, so why should this comic contain more than the game? And why should it be changing so much than the game did???
I mean, Jersey is now dead in the comic. In the game he is still alive...
I don't mind all the new backstories and stuff, but I have a horrible feeling that if TWAU S2 happens, then it will follow everything that the comic has done, mainly cuz of set choices but also because some things won't need to be explained.
Its an intrepretation of the same story, like Game of Thrones. The books and the show have two separate continuities. If you dont like it, you dont have to accept it, just stick with the game's continuity. If and when there is a season two, Im sure it wont be based on the comic that's based on the game. It would be like it was cannibalizing itself. Im sure it will either jump off from where the game left off or start a new story.
I personally love the game and the added extras that the comic provides. It doesnt diminish the game whatsoever for me.
They'll probably be alright if what was different from the comics isn't addressed in the games : i.e. Jersey died in the comics, but for the game, from Season 2 onwards, Jersey doesn't appear.
However, if Telltale have Jersey appear in Season 2 (or any future seasons), I have a feeling it's gonna be similar to Game of Thrones Season 5 scenario (from season 1 till near the end of season 4, they followed the books closely, but from Season 5, drastic changes occurred, most likely due to not enough material left in the books. Granted, TWAU's source material is the game, so its not exactly same as GoT situation, but parts of it does feel oddly similar).
So while I understand some parts of it may be different from the games, I kinda understand what Hazza feels (since in some ways, I feel the same way).
p.s. personally though, while I do accept TWAU comic is canon, I definitely prefer the portrayal of Bigby in the games (over the comic's portrayal of him). I feel Bigby has been nerfed way too much in the comic, and I always want Bigby to be seen as a badass (not invincible or invulnerable, but still badass enough [and definitely not helpless] so that I don't feel that he's been nerfed so much).
I dont get the whole nerfed thing, I must admit. It doesnt bother me that Bigby doesnt automatically win every fight. I think we get greater insight into his mindset in exchange and I like my heroes to have a little vulnerability. It makes them more relatable to me.
Did you finish reading the Fables main series and its spinoffs KCohere? Because I'm speaking by comparing Bigby's fighting skills in TWAU compared to his skills in the main series + spinoffs.
In other comics, Bigby normally fights pretty skillfully, with cunning, tactics and strength, taking minimum damage, unless he takes on very, very strong opponents, or ones who have a bit of advantage over him (such as specific weapons etc).
Compared to that we see him helpless quite a bit here (in TWAU comics), so that's why I'm saying that.
If you still don't get it, and haven't yet seen other comics, I'd suggest you check them out.
I have read the entire main series, I haven't finish every spin off yet. I know Bigby is powerful but never got the impression that he was all powerful. Mostly he's damned intimidating as a giant, man eating wolf. But, I guess it depends on what you focus on. I never had much interest in his fighting prowess. What interested me about him from the first was his mentalility and intelligence as a sheriff and detective, and his relationships with the other characters, particularly Snow of course. I never saw him in this comic or in the game as helpless, only that he gets knocked down sometimes, and gets back up again, sometimes accepting help, sometimes not. I like that about him, that he's not too proud to accept help. But, you know, different strokes.
While I do love Bigby's cunning, intellect, and tactical mind, what interested me also about him was how powerful he actually is and how he fares against them (so I guess that includes fighting prowess. But heck, I love everything about Bigby).
I'm not saying he shouldn't receive help, or that he should be invulnerable (if that happens, he would be overpowered like Brandish was), but it did (and still does actually) annoy me quite a bit of how (in my view) Bigby was seen as being completely helpless (he was just about to black out and lose the fight, and probably would have if Woody didn't help him), especially in his fight with Jersey (I didn't like portrayal of his fight with Woody in Issue #1 either, but that fight felt like only a tip of the iceberg compared to Jersey fight).
How I would have preferred to see it was like in the game, of them trading blows, without Bigby looking like he's losing his ground, and Woody coming in to help in the middle of the scuffle.
In the main series (plus the spinoffs), there were only 4 foes/opponents in which Bigby wasn't able to overcome by himself:
North Wind (Boreas Frostheart), his father
Prince Brandish
The Emperor (of the Adversary's Empire)
North Wind, Brandish, and Emperor are excusable, because with North Wind, his power was on just another level (pretty much God-level) above Bigby, and Brandish had all those overpowered spells put on his body and his sword. The Emperor well,, his size was just huge.....several times bigger than Bigby himself, while made from pretty sturdy wood from the sacred grove (he eventually used his tactical mind and help from Boy Blue [armed with Vorpal sword] to overcome the Emperor though).
And Goldilocks, while a human-type Fable, was armed with 30-378 Weatherby Hunting Rounds (which were enough to kill a charging elephant, so that's one really powerful gun/ammunition, even if it wasn't Silver), so I didn't mind that it slowed down Bigby to the point of being really helpless (adding to that, Snow was the one who helped him, so I definitely didn't mind that).
All other situations where he had to fight, he eventually overcame those situations/foes without really receiving help from others (nor going to the point where he loses / almost loses the fight).
But yeah, like you said, different strokes, and everybody has their own way of looking at the characters. I'm not saying I don't think his mentalility, intelligence as a sheriff and detective, and his relationships with the other characters aren't important - they definitely are, but I have at least just as much interest (probably a bit more than other factors) on how powerful Bigby is and his fighting prowess.
http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2015/10/08/exclusive-preview-batman-arkham-knight-34-and-fables-the-wolf-among-us-44 New sneak peek is up! Get it while its hot!
That looks... Terrible
What does? The cover or the sneak peek?
The sneak peek. The art is... ugh!!!
Yeah, I'm not really liking the art either (I've seen this artist's art before in some previous issues, and they're not to my liking....).....
It would have been awesome if Buckingham did the entire Bigby vs Mary issues, but ugh.......
I agree, luckily the next artist is the one that matches the game's Bigby, I'm waiting for a review on this issue.
Just read the comic today and I have to say they did Bloody Mary dirty. That's all; no spoilers, no review, nothing.
I got around to reading this issue late due to work.
Ugh... I just didn't like this issue. First of all, I really didn't like the art. Shane McManus's art just ooked really weird and sometimes, characters figures looked out of proportion (then again, I guess I wasn't too surprised this time around, since some of previous issues that McManus did the art had the same problems).
Secondly, while I applaud them for trying the hundreds of Mary's popping out of the mirrors, they really shouldn't have overdone it with some of Marys having big heads, some looking bent and crooked etc (guess they were trying to shows different angles of reflection). It just looked really ridiculous and like a bad comedy than "terror" described by Bigby's monologue (complete contrast to what a player would feel when the Marys swarm at you in the game).
With the past storyline, a lot of talking. I do wonder what will happen to Abigail (since she is not around during the time of present in TWAU Season 1).
I just hope it gets better from next issue. Bigby vs Mary fight was one of those moments I was hyped about, and it's off to a disappointing start.
I think Abigail will die. At the moment the mad king is controlling her and he knows these people just want the mirror-donkey. He will probably offer them the magic word for the mirror in exchange for his daughter. I think they will either find Faith and she will kill her father (in Abigails body) or they dont find her and come back for Abigail and the king decides to kill her since they were unable find his daughter or something like that. But I wonder what will happen to the knave, his fate is unknown as well. I kinda hope he and Abigail survive, but since they werent shown in the game they will probably die somehow before these events took part. Or maybe the knave tries to free Abigail from the control of the king and dies with her. Too many possibilities, Iam excited to see how things will turn out, especially the ending^^
Loved the style of the art and Bigby's final form was not too bad, if I do say so myself. the battle between him and Mary was as expected, although I appreciated the detail added and sections of the scenes added in shards of glass.
That was cool.
but all I gotta say is this: Dat ass, Bigby. Dat ass.
Feel free to admire Bigby's gift.
Now this is more like it!! I liked this issue a lot more than the previous issue. Travis Moore's art, while not quite up to Mark Buckingham, is still miles better than Shane McManus's art (at least in my opinion). And that huff-and-puff scene, it was just glorious
Also, I can't tell how many times I've chuckled with comments about Bigby's ass, hahaha....
The past storyline was alright, a lot of talking going on, and we get to find out why maybe Tweedle came after Faith and Lawrence. As the end approaches issue by issue, I do have to wonder, will they reveal what actually happened to Faith, or will they leave it as a mystery, like in the games?
http://www.vertigocomics.com/blog/2015/10/23/exclusive-digital-first-preview-fables-the-wolf-among-us-46 The final confrontation with the Crooked Man. Who will win?
Sadowski's art for this issue was not as good as previous issue, but was better than the art for issue #44. Personally though, I prefer the art on the flashback (Pepoy) than the one in the present (Sadowski).
I loved the Crooked Man's remarks about Crane taking a shine on Snow angering Bigby (with Bigby smashing the Crooked man through the window, but still holding onto him). Everything else was just a lot of talking, mostly from the game.
With the flashback, why was Lawrence so trusting of the mirror man? The mirror man just asked for Faith's dresses and Lawrence just told him what happened to them just like that, without trying to find out who this stranger is in the mirror.
Oh well, at least we now know partly what happened in Lawrence's apartment before Snow and Bigby got there.
I think this comic was a really good idea and it had potential but they fucked it up with having different artstyles... That one artstyle that looks like Telltale's is gorgeous... The third one is just horrible (and the worst thing is that most of the awesome action scenes get done in that art)...
How many more issues are left till it finishes?
I dont think they messed it up at all. You might not like the art but its still telling the same story just as clearly. They probably cant get the same artist for the entire run with how frequent the issues come out and how cheap they are, and Fables is known for having many different artists anyway. I have artwork that I like more than others but I enjoy seeing the different styles.
It looks like its coming to the home stretch now. I would guess no more than four, which makes me sad. I look forward to it every week.
Sadly, I don't think the scene with Lawrence is a flashback. I don't think he shows up at all in Ep. 5. He mentions something about dying again, and Faith being gone. She was still alive when he tried the first time.
From the looks of it there are only 2 issues left. And it makes me sad as well.
Thanks for the comments guys, really appreciate it!
Doesn't he appear at the trial?
Have you read any of the comic yet?
Alas, I'm but a tradewaiter!!!
true... i guess i'm just used to the Telltale version/style of the Fables...
http://13thdimension.com/exclusive-preview-fables-the-wolf-among-us-47/ Halloween is tomorrow. What better way to get hyped than to check out the sneak peek for the latest issue?
Well, the artwork in the game is beautiful, I agree.
Youre right, comixolgy says 48 is the last one.
You won't have to wait for too long though, right? I think the first volume comes out, like, tomorrow.
Looks like I'm wrong. If you save him, he does show up to the trial (in the game at least in-game). But he says he know where his heart is, and last time he missed, so I still think it's not a flashback.