How much is the TFTB finale going to influence your dollar?

I think I'll wait until after TFTB Ep 5 comes out to buy Minecraft, depending on how satisfying Ep 5 is. I mean, I hate to say it, but I have a strong foreboding, with all the ongoing relationship threads and unanswered questions in TFTB, that Telltale will necessarily leave us with a lot of un-closed story threads and give us a really frustrating cliffhanger that teases a season 2 that we'll have to wait who knows how many years for (similar to Wolf Among Us). If, considering all they have to accomplish in Ep 5, they do pull off a satisfying ending, I will be very impressed and will consider buying Minecraft. Otherwise, however, I will probably take a long break from Telltale games.

I mean, I've been looking at at Telltale through rose-colored glasses ever since I played TWD Season 1. I was all, "Wow, Telltale are masters of planning! Just look at how perfectly they crafted a story to be beautiful and meaningful to its audience despite all the variations the story will inevitably have for the audience because of their own choices. Telltale always has a plan for everything. Everything! Just look at those bookends! (Lee being in the same slumped position in handcuffs at both the beginning and end of the season, etc.) Telltale are geniuses!" And based on the assumption that Telltale has a plan for fucking everything, I adamantly defended The Walking Dead Season 2. I thought it was just the beginning of Clem's story, and as a mere beginning, I still think it's adequate. However, shortly before TFTB Ep 4 came out, I discovered that Telltale themselves have admitted to not knowing whether Clem will even be the protagonist of Season 3. And I just felt like, "Oh...So they really didn't have a plan for her all along......=(...." Telltale in fact did intend for Season 2 to be a whole story within itself, and as's not very good. At all.

I still love Clem and some of the choices we had to make in Season 2, but overall, I can totally see why everyone is so disappointed in Season 2 now, and I don't love it anymore either. And I haven't loved any other Telltale games since TWD Season 1. I thought Wolf Among Us was ok, and Game of Thrones was boring. And if TFTB turns out to be disappointing too -- and in my eyes, it's clearly headed down that road -- I won't feel safe buying any more Telltale games for probably quite some time. Why do I think it's headed down that road? Well, in addition to every thread the story still has to wrap up, I feel like the story's been going steadily downhill since Ep 2. Which is no surprise, really. The second episode is always the best in Telltale games, but I think TFTB has gone a bit too far downhill.

I really wanted to like Fiona and Sasha, but as of Ep 4, Fiona has failed to develop any more depth or consistency, and Sasha has gone back to being as self-righteous, hypocritical, delusional, and unlikable as she was in Ep 1. (In Ep 1, she gave Rhys this whole speech on how horrible he was for being Hyperion and causing pain, while she herself had just tricked a man into loving her so she could use him and then broke his heart. In Ep 4, she says that she and Fiona "have principles."....Really, Sasha? REALLY? And either she or Fiona -- I can't remember which, but either way, Sasha seemed to believe it -- claimed it was different when they lied to August than when Rhys lied to them about Jack. Yeah, it is different. 'Cause Rhys told you the truth eventually. God, Sasha is just so annoying.) Jack ceased to be promising as a psychologically interesting and unique villain back in Ep 3, and now is clearly the typical funny, charming narcissist I've seen a million times. Rhys has become a bit boring. In Ep 3, I thought that was just because he was stuck in a romance subplot and it was Fiona's episode to shine. But he still failed to interest me much in Ep 4. And I still love Vaughn and Loaderbot, but they were hardly in Ep 4. I fell in love with TFTB because of the characters and the characters have been kind of stale since Ep 2. So, you know, I'm worried.

So, if the TFTB finale turns out to be great, I'll consider buying Minecraft. (But I'm definitely not buying Michone, because I really don't care for any of the TV/comic book TWD characters. And I still don't know if I'll ever buy another Walking Dead season.) If the finale turns out to be disappointing, I think I'll just take a long break from Telltale. (I'll keep monitoring them, though, to see if their quality improves, because I'd love another game that impacts me the way TWD Season 1 did.) But what about you? If TFTB disappoints you, will you continue buying Telltale games? Is there some other saving grace for Telltale that will keep you coming back to them? Or am I just crazy and TFTB Ep 5 is going to be great no matter what? =)


  • It probably won't have much influence since the series as a whole has been Telltale's best. I'm definitely going to buy Minecraft Story Mode because I'm a fan of Telltale, just because I believe one game to not be as good as other Telltale games doesn't mean every other game will be dragged down with it.

  • edited October 2015

    I really don't see being disappointed with another games ending changing my mind on if I'd buy another completely different game. I'm also 100% positive Tales will have a satisfying ending, it hasn't done anything so far that made me want to stop playing or lose interest, so I'd imagine the ending would be the same.

  • The Tales finale wont change whether or not I get Minecraft. I'll probably get it eventually but that'll be on the feedback of this forum. The thing is TT have different teams working on games the quality seems to vary from title to title, so if TFTB has a great finale that in no way means Minecraft will kick off where that finished.

  • I doubt the TftB finale will influence my decision on future TT games. I've been frustrated somewhat with the wait times between each episode and I frankly haven't been much of a fan of GoT that I've already decided I'm probably going to wait until completion of games before I purchase. I'm already waiting for ep 5 of Life is Strange before I finish it and I just tired of either forgetting things that happened in the previous episode or having to replay the episode before installing the new one.

  • edited October 2015

    I really wanted to like Fiona and Sasha, but as of Ep 4, Fiona has failed to develop any more depth or consistency, and Sasha has gone back to being as self-righteous, hypocritical, delusional, and unlikable as she was in Ep 1.

    ...delusional?? How exactly?

    (In Ep 1, she gave Rhys this whole speech on how horrible he was for being Hyperion and causing pain, while she herself had just tricked a man into loving her so she could use him and then broke his heart. In Ep 4, she says that she and Fiona "have principles."....Really, Sasha? REALLY? And either she or Fiona -- I can't remember which, but either way, Sasha seemed to believe it -- claimed it was different when they lied to August than when Rhys lied to them about Jack. Yeah, it is different. 'Cause Rhys told you the truth eventually. God, Sasha is just so annoying.)

    Maaan, I get really sad when I see people hating on poor characters, particularly when they're women. Sasha and Fiona have been homeless their entire lives, or at least since they were both incredibly little. And when you're poor and homeless growing up on Pandora there's not much you can do to stay alive. They stole and they conned so they could make a better life for themselves somewhere off of a planet where anything and everyone wants to kill you. Claiming that what Sasha did to August is even remotely comparable to whatever Rhys was doing up on Helios is absolutely hilarious. Both Rhys and Vaughn were part of a secret eridium mining deal that helped speed them up the corporate ladder, and we know from Borderlands canon that the mining of eridium on Pandora polluted and destroyed the planet, warped its creatures, and made the miners horribly sick (see: the town of Overlook). Not only that, but the quarterly bonus that Rhys got from this deal of his paid for all of his expensive cybernetics. And yet I never see criticism of this, for some reason.

    Also August is an asshole like he's got some real emotional problems that seem to have been there even before the whole vault key deal, way before he got involved with Sasha even. So I don't really have much sympathy for him when his first reaction is to, not talk it out, but to pull out his gun and try to shoot the girl he apparently loves. Plus as I said before, Sasha and Fiona were only conning because there was no other way out of the endless cycle of poverty that they've been trapped in their entire lives. It's not ideal, but it was the only escape they had.

    And as for your question, I don't know? TFTBL was the first game like this that I purchased before all the episodes came out, it was an exception because I really liked both the Borderlands series and episode one (plus it was on sale, which was another reason to get it because I normally can't afford to buy games full price). If anything episode five will make me more critical of the series (especially if Handsome Jack survives) and not the other titles TT puts out, but anyways.

  • Also August is an asshole like he's got some real emotional problems that seem to have been there even before the whole vault key deal, way before he got involved with Sasha even. So I don't really have much sympathy for him when his first reaction is to, not talk it out, but to pull out his gun and try to shoot the girl he apparently loves.

    enter image description here

    Seriously. I don't think his actions towards Sasha are driven by heartbreak or hurt at all. It's just wounded pride mixed with his ostensible dislike of being lied to or betrayed.

    chordati posted: »

    I really wanted to like Fiona and Sasha, but as of Ep 4, Fiona has failed to develop any more depth or consistency, and Sasha has gone back

  • Even if the TftB finale was terrible (and I doubt it will be), I'd still be back for more. This series has been my favourite so far and gives me high hopes for what Telltale can do in the future. I also really enjoyed TWD and TWAU, even if I disliked some things about their finale (like the infamous Kenny/Jane choice). A bad ending isn't enough to put me off something that's brought me many hours of joy and beloved characters.

  • Telltale will necessarily leave us with a lot of un-closed story threads and give us a really frustrating cliffhanger that teases a season 2 that we'll have to wait who knows how many years for (similar to Wolf Among Us).

    It has been only ONE year since The Wolf Among us came out. It's really not that long, be patient.

    f, considering all they have to accomplish in Ep 5, they do pull off a satisfying ending, I will be very impressed and will consider buying Minecraft. Otherwise, however, I will probably take a long break from Telltale games.

    Have I missed something? I don't remember Tales being related to Minecraft in any way.

    Well, in addition to every thread the story still has to wrap up, I feel like the story's been going steadily downhill since Ep 2. Which is no surprise, really. The second episode is always the best in Telltale games, but I think TFTB has gone a bit too far downhill.

    Well, for me Tales is getting better and better each episode, but that's my opinion. So I will have to respect yours.

    I really wanted to like Fiona and Sasha, but as of Ep 4, Fiona has failed to develop any more depth or consistency, and Sasha has gone back to being as self-righteous, hypocritical, delusional, and unlikable as she was in Ep 1.

    So... if character has less screentime that makes him self-righteous, hypocritical, delusional and unlikable? That's new.

    Jack ceased to be promising as a psychologically interesting and unique villain back in Ep 3, and now is clearly the typical funny, charming narcissist I've seen a million times.

    That's how Jack always acts (and that is what makes him so special to me), you sure as hell haven't played/watched original Borderlands games. :P

    And I still love Vaughn and Loaderbot, but they were hardly in Ep 4. I fell in love with TFTB because of the characters and the characters have been kind of stale since Ep 2. So, you know, I'm worried.

    Characters were "stale"? Are you sure we are talking about the same game? Are Athena, Gortys, Finch, Kroger, Vallory, Jack, August even Cassius stale? I know its your opinion and I said I will respect it, but... I just had to say it. Sorry.

    If TFTB disappoints you, will you continue buying Telltale games?

    Of course, that's my favorite company. I won't stop buying their games because of one bad finale.

    Is there some other saving grace for Telltale that will keep you coming back to them?

    Definietly voice acting, graphics, and characters, I don't really care about choices, as long as story is good.

    (I'm sorry if I sound rude in this comment, I just can't english today)

  • Tales' and Throne's finales will have some influence on my future purchases for sure. Both have been fun series' but if they both fumble hard at the 90 yard line then naturally that will be a lasting stigma that I remember with them. Now, I can tell you right now I'm not buying; Minecraft, that Walking Dead spin-off, and I'm not too excited about the Marvel rumored one either. Not due to any disdain but simply because they don't sound interesting to me; Minecraft doesn't need a story/campaign the player's imagination is more than capable, the Walking Dead series in general by Telltale has been incurably damaged due to S2 and 400 Days, and unless there is a lot of Spider-Man in the Marvel one I'm just not interested.

    So I'm just waiting for a more appealing title to pop up before I invest in a new Telltale game again, although I do want to visit the older games like Jurassic Park and Back to the Future. Plus, we're finally getting some honest competition from other developers now like, Life is Strange and King's Quest, I've played both and am loving them both (mind you King's only has 1 episode right now). So Telltale is really going to need to keep up their A game if they expect to keep returning customers coming back like they used to.

  • I think the GoT ending will influence me a lot more than Tales. Tales has been so fun and so thoroughly good in my eyes, that a weak ending is not only hard to imagine but still wouldn't affect my extreme enjoyment of the previous four episodes. GoT... well, I like the game, but it is hard to ignore the fact that it is far from perfect. As a more weighty drama, I feel that GoT's ending will matter more. Borderlands is more light-hearted. The journey was fun enough I don't mind the quality of the ending. But Thrones... that series has been building up to a big ending for some time.

  • edited October 2015

    ..delusional?? How exactly?

    She thinks she has "principles." But she's a professional criminal. It seems very delusional to me.

    Claiming that what Sasha did to August is even remotely comparable to whatever Rhys was doing up on Helios is absolutely hilarious.

    First of all, there is no hard and fast rule for what sins are worse than others. In my opinion, tricking someone into falling in love with you so you can use him/her is actually worse than putting together a deal for an Eridium mine that people can choose to work at or not. (As far as I know, they weren't using slave labor.) If you think differently, I respect your opinion.

    HOWEVER, when I call Sasha a hypocrite, none of that's even important. Rhys has nothing to do with whether Sasha is a hypocrite or not. When Sasha criticized Rhys for causing pain, she didn't even stop to consider what she had just done to August. She didn't once think, "Well, I've caused pain. So maybe I shouldn't criticize Rhys for causing pain." She didn't even criticize him for any specific kind of "pain-causing." She just went right off and criticized him for the crime of causing pain when she was guilty of the exact. Same. Crime. That's the very definition of a hypocrite.

    hypocrisy, noun - "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform"

    And yet I never see criticism of [Rhys], for some reason.

    You say this as if I'm being sexist by criticizing Sasha. But please note that Fiona was also behind the con to deceive August, but I almost never criticize Fiona for that. In fact, I almost never criticize either Fiona or Rhys for their wrongdoings. Why? Mostly because Fiona and Rhys are not hypocrites about it. Everyone does bad stuff sometimes, some worse than others. But my pet peeve is when people go around acting like they're better than other people when they're clearly not. Fiona hasn't done that (except perhaps in Ep 4 when Rhys told her and Sasha about Jack, but I can't remember if that was Fiona or Sasha). And Rhys hasn't done that. And Vaughn sure hasn't done that. Sasha is the only one of the main four who is hypocritical enough to get on her soapbox and preach to the others. Sasha's a hypocrite. It's just my pet peeve. That's why I criticize her more than the others. Not because I'm sexist.

    ...I'm also not sexist.

    (Also, if you care to know, I had stopped criticizing Sasha for some time after Ep 2 came out because I saw hints of character development in her and I thought she was going to repent of her annoying, hypocritical ways. But it doesn't seem so from Ep 4. She seems just as annoying and hypocritical as at the start of the season. Also, that's another reason I haven't been too hard on Fiona and Rhys for their wrongdoings. See, usually in stories like this, the protagonists start off as bad people and become somewhat better by the end. You could maybe say Rhys has become better now since he (optionally) refuses to let Jack rule Helios. But I don't see much evidence of character development in Fiona. If anyone else does, let me know.)

    Sasha and Fiona have been homeless their entire lives, or at least since they were both incredibly little. And when you're poor and homeless growing up on Pandora there's not much you can do to stay alive.

    I might have a little more sympathy for them if what you said is true, but it's not. They're not homeless. Have you forgotten Felix's place in Ep 2? AND they have the caravan, which is basically an RV, which is a place of living. They're not homeless, or even poor. They had food in Felix's place. And not just blackened crusts of bread either. Cheese and sliced bread and eggs. And conning was definitely not their only method of making money. Sasha was working as a waitress at the very same time as they attempted to pull off their con. Why couldn't they have just been content with what they had? They weren't starving to death. They weren't without any methods of making money honestly.

    No, they didn't con August in order to escape poverty. They did it to get rich. They are bad people. They were always meant to be seen as bad people. If you ask Telltale, I'm sure they'll tell you that. (Actually, no, I'm not sure of anything regarding Telltale anymore, but whatever...)

    Also August is an asshole like he's got some real emotional problems that seem to have been there even before the whole vault key deal, way before he got involved with Sasha even. So I don't really have much sympathy for him when his first reaction is to, not talk it out, but to pull out his gun and try to shoot the girl he apparently loves.

    Ok, so, consider this:

    You excuse Sasha's actions of:

    • Lying to and pretending to love a man who had never done anything to her.

    And you excuse her because:
    1) Sasha is not as rich as she could be, and
    2) She lives on a planet where "anything and everyone wants to kill you."

    But you do NOT excuse August's actions of:

    • Shooting at someone who lied to him, tricked him, and betrayed his trust.

    And you do not excuse him EVEN THOUGH:
    1)August is also not as rich as he could be,
    2)August also lives on a planet where "anything and everyone wants to kill you," and
    3)August was raised by and currently works under a physically abusive parent, who he probably wants to get away from (and I would guess that's why he tried to pull the deal under her nose).

    Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not excusing August's actions. I don't even like August. (But the reason I don't criticize him as much as Sasha is because August is not a hypocrite about his wrongdoings.) However, my point is: how can you excuse Sasha's actions and not August's?

    August is a perfect example of the universal truth (as I see it) that each and every "bad person" has something in their past or something in their current circumstances that could be stated as an excuse for their immoral actions. But we, as a society, do not excuse each and every bad person. I want you to think about why that is, and whether we SHOULD excuse each and every bad person with a difficult past or harsh circumstances. I personally don't think so. I think that wrong is wrong, and you are always responsible for your own choices. If you disagree, well, there's nothing you or I can say to each other. We should just agree to disagree. =)

    chordati posted: »

    I really wanted to like Fiona and Sasha, but as of Ep 4, Fiona has failed to develop any more depth or consistency, and Sasha has gone back

  • I completely agree. =) (Except for regarding Minecraft, that one actually does look kinda fun to me. But I especially agree regarding Spiderman. Spiderman FTW!)

    Tales' and Throne's finales will have some influence on my future purchases for sure. Both have been fun series' but if they both fumble har

  • I get frustrated when I forget what happened in the previous episode as well, but it's the lack of quality that bugs me more than the wait times.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I doubt the TftB finale will influence my decision on future TT games. I've been frustrated somewhat with the wait times between each episo

  • edited October 2015

    The thing is TT have different teams working on games the quality seems to vary from title to title, so if TFTB has a great finale that in no way means Minecraft will kick off where that finished.

    Right. The point I was kind of trying to make in this post was that if Tales turns out to be disappointing, the stats will be stacked against Telltale because it will mean I only loved 1 out of 5 of the Telltale games I've played/watched. So my pessimistic side would insist that TWD Season 1 was only a fluke and I actually don't like Telltale games in general. I hope to be able to say that I love 2 out of 5 of the games, so that my more optimistic side can rule. =)

    Jake360 posted: »

    The Tales finale wont change whether or not I get Minecraft. I'll probably get it eventually but that'll be on the feedback of this forum. T

  • edited October 2015

    So maybe I shouldn't criticize Rhys for causing pain." She didn't even criticize him for any specific kind of "pain-causing." She just went right off and criticized him for the crime of causing pain when she was guilty of the exact. Same. Crime. That's the very definition of a hypocrite.

    Yes, because conning a scumbag gangster is worse than being an employee of a corporation that killed millions of people and caused absolute chaos for regular pandoran citizens. She's criticizing Rhys because Rhys is a Hyperion employee and she hates Hyperion and doesn't trust anyone who works for the company at that point. Misinterpretation.

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    ..delusional?? How exactly? She thinks she has "principles." But she's a professional criminal. It seems very delusional to me.

  • edited October 2015

    I'd be interested to see who the lead directors and writers are for the games I like and see if they cross over. I mean, it would be easy to do but I can't be bothered to collect the data!

    Edit: So a quick look and there is a cross over between Tales, Wolf and GoT. Two writers from Wolf went to Tales and two others went to GoT. Will be interesting to see the Minecraft credits.

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    The thing is TT have different teams working on games the quality seems to vary from title to title, so if TFTB has a great finale that in n

  • edited October 2015

    Gortys is an amazing addition to the cast. Love that character to bits.

    Telltale will necessarily leave us with a lot of un-closed story threads and give us a really frustrating cliffhanger that teases a season 2

  • Well, someone's in the minority of thinking TFTB is another "disappointing" title. Lately, it's been praised as the best thing Telltale has done since TWD S1 and I'm one of those fans, so there. Honestly, the TFTB finale would really have to be as lazy and wasted as TWD S2 Ep. 3, In Harm's Way, for me to really walk away from Telltale at least for a while but from what I've seen from prior episodes, I don't think it'll go down that "it's shit" road, I'll take "disappointing, but still satisfied" like TWAU Ep. 5, Cry Wolf. I am interested in Minecraft, but not too interested to buy Episode 1 Day 1, I might wait till a good number of episodes are out. The Marvel project certainly has my attention, though, as I am a fan of Marvel and superheroes.

  • edited October 2015

    The second episode is always the best in Telltale games, but I think TFTB has gone a bit too far downhill.

    This is where you completely lost me

    Tales has been consistently good all the way through and unlike Walked Dead season 2 or Wolf Among Us TFTB did not have a poor 4th episode lol

    So far Tales from the Borderlands has been Telltale's most consistent series since walking dead Season 1. There has not been a single episode of TFTB that I have hated or disliked. I may have liked some episodes more than others but I have enjoyed playing every episode of Tales from the Borderlands

    P.S. Episode 3 of Tales was way better than episode 2 in my opinion

  • Little to none simply because I don't play Minecraft. I only started on Telltale because I was a Borderlands player and considered this an expansion to the game. Only if they plan on making a Borderlands season 2 would a bad ending really effect what I am willing to buy. Now if they could only come out with the ending for HalfLife 2 I would love them forever.

  • I'm definitely still going to watch some LP's of Minecraft but I know the whole time I'd just want to jump into the actual game itself XP. And I'll sit on Marvel until I'm satisfied with the amount of Spidey I see, love the web-head lol Could you imagine if they partnered Spidey up with Deadpool for an episode? That'd be hilarious!

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    I completely agree. (Except for regarding Minecraft, that one actually does look kinda fun to me. But I especially agree regarding Spiderman. Spiderman FTW!)

  • NOPE. I'll be buying Telltale's future games because I've loved them since they first came out with Bone. No matter how much Tales finale stinks (Which will not happen EVER). I'll still be picking up whatever they end up working on in the future like Story Mode or Michonne.

  • I agree with almost anything he said.
    I really like TftBl and think it gets better and better with every episode. Fun characters, Handsome Jack, perfect voice actors and a good sense of humor. It is one of my favorite games/interactive movies and I really hope they will make a second season.
    That said I don't think I'll buy minecraft storymode.

    Telltale will necessarily leave us with a lot of un-closed story threads and give us a really frustrating cliffhanger that teases a season 2

  • Yeah, same. If I don't like the TFTB finale, I'll just stick to watching playthroughs of the games, not actually buying and playing them. At least, for a while. Spidey's da best! Da best! And it would be pretty funny if he teamed up with Deadpool. =)

    I'm definitely still going to watch some LP's of Minecraft but I know the whole time I'd just want to jump into the actual game itself XP. A

  • chordati posted: »

    I really wanted to like Fiona and Sasha, but as of Ep 4, Fiona has failed to develop any more depth or consistency, and Sasha has gone back

  • edited October 2015

    Have I missed something? I don't remember Tales being related to Minecraft in any way.

    See my reply to Jake360 above.

    Well, for me Tales is getting better and better each episode, but that's my opinion. So I will have to respect yours.

    And I respect yours too. =)

    So... if character has less screentime that makes him self-righteous, hypocritical, delusional and unlikable? That's new.

    ...She had less screentime?

    That's how Jack always acts (and that is what makes him so special to me), you sure as hell haven't played/watched original Borderlands games. :P

    I actually have watched them. And I saw the potential in Jack to be a villain whose psychology we've never really seen before. He'd be unique, you know, kinda like Norman Bates...but less schizophrenic. I thought Telltale could bring out that potential, but all they've done is cemented him as an "I'm so hot. I'm so great. I wanna lie on the beach with babes" type. He's a complete cliche now, like I said, "the charming, funny narcissist I've seen a million times." And if you like that about him, that's fine. I was just looking forward to something more unique.

    Are Athena, Gortys, Finch, Kroger, Vallory, Jack, August even Cassius stale?

    ...I didn't even know they were important? Lol, but I do like Gortys. And she is important. But I was just thinking about the main four characters and Loaderbot, not the side characters.

    Well, I'm glad if you like the game, the characters, voice-acting, etc. I didn't mean to bring anyone down. =)

    Telltale will necessarily leave us with a lot of un-closed story threads and give us a really frustrating cliffhanger that teases a season 2

  • In my opinion, tricking someone into falling in love with you so you can use him/her is actually worse than putting together a deal for an Eridium mine that people can choose to work at or not. (As far as I know, they weren't using slave labor.)

    You never played BL2 did you. If the town of Overlook didn't work in the mines, Handsome Jack would kill them, which is what he did anyways with the grinder lottery, just because he could. There's an entire quest line dedicated to making a shield for the town so they could finally stand up to Hyperion and Handsome Jack.

    And we don't even know if Sasha's plan was to go in and seduce August like she clearly states in episode two how she hates doing that whole "flirty" routine. My best bet was she went in, August fell head over heels in love with her on his own volition, and then Sasha decided to go along with it instead of turning him down because the latter might have gotten her shot.

    You say this as if I'm being sexist by criticizing Sasha.

    Honestly I was just making a generalization of this forum, and this fandom (because this doesn't just happen here) as a whole, but you do you.

    And Vaughn sure hasn't done that.

    So did you forget that Vaughn made a deal with Vasquez in episode one/two so he could save his own skin at the cost of selling out Rhys or...?

    I might have a little more sympathy for them if what you said is true, but it's not. They're not homeless. Have you forgotten Felix's place in Ep 2? AND they have the caravan, which is basically an RV, which is a place of living. They're not homeless, or even poor. They had food in Felix's place. And not just blackened crusts of bread either. Cheese and sliced bread and eggs. And conning was definitely not their only method of making money. Sasha was working as a waitress at the very same time as they attempted to pull off their con. Why couldn't they have just been content with what they had? They weren't starving to death. They weren't without any methods of making money honestly.

    Congratulations!! You have been accepted for a job as a Fox News anchor:

    enter image description here

    Like there are so many problems in this paragraph I don't even know where to start:

    1. Three people living out of a car is not a stable home. There are no beds in the caravan. Felix's place in Hollow Point is practically a glorified broom closet, there's room for a small hot plate, a chair, work bench, book case, and not much else. How can you possibly look at these places and say "yes, these are excellent living conditions".
    2. I didn't realize having food in the fridge meant you couldn't be poor.
    3. Sasha probably got that hired as a result of the con. AKA if it weren't for that, she wouldn't have that job either.

    Why do you have a problem with poor people trying to make a better life for themselves. Why do you have a problem with poor people not wanting to live a shitty life anymore.

    However, my point is: how can you excuse Sasha's actions and not August's?

    Simple. August has power. He has power in Hollowpoint, he has power over Sasha, his family has connections to people in high places (quite literally with Hyperion and Vasquez up on Helios) etc etc. Vallory, his mother is a crime boss I think it's safe to assume August isn't dirt poor like the sisters are. Otherwise he wouldn't have given a bundle of cash to Fiona in episode four.

    I do feel bad about his current situation though, I think August's line of work and his relationship with his mother both directly influence his trust and anger issues, and I hope one day he can work things out. But you act as if Sasha and Fiona wouldn't have done differently if a different option had been presented to them. It's a very black and white view of morality, and that kind of thinking can be very dangerous and prejudiced.

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    ..delusional?? How exactly? She thinks she has "principles." But she's a professional criminal. It seems very delusional to me.

  • ^ This for me. I do play Minecraft, once in a blue moon, but I just don't have the patience for it, and as a result don't feel particularly invested in the universe, unlike Borderlands. Neither am I a point-and-click adventure game player. I picked up TFTB for the sole reason that it was a Borderlands game, and while it did nothing but amaze me, I most likely won't be buying other adventure games because of it. What can I say, I like shooting stuff first and foremost.

    That said, I have every confidence in Telltale's ability to deliver a good final episode for TFTB. And who knows, I'll probably check the opinions Minecraft SM gets on here and might even play it one day, though most likely not soon.

    Little to none simply because I don't play Minecraft. I only started on Telltale because I was a Borderlands player and considered this an e

  • I dont know why people are even complaining. If your standard is so high, go and watch an anime/drama series that has long continuous episodes (Most of them.) that doesnt end on cliffhangers.

  • If the town of Overlook didn't work in the mines, Handsome Jack would kill them, which is what he did anyways with the grinder lottery, just because he could.

    But how do you know that Rhys's mine worked by him threatening to kill people if they didn't work in it?

    And we don't even know if Sasha's plan was to go in and seduce August

    Yes, we do. If you pick "You were conned." when talking to August at the end of Ep 2, Fiona says, "We're con artists, August. It was all fake. They way you met. How you fell for each other. How the deal came together. All choreographed. You were conned. It wasn't real."

    So did you forget that Vaughn made a deal with Vasquez in episode one/two so he could save his own skin at the cost of selling out Rhys or...?

    What does that have to do with anything? I didn't say that Vaughn didn't do that. I said that Vaughn didn't get up on his soap box and preach to the others about "causing pain."

    Why do you have a problem with poor people trying to make a better life for themselves. Why do you have a problem with poor people not wanting to live a shitty life anymore.

    I don't? Lol, as long as they don't hurt anyone.

    Look, I think you and I have both spoken our pieces, and we just see things differently. There's no point in continuing this conversation. Let's just agree to disagree and move on. My OP wasn't supposed to be about Sasha anyway. =)

    chordati posted: »

    In my opinion, tricking someone into falling in love with you so you can use him/her is actually worse than putting together a deal for an E

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