The Vent/Help Thread



  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited October 2015

    Mental illness does play a part in crimes to a degree, just maybe not as much as the media claims.

    So what if it does? If people are going to strawman the mentally ill for mass shootings, I think that, as John Olliver said: "we at least owe them a fucking plan" There's never any meaningful attempts reform beyond the right wing excusing gun laws by saying "well the gunman was probably mentally ill, we should be talking about that."

    The biggest mistake America is making right now is that firearms are so available and they end up in the wrong hands. Sure, you can medicate people until they're shitting antidepressants, but if they want to shoot up a school full of little kids, they will.

    What frustrates me about that is there are so many reasonable, moderate gun reforms that could be passed, if it wasn't for the NRA's "all or nothing" mentality on the 2nd ammendment

    If we had universal background checks, 30 day waiting periods and federal grants for "smart gun" technology; I suspect there would be a sharp decrease in gun crimes. If people were forced to undergo concealed carry and safety training before buying a handgun, I suspect there would be fewer accidental discharges and firearm thefts.

    But for some reason, the NRA seems to think any attempts at reform mean 'barbarians are at the gates'.

    Mental illness does play a part in crimes to a degree, just maybe not as much as the media claims. The biggest mistake America is making

  • Yeah, I really hate America's gun culture sometimes.

    Guns are not Americana, they are not symbols of manhood or toys. They are weapons. If you respect that and train carefully with it, a gun might just save your life. If not it might just end your life instead.

    They pretend to care and do nothing or fund more money into giving mental help to those struggling while spending billions on an army

    Very true. It makes me wish Americans were more curious about how their taxpayer dollars are being spent.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    They pretend to care and do nothing or fund more money into giving mental help to those struggling while spending billions on an army I h

  • What I meant was that we can't really ignore the fact that people with mental illnesses commit crimes they wouldn't commit if they weren't ill. If you hear voices telling you to kill your boss, you're probably going to use whatever you can get your hands on to do so.

    Mental illnesses aren't getting the respect they deserve, in my opinion. Therapy costs a fortune and medicine is being prescribed by doctors who barely passed psychology in high school. This all can lead to shit getting out of hand. Many mass shooters are described by friends and family as isolated, quiet and depressed. Rarely anything is actually done to fix these problems and, if mental health wasn't such a taboo subject, murders would likely have been prevented. When you take a gun away from someone who's mentally unstable, they'll start using the next best thing to get the job done.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Mental illness does play a part in crimes to a degree, just maybe not as much as the media claims. So what if it does? If people ar

  • you can medicate people until they're shitting antidepressants

    Do you know how rich I would be if I could do that? I just wouldn't tell people that they came from my ass.

    Mental illness does play a part in crimes to a degree, just maybe not as much as the media claims. The biggest mistake America is making

  • I'd settle for being able to shit dank weed.

    you can medicate people until they're shitting antidepressants Do you know how rich I would be if I could do that? I just wouldn't tell people that they came from my ass.

  • I hate it when in

    • In FFA Mode, people team up with each other.
    • In Team Mode, the Teams are usually unbalanced(i.e. one is ruling 70% of the pie chart, the other 25% and the last 5%).
  • Freakin' hate clear, sunny skies, especially after four continuous days of cool, rainy weather. It's disgusting.

  • I'm gonna vent about something to do with anime. If you guys hate anime, don't bother reading this.

    Whenever I watch a good anime. I usually like to watch it in English Dub. I can't speak japanese, and I feel that reading the subtitles takes me out of the action. However, it always ruins a good anime, to see those damn dub haters. Why hate on it? It's still same same good anime. Most dub haters can't even speak japanese and they think that watching a japanese show with subtitles suddenly makes them the god of judging voice acting? Stupid. I do understand that some dubs are shit. But a few dubs I've watched lately are amazing. And it really brings me down to see people hate on it simply because it exists.

  • Life sucks so hard. I need to get it off my chest.
    What can you do with your life when you have social phobia, anxiety, depression, but you've gotta work in tourism industry. 12 hours a day (day or night shifts), no holidays for you, ridiculous salary. The pressure is fucking high, big responsibility, stress. You don't even have a minute to relax or to take a goddamn piss. Pardon my french. I just feel like I fucked up my whole life. In mourning.. friends bailing on me the worst period of my life, and having no love life just the icing on the cake. :(

  • edited October 2015

    I know how you feel, I suffer from anxiety and depression as well. I'm scared of going to places I know will trigger panic attacks, which is, unfortunately, basically everywhere.

    If you don't like where you're at now, you can always change it. You're never stuck. Despite what you may think, being around other people and socializing is a really important factor in getting over your anxiety because it forces you to stay in a position that scares you. Friends leave your life to make room for new ones, even though it sucks big time. Things do get better and you will get through it. I promise ♡

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Life sucks so hard. I need to get it off my chest. What can you do with your life when you have social phobia, anxiety, depression, but you

  • edited October 2015

    You do the best you can do and accept it's hard but you need to endure to survive till the good times. That job sounds horrible it there any other options for u?

    friends bailing on me the worst period of my life,

    I'd celebrate if friends bail on me when you need them most because then you know you never needed them in the first place they are fake they were the wrong friends for you don't worry you make better more understanding and caring friends not douches like that :)

    You could meet the love of your life at anytime don't worry

    enter image description here

    Best of luck I hope you sort this out

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Life sucks so hard. I need to get it off my chest. What can you do with your life when you have social phobia, anxiety, depression, but you

  • edited October 2015


  • The best advice I can give is to just let it go. Most likely, nothing will come of it.

    Confronting her, or worse, attacking her will only make the situation worse. Especially if your suspicions aren't true. There's no reason to make an enemy of someone, if you can avoid. I'm no shrink, but it sounds like your anger is a manifestation of your anxiety.

    I'd talk about it, to your mom and to the doctor.


  • edited October 2015


    BigBlindMax posted: »

    The best advice I can give is to just let it go. Most likely, nothing will come of it. Confronting her, or worse, attacking her will onl

  • For all those going through some tough crap or maybe find themselves in some unsavory circumstances...

  • That's very strange. Watch and wait, see what happens.


  • I'm just really worried that this is gonna take a path to where I don't want it to go

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    That's very strange. Watch and wait, see what happens.

  • It's conceivable, but what can you do about it right now? Not a whole lot. I'd definitely recommend talking to your friends about it.

    I'm just really worried that this is gonna take a path to where I don't want it to go

  • Yea I've thought about it, I might talk to one my closest friends since she didn't like her on first sight

    Sometimes I wish I went to Military school :/

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    It's conceivable, but what can you do about it right now? Not a whole lot. I'd definitely recommend talking to your friends about it.

  • Eh, I've had friends in military school. Same shit, different setting. It's more structured, but that's about it.

    Yea I've thought about it, I might talk to one my closest friends since she didn't like her on first sight Sometimes I wish I went to Military school

  • Damn and I thought it was all about:

    • Getting up early
    • Getting yelled at
    • Strict teachers/staff
    • Doing hard working jobs
    • Lots of exercise/workouts
    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Eh, I've had friends in military school. Same shit, different setting. It's more structured, but that's about it.

  • edited October 2015

    I see that many people are blaming these incidents on mental health issues, but if this is truly the issue, then why aren't we seeing the same patterns of gun violence in other countries? Obviously it's not as if there is an absence of mentally ill people in other countries.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    It disturbs me that Americans only decide to acknowledge this country's mental health crisis when they need a scapegoat for the latest mass

  • What Mark said. Life tends to have rough patches that make you doubt things will ever get better, but they do. If you thought this would be your dream job, but it's turned into a nightmare, accept that and look for something else.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Life sucks so hard. I need to get it off my chest. What can you do with your life when you have social phobia, anxiety, depression, but you

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited October 2015

    Maybe in the past. Discipline is still strict but they have strict policies about physical and mental abuse by the staff. Hell, the same is true for the military these days. The variety of sports seemed cool though.

    Damn and I thought it was all about: * Getting up early * Getting yelled at * Strict teachers/staff * Doing hard working jobs * Lots of exercise/workouts

  • Check the website's policies. If she's basically creating a fake account pretending to be you, you may have recourse.

    Otherwise, make it look like it doesn't bother you, and she'll get bored. If anyone else confronts you about it, just say, "Oh, that's not my account, just some loser not comfortable being herself."


  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited October 2015

    Well....that's the internet. Thought you'd be use to that by now.

    enter image description here

    Ya know, it never ceases to amaze me how immature idiots can just try to start shit with you over the most little thing. You mind your own b

  • Thanks for the kind words! I got lucky and found a different place where I can work, same job but at a more peaceful place. :)

    I know how you feel, I suffer from anxiety and depression as well. I'm scared of going to places I know will trigger panic attacks, which is

  • Thanks Mark, I flipped out a little bit yesterday. :) Fortunately I found another place where I can work. I only hope it this will work out for me :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    You do the best you can do and accept it's hard but you need to endure to survive till the good times. That job sounds horrible it there any

  • Thanks for the advice :)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    What Mark said. Life tends to have rough patches that make you doubt things will ever get better, but they do. If you thought this would be your dream job, but it's turned into a nightmare, accept that and look for something else.

  • I'm sorry, I edited it because I was paranoid last night. I feel uncomfortable sharing it again and also it was a huge wall of text.

  • enter image description here

    Ok I'm sorry your awesome around the forum so I really hope ur happy and ok I'll just pretend it was a happy vent about how awesome your life will be soon and u edited it because users will be jelly

    I'm sorry, I edited it because I was paranoid last night. I feel uncomfortable sharing it again and also it was a huge wall of text.

  • I appreciate your comment Mark, you're awesome too. I was bummed you got ****** last time. The thing that's making me feel better atm is the news they announced for TFTBL ep 5.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Ok I'm sorry your awesome around the forum so I really hope ur happy and ok I'll just pretend it was a happy vent about how awesome your life will be soon and u edited it because users will be jelly

  • I am so tired of people (especially guys) who judge a girl because of trivial things like what clothes she wears, how she does her makeup, etc. I am so tired of feeling like shit because I choose to wear a skirt or, GOD FORBID, a tank top. Ew, what are thoOoOose??? SHOULDERS?? Vile witch! Put them away! You're scaring the children! I grew up in a pretty strict Catholic household where I wasn't allowed to wear pants shorter than the knee or anything that made me look like I had any kind of shape at all. I accepted it. But I'm almost 18 now and I think I am capable of making the decision to wear what I please. But, as soon as I do, I get bombarded with nasty looks from my family and even strangers. I even had a guy tell me I was flat out stupid and was only good for one thing, not even marriage or a relationship.

    I just don't get it. What makes it acceptable for men to go out in public half naked but as soon as a woman does it she's considered trashy or easy? Why is it distracting if I show my shoulders? Why are girls being sent home from school to change shirts because the boys in her class won't be able to focus on their work? It absolutely baffles me how people can be so close-minded, especially when the media is FILLED to the brim with Victoria's Secret models and women wearing things no one would be caught dead wearing in public. Why does wearing a dress make it a verifiable reason to be sexually assaulted? What makes me an easy skank who doesn't deserve to be loved because I wore a SKIRT out to dinner with my family?

    Sorry about this. I just couldn't sleep without getting this off my mind.

  • edited October 2015

    Really? I don't get how people could be that closed minded. At that age you should be able to wear what you goddamn please. Around here no one really bats an eye, which is good I guess. Being a guy, I guess it's a lot easier for me to wear what I want, since society doesn't judge guys that much for some obligatory reason. I mean if girls are gonna get judged, why not guys? By the same logic guys with tank tops should be judged as attention whores. Just proves how far we still are from gender equality.

    Better not arouse the teachers, or it's your fault they can't focus on teaching! Fuck this generation, good luck to the next ones.

    If you're gonna be a dick then just keep your mouth shut please, it's not like you letting out all your negative emotions is going to do something but hurt the one you're judging.

    Damn, I couldn't sleep myself without getting something like that off my chest.

    I am so tired of people (especially guys) who judge a girl because of trivial things like what clothes she wears, how she does her makeup, e

  • edited October 2015

    That's true, but sometimes even after years of bullying it can still be hard to be emotionally prepared for an event since it happens at random.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Well....that's the internet. Thought you'd be use to that by now.

  • edited October 2015

    It's pretty darn ridiculous. I remember one day I was walking around uptown, this girl had a low-cut top walking into the mall and she passed by an elderly lady who basically looked back and gasped in shock when I was near both of them heading into the mall myself. But I see at least 5-10 guys not wearing a shirt and no one blinks an eye. I mean, it's hot out, can't force a person to get heat sick because of dress code (I'm not saying they should get naked if it's hot out cuz that would be awkward, just wear what you can and need to wear to make yourself comfortable). Anyway, people loves to judge a book by its cover, because a lot of people loves to focus on the negative (oh, hai media) more than anything, or even input negative views when there's nothing negative about it.

    But, as soon as I do, I get bombarded with nasty looks from my family and even strangers. I even had a guy tell me I was flat out stupid and was only good for one thing, not even marriage or a relationship.

    I know the feeling a little bit. Maybe not because of my clothes, but because of my hair. See, I like my hair medium-long, I just feel comfortable with it (despite my hair, after combing it, gets messed by the wind) and often when I have short hair I can't get it the way I want it to. Anyway, when I let my hair grow out, my dad always jokes that I look like a girl, he and my aunt often pressures me to getting a haircut. I mean, people it's my body, I choose the hairstyle I want. I said it so many times it's ridiculous.

    I just don't get it. What makes it acceptable for men to go out in public half naked but as soon as a woman does it she's considered trashy or easy? Why is it distracting if I show my shoulders? Why are girls being sent home from school to change shirts because the boys in her class won't be able to focus on their work? It absolutely baffles me how people can be so close-minded, especially when the media is FILLED to the brim with Victoria's Secret models and women wearing things no one would be caught dead wearing in public. Why does wearing a dress make it a verifiable reason to be sexually assaulted? What makes me an easy skank who doesn't deserve to be loved because I wore a SKIRT out to dinner with my family?

    Society is rather judgemental about how you look sadly. And it's pretty ironic people judge girls for wearing skirts, when way back in the older days, you mostly see girls wearing skirts. I say fuck society, dress how you want to dress, wear what compliments you in a way that you feel comfortable with.

    I am so tired of people (especially guys) who judge a girl because of trivial things like what clothes she wears, how she does her makeup, e

  • Where I live, people are very conservative. They believe that a woman's job is to find a husband, and if you dress in any way that makes you feel confident in your own skin or that has the potential to attract attention, you're not "wife material" because the perfect wife is modest, meek and only allowed to flaunt her body when it is convenient for her husband. Like oh, you think I'm not suited for marriage because I'm such a filthy streetwalker? Why does that even concern you? Why do you care who loves me or not? You literally saw me for half a second and you'll never even see me again, so who are you to judge my life?

    That's what I was thinking, too. If you're finding it hard to concentrate on teaching because your 13 year old student is wearing a tank top, then maybe the problem isn't them. Maybe you shouldn't be teaching if you're even looking at your students that way.

    Really? I don't get how people could be that closed minded. At that age you should be able to wear what you goddamn please. Around here no o

  • Spoooky shoulders aaaiiiieeee!

    That's pretty fucking ridiculous.

    I am so tired of people (especially guys) who judge a girl because of trivial things like what clothes she wears, how she does her makeup, e

  • Black Lagoon is said to be one of the best dub performance in animation, to the point where it even surpasses the original dub.

    I think it all comes down to whether the voice acting direction in both languages are supported with a strong cast of voice actors, a well translated script, and a believable performance that doesn't veer too far into monotonous and overacting.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm gonna vent about something to do with anime. If you guys hate anime, don't bother reading this. Whenever I watch a good anime. I usua

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