So Does IGN and GameSpot Have an Agenda Against Telltale?

Okay, I know Telltale's Game of Thrones had a promising start that it just didn't live up to (but who knows if the finale will change that or not) but Tales from the Borderland is remarkable for only getting increasingly better as each new episode is released (so perhaps the abnormally long waiting time between episodes is justified?).

Even if not everyone doesn't consider Episode 4 their favorite surely it still deserves more than a measly 6/10?

Both IGN and GameSpot only gave it a 6/10:

Was Episode 4 truly deserving of such an astonishingly low rating?



  • edited August 2015

    No IGN is just a biased, corrupt business that cares more about the money in their wallets than quality in their reviews. IGN is the shit in gaming's ass and we need more toilet paper. Stand against the cancer of this community


  • Eh, as long as WE enjoy the game, who cares what some shitty reviewers have to say? The positive reviews ALWAYS outweigh the negative.

  • Not when it's IGN writing them

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Eh, as long as WE enjoy the game, who cares what some shitty reviewers have to say? The positive reviews ALWAYS outweigh the negative.

  • I'll repeat what I said in another thread. It's their opinion, so who cares really? Everyone has different tastes.

  • There are corrupted opinions based only on money

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'll repeat what I said in another thread. It's their opinion, so who cares really? Everyone has different tastes.

  • I'm not defending IGN, but do we really have PROOF that they are paid for good reviews? As I said, opinions. People can hate popular games if they want.

    Clemenem posted: »

    There are corrupted opinions based only on money

  • ^^^^This this this this this this this a thousand times this! You can't spell "ignorant without IGN"

    Clemenem posted: »

    No IGN is just a biased, corrupt business that cares more about the money in their wallets than quality in their reviews. IGN is the shit in

  • It's been said by multiple employees and companies they have accepted bribes and have let companies write their reviews which is completely wrong

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm not defending IGN, but do we really have PROOF that they are paid for good reviews? As I said, opinions. People can hate popular games if they want.

  • Well, alrighty then.

    Clemenem posted: »

    It's been said by multiple employees and companies they have accepted bribes and have let companies write their reviews which is completely wrong

  • We can buy politicians so it isn't by any means far fetched to assume that good reviews can be bought as well.


    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm not defending IGN, but do we really have PROOF that they are paid for good reviews? As I said, opinions. People can hate popular games if they want.

  • But aren't there also normal, everyday fans who weren't all that impressed by the episode either? I do think this series is one of the better Telltale games, but I honestly wasn't wowed by this particular episode. The visual glitches for my version aside, it did feel a little rushed, and they didn't bother to develop the villains at all. Why keep putting these characters in episodes if they're not going to do anything? The next episode will be the last, and I could care less about any of the current villains. Even my original interest in August wanes more with each passing episode where nothing is done with his character. I also felt like nothing I did in this episode really mattered, and that my previous choices didn't really matter much either. The choices in this episode also felt rather weak, and like with the previous one, there were too few.

    I think too many players immediately label every episode of every Telltale game as the 'best episode ever".

  • edited August 2015

    Well Handsome Jack is a villain and I'd say they did a pretty excellent job on giving him and Rhys some depth. Yvette betraying Rhys and Vaughn was a pretty interesting idea in how your closest friends in Hyperion can simply shrug you off if you don't get a promotion in putting them in the spotlight. Vallory's look, personality, and the way her henchman follow her orders is interesting, and August not getting the kind development you want is kind of nitpicking.

    This is not the "best episode ever" but a good amount of effort was put into it and didn't feel "rushed" in any way as if it was the whole build up to the big heist would have been short as two minutes without any scenes of characters bonding or such.

    As far as choices go, there's some impact and it mainly depends on the final episode.

    The_Duck posted: »

    But aren't there also normal, everyday fans who weren't all that impressed by the episode either? I do think this series is one of the bett

  • August didn't get any kind of development after Episode Two. They did a good job by making him have lingering feelings for Sasha, and then revealing in the next episode that Sasha might have some lingering feelings of her own for him. But then they get rid of that plot point altogether, by having them suddenly not at all interested in one another and making August just kind of there.

    Yvette's betrayal WAS interesting, but they could have done more with it. I would have liked the option to hurt or kill her. Not saying I would do those things, but it just felt weird that you could only basically stun or talk to her, unless I missed something. It also might have been a bit more effective if she'd had a bigger role, especially since she doesn't even appear in Episode Three.

    J-Master posted: »

    Well Handsome Jack is a villain and I'd say they did a pretty excellent job on giving him and Rhys some depth. Yvette betraying Rhys and Vau

  • edited August 2015

    They play up August's feelings for Sasha as being pathetic rather than anything character development related, Sashugst is not going to happen and Sasha's line about having feelings for August felt more like it was meant for Rhys in that the whole idea you spend more with someone you get to know them better and that feels more like Sasha was talking about her relationship with Rhys rather than August.

    "Could have" sure, but it helps to add character development to Rhys. The betrayal actually did have some effect in that some players didn't see it coming.

    The_Duck posted: »

    August didn't get any kind of development after Episode Two. They did a good job by making him have lingering feelings for Sasha, and then

  • If you search Escape Plan Bravo on google the first result will be IGN's review, so what you say only works if the player wants a bigger perspective and doesn't just stick around one reviewer.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Eh, as long as WE enjoy the game, who cares what some shitty reviewers have to say? The positive reviews ALWAYS outweigh the negative.

  • You know what the funny thing is? Gamespot's reviewer before the episode release twitted a favorable opinion of the episode (you can read it in the Release date thread)m and then she goes with a 6....

  • The Problem is Not the score. The Problem Are the reasons. They Said that they don't like that Athena is gone. But they Really should realized by now that it makes Sense that she is gone because of The Pre Sequel. I'd Call it Lazy Journalism.

  • I've never read their reviews, though. I wouldn't NOT buy a game based on a review from them. Besides, most comments on their Telltale reviews are along the lines of 'you're a bad reviewer, take a hike'. Eh, whatever. I enjoyed the game, and it's still a massively popular TTG despite IGN.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Not when it's IGN writing them

  • There's a reason why IGN and Polygon are pretty much on my "biased shitty sites that I never visit" list. Basically, don't go to them for reviews at all, since they've been known to do clickbait articles.

  • They always give the penultimate episodes low score

  • IGN reviewer - We were rating it high recently, time for a lower note. Oh, it's 4th episode! Yess.. 6/10.

    GameSpot reviewer - Jeez, they want me to review it and I like shooters only. Wait, let's check what IGN says... 6/10? Oh. Okay.

  • Pathetic, yes, but still there. And it definitely seemed like Sasha still had feelings for him. That made things more interesting, to me.

    J-Master posted: »

    They play up August's feelings for Sasha as being pathetic rather than anything character development related, Sashugst is not going to happ

  • What these reviewers are getting wrong, is that there's a difference between "rushed" and "fast paced."

    This episode was fast paced, not rushed. Penultimate episodes are usually the episode where shit gets done, then goes to shit. So, of course, the feeling from previous episodes are different.

    (And by the way, IGN, don't let someone who hasn't even played the Pre-Sequel to review TFTB. Seriously, they got pissed that Athena wasn't in the episode at all. But that was the entire point!)

  • No, they just have an opinion thats different than yours.

  • edited October 2015

    E4 was the worst tftb episode, I'll probably give it a 7/10.

  • enter image description here

    E4 was the worst tftb episode, I'll probably give it a 7/10.

  • edited October 2015

    every game rating company gets payed for reviews but they seem to give bad ratings for telltale but i bet if telltale payed ign or gamespot the rating would insrantly be slapped up to a good one besides ive played games that were some of the worst rated by ign and they were good games

  • Watch yourself mate, you just voiced an unpopular opinion on something most people liked.

    E4 was the worst tftb episode, I'll probably give it a 7/10.

  • Exactly. They don't care about the quality of the game, they just think TTG should advertise on their website a bit more. Which is why those websites are useless, as always.

    every game rating company gets payed for reviews but they seem to give bad ratings for telltale but i bet if telltale payed ign or gamespot

  • edited October 2015

    Was Episode 4 truly deserving of such an astonishingly low rating?

    No it did not

    Episode 4 was a much better episode than they were giving it credit for and thankfully most game critics agreed. Ign and Gamespot were in the minority.

    Episode 4 was overall rated 80 on metacritic and 82 on game rankings. " Escape Plan Bravo" was the best rated 4th episode of any Telltale game since Walking Dead season 1.

    Episode 2 is still the lowest rated episode of the entire season so far with a 78 on metacritic and 80 on game rankings.

  • Telltale didnt contribute to the annual IGN and Gamespot contribution fund. Dont use these shitty reviewing services, go straight to the consumer reviews.

  • edited October 2015

    Just never pay attention to review scores, ever. Shitty sites like those don't actually know what good writing is. That's why we have Walking Dead season 2 episode 4 getting high ratings on Game Informer but Borderlands episode 4 gets low ratings. They just don't know what good writing is (in my opinion).

    In terms of the quality of the story (writing, characters, etc.), you should never go to a games journalist website, except for people like Jim Sterling which actually know what bad writing can look like (most of the time)

  • I don't think I'm biased when I say their reviews are objectively bad. In fact, in their episode 4 review of Tales, two of their biggest cons about the game were just factually wrong, which I found hilarious. Its like the reviewer wasn't actually paying attention when he played, or didn't play at all.

    No, they just have an opinion thats different than yours.

  • Just never pay attention to review scores, ever.

    Yes. Always read and pay attention to the actual review, not the score.

    That's why we have Walking Dead season 2 episode 4 getting high ratings on Game Informer but Borderlands episode 4 gets low ratings. They just don't know what good writing is

    Or they just have a opinion that you don't agree with, hence that makes said review shitty iyo.

    tintin1029 posted: »

    Just never pay attention to review scores, ever. Shitty sites like those don't actually know what good writing is. That's why we have Walkin

  • I think so

  • I loved the episode. But it is a review. You go to reviews to see someone's opinion. Even if you like telltale, you have to accept that the games are definitely not for everyone.

  • The reviewers should stick to Call of Doody.

  • Or Duty Calls

    Scaeva posted: »

    The reviewers should stick to Call of Doody.

  • edited October 2015

    Not to mention a lot of the games they rate highly aren't even that great and suspiciously belong to very popular, wealthy franchises/companies.

    every game rating company gets payed for reviews but they seem to give bad ratings for telltale but i bet if telltale payed ign or gamespot

  • I find it funny so many of you are saying that IGN's review is "wrong" it's somebody's opinion that is different from your own, that doesn't make it wrong just makes it a different opinion. You also act like 6/10 is an awful score which it is not.

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