The Truth?


So, in the teaser trailer, Fiona asks the stranger what he wants and the stranger answers with 'the truth.' Does anyone have any theories on this? Could he be calling out a lie? Is it what the vault does? Just curious if anyone has any possible theories about this.


  • It's a bit too vague to give it context right now.It might be because Rhys and Fiona lied to him/her trying to hide something.Maybe the only thing he/she wanted all along were some answers.The only way to find out is to wait til' EP5 drops.

  • I just got the best idea ever:

    Come on, this needs to happen.

  • I can see this being a dialogue option and when you choose it the Stranger just stares at you for a few seconds and then he hits you with his gun.

    I just got the best idea ever: Come on, this needs to happen.

  • "The Truth" is some sort of plot point, it will probably be major, considering job even tweeted "#TheTruth" after he finished episode 5, I can truthfully say that something truthful will happen involving the truth!

  • The Truth will be truthful because the truth is the truth. Say that ten times fast lol.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "The Truth" is some sort of plot point, it will probably be major, considering job even tweeted "#TheTruth" after he finished episode 5, I can truthfully say that something truthful will happen involving the truth!

  • That is true. But man, I just wanna know so bad!!! XP

    It's a bit too vague to give it context right now.It might be because Rhys and Fiona lied to him/her trying to hide something.Maybe the only thing he/she wanted all along were some answers.The only way to find out is to wait til' EP5 drops.

  • Well given to who I now think the Stranger is him searching for the truth makes me believe this person is the Stranger more so then ever.

  • Im curious on who you think the Stranger is now :P

    Smurfbate posted: »

    Well given to who I now think the Stranger is him searching for the truth makes me believe this person is the Stranger more so then ever.

  • Spoiler

    Well somebody brought it to my attention that they think it's the Atlas guy who Fiona takes out his eyes. It now just seems to further that being the guy who uses this mask to be able to see. He knows about Gortys and it's pieces and he is likely searching for the truth as to why this Vault was found and what happened to his creation of Gortys and whether or not Fiona/Rhys are good people or not. Just seems to be piecing together that way more so then any other suggestion that people have had. Wish I knew the person that first brought this to my attention but they convinced me that is who the stranger is.

  • Oh no...he said he knew what it's like to lose something...

    ...I think I'm going to be sick.

  • somebody brought it to my attention after like Ep. 3 so everything they said just made too much sense to me. For all we know, he could now have some sort of echo eye or maybe that mask helps him see. Plus it seems he's much more hostile towards Rhys (whose wearing Hyperion clothes) so that makes sense too.

    TonyFedora posted: »

    Oh no...he said he knew what it's like to lose something... ...I think I'm going to be sick.

  • You mean general Pollux? Man, I didn't even think about him being the stranger. Huh, maybe. It would definitely be a shocker :) No one would see that coming!

    Smurfbate posted: »

    somebody brought it to my attention after like Ep. 3 so everything they said just made too much sense to me. For all we know, he could now h

  • Yeah I didn't care enough to look up his name. Knew you guys would know who I was talking about. Knew it was a General or Admiral something.

    You mean general Pollux? Man, I didn't even think about him being the stranger. Huh, maybe. It would definitely be a shocker No one would see that coming!

  • It took me a couple of seconds to think of his name. I kept thinking peonies for some reason lol.

    Smurfbate posted: »

    Yeah I didn't care enough to look up his name. Knew you guys would know who I was talking about. Knew it was a General or Admiral something.

  • Spoiler

    Spoiler warning: It's Gortys. "The truth" is Stranger's history that was somehow forgotten. :0

    Smurfbate posted: »

    Well given to who I now think the Stranger is him searching for the truth makes me believe this person is the Stranger more so then ever.

  • That. Would. Be. EPIC! It would explain how the stranger knows where gortys' parts are. Nice.

  • edited October 2015

    Hmm the truth. He definitely wants to know what happened to the Gortys project, therefore, shit's going down and by seeing how incredible giant Gortys is in the teaser it's gonna go horrible and it's gonna be AWESOME. But my biggest question is why he wants to know about the truth, why Gortys is so important to him, if he was a vault hunter he would have choosed an easier way to get into the vault, but he seems to care more for Gortys herself, so he's definitely Atlas. Im also adding the fact that Zer0 wanted Gortys too, there was this theory of how Zer0 could be one of those Lance Assasins that appeared in the General Knoxx dlc, so could this stranger be 0ne? General Pollux? After all, Pollux lost all of his friends and coworkers to Athena, so he does know how it feels to lose someone.

    Now he asking for the "truth" for me means that after what happened in the past, there has to be rumors about it, and he has heard them, and has heard about Rhys and Fiona so he wants to know the true story and not rumors.

    But why he wants to know is the question that is killing me

  • He just wants Halo 5 to come out, Duh


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