Ep 1 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Google/Android Out Now, WiiU Jan 21st,Vita TBA



  • Telltale is really keeping in mind how impatient kids can be,

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Around Thanksgiving? That might be the fastest release of any new Telltale series.

  • I wonder when it'll be available to purchase on the Telltale Store?

  • It could also be due to the fact the Telltale is finishing up TftB and GoT this month, which gives them more effort to focus on MC:SM. We do have The Walking Dead: Michonne later this year, though, so it could just be a few weeks.

    Yeah, they usually wait to the next year when they release in fall for an Episode 2. I'll have to remember that when I make the Episode 2 Waiting Thread. Makes me wonder when Michonne will start. Before episode 2? December?

  • Does anyone know if they will have it at Best Buy?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It's listed on the Best Buy website so i'm assuming that you will also be able to buy it in a Bust Buy store.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Does anyone know if they will have it at Best Buy?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited October 2015

    Story Mode is going to be streamed on YouTube on the 12th

    enter image description here

    There is more information on the Blog post, if anyone is worried about spoilers we will create a thread dedicated to the stream for spoilers to be discussed like we did for the Tales from the Borderlands live stream last year.


    enter link description here Minor spoilers (The intro is shown, plus scenes that were shown in the Twitch demo). Episode 2 confirmed for somewhere around Thanksgiving

  • No thanks, i wanna play it myself before watching it live, but recorded it please.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Story Mode is going to be streamed on YouTube on the 12th There is more information on the Blog post, if anyone is worried about spoi

  • Thank you, OzzyUK.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It's listed on the Best Buy website so i'm assuming that you will also be able to buy it in a Bust Buy store.

  • This now appears when you come to the site:

    enter image description here

  • Have you seen the game page? I don't know if it new, but I love how they animated the Cthulhu monster in the background.

    This now appears when you come to the site:

  • definitely my favorite game page from Telltale yet. Everything just looks and transitions so smoothly.

    Have you seen the game page? I don't know if it new, but I love how they animated the Cthulhu monster in the background.

  • Am I the only one who are wondering why Lucas (The Blonde Hair guy and voiced by Scott Potter aka Luke) doesn't get a mention in the game page and isn't even shown?

    ((And please don't tell me about the episodes slides, I don't want to know about that))

  • Dunno, they seem to have changed his design since in his original outfit in the first trailer he was a cowboy, his shirt also has a little design on the back which you can see on several other characters, so he might be part of a different group.

    Am I the only one who are wondering why Lucas (The Blonde Hair guy and voiced by Scott Potter aka Luke) doesn't get a mention in the game pa

  • I pre-ordered the game from GreenMan (they only offer Telltale Store codes) for $17.32 (American) with a discount code, so good to have that out of the way.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Awesome @OzzyUK! Can't wait to hear(read) your impressions!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I got to try something pretty cool in London today Obviously i would never spoil anything but i will give a vague spoiler free impression when i got home as i am on a phone at the moment and typing on it is annoying :P

  • wow that's a really good deal.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I pre-ordered the game from GreenMan (they only offer Telltale Store codes) for $17.32 (American) with a discount code, so good to have that out of the way.

  • I rewatched it and it turns out he said "before thanksgiving", ;)

    Smellmeh posted: »


  • Pardon me for the late reply.

    Telltale usually doesn't state when the second episode will be out prior or falling the first. This is because of all the things that can change because of fan feedback. If I recall correctly, one of the decisions in Starved For Help (not spoiling because I'm not sure if you played it) was heavily influenced by fan feedback. If they give a ball park like that, people get angry, real angry. Very very fast. I know for experience.

    I personally see it in December, like 2 weeks after Michonne primers, but I assume it could happen.

    It could also be due to the fact the Telltale is finishing up TftB and GoT this month, which gives them more effort to focus on MC:SM. We do have The Walking Dead: Michonne later this year, though, so it could just be a few weeks.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I created a thread about it that you can read here :)

    Awesome @OzzyUK! Can't wait to hear(read) your impressions!

  • is episode 2,3,4,5 will be dlc or will be new game?

  • I just did the same. Thanks for letting me know about it!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I pre-ordered the game from GreenMan (they only offer Telltale Store codes) for $17.32 (American) with a discount code, so good to have that out of the way.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    If you buy on Steam or the Telltale store you will have access to all 5 episodes that will download as DLC as soon as the become available, on consoles you can either buy a season pass for $25 or you can purchase episodes individually for $5 per episode which will also download as DLC.

    raihanpl21 posted: »

    is episode 2,3,4,5 will be dlc or will be new game?

  • thanks for info

    OzzyUK posted: »

    If you buy on Steam or the Telltale store you will have access to all 5 episodes that will download as DLC as soon as the become available,

  • I have pre-ordered the game and I am feeling excited for it to get released on Tuesday. :)

  • And Lucas is not even in the "What's the Story?" menu...

    enter image description here

  • And he is not on the episode 1 image either. I find myself increasingly puzzled by it. I need to play the game to find out.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    And Lucas is not even in the "What's the Story?" menu...

  • edited October 2015

    He's on the first ep's slide. But it's probably because they changed his looks, hopefully he will still be a major character. Also he's on the slide of ep 3, so he won't die... Well not in that episode anyway...

    enter image description here

    And he is not on the episode 1 image either. I find myself increasingly puzzled by it. I need to play the game to find out.

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • Anadel's doing the soundtrack? It's nice to see them come back after The Walking Dead Season 2.

  • ,,crafting ALL of the music"
    Does it mean that Jared isn't working with TellTale anymore? Or at least on MSM?

  • I'm sure he'll be working on other projects like Michonne and other future series. Who knows, maybe he's working with Anadel.

    ,,crafting ALL of the music" Does it mean that Jared isn't working with TellTale anymore? Or at least on MSM?

  • What's the special thing you can craft in episode 1 to get the achievement?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited October 2015

    A lever, it's the only other thing you can build (also the name of the achievement is a pun).

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    What's the special thing you can craft in episode 1 to get the achievement?

  • You see, Dojo and I, together, evenly discovered that. I think we should get a memorial.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    A lever, it's the only other thing you can build (also the name of the achievement is a pun).

  • What time (UK) are Telltale episodes usually released on the Telltale Store? (Also, I'm guessing there's no achievements on the Telltale Store version?)

  • Um... @OzzyUK there is no "Android App Store." The only thing that exists is the Google Play Store for Android devices. You should probably edit that to reduce confusion.

  • I meant to type Amazon App Store, but misread Amazon as Android. I fixed that now.

    transfo47 posted: »

    Um... @OzzyUK there is no "Android App Store." The only thing that exists is the Google Play Store for Android devices. You should probably edit that to reduce confusion.

  • I think this is the first time a TellTaleGame has been ready to come out the next day and there has been almost no talking about it :P

    Every thread here feels slightly dead o.o;

    I decided to pre-order it and give it a chance.

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