Regarding Yvette

One sentence's been bugging me these days:

"They were dead the moment they set foot on Pandora"

That means Yvette already double-crossed their friends the moment they landed down on the planet. However, I found a problem

Why didn't she refuse them the Loader Bot when they asked for it and why did she even give Rhys the Stun Baton? I think there are 2 theories

1)Yvette already betrayed them and is just pretending to help them

2)Yvette is genuinely acting as a friend

I'll be honest, I'm more inclined towards the second, due to the fact that Rhys has nothing in his brain, so there would be no reason to betray him, as he doesn't have anything particularly valuable (outside the money). I think that the betrayal actually started when Rhys used the Nakayama ID, Hyperion found out it contained the Jack AI, and Yvette procedeed to make a deal with Vasquez.

However, there is the call Rhys makes to her in EP1 (prior to using the ID). In this call, Yvette only informs them that they're wanted (for the money) and that she's basically "keeping any extra heat off of them". I found it very suspicious, as Yvette (supposedly the one that should help the protagonists from Helios) does absolutely nothing for them aside from informing them of the obvious

So, my dilemma is, did Yvette betray them since the beginning, or only saw the opportunity to make big money and betray them when Rhys used the ID?

Any thoughts on this? Am I missing/mistaking something?


  • Yvette saw the opportunity to finally get the Tector and Jimbo Machine Gun scene in epsiode 5 and she took it.

  • That, or the Nakayama ID Drive contained an endless loop of that scene

    Yvette saw the opportunity to finally get the Tector and Jimbo Machine Gun scene in epsiode 5 and she took it.

  • oh lawd

    TheTP87 posted: »

    That, or the Nakayama ID Drive contained an endless loop of that scene

  • Yvette must have turned traitor somewhere near the end of Episode 1. Rhys and Vaughn get little to no help after this, and it makes the most sense. Vasquez tried to break up the group, offering a deal to all three. Vaughn took the deal to betray Vasquez down the line, thinking strategically. Rhys' response was determinant. And Yvette seems to have outright taken the deal (or perhaps she was keeping her options open, thinking along the same way as Vaughn). It makes the most sense, and that Pandora line is her just trying to rationalize her decision. "Oh, they were screwed anyways, so my betrayal was just to protect myself" - I'm guessing this is what she is thinking. Otherwise, yeah, she helps Rhys more than she needed to.

  • That's what I'm thinking too. Vasquez told her about the 'something valuable' reward and she took it. Can't exactly blame her, especially if she really did think they were dead the second they stepped on Pandora. I wouldn't personally do it, but I can't blame her.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Yvette must have turned traitor somewhere near the end of Episode 1. Rhys and Vaughn get little to no help after this, and it makes the mos

  • Maybe she truly was with their plan until they lost the money. The whole thing about them being dead was just an after thought when things started to go bad. To save her ass from any fire or get out ahead after Hyperion found out about the money, she made a deal with Vasquez. I don't think she's a villian, but a person with fickle loyalty.

  • It's just a figure of speech, she probably really double crossed them we she found out they lost the money

  • As someone who's completely unbiased ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º). I'd like to draw attention to the fact that Rhys tried to call her before coming back to Helios.

    When we see her on Helios, she acts like she never got that call, if she did she'd probably be suspicious of Rhys being in pieces several minutes afterwards.

    While she did stopped sending supplies, it would seem that she had her communications taken away from her from Vasquez. Not to mention she did send a loader bot when they requested it. Additionally, when Rhys got a call he thought was Yvette, it turned out to be Vasquez maybe hinting he has her phone?

    She never got a chance to explain herself(outside of vague statements directed at Vasquez), so I'd like to believe there's a silver of hope that she's a good guy.

    But you know that's just a totally impartial analysis.

  • I think in addition to helping Rhys more than she had to (Loader Bot!!), the other thing she did was get Vasquez removed from the management position, not knowing that Vasquez was already dead. It's not good for the heroes' stealth mission, but she's the reason no one is just taking Rhysquez's word for it that his murder of Rhys was ok.

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