Ep 1 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Google/Android Out Now, WiiU Jan 21st,Vita TBA



  • Well it's the final day of the wait.

  • edited October 2015
    Just one more day and we will finally play the game and see what it is like. :)
  • Well my key from GreenMan arrived a few moments ago.

  • Soon, like really soon? :P

    Geez even with the episode gets released tomorrow, the word "soon" still make things seems longer...

  • edited October 2015

    WOO! I can't wait! I kinda want to check out the stream for a couple minutes to see the setup and stuff. Hopefully the intro isn't full of giant epic scenes, so I don't spoil myself too much.

  • Looks like Hannah from Yogscast will be playing Story Mode!

    enter image description here

  • I plan on doing the same thing.

    WOO! I can't wait! I kinda want to check out the stream for a couple minutes to see the setup and stuff. Hopefully the intro isn't full of giant epic scenes, so I don't spoil myself too much.

  • Sweet! I like watching her playthroughs. :D

    Looks like Hannah from Yogscast will be playing Story Mode!

  • A part of me wants to watch the live stream but at the same time I'd rather just try it for myself tomorrow

  • You can do what dojo and I are doing which is just watching the stream for 5-10 minutes

    TheGeek11 posted: »

    A part of me wants to watch the live stream but at the same time I'd rather just try it for myself tomorrow

  • Downloading Minecraft EP1 on PS4 now, I'll find out soon how the story's going to work! ^^ Nice.

  • It's out on EU PSN? Well come back with some spoiler free impressions once your done. Have fun ;)

    Downloading Minecraft EP1 on PS4 now, I'll find out soon how the story's going to work! ^^ Nice.

  • You lucky dog.

    Downloading Minecraft EP1 on PS4 now, I'll find out soon how the story's going to work! ^^ Nice.

  • Yea! Well if you want, I'll tell my thoughts after playing. :D

    It's out on EU PSN? Well come back with some spoiler free impressions once your done. Have fun

  • Can someone tell me how long this episode is? Considering playing it tomorrow.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2015

    I've heard it's around the average length, so I'd expect maybe like 100 or 105 minutes (aka 1 hour 45 minutes give or take), speaking off of recent Telltale episodes.

    Can someone tell me how long this episode is? Considering playing it tomorrow.

  • Seems like a decent length, thanks. Do you think I'll enjoy it even though I don't play Minecraft and I'm not a kid?

    I've heard it's around the average length, so I'd expect maybe like 100 or 105 minutes (aka 1 hour 45 minutes give or take), speaking off of recent Telltale episodes.

  • Maybe, they're trying to go for the feeling of 80s films like Ghostbusters and The Goonies, so if you like those there might be a good chance of liking this.

    Seems like a decent length, thanks. Do you think I'll enjoy it even though I don't play Minecraft and I'm not a kid?

  • As dojo said, they've used 80's movies like Ghostbusters or Goonies for inspiration. If you enjoy movies like those even now, you might like the game if you still appreciate light hearted comedy adventure stories. As for enjoying the game if you aren't a Minecraft fan, Telltale typically makes games that are accessible to both current and new fans. You will obviously miss out on some minor references that fans of the source material will get, but you should be able to enjoy the story on it's own merit. Minecraft doesn't have much of a story on it's own, so most of the story elements you see in game (such as the Order of the Stone, Minecon, Jesse and the other characters, etc) are original creations by Telltale and not anything you would be familiar with from the original game.

    Seems like a decent length, thanks. Do you think I'll enjoy it even though I don't play Minecraft and I'm not a kid?

  • I like drama, but im still in the "kid" range so maybe i like it.

    As dojo said, they've used 80's movies like Ghostbusters or Goonies for inspiration. If you enjoy movies like those even now, you might like

  • Is this your first time playin here? Well, older games are like that. But modern ones are not.

    raihanpl21 posted: »

    is episode 2,3,4,5 will be dlc or will be new game?

  • 2 more Hours till the Story Mode Live Let's Play ;)

  • I've just finished the first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode. It's cool. Took me about one hour and twenty minutes to finish, I thought it was a good length for that episode. It felt like it was longer, not necessarily in a bad way haha. If you're still delusional, don't think it's going to be anything deep or serious or something as good as TWDG S1 or TWAU (yet at least, EP1 wasn't something mind blowing like I personally experienced EP1 of The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us), but it was a funky ride. Expect something like Richard Donner's movie The Goonies, if you enjoyed that film you'll most likely enjoy Story Mode too. A good-hearted adventure that moves forward with youthful enthusiasm. I absolutely liked my time in the world of Minecraft. If I had to rate it, it would deserve something like 3.5/5, worth checking out no matter how old you are if you're in good terms with your inner child. ^^

  • Thank you for your thoughts on the episode. I have 5 dollars sitting around I think I'll give it a shot tomorrow.

    I've just finished the first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode. It's cool. Took me about one hour and twenty minutes to finish, I thought it

  • edited October 2015

    An Hour and Twenty Minutes? Job Stauffer why you always lying

    enter image description here

    In all serious I'm glad to hear it's good. ;)

    I've just finished the first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode. It's cool. Took me about one hour and twenty minutes to finish, I thought it

  • An Hour and Twenty Minutes? Job Stauffer why you always lying In all serious I'm glad to hear it's good.


  • How did you get to download it on the ps4? before its released?

    I've just finished the first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode. It's cool. Took me about one hour and twenty minutes to finish, I thought it

  • Europe.

    jared25 posted: »

    How did you get to download it on the ps4? before its released?

  • It's happened a few times before where some people can download an episode early. Once someone played episode 3 of TFTB more than a week before launch.

    jared25 posted: »

    How did you get to download it on the ps4? before its released?

  • what platform on the east coast will have it first?

  • Whoever has the Telltale Store version of the game most likely.

    jared25 posted: »

    what platform on the east coast will have it first?

  • Did you craft the stone sword or a lever?

    I've just finished the first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode. It's cool. Took me about one hour and twenty minutes to finish, I thought it

  • the event starts in a few minutes. Weird that Telltale isn't advertising right now.

  • I have to half till tomorrow, have fun. And please, please, please, SPOILER TAGS. :)

  • Do you guys want me to make a new thread to discuss the stream, or would you rather use the Let's Play Sharing thread?

  • The first playthrough of the game has gone up, it looks like the episode slides will change based on which character you choose since it tells you to choose before getting to the slides.

  • edited October 2015

    awesome. How long is the episode? It's probably just one vid though, huh :P

    dojo32161 posted: »

    The first playthrough of the game has gone up, it looks like the episode slides will change based on which character you choose since it tells you to choose before getting to the slides.

  • The Order of the Stone was incredible! Good job :D

    At least now I know more about Lukas

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