Lukas: The Purest of Perfection

Lukas. You look at him, and you think "What a cool dude."

Lukas. You talk to him, and you think "Cool Beans!"

Lukas. You give him your cookie, because he deserves that cookie.

You know what? Everyone needs Lukas. Is it even humanly possible to not love Lukas? His pure love will eventually guide all of you who fail to see his perfection.

enter image description here

All Praise Lukas.



  • Oh my, Lukas (Luke) already got popular. :)

  • Lukas: the Vaughn of Minecraft: Story Mode

  • Everytime I went near him my heart sank, I love him he's great but I fear for him, being a Luke 2.0 isn't good for his health. D:

  • My beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world, too pure ç-ç

  • edited October 2015

    I kind of confused names of the characters so I ended up siding with the wrong guy.

    So I had to restart the game and play a section of it again to side with Lukas.

    That man in a green clothes is way too controlling (or is he still just a teen?) He can't get over his grudges easily and seem to have crush on female Jesse.

  • All hail Lukas! Lukas must be praised!

  • He's going to fall into a lava lake, you know it.

    Kateis posted: »

    Everytime I went near him my heart sank, I love him he's great but I fear for him, being a Luke 2.0 isn't good for his health.

  • edited October 2015

    That's something so easy to happen in the Nether.

    Really man, Screw the Nether

    I hate that place. Talking as a minecraft player here.

    I totally thought that would happen while they were down there.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    He's going to fall into a lava lake, you know it.

  • I want Lukas to be the new Notch. :I

  • Inb4 Lukas drowns in a frozen lake after being attacked by zombies.

  • Lukas is the ultimate cinammion roll.

  • We- We don't know anything yet! He could be totally fine! He'll be fine...

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    He's going to fall into a lava lake, you know it.

  • edited October 2015

    I wanted to hold him like a teddy bear after that camp fire scene where ur friend becomes mean >.<

  • I hope he is q.q please telltales dun let dis happen Q.Q

    Kateis posted: »

    We- We don't know anything yet! He could be totally fine! He'll be fine...

  • I really adore Lukas right now. I hope he lives to the end.

  • Knowing Tell Tale Games they're going to make Lukas die or disappear or worse... become a determinant character. Praise Lukas, may you be in all future Seasons!

  • I KNOW

    I want to kick Axel in the shins. While Lukas's group members were jerks to us, the only one being a jerk in our group is Axel.

  • edited October 2015

    So, I wasn't planning on getting this game anytime soon, what with all the contrary opinions and scores being thrown around, but... for some reason, this character compels me. I know literally nothing about him, and yet I might buy the game just to interact with him. Does it seem like there's gonna be some kind of PG-rated 'romance' in MC? If so I might just have to pick female Jesse as well...

    Now, I have done this kind of thing before, but those characters weren't usually cubes, wth.

  • It looks like the have Petra for this role.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Knowing Tell Tale Games they're going to make Lukas die or disappear or worse... become a determinant character. Praise Lukas, may you be in all future Seasons!

  • I don't think we have enough information about the characters to know, but here is what I noticed, without spoiling the story too much:

    Jesse and Lukas have some awkward interactions, as well as some cute ones.

    Jesse often gives Petra a look that could indicate a little crush, although the art style makes it hard to be sure.

    Lukas seems to worry and care about Petra a lot. He seems to respect Jesse but they don't know each other very well yet.

    Axel also worries about Petra.

    So... I don't know if any of this will result on any kind of romance. I wouldn't count on it.

    So, I wasn't planning on getting this game anytime soon, what with all the contrary opinions and scores being thrown around, but... for some

  • Thanks, I guess I'll just play and see for myself after all. I'm perfectly fine with there not being any romance, I'm more worried about having unwanted romance imposed on me if I pick male Jesse, something I know Telltale to be guilty of in... some other game, let's not go there. ;)

    Abeille posted: »

    I don't think we have enough information about the characters to know, but here is what I noticed, without spoiling the story too much: J

  • . . .what if I said I wish Lukas doesnt ever die? but after not seeing him in the episode 5 scene where it says coming soon.....NUUUH!!!!!!!

  • Praise be to Lukas (but seriously, did they have to give him a name that's so close to Luke).

  • Pretty sure they knew what they were doing when they did that.

    Praise be to Lukas (but seriously, did they have to give him a name that's so close to Luke).

  • I'd laugh. So hard.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Inb4 Lukas drowns in a frozen lake after being attacked by zombies.

  • I think you guys are too trusting. He is part of the ocelots after all.

  • I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking about Revolver Ocelot. :)

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I think you guys are too trusting. He is part of the ocelots after all.

  • Have I been summoned?

  • Love the usage of my name, it's actually spelled Lukas as well.

  • I hope he doesn't get near any lakes tbh

  • But, the Ocelots are pretty good.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I think you guys are too trusting. He is part of the ocelots after all.

  • Disagree. Not perfect. Too big nose.

  • Camp fire scene..........


    Word of the wise: don't play the Walking Dead Season 2 (unless you really want to see more of Lukas)

  • Is it possible to even hate him? He's a good guy, tries to be friendly with you and apoligizes for his team mates. Yet, he gets berated by Axel for no good reason, you can be a dick to him and make him leave the shelter in the middle of the night. And despite being treated like dirt, the next morning he returns with food for everyone and apoligizes despite not really having anything to apoligize for. The guy is too pure...

  • I had no idea he comes back with food if you kick him out.

    This just proves even more how perfect this blocky man is.

    Jaesong1 posted: »

    Is it possible to even hate him? He's a good guy, tries to be friendly with you and apoligizes for his team mates. Yet, he gets berated by A

  • Whoa, really?!

    My poor little cupcake! Please telltale give us a [Hug Lukas] option in this game already!

    Jaesong1 posted: »

    Is it possible to even hate him? He's a good guy, tries to be friendly with you and apoligizes for his team mates. Yet, he gets berated by A

  • He comes backs with apples for everyone, Axel included.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I had no idea he comes back with food if you kick him out. This just proves even more how perfect this blocky man is.

  • Lukas.

    enter image description here

    Jaesong1 posted: »

    He comes backs with apples for everyone, Axel included.

  • How about a [Break Ice] option that works?

    Abeille posted: »

    Whoa, really?! My poor little cupcake! Please telltale give us a [Hug Lukas] option in this game already!

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