Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • enter image description here


    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • Another though: could these just be there so that Dontnod can track how much people are using the feature, and thus decide whether they should be providing opportunities to use it more or less?

    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • I think it's just for statistics.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Wait..hang on...they've been mapping how many times we've rewound???? Oh that can't be good..

  • edited October 2015

    You did not hear anything.

    Oh... <_<

    Need to rewind...

    enter image description here

    Barbet and Baghadoust don’t know if a Life is Strange 2 is in the cards for DONTNOD, but they confirmed to iDigi it won’t be a direct contin

  • Oh thank god this is out the 20th. I need something to relax me on the minecraft story mode, of how bad it was.

  • Oh ... I just realized that the symbol of rewind reminds me a tornado.

    enter image description here

  • I thought Minecraft: Story Mode was really good.

    Anyway Tales from the Borderlands episode 5 is also out on the 20th.

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Oh thank god this is out the 20th. I need something to relax me on the minecraft story mode, of how bad it was.

  • Betterchoice wanted me to inform you that there was apparently some kind of patch on the PC that contains spoilers and that you should be careful.

  • Since rewinding displays the symbol of a spiral, does rewinding too much amplify the power of the tornado to the point where you won't even be able to save everyone in the town?

    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • It reminds me of the healthbar from Soul Reaver. Good old times...

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Oh ... I just realized that the symbol of rewind reminds me a tornado.

  • The length of the episode is what really made me unhappy. I was really bored at first and by the time I got into it I was surprised by the next episode's preview.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I thought Minecraft: Story Mode was really good. Anyway Tales from the Borderlands episode 5 is also out on the 20th.

  • How does a patch contain spoilers exactly?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Betterchoice wanted me to inform you that there was apparently some kind of patch on the PC that contains spoilers and that you should be careful.

  • You should've seen me in EP4 because of the dark reality and how Max kept saying she needs to be careful with her powers, I never used rewind unless the game forced me to. I was so determined to not rewind so Frank is dead in my playthrough :(

    Flog61 posted: »

    Wait..hang on...they've been mapping how many times we've rewound???? Oh that can't be good..

  • edited October 2015


    However Episode 5 achievements are public on Steam already. You can guess many things from those icons alone.

    Also certain site has photo pictures already up.

    How does a patch contain spoilers exactly?

  • edited October 2015

    The voice Actors with their Game Character. This is awesome and very nice. :D

  • Except for Chloe, all characters look a bit like their voice actors.

  • For a few reasons, I think that Max, Chloe, Victoria, and Nathan are the most important characters in the game. One being that they are the only teenagers that have appeared in every episode so far. I know Warren has too, but he was only in Episode Three for a few seconds, he didn't even have any lines. I'm not counting him for that reason.

  • Since the release is close, I wanted to ask this: Who is your favorite side character in the game? (i.e. characters who haven't had a big role in the series). Who is your least favorite? My favorite is probably Alyssa due to her personality. My least favorite is Brooke due to her constant jealously over Max and Warren's friendship. "That's so ironic that Warren asked Max to the drive-in." Stop telling me that every time I walk near you! SEVEN times...

  • All main character shows in menu 'Characters'.

    For a few reasons, I think that Max, Chloe, Victoria, and Nathan are the most important characters in the game. One being that they are the

  • Alyssa!!!

    "If you say so Max" <3

    Since the release is close, I wanted to ask this: Who is your favorite side character in the game? (i.e. characters who haven't had a big ro

  • edited October 2015

    Now that I think of it, it could just be meant to show a record. Like to see how confident players are in their choices. Capcom's Resident Evil usually shows a record of saves you made in gameplay (0 to Code Veronica), along with kills, retries, accuracy and the amount of time you take. Maybe Dontnod is taking a similar approach.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Another though: could these just be there so that Dontnod can track how much people are using the feature, and thus decide whether they should be providing opportunities to use it more or less?

  • I have two favorite characters namely Max and Chloe.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Alyssa!!! "If you say so Max"

  • Don't forget Kate!

    For a few reasons, I think that Max, Chloe, Victoria, and Nathan are the most important characters in the game. One being that they are the

  • Did Kate appear in Episode Three? I forgot.

    Miklaus posted: »

    Don't forget Kate!

  • Courtney. I don't really know why, but I just think she is awesome :3

    Since the release is close, I wanted to ask this: Who is your favorite side character in the game? (i.e. characters who haven't had a big ro

  • Sorry I didn't read the "characters who have appeared in every episode so far" part, my bad.

    Anyway, I still think she is one of the most important characters in the story, whether she is dead/did appear in every episode or not. And so is Rachel.

    Did Kate appear in Episode Three? I forgot.

  • edited October 2015

    Since the Finale is coming in hot I think we should give our final ratings on the previous episodes.

    Chrysalis - 6/10 - SLOW even for a first episode. The pacing just feels off and things don't pick up until the very end of the episode.

    Out of Time - 7/10 Still slow but hanging with Chloe was kinda fun. The episode Finishes strong though with a fantastic final scene.

    Chaos Theory - 8.5/10 Slow but for a good reason. Exploring the school with Chloe was fun but after that the episode kinda loses momentum until the last half hour. This Episode also has a fantastic cliffhanger! Yay, dontnod figured out how to make cliffhangers.

    Dark Room - 9.5/10 Brilliant! The pacing is fantastic and you really start to care for the characters around you. Plus that fucking cliffhanger!

  • That's true! Kate's situation has been the main drive for Max and Chloe for a while and so has Rachel.

    Miklaus posted: »

    Sorry I didn't read the "characters who have appeared in every episode so far" part, my bad. Anyway, I still think she is one of the most important characters in the story, whether she is dead/did appear in every episode or not. And so is Rachel.

  • Chrysalis - 7.8/10 - Got off to a slow start. But at least it introduced us to most of the characters. The choices were also not too dark, but still had an impact.

    Out of Time - 8.7/10 - We were able to dive into Max and Chloe's friendship and start the "test" with Max's powers. The last half hour was very tense and emotional. There weren't too many locations this time around, though.

    Chaos Theory - 9.3/10 - The plot becomes even more darker as we unravel more clues about Rachel and Kate. The mellow scenes with Max and Chloe were remarkable. This episode is too focused on Max and Chloe, most of the side characters are missing or make VERY small appearances.

    Dark Room - 9.8/10 - Many different things come to a head as we come to a shocking turning point in our investigation. An emotional episode with great character development. The depth of dialogue was unbelievable, especially the scene with Victoria towards the end (around four or five choices can be implemented in that conversation). Ends with of the best cliffhangers ever!

    Who's next?

    Since the Finale is coming in hot I think we should give our final ratings on the previous episodes. Chrysalis - 6/10 - SLOW even for a f

  • Good idea freelancepolicefan11!

    Episode 1 - 8/10 a solid First Episode. The Story felt kinda like a chore But the Ending was Really Great. A First Episode has only 2 goals. 1: introduce me to the World and Characters and 2. show me that this story is something Special. And chrysalis does a solid Job.

    Episode 2 - 5/10 i have many Problems with this Episode. Firstly is the slow pace At the Beginning. In many scenes i thought: "shouldn't we stop a Tornado or something?". In the middle (Starts At the diner) the Episode felt Really like a Rewind Tutorial. First in the diner (thanks Chloe...) and it continues on the junkyard(thanks again Chloe...). Then there was this train section. It ruined many Things for me. It just felt like a typical "videogame-section". The Game lost me there, because it reminded me that this is a videogame. It's hard to describe. I Wasnt "in" arcadia bay anymore. Than there was kates scene on the roof wich was weird. The facial expression of both max and kate ruined this scene for me. And Then there was the Last decision wich didnt matter of you Chose Jefferson.

    Episode 3 - 8,5/10 it was a good Episode. The only Complaint that i have is Dontnods inconsistency On what i can actually decide and what Not. I can decide to eat pancakes or eggs. But i cannot decide to break into the Pool of Blackwell Academy or Not. I just get punished for something i don't have control over. But the Ending was good.

    Episode 4 - 9/10 Great Episode. Nothing to Complain about. Except i don't get the Choice to Call the Police or Not.

    Sorry for several gramatical "disasters" it's nearly 2am here and the autocorrection is...there.

  • This is just my opinion, I'm not here to shit on the game.

    Chrysalis - 4/10 - Slow, pacing felt off, filled with unlikable, generic characters, too much high school drama bullshit (I get having it as a subplot, but this was the main plot of the first two episodes)

    Out of Time: 3/10 - Same problems, slow, bad pacing, the search for the fucking bottles, and just more of Max using and learning her powers, I get having the first episode to do that, but the first two episodes, come on. However, the ending was nerve racking and very well done, the only bright spot of the episode.

    Chaos Theory - 5/10 - Does a little better with the dialogue and writing and we finally get into actually trying to figure out what's going on, but the middle begins to drag on. The last 10 minutes was also really good, seeing Max and Chloe when they were younger instead of the game feeding us exposition was nice, plus William was very cool.

    Dark Room - 8.5/10 - Easily the best episode, the first 40 minutes was very well done and emotional (I felt more attached to this Chloe then I did to the other Chloe), Victoria got some really good development, and that ending was a very good twist.

    Since the Finale is coming in hot I think we should give our final ratings on the previous episodes. Chrysalis - 6/10 - SLOW even for a f

  • edited October 2015

    Chrysalis - 8/10 - A slow start, but it was a good introduction to the characters and story. Plus, that ending was awesome, I still get goosebumps when the song plays and it starts to snow.

    Out of Time - 7.5/10 - This episode had a lot of filler scenes, and since EP 1 was slow, I thought they would start to develop the story. I was wrong. 2 slow episodes in a row is a not a good thing. But, to be fair, the ending was good and this episode developed Max and Chloe's relationship even more.

    Chaos Theory - 8.5/10 - Things started to get interesting here. We discovered even more things about Rachel and the dark room, I started to like Chloe even more, and boy... that cliffhanger at the ending. It was a great episode.

    Dark Room - 9/10 - One of the best episodes I've ever played in any episodic game. The first 30 minutes at the alternate timeline were great, and the first major choice (yes, that choice) in this episode was hard, the last minutes at the alternate timeline almost made me cry. Discovering the dark room and Rachel's revelation were the best scenes in this episode. And I don't need to say anything about the ending, do I?

  • I don't have a favorite side character. My least favorite would be Brooke.

    Since the release is close, I wanted to ask this: Who is your favorite side character in the game? (i.e. characters who haven't had a big ro

  • edited October 2015

    Chrysallis- 5/10

    Out of Time- 6/10

    Chaos Theory- 7/10

    Dark Room- 7/10

    Since the Finale is coming in hot I think we should give our final ratings on the previous episodes. Chrysalis - 6/10 - SLOW even for a f

  • Apparently everyone's favorite episode is Episode 4?

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