Am I a terrible human being for wanting Sasha to have pooffed away?
I'm gonna be honest, I had a mad laugh when I saw Sasha sacrificing herself. Haha...
But on a more serious note. I also feel like it would've been more fitting if Sasha had died there. Really sad, yes, but it would have made sense.
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To be honest, there was a sense that it would have been a fitting way to go. But, I put that down to the way that the scene played out rather than anything else. In the moment, it did seem somewhat poetic for her to die like that - but damnit, I would have broken my monitor and cried like a baby if the curve ball wasn't thrown in!
When looking at what happens later on - in particular, the discussion with Fiona and Rhys about Sasha - it seems even more fitting that she lived and has the chance to be with Rhys. Sure, that wasn't the case when the sad music crept in earlier, but the later perspective provides justification
Yeah, she died once and was magically alive, then died again and magically came back to life. Kinda overkill for my taste.
I am on your side here. except the laughing part
it would have made sense
That is true. It was a quick turn there, kinda what you would have expected from the game. They pulled it off in the end.
I'm guess I'm also affected by the fact that I don't find Rhys being with Sasha too appealing.
Yeah I mean how would anyone survive a blast like that? It was too farfetched for me.
What episode is this from?
Well more fitting for Sasha to die I agree, but Im glad everyone was happy
So I wasn't the only one who was laughing?
Haha that second point may be the main reason. I dunno, their relationship did seem to "fit" in my opinion, and the next time they appear (in whatever form or series) I sincerely hope they are shown as being "together"
Welcome to my team :^)
So you aren't the only one...
Not much of a fan for magically bringing back a character with an incredibly convenient plot device. Though it fit with the overall tone of the series, it would've been pretty dark if she had actually 'poofed'.
Guess I am a psychopath in the inside
Yeah, it was a good ending either way.
Aye. I was prepared to cry my eyes out there for a moment.
Rhys x Sasha was obviously what they were leaning against here, so it makes sense.
If their relationship was subtle, then I'd perhaps be ok with that. (but in general I'd prefer seeing Sash with August, I feel they had more chemistry)
You have spoilers for Episode 5 in your title you mutt :facepalm:
Not really.
depends on how you define 'pooffed'
If you ask me, the "sibling sacrificing themselves at the very end" is beyond overdone and cliche, and I'm glad Telltale played it out for some meta laughs. Just makes me appreciate their writers even more.
I actually wasn't going to contest against her sacrificing herself
Though I will admit seeing her "die" made me feel way more sad than I thought, I guess I officially like her character "a little" now?
Nah there are more worse people than you (Not saying that you're bad tho)
I didn't cry but I was a little upset, I thought she actually died. I didn't hate Sasha either.
Well Kroger and Loaderbot didn't die either when Helios crashed.
It's a Borderland thing.
I've never liked Sasha, but when she was actually dying, I felt myself getting mushy and almost cried (up until the part where she announced that she wasn't quite dead yet).
Then, at that moment, I realized I actually really did like Sasha.
Woopsies, heh.
I hated how they had two Sasha death fake geez she's either dead or not! But I agree I thought it would have been better if she did die...
That would have been the third time that a woman has lost her one sister in recent Telltale games, so no?
I smiled the whole time, then the clock helped her and I got angry.
No you're not. I was quite irritated. That watch was a giant Deus Ex Machina and a giant middle finger to the emotion of the scene. Yes, I was crying. And yes, I ship Rhys/Sasha. But that would have been a fitting sacrifice, and as far as I'm concerned, Sasha needed to stay dead.
i thought it would have been totally lame for sasha to die then, i think it was a good choice to not have a meaningless death at the end
Oh you ;^)
I see your point, but it felt like they did a u-turn in the middle of their decisions there. I don't like being teased into thinking someone is about to die, and then suddenly jump up feeling totally ok.
Ah same. It's hard for me to hate her for some reason.
Tru. I guess they're all super humans.
I think that's the entire point. It is a Borderlands story in the end, and subverting expectations is the name of the game.
Well, It's not like they haven't had other characters die in other BL games before, so why not do it here too? but all this this is just my personal opinions.
i wanted her to live, but the way they brought her back to life is just incredibly stupid tbh