TellTale, this episode was awesome. But seriously. The freaking lag and the sound levels...

Are getting annoying. The lag really takes you out of the game. I don't get how a game like Until Dawn can flawlessly load up your choices while it has a more superior graphical style, meanwhile every game since the Walking Dead Season One has had this glitchy lag problem. Please get this fixed.

And the sound levels, more specifically for Jack's voice. It seems like the music volume id always ridiculously high whenever Jack is speaking, and I can't hear a damn thing he says. I luckily put on subtitles, but it'd still be nice to hear him.

Rant over. Great series other than that.


  • I didn't have any lag in EP5, and barely any in earlier episodes, it just took longer to load but everything else was perfectly fine. Might just be an issue on different systems?

  • Yeah, I figured that could be a possibility. I played on 360, but will be playing on Xbox One or PC from now on.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I didn't have any lag in EP5, and barely any in earlier episodes, it just took longer to load but everything else was perfectly fine. Might just be an issue on different systems?

  • I play on a decent gaming pc with windows 7, it was running very nicely for me c:

    JorgenDev posted: »

    Yeah, I figured that could be a possibility. I played on 360, but will be playing on Xbox One or PC from now on.

  • I agree. It's not the console, games like the Order and the Witcher can run better which is just sad when you think about it. If those games can run almost perfectly then why the in the hell do these games lag so much? Their only point in click it can't be that demanding can it?

  • I didn't have sound for the last 15minutes of the game, pretty disappointing and anti-climatic..

  • this was the first tales EP that had any Lag on me Game of Thrones on the other hand haven't had a game without bad lag. If it makes you feel any better it normally gets fix by the next update if they do one now the game is done

  • I am far from the requirements but I can run every telltale game without lag. (If you dont believe me, i will record a video for you.) anyway, only my ram is weak, but the others, CPu etc is top notch. Maybe thats it. Dont know....

  • Played on the One and it had that good ol' Telltale lag, especially during QTEs. Still loved the episode. Maybe they'll update it later to run smoothly, I hope.

  • Spoiler

    i had to play one 360 cause i didnt have time to play through it on one but on 360 the lag was huge so was the music bugs and mother fucker thoose audio and visual bugs where i cound see some things and there voices cut out

    JorgenDev posted: »

    Yeah, I figured that could be a possibility. I played on 360, but will be playing on Xbox One or PC from now on.

  • While I was playing I kept having really LOOOOOOOOONG awkward pauses before my characters spoke. Like Fiona was full on staring at Rhys for a minute. I thought my game had crashed but it kept going...eventually.

  • I agree with all this, I played on Xbox One and it was there at like midnight today when I downloaded and played it. It froze up a couple times where I'd have to restart (froze when I tried to look at items) and the whole thing with Jack's voice, I couldn't hear a damn thing he was saying at times I had to turn the text on to be able to read what he's saying. The episode was great despite a few issues I had but yeah the lag, freezing, and voice overs were an issue.

  • I had the same problems on the 360 as well. I loved the dynamics of the fight scene, but the lag killed it for me(the scene that is).

    JorgenDev posted: »

    Yeah, I figured that could be a possibility. I played on 360, but will be playing on Xbox One or PC from now on.

  • had the exact same problem, even with music at the lowest level it was still to loud for jack. i also had a problem with the audio just cutting out sometimes, if i didn't have subs on i wouldn't know shit of what was going on.

    wtf telltale?

  • The music was blasting loud while the characters talking sounded like they were whispering

  • The only problems I had was the audio not matching up with the animations at the beginning of the episode, and failing the QTE where you have to shoot the rockets into Kroger about eight times- which was infuriating- but I blame my computer for that.

    I thought the episode actually ran surprisingly well considering the sandstorm. Also for the episode 2 and 3 intros, the song didn't last as long as the cutscene, but that wasn't a problem in episode 5.

  • I'm guessing its something with the console versions of Telltale games. I keep hearing about the infamous Telltale lag yet never really experience it myself on PC

    ewantu2 posted: »

    I agree. It's not the console, games like the Order and the Witcher can run better which is just sad when you think about it. If those games

  • It makes no sense. How can a point and click with ok graphics run worse then Batman Arkham knight or the Witcher? It has to be the programming.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I'm guessing its something with the console versions of Telltale games. I keep hearing about the infamous Telltale lag yet never really experience it myself on PC

  • edited November 2015

    Episode ran perfectly for me besides when I skipped the credits where the game decided to crash (could be karma)

  • edited November 2015

    Of course they use different engines. Telltale uses it's own engine they made.

    This comment is old as balls. I'm so sorry I thought this was recent...Sorry

  • I had no problems whatsoever.

  • I used to play on PS3, sometimes Tales From The Borderlands would freeze for up to a MINUTE.

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