Choose Felix
For those of you who had Felix survive but didn't choose him the first time around, be sure you do in any repeat playthroughs. You get an extra scene where he speaks with Fiona, declining to take part in the Vault hunt, but revealing that he saved the briefcase money from the first episode. He keeps 1 million and leaves the other 9 million for Fiona and Sasha. You then get to pick three other characters for your team, so you don't miss on any of the others by choosing Felix first.
The jackpot that Felix gives to Fiona also allows you to take the secret vault hunter afterward, even if you spent money throughout the game.
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I chose Felix and chose Claptrap as a replacement 
Yep, made that choice, instantly regretted spending money on said choice, but still had a lot of fun with Claptrap.
I must say, that scene with Felix was really great, not just because you get $9 million, but because it was well written and you see how much Felix cared for and loved Fiona and Sasha. I wish I never shot him in my game, Felix was a good guy and I wish he was still around.
Damn, Claptrap :P The stuff with Felix sounds interesting. Might try that out.
I always make the bad decisions..
I chose Felix because I wanted some answers, then I went for the mysterious Vault Haunter because as soon as I saw Nisha's silhouette as one of the possibilities I was sure something fishy was going on. I don't regret my choice.
Yep, made me so happy I choose not to shoot him. Looking back, I made all the right choices accidentally.
I can say the same as Rhys, not so much with Fiona.
He is too exploded in little tiny pieces for me to make the decision. I don't really regret it though as it gave some good dialogue between Sasha/Fiona and his gifts showed he cared about them in the end anyway.