Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Yeah, but now its like a huge ego booster knowing we got it for once, AND there was a choice or not like we kept begging.

    Actually its kinda funny how in order to get Rhyiona, you actually need to make different choices.

    Being confident about Rhyiona?

  • A confident sassy black woman who needs no man confident.

    Being confident about Rhyiona?

  • enter image description here

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    Im still not the biggest fan of Fiona being called Fi, but it sounded nice when Rhys said it <3

  • Rhys is an independent woman who doesn't make sandviches for other people.

    A confident sassy black woman who needs no man confident.

  • You're right Sash is cute

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Im still not the biggest fan of Fiona being called Fi, but it sounded nice when Rhys said it

  • But he calls Sasha 'Sash' in the same line lol Poogs.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Im still not the biggest fan of Fiona being called Fi, but it sounded nice when Rhys said it

  • Rekt

    But he calls Sasha 'Sash' in the same line lol Poogs.

  • Rekt

    Leluch123 posted: »

    You're right Sash is cute

  • enter image description here

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    armis37 posted: »

    What glances? I can't recall there being any.

  • Rhys is an independent woman

    enter image description here

    Rhys is an independent woman who doesn't make sandviches for other people.

  • It did indeed get a little out of hand, as trolly jokes often do. I'm not going to remove any posts - simply because they weren't any direct insults like 'fuck you InGen, you son of a donut' or anything like that. But let's all remember the forum guidelines, the Ten Commandments of the forum.

    And now I just got a brilliant gif idea.

    Green613 posted: »

    Wow so mature of them. Read the rules before you post.

  • I meant the thread rules I put in the OP ^-^

    It did indeed get a little out of hand, as trolly jokes often do. I'm not going to remove any posts - simply because they weren't any direct

  • Yeah, and it still sounded like sauce.

    Also Rhys says Fi again, so ye, whatchyagonnadoboutit!

    But he calls Sasha 'Sash' in the same line lol Poogs.

  • son of a donut

    Hey, I use that line!...

    It did indeed get a little out of hand, as trolly jokes often do. I'm not going to remove any posts - simply because they weren't any direct

  • So glad they let the Fiona and Rhys ship actually work , cuz Sasha's romance parts were so painfully awkward that I had to close my eyes

  • edited October 2015

    That's the thing tho! Most arguments start because people think that they can make you change your mind. :v

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I just don't see the point of arguing what's better, it's not like we're gonna change each other's minds. :P

  • Are you implying the forum guidelines, the code I protect and honor through hard-work, perseverance, vision, and sweat, but mostly sweat, are inferior, and therefore, vassals of the Rhyiona rules?

    I am insulted.

    Green613 posted: »

    I meant the thread rules I put in the OP ^-^

  • I'd agree with you Jaime BUT

    its not like fucking your sister is any better

    So glad they let the Fiona and Rhys ship actually work , cuz Sasha's romance parts were so painfully awkward that I had to close my eyes

  • Sasha's romance parts were so painfully awkward that I had to close my eyes

    enter image description here

    So glad they let the Fiona and Rhys ship actually work , cuz Sasha's romance parts were so painfully awkward that I had to close my eyes

  • edited October 2015

    Give me hopefully 20-30 more minutes and the first chapter will be done! :D

    In the meantime, get pumped with this:

    Nightwish - Planet Hell live

    They're a Finnish group btw!

  • I like you, sir :)

    So glad they let the Fiona and Rhys ship actually work , cuz Sasha's romance parts were so painfully awkward that I had to close my eyes

  • edited October 2015

    its not like fucking your sister is any better

    enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    I'd agree with you Jaime BUT its not like fucking your sister is any better

  • So how much time has passed since the past and the present.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is no special moment or anything but I just really wanna say I really really really love everyone here. very much. It just feels so

  • Is it bad that every time there was a Rhysha moment Id make a gun with my hand and shoot myself? Like this isnt even an exaggeration lol

    So glad they let the Fiona and Rhys ship actually work , cuz Sasha's romance parts were so painfully awkward that I had to close my eyes

  • You, sir, have some glorious taste. B)

    So glad they let the Fiona and Rhys ship actually work , cuz Sasha's romance parts were so painfully awkward that I had to close my eyes

  • enter image description here

    Leluch123 posted: »

    You're right Sash is cute

  • The thread has existence since March so yeah.

    So how much time has passed since the past and the present.

  • edited October 2015

    Lol, I hope you liked this, my Heavy-Metal Bro! :D

  • Well then you better Finnish it fast!

    enter image description here

  • No, I'm dead. (joke)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey, you're back!!

  • Wow, are some Rhysha shippers so intimidated that they have to come over here and try and devalidate the fact that TellTale gave Rhyionna shippers a chance at an equal opportunity for Rhy's shipping?

    Telltale games are about choice, and I'm super happy that they actually stuck to this idea of players having choice and control over their own version of the story. Just because Rhysha isn't 100% cannon doesn't mean you should feel intimidated, besides, you still have the fact that you enjoyed a pratically full course meal with several Rhysha moments, while we Rhyionna shippers got a table scrap we have accepted happily.

    I know that this can be flipped and that Rhyionna shippers have been doing the same thing by crossing threads and talking smack, but please, lets all just stay on our respective sides of the fence. We should stay on ours and live off of the small scraps of Rhyionna TellTale gave us.

    • Extremely Unpopular Opinion Maker. Out.
  • I finally finish E5! I was almost crying 3 times.

  • But did you get Rhys saying he liked Fiona like a true mvp?

    Eryka posted: »

    I finally finish E5! I was almost crying 3 times.

  • I cried at 3 points:

    LB's supposed death

    Gortys' supposed death

    and actually yes, Sasha's supposed death...

    Eryka posted: »

    I finally finish E5! I was almost crying 3 times.

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited October 2015

    I guess I'll create a third save file...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    But did you get Rhys saying he liked Fiona like a true mvp?

  • ... HAHAHAHA!!!!!!

    You sir, are a Legend! XD

    Green613 posted: »

    I'd agree with you Jaime BUT its not like fucking your sister is any better

  • edited October 2015

    I guess I'll create a third save file...

    enter image description here

    To be honest though, I'm not even surprised! The option itself was actually pretty hard to get!

    Eryka posted: »

    I guess I'll create a third save file...

  • I felt real bad at the loaderbot death, when Sasha was dying, my heart was pounding and I felt really bad, but I was convinced something would happen and she wouldnt die, which turned out to be true.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I cried at 3 points: LB's supposed death Gortys' supposed death and actually yes, Sasha's supposed death...

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